Friday, January 27, 2012

The Sixties

- and very birth too even, of Western Ideology, Western music, and even, Western designs in all too actually [and as with the Western World in all, falsely said to originate actually, with the Victorians in all too really].

and in many ways too even, speak of modern Philosophy in all [and as with Futuristic studies too even actually], pertaining truly too, speak even, of the Macro, and the Micro in all too really [and as with Space-Time reality too even actually, and Size too even in all really] (and as where before even, and as with the olden World too, the two Dualities of Existence in all, pertained to envisioning actually, Heaven and Hell in all too really)

***and with the Victorians again in all, most closest to the Austrians actually (olden Austria that is), and not, the English, Dickensians, or Arthurians/Italians too even actually [and with Einstein even, truly more or less actually, Victorian/Austrian in all too really].

Victorian/Austrian Thought: