Sunday, July 27, 2014
What in all, does Revisionism stand for? It in many a way, is often associated, and with speak of many a Conspiracy Theory, and as having to do, and with the attempts to wipe out Civilization that is. What though, does premeditate such an action in all? It in all though, is not actually truly know (and as referring here in all, and to what some do term the 'Human Condition'), but that in all ways even, it has been known, and to go along, and with speak of Morbidity, and as said a Psychic condition that is [and further speak here in all, and of just how to truly define, what a Human Being truly is, and as with he or she even said possessing Humour, and as said Cannibal that is].
This post though, will attempt to introduce Revisionism, and from a Conspiracy theory perspective, and as with it all even referring, and to just how Humanity or Mankind in all, and as seen today, does reconnect and to History in itself that is [and speak too, and of past Civilizations that is]. In many a way, Revisionism, is oft associated, and with speak of Political Interests in all, and as said here in all even, and to speak of attempting to erase Civilization in many a place, and from speak of Oral Traditions, Ethnography, or even the Ethnographical (Ancestry) too that is. That in all, it does refer in all even, and to those said Morbid in their ways, and in their attempts, to fully control many another person, and as with speak here in all even, and of what does constitute for Parental and Domestic Abuse that is.
To in all make the attempt here, and to apply Revisionism, and to the World and as it is today, is to first attempt to explain History, and from certain said perspectives, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of the Middle Eastern, and as said to house World Heritages that is [Link]. In many a way too, speak here in all, and of the so termed Greek Isles (and as including speak of Crete too), and as with regards in all, and to speak of its races that is. That the peoples of the Greek Isles, were in all heralded and by those said to be of Egyptian, Maure and Ethiope races, but as with they in all truly said Greek actually [and not Egyptian, Maure or Ethiope truly either; but just Greek]. Finally in many a way, is to also note that, the Egyptian Belief and in Djinns in all, does not arise and with Egyptian Religion and as having to do, and with Egyptian Mysticism or Tradition too, but in all ways even, speaks of the Egyptians, and as truly perceiving themselves, and as African that is [that Djinns in all, are actually African Spirituality/Religion, and not truly Egyptian either (Neter), or of origins in the Middle East that is].
In having said the above, is to now attempt to revise History in all, and from speak of Oral Traditions / Literary sources in particular, and not Ethnography/Scholarship either. That in all, and in speak of the Diabolical here, revising History and as stated above, does speak in all even, and of re-writing Spanish History, and as with it and in all ways even, said now in all, and to be African perhaps, and in Oral Tradition, and not Ethnography truly either.
In having made Spain, African, and as mentioned above (and speak too and of the Pyrennes that is) [Link], is to also attempt here, and to provokingly state that, History in all, is said and to exist in all again, and from an Oral Traditions stance, and in the World, and as said outside Asia too that is [that Asia in all, does have the poorest of Oral Traditions in all, and as compared to speak of Africa too, and as the rise of Asian Civilization in all truly, is often truly associated, and with strict obedience, and to its Political Institutions that is] [and speak truly in all again, and of many a riot scene in Asia, and as said having to do, and with Strict Authority, and as versus speak of Riots in Africa, and which have to do, and with the attempts to limit or mitigate in all, African Ethnography, and in its Expression that is].
Having said this is to also say that, first off and as in repeating the above, that African Oral Traditions, do truly in all, belong in Spain too that is [and as speaking here in all, and of Southern Spain, and further speak too, and of the Al-Hambra, and as said housing Ethnography, very much African in many a way truly]. Second in all, is to state that, Egyptian, Greek and Italian Civilization, are here by and in many a way truly, simply said Greek (and in Tradition that is), and that in all ways even, Egyptian Tradition in all (and as in stating that Egyptian Civilization is truly ancient in its ways), do in all find a home truly, and in Tradition, and in America today that is. Futhermore, Northern Spain, and as housing Oral Traditions (and as including speak of Little Red Riding Hood for instance), and which in all ways even, do find a home, and in Europe today that is. In many a way too, those said to be of Mesopotamian/Islamic/Akkadian and in Tradition, finding a home in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman too that is. In many a way too, speak here in all even, and of those said Hispanic and Latin in Oral Tradition in all, and as with it all even speaking of Meso-American Civilization too, finding a home, automatically, and in South America too that is. Finally and in all again, those said Italic/Greek in all, and in Oral Tradition too, and as referring in all even, and to Christian Worship, and as found in Afrique/Ethiopia that is, and as finding a Home, and in the Scandinavia too that is.
Egyptian: - Link
Greek: - Link
African: - Link
Spanish: - Link
Akkadian: - Link
Hispanic/Latin: - Link
Italic/Greek: - Link
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Overseas Development
Overseas Development.
The term 'Overseas Development', might be known to many a person, but without its full meaning in all, and as truly said known that is. That Overseas Development in all again, is actually truly an American Philosophy, and that does attempt to ascribe to life in all perhaps, Identity creation, and that is perhaps in all again, simply said to speak and of one and as classified as 'First-Class', 'Second-Class' and 'Third-Class' citizens that is [and further speak here even, and of the Airline Industry today, and the so termed 'Economy Class' too for instance].
In all, Development in all again, and that can turn disastrous in its ways, in that, it does in all perhaps speak even, and of associating oneself and each other in all again, and with a similar Materiality/Materialism in all, but with speak of differences in all again, and as said arising, and with speak of Expression that is [and further speak here and of Meiji Period Japan, and speak in all again, and of Japanese - American relations, and as going along and with speak of the Japanese and as said Samurai, or even speak of Americans and as said Cowboys too, but further speak here in all again, and of the Pearl Harbour Bombings in themselves too that is].
In all, Development too, and as going primarily in many a way, and with speak of the Forex for instance (Yens, Dollars & Pounds), and further speak too, and of Commodity Trading that is [that if in all, one is to accept Overseas Development, one in many a way can be said to become American, and truly in all again, find themselves enmeshed and in American Politics and as including speak of helping fight American Wars, but that in all ways even, it does speak of the Diatribe in all, and as going along even, and with speak of Sexualism (and with Americans too, and as said having strong Sexual Identities), or even speak of what one would term/call Brand Identities that is (and as said to speak of Expression, and even, Advancement in Thought, Religious too, in all)].
The Honky Tonky Man
The Honky Tonky Man.
McCathyism, and as speaking in all, and of an Evil, and that does speak of those, and who do wish to put apart society, and for no known good reason either, and other than speak and of Evil, and as associated in all, and with Parents, and Parental Guidance too that is [and speak too perhaps, and of tinges of Embarrassment in all, and that do go along and with a Man/Boy for instance, his first Girlfriend, and speak of His Dad/Father too that is][that Kind of eVil].
In all, the Honky Tonky Man, and as referring in all, and to McCathyism in itself, and as an Evil more or less Canadian in all (and as is Honky Tonky Music, Canadian that is, and not American truly either), and speak in all ways even, and of what America truly is or does represent, and as with regards to speak of Civilization in itself [and of many a Political Structure too], and as it is believed in all too that, that all kinds of Evil in all, do appear to actually find a Home, and in America that is.
The Old Ship
The Old Ship.
Many do know, and of 'the Old Ship'. It in all perhaps, is first favourably mentioned, and in speak of Noah, and his Ark too that is. The reason though, and by which 'the Old Ship', might be said to be of interest to one, has very much to do, and with speak and of how the 'Present World' in all, did come to be. That 'the Old Ship', has nothing much to do, and with simply sailing the Seas, but in all ways truly, what is of great interest and as with regards to speak of 'the Old Ship' here, does have to do, and with speak, and of the Communications, associated with it all [and Communications too, and that did in all again give birth, and to what some do term, the "Present World' we live in that is].
In all, Communications and Personas too (that of the Sailor), and from which (and as speaking here in all, and of Europe too for instance), did give birth and to the Banking/Mercantile Industries, but in all ways too, it was the Sailors Persona, that did help give birth and to societies, that did associate Women at the very least, and with Cosmetics and Fashion too, but that in all ways too, the spirit of Rebellion in society, and as going along and with History in itself (and not Political Chaos either), does in all ways even speak of the Sailor perhaps, and as possessing, a said sense of Cool in all, and that does speak even, and of Rebellion in itself that is.
In all though, the Sailor, and as living on land, not truly a Sailor in his ways, but in all ways perhaps, a Smith in all (Goldsmith, Ironsmith, Wordsmith, 'Tunesmith', Locksmith etc.), and whose ways in all again, did actually help give birth, and to the Modern World we do live in (and as with it said to speak of the 'Present World' that is), and as in stating in all that, most Technologists today, and as including Computer Circuit Board Fabricators in all, are actually more or less Smiths, and not Scientists truly either that is.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Tessellations, and speak even, and of many a Cultural Design, and that does speak in all, and of Communications too. That we do live in a World today, and with lowly Communications to them, but that Tessellations in all and as applied to Communications too, does speak in all again and of life, and as going along perhaps, and with speak of the 'Magical Kingdom' (Link), and as versus speak of life today too, and which does heavily concentrate and on speak of the 'Psychological Barrier' that is, and further speak too, and of many a said Psychological Complex, and that does go along and with speak of the 'God-Complex'/Narcissism in itself actually [and all this too, and as said speaking in all of Atheism and in itself too that is].
Mercandal in all, and a name in all again, and that does speak of the Haitian Revolution, and further speak too, and of the Moor that is. That while some do look at the Haitian Revolution, and from speak even and of Dessalines and the birth of the Haitian Republic (and as with it all even going along and with a Media, and that does speak of the Veve too that is) [Link], it was however in all, Mercandal, and whose History in all again, does go along and with the very birth of the (Haitian) Constitution, and as said Religion too that is [that the Haitian Constitution, is said to be the very first instituted on Earth, and with the Constitution, very much in all again, said the 'Religion of the Moor' that is].
Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar.
Simon Bolivar, and further speak too and of South American History and as now becoming in all, a part of World History, and speak even and the very invention in all again, and of the 'Minority' too (and as a Political term that is), and as versus speak of the Alien in all that is. In all again, speak truly even, and of Racial Identity in all, and as seen in Modern Religion too that is.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Middle Eastern Monuments
Middle Eastern Monuments.
And speak too in all, and of what some do term World Heritages in themselves, and 'World Heritage Sites' too that is
India, and as said in all, the very home and of the Seminarian way of life, and as with it all even going along and with speak of the term 'Worldwide' too, and in all ways even, further speak here in all, and of what some do term 'Consensus' that is [and further speak here and in all again, and of the phrase 'Hell on Earth' too that is].
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
New Age Media
New Age Media.
To speak of New Age Media, is to in all again basically speak of the World, and as divided into three: the Northern Hemisphere, the Equatorial, and the Southern Hemisphere too that is. It in all again, is a manner or way, and of viewing the World, and that does arise even and with speak of Imperialism or Colonialism too, and around the World in all that is, and in many a way, does speak of a Media (or Religion too perhaps), and that does attempt in all again, and to capture the Spirit, and of the old/ancient World too that is.
In all, the Northern Hemisphere, and as speaking of a Media, and that does go along and with the Spirit perhaps and of the North Pole and Polar Bears too, while the Southern Hemisphere, does attempt to associate itself and with the South Pole, and the Spirit of the Penguin too, and with the Equatorial on the otherhand, speaking in all, and of a Media, and that does go along and with speak of the Spirit of the Big Cats [and speak too even, and of the spirit of Adventure in itself too that is].
In all, Media too, and that does speak even and of what some do term TV Programs/Programming in all, and as with they truly suited for all this that is.
E-Mail, and as with it truly representing Communications in all, and that do in all even, speak of just what a Global, International or Worldly Consciousness, and in these Times we do live in, truly is like that is.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Speak in all, and of the true spirit of the Americas (and as extending into Canada too), and as versus speak of the United States, America, or even the United States of America too that is.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
The Star
The Star.
The Star, and as with this all even, referring and to speak of Modern/Western Media, and as with regards truly even, and to seeking out Success that is. That most in all, and who do subscribe or ascribe to Western/Modern Media, do wonder in all again, if they will truly make it, and as compared in all again and to speak of many a Celebrity figure, who already has, but that in all, if one is to truly associate themselves and with Western/Modern Media, then in all ways even, it is best to speak of those said or called Stars too [and as found in Entertainment, Business, Law, Politics etc.] [that in all, if one does ascribe and to Media and that does go along with Stars, one will truly in many a way succeed, and further speak even, and of the very opportunity and of coming across a Star too that is].
Friday, July 4, 2014
Historical Perspectives
Historical Perspectives.
This entry in many a way, will attempt to give a clear picture, and of what has been going on in History, and in the last 200 years in all, and as perceived even, and from an American perspective that is. That in all, life in the last 200 Years, has been rather tumultuous in its ways, in that, it has attempted to wipe out in all, our Memory and of the old World too perhaps, and as with regards even, and to speak of everyday Rites that is [or even speak of Communications in themselves too actually].
That in all, this does speak even and of the Belief, false too, that the old World is now gone, and Humanity now in all, is actually trying to find a whole new Existence/beginning, and as with regards to just how best to live out life that is. In many a way, it all even, speaking of Mass Poverty, and as perceived even, and from speak of Mass Suffering and Psychological Health too [and further speak too, and of the breakdown and of the Family Unit in all that is, and as with it even said what is truly left, and of the old World too that is].
In helping those and in the World today, come to terms in all, and to what in all again, is said to stand for the Future, and as with Humanity even, attempting to redefine itself, and from speak of Religion too, is to in all ways even present the very fact that, the Future in all, is believed said to go along in all again, and with certain forms of activity, and that do in all even, speak of Economic Activity, and as said stable in its ways too. In all again, it in all referring and to certain Industries, and that do speak even and of Identity creation, and as versus speak of those seen in the old World too that is. In all, the below too, and as said even, and as finding inspiration in all, and from the rest of the World too that is.
North America: Music / Performance
South America: Dress / Fashion
Europe: Linguistics
Africa: Philosophy
The Middle East: Arts & Media
Asia: Customs & Rites
Afrique: Diet / Cuisine
The Huguenots
The Huguenots.
With they said of French origins, but as finding a home in Victorian London too, it was they who did invent the Modern Age in all, and as with it even said to speak of seeking/finding Success, and in simply defining oneself or truly knowing in all too even, what Motion, Movement and Activity truly mean [and further speak even of Modern Research too], but that in all ways even, it all does speak of Distilling Knowledge in one, and further speak even of Solitude in all, but in all ways even, Success in itself, and as exemplified or demonstrated too, and by speak even and of Vocals, and Vocal Music too that is [and further speak too, and of Dickensian England, but also, speak of the United State of America today, and as problematic or ruined in all, and by having Success, go along, and with speak of African-American or Black-American Vocals too that is][and with American Vocals, best said in all, and authentically too, and to speak of Hispanics/Hispanic-Americans that is].
The Huguenots:
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Nubians
The Nubians.
Nubia, and as with it even said a fabled land of Gold in all, and which in all again, is said to go along and with speak of Egyptian Civilization, and as said having antecedents, and in Nubia too that is. This account in all though, is believed said false in its ways, and as Egyptian Civilization and at all accounts too, is believed said to rise and with speak of 'Pharaoh' Narmer, the Three Step Pyramids, and the Neter too that is.
Whom were the Nubians though, and as with their descendants said very much alive in spirit too? They in all again, did seek to evolve in societies (and as said shadowed in all, and by the Might of Egypt too), where in all again, one did simply seek to Represent themselves in all, and in the best way or manner, and as a Final Act of a kind too that is. In all, Nubian Civilization and as not truly real in its ways, and as with it even said having origins in the Ancient world, but that in all again, the Nubians in all, and as perhaps coming to influence the Work ethic, and as seen in Western societies today too, and as with regards in all again, and to attempting to truly or fully Represent oneself, and to the Acclaim of others that is.
The Nubian world:
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Speak in all, and of what one could term the everyday or daily too, Central Asian Memory, and further speak too and of terms in all, and such as 'Eurabia' (and as centered in France), or even 'Eurasia' (and as centered in Sweden), and all this too, and as versus the popular belief in all that, Greek Macedon Civilization, did in all, create the Central Asian Memory that is [and as with Greek Macedon Civilization too, speaking in all, and of the very end and of the Ancient/ancient Times that is].
Hallelujah / Colchis:
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