Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Honky Tonky Man

The Honky Tonky Man.

McCathyism, and as speaking in all, and of an Evil, and that does speak of those, and who do wish to put apart society, and for no known good reason either, and other than speak and of Evil, and as associated in all, and with Parents, and Parental Guidance too that is [and speak too perhaps, and of tinges of Embarrassment in all, and that do go along and with a Man/Boy for instance, his first Girlfriend, and speak of His Dad/Father too that is][that Kind of eVil].

In all, the Honky Tonky Man, and as referring in all, and to McCathyism in itself, and as an Evil more or less Canadian in all (and as is Honky Tonky Music, Canadian that is, and not American truly either), and speak in all ways even, and of what America truly is or does represent, and as with regards to speak of Civilization in itself [and of many a Political Structure too], and as it is believed in all too that, that all kinds of Evil in all, do appear to actually find a Home, and in America that is.