Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Old Ship

The Old Ship.

Many do know, and of 'the Old Ship'. It in all perhaps, is first favourably mentioned, and in speak of Noah, and his Ark too that is. The reason though, and by which 'the Old Ship', might be said to be of interest to one, has very much to do, and with speak and of how the 'Present World' in all, did come to be. That 'the Old Ship', has nothing much to do, and with simply sailing the Seas, but in all ways truly, what is of great interest and as with regards to speak of 'the Old Ship' here, does have to do, and with speak, and of the Communications, associated with it all [and Communications too, and that did in all again give birth, and to what some do term, the "Present World' we live in that is].

In all, Communications and Personas too (that of the Sailor), and from which (and as speaking here in all, and of Europe too for instance), did give birth and to the Banking/Mercantile Industries, but in all ways too, it was the Sailors Persona, that did help give birth and to societies, that did associate Women at the very least, and with Cosmetics and Fashion too, but that in all ways too, the spirit of Rebellion in society, and as going along and with History in itself (and not Political Chaos either), does in all ways even speak of the Sailor perhaps, and as possessing, a said sense of Cool in all, and that does speak even, and of Rebellion in itself that is.

In all though, the Sailor, and as living on land, not truly a Sailor in his ways, but in all ways perhaps, a Smith in all (Goldsmith, Ironsmith, Wordsmith, 'Tunesmith', Locksmith etc.), and whose ways in all again, did actually help give birth, and to the Modern World we do live in (and as with it said to speak of the 'Present World' that is), and as in stating in all that, most Technologists today, and as including Computer Circuit Board Fabricators in all, are actually more or less Smiths, and not Scientists truly either that is.
