Friday, July 4, 2014

Historical Perspectives

Historical Perspectives.

This entry in many a way, will attempt to give a clear picture, and of what has been going on in History, and in the last 200 years in all, and as perceived even, and from an American perspective that is. That in all, life in the last 200 Years, has been rather tumultuous in its ways, in that, it has attempted to wipe out in all, our Memory and of the old World too perhaps, and as with regards even, and to speak of everyday Rites that is [or even speak of Communications in themselves too actually].

That in all, this does speak even and of the Belief, false too, that the old World is now gone, and Humanity now in all, is actually trying to find a whole new Existence/beginning, and as with regards to just how best to live out life that is. In many a way, it all even, speaking of Mass Poverty, and as perceived even, and from speak of Mass Suffering and Psychological Health too [and further speak too, and of the breakdown and of the Family Unit in all that is, and as with it even said what is truly left, and of the old World too that is].

In helping those and in the World today, come to terms in all, and to what in all again, is said to stand for the Future, and as with Humanity even, attempting to redefine itself, and from speak of Religion too, is to in all ways even present the very fact that, the Future in all, is believed said to go along in all again, and with certain forms of activity, and that do in all even, speak of Economic Activity, and as said stable in its ways too. In all again, it in all referring and to certain Industries, and that do speak even and of Identity creation, and as versus speak of those seen in the old World too that is. In all, the below too, and as said even, and as finding inspiration in all, and from the rest of the World too that is.

North America: Music / Performance

South America: Dress / Fashion

Europe: Linguistics

Africa: Philosophy

The Middle East: Arts & Media

Asia: Customs & Rites

Afrique: Diet / Cuisine