Saturday, January 29, 2011

Holistic Medicine

Holistic Medicine, is a branch, of Medicine, erroneously, referred to, by many, as, Traditional Medicine [meaning that, supposedly that, their practises, are, outmoded] or even, Alternative Medicine [meaning that, they, are, actually, a replacement, for, Conventional Medicine]. In reality though, Holistic Medicine/Practises, are neither, of both, and in fact, a, rather, legitimate, form of Medicine, if seen, from, the light, of, Preventive Measures. In many ways too, Holistic Medicine, was, the Conventional Medicine, of, the Greek Civilization.

How many cups, of Water, should one, drink, everyday? What of Milk, is it, the perfect drink, for all? What of those, who say, that Beer, is good for ya? And the old saying, "An Apple, a day, keeps, the Doctor, away"; is that, true, for everyone, out there?

The whole purpose, of this entry, is to show, that, the above, statements, are, actually true, if, taken, from, a Higher Being, perspective, and not, Cultural Identity.

Below, will be, presented, various, Holistic Medical Practises, that, are good, for, the Higher Being in you, and, should be, engaged in, once, in a while [in all, to prevent, any, form, of sickness/illness, breaking out]. Also recommended, will be, a drink of a kind, best, taken daily, in, large amounts, to, generally feel, good/well, about, oneself.

Esicrucian Man: Massage Therapy and Spas/Saunas

For the Esicrucian Man, Massage Therapies, are the way, to go, in, the attempt, to always, remain, healthy [the Massage, does actually, have, its origins, in, Rome, and not, in Sweden, as, many might believe].

Recommended drink: Milk [the belief, that Milk, is, good for you (and accompanied perhaps, with cookies), is actually, true, for Esicrucian Man]

Gods: Acupuncture

For the Gods, Acupuncture, is the best, form, of, Holistic Medicine, to engage in somewhat, regularly, in order, to feel, good/well, about/with ones selves.

Recommended drink: Beers & Draughts [Beers & Draughts, are the ideal, drinks, taken everyday perhaps, for, the Gods (and not, the Europeans)].

Daemons: Herbal Therapy

For Daemons, the practise, of, taking, various kinds, of, herbal remedies, on, a daily basis, is, rather good, for them, in all [especially, true, of Daemon women].

Recommended drink: Teas & Cocoa products [taken, everyday, are rather, necessary, for the, healthy, Daemon]

Shapeshifts: Aromatherapy

For the Shapeshift, in a bad mood (very Shapeshift like condition), Aromatherapy, is, the best, form, of, Holistic Medicine, to engage in.

Recommended drink: Hard Liquor & Spirits [Liquor in all, is, a rather, South American/Shapeshift phenomenon, and not, Irish]

The Constellations: Nutritional Supplements

For those, from, the Constellations, the, popular belief, in, filling up, with, all kinds/forms, of, nutritional products, is, rather, too good, for, them, in all [they were born, for this stuff].

Recommended drink: Fruit drinks and Ciders [believed, to be, Childrens and Womens, drinks, Fruit drinks and Ciders, are especially, good, taken, everyday, for those, aiming, for, the Constellations]

Jinni: Reiki

Reiki, often said, to, be, a Japanese Holistic branch of Medicine, and falsely, associated too, with, energy healing, is, actually based, on, meditative techniques, based really on, reading/performing, some, form of poetry. In all, the perfect, branch, of, Holistic Medicine, for, the ailing, Jinni.

Recommended drink: Wineries [Wineries, consists of, what they call, Ales (such as Sprite even), and even too, high quality, Sports drinks]

Gargoyles: Osteopathy

Osteopathy, is a branch, of, Holistic Medicine, highly based, on, attempting, to, fully understand, in detail, how, the human body works [in most ways, too, a branch, of Medicine, strongly, associated with, what they call, NLP (Neuro-Lingual Programming)]

Recommended drink: Coffee & Caffeinated products [too many arguments, have been put forth, for and against, Coffee, and other, Caffeinated products; all these fights/arguments, are moot, for, the everyday, unlikely, Gargoyle]

Light beings: Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy, is a branch, of, Holistic Medicine, totally, based on, the, rather large, field, of, Hypnosis. It does take several forms, such as, actual, hypnosis itself, reading, self-help books, and even, light/sun therapy [it is Europeans, and not, Americans, that are, actually, obsessed, with, Sun-bathing]. Hypnotherapy, is required in all, for, the rather, downcast, Light being, who believes, the future, to be, bleak, desperate, and even, boring.

Recommended drinks: Wines [Perhaps enough, has not been said, about, Europe (Light beings), and, Wine; that in all, they are, probably, even, more popular, than water itself (as in, they are also, used for bites & scratches, and even, love making sessions)].

As for, the olden, believed, question, "How many, cups, of water, should, one drink, everyday?", one should, know, that, it is, actually, a question, associated, with, Angel beings [and not, the rest, of us].


Living American Outside America

Arthurian America that is.

*Goldie, would love this stuff*

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Fear of Dying

Most people, have, a, Fear of Dying, unlike, the actual, Fear of Death [meaning really, what is, missed out on, in Life, on dying, or, even, what comes after]. The Fear of Dying, has, very much to do, with, the actual, experience, of Dying, in, one, or another, form [as with, rejection for instance, by, a Woman]. The Fear of Dying, is strongly, associated, with, our search, for, Truth, in all, its, forms [the very fact, or matter too, that, one, simply, can't, handle, the Truth]. For Truth, to actually, become true [or the Truth itself], it has, to be, Registered, in ones, memories. Registered, and not, Recorded [which, in most ways, is simply, recording, of, non-noticeable, events (of all sorts)]. When something, is Registered [in ones memories], it might, result, in a, Phase shift [as in with how, one, sees things], or even, a, Transformation, in how, one, experiences, Reality itself.

The search for Truth itself, is highly, associated, with the mind [as with, really, the search, for, Clarity, Clearness and, Purity itself]. The obvious problem with this, is that, 'the mind', is, in many ways, a rather, cultural, and spiritual too, body part [as in, helping one, see things, only, from the perspective, of, their cultures, and, missing out, on, the beauty perhaps, of, a Chinese woman].

Most people today, suffer, in, many ways, from, Mental Distortions, of all sorts. What this means really is that, they have, no real way, of, telling the Truth, with, the exception, of, actually, seeing it, happen, or, hearing it, from, a rather, credible, source. Thats because, most, falsely associate, experiencing, the Truth, with, the actual, search, for, Clarity, Clearness and, Purity in itself. This, is not true though, as Truth, is, experienced really, in the form, of, Laughter, Grief and, Crying. For many though, who believe, Truth, is associated, with, Clarity (as with hearing, about it), or even, Clearness (as with, seeing it happen), they, in many ways, live, rather, disturbed emotional lives [always worried, and, fearful, about, all sorts, of, things, and, only, escaping this, if, one, can be shown, by sight, or, hearing, that, their fears, don't, really, exist].

Most though, should realize, that, if, the Truth, is actually, Registered, in ones minds/memories, then, it is done, so, via, an experience, based on, Laughter, Grief and Crying, and that, even, the, actual seeing, or hearing, of, the Truth, can, be forgotten, if, this experience (of Laughter etc.), is, rather weak. For many though, who don't, know this, Life, is filled, with, all kinds, of, tensions and other such nuances, that most, falsely, attempt, to resolve, with, their minds (Clarity etc.), rather than, actually, theorizing, the Truth, and, hitting it, right, with an emotional experience, based on, Laughter, Grief and Crying [in many ways, many, today, especially men, who rarely, ever theorize, operate, very much, like, animals (always seeking out, Clarity etc.)].

When one seeks out, to Formulate, the Truth, as, with the use, of Laughter, Grief and Crying, they are actually, being, a Muse/Thinker [as with, Bacchus, or Atum, for instance], in doing, all this. When they attempt, to actually, see/sense out, the Truth, as with, Experimentation really (and as with Clarity, Clearness and Purity too), they are actually, on the, polar opposite, of, their, basic, two Human Natures: the Being [as with, acting, Casual, Ordinary etc.]. Most people, today, especially, men, have, no idea, of, whom, they are, as, a Muse/Thinker, and therefore, never do, theorize, anything [or laugh even], while, their Being nature, is also, rather, messed up/stunted, due, to not knowing, whom, they, really are there [as with, Ganesh, or Achilles] [and also, due too, to the, demands, of society, that, they act, upright, always].

The Fear of Death, is highly, associated, with ones, Muse/Thinker nature, while, the Fear of Dying, is highly, associated, with ones, Being nature [and especially, the search, for, Clarity (today)]. For many too, having, a messed up, Being nature, has to do, with, the fact, that, this, nature, is, very much, used, during, Sexual Activity, of any kind [from kissing, to love making, and even, especially, dating itself]. The Muse/Thinker nature, for many, is largely, messed up, due, to issues, associated, with, the Future/Money itself [and the attempts, to, predict it all].

Below will be, presented, various ways (based on, Ascetic practises), for many, to, develop, their, two basic, Human Natures, as these, Natures, are, strongly associated, with what, they call, 'the Fountain of Youth' [in all, remain active (and agile too), in these, two areas, and, you will, never, age, in so many ways (as really, with being, childlike, and, youthful, in looks)]. These practises, will be, based, on, three things, that one, can seek out, to help, in, developing their, two basic natures [one must, also know that, nearly, all forms, of, oppression, have, these, two natures, at their, very heart (as with points, of origin)]:

1. Religious thought [of the, 'food for thought', kind, and, 'everyday wisdom' too].
2. Mystery Schools [based on, Higher Beings, and, presenting really, the, 'Fountains of all Knowledge', as perceived, by, different, Higher Beings]
3. Physical exercises

Religious thought:

As mentioned, above, 'everyday wisdom' in all, that, can help, one, develop, their, basic two, Human Natures. In all, wisdom, for, everyday living, according, to, Regions [as with, the Bible, not being, the truth, (as with, wisdom really) in all, Regions, of the World]:

North America: The Catechism of the Catholic Church

South America: The Leviathan

Europe: The Nag Hammadi Texts

Africa: The Talmud

South East Asia: The Dhammapada

East Asia: The Sutta-Nipata

The Middle East: The Al-Hadith

The Mystery Schools:

The Mystery Schools, refers in all, to, the highest perceived, Knowledge attainable, that 'members', of, any Higher Being, can in all, aspire, to attain. In many ways, Knowledge, that is, perceived, to be, the highest, levels, of, possibly attained, Knowledge, and in many ways, rather, very, mysterious in all (and nature). Knowledge really, that, is endless in scope, and limitless in range, very much, like, with God, and, in most ways too, on, accessing it, opens up, ones eyes, to, all new forms, of, Realities (unfathomed before), and in all too, makes, one, rather, fearless, about, Life in itself [in that, knowing, of these, forms, of Knowledge, reduces, largely perhaps, ones, fear of dying/death, and, in most ways, too, Knowledge accessible, to just, about, anyone, and in all too, making, everyone (in a Society), rather, equal]. This Knowledge in all, trumps, Science based Knowledge [of our earthly realms], and, in most ways, is actually, perceived, to be, gained, directly, from God [as with, attempting, to become, God 'himself'].

Gargoyles: The Secrets of Alchemy, the Dragon Kings and the Order of Dracul

For the everyday, Gargoyle, living, in, the rather, highly, competitive, Gargoyle world [and even, the World, at large], the search, for, the Secrets of Alchemy, have been, an olden day, tradition, going back, to, the times, of, King Alfred [and even, Vlad Dracula too]. Knowledge in all, rather, wide in scope [from the transformations of stones to gold, and even, the gaining, of, super strength, by, drinking, a certain, drink/portion], and in all too, allows, a Gargoyle, to do, as, they please, all the time (and whenever, they want too), due really, to, becoming, a 'Dragon King', and therefore, not, under, the influence, of, any human law.

Recommended Literature: 'The Emarald Tablet by Dennis Hauck' & 'The Emarald Tablet of Hermes & the Kybalion by Hermes Trismegistus' [Hermes Trismegistus, was actually, Egyptian, and should, not be, confused, with, the Greek god, Hermes, and, of, the Hermetica fame].

Jinni: The Jesus Bloodline

For the everyday Jinni, Life, in its, grandest heights (as, perceived today), has, to do, with, the search, for, the highly, sought out, Bloodline of Jesus [a Bloodline, in most ways, highly, based on, certain, religious practises]. In many ways too, all, this, is done, so as, to become, like 'Jesus', in that, one, experiences, Life, to its greatest heights, and, lowest lows [as with, Emotions & Feelings really] and in all too, is, capable, of touching, others, with, such great, emotional range. In all, the attempt really, to live out, the, most, Beautiful of lives [In many ways, too, the world, of, the Crusaders, and the Quest for Jerusalem, and also, too, the DaVinci Code].

Recommended Literature: 'Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent' and 'The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett'

Light beings: The Secrets of Freemasonry, Buried Treasures and Secret Knowledge

For the average, Light being, a higher sense, of Life (or Existence itself), can be, gained by, looking, into, the mysteries, associated, with, Freemasonry, and Architecture itself. In all really, Knowledge, sought out, so, as to build, the, greatest, grandest, and most, magnificent, of Civilizations.

Recommended Literature: Forbidden Faith & Inner Christianity, both by Richard Smoley

The Constellations: The Secrets of the Pyramids, Neuromelanin and the Sirius Mystery

For those, out, to reach, for, the stars/Constellations, the highest, forms, of Knowledge, attainable, are those, associated, with, the building, of, the Pyramids, and the secrets too, associated, with, Neuromelanin (as with levitation), and finally, the, origins, of, Life itself, as with, the mystery, of Sirius. In all, for the average, Man, Dwarf, Elf, or even Fairy, from the, Constellations, feeling perhaps, a bit, down, that, the Egyptian Civilization, might have, moved, to another, dimension (and left them behind), this, might be, the answer, you are looking for.

Recommended Literature: 'Serpent in the Sky by John Anthony West' & 'Sacred Science by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz'

Shapeshifts: The Secrets of the Reptilian Brain, Serpents, and the Third Eye

For the everyday Shapeshift, topmost, secretive Knowledge [often, of the, Inca, or Mayan mold], has, to do, with, seeking out, the secrets, of, the Reptilian Brain, Serpent beings (including Dinosaurs), and even too, the, Third Eye [all, to be used, in, an attempt, to create, order & harmony, in a Shapeshift world, that, threatens often, to spiral out, of control, at, any one, moment] [In many ways, protecting, ones lives/assets] [The ability too, to bring back, others, to Life, from the dead].

Recommended Literature: The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin and Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo

Gods: Secret Cults and Societies

For the Gods, their worlds, have, always, strongly, operated from, the rule, of, Secret Cults and Societies [as with, being associated, with, rather, secretive Knowledge]. In all really, the ability, to become, more Knowledgeable than others [as based, on, Secret Books], and becoming, Warrior-Kings, who in all, are, capable, of solving/resolving, just about, any issue/matter, that, pops up, especially, in a, Gods world, where, unresolved matters/issues, can, very much, lead to, the downfall, of, Civilizations.

Recommended Literature: 'The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth' & 'Secret Societies of the Middle Ages by Thomas Keightley'

Daemons: The Women Mysteries, Menstrual Periods, and the Secrets of Melanin

For the Daemon world, easily prone, to, fall, into, Witchcraft, topmost Knowledge, has often, been, associated, with what, some call, the Womens Mysteries (as mainly, with, the strange, illnesses/sicknesses, that, befall Women), Menstrual Periods (women, as portals, for all, forms, of beings, including, ghosts), and finally, the secrets, of Melanin (as becoming, rather, highly knowledgeable, to trickery, and, all other forms, of games, played out, by women in general too, and in many ways too, the ability, to give, a woman, a, super orgasm). This form, of Secret Knowledge, has, come, to influence, the World greatly today, and, is greatly misunderstood too, leading, to all, sorts, of problems, in, Societies out there (in all, it is Daemon, Spirituality). In all really, an attempt, to fully, understand, women, as forms, of alienable beings, and the, Knowledge, gained as such (that in all, women, are kind of, crazy, and understanding/knowing this, leads to, the uncovering, of, even, greater Knowledge).

Recommended Literature: 'Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire by Manly P. Hall' & 'The Goddess: Power, Sexuality and the Feminine Divine by Shahrukh Husain'

Esicrucian Man: Mysteries associated with the Ark of the Covenant, UFO's, and the Queen of Sheba

For Esicrucian Man, the highest, forms of Knowledge, attainable, are those, dealing, with, the mysteries, surrounding, the Ark of the Covenant, UFO's (as with technology really), and finally, Masonic Lodges (those affiliated, not, with Ancient Egypt, but, with Solomon, and his Temple). In most ways, all this, is based on, creating, Covenants, by which, one, lives by, and, by doing so, everything, goes, rather smoothly (and well) [and even easily too], in their lives, but, should they, break them, then, disaster after disaster, awaits them.

Recommended Literature: 'Bible Encoded Crop Circle Gods by Steve Canada' & 'The Temple of Solomon by Hubert L. Bird'

[The above Knowledge, does not, only, represent, the highest form, of, Knowledge attainable (perceived), by, different Higher Beings, but in most ways, should, also be, the basis, of, ones forming, of, all forms, of, 'pet hates' (i.e. feelings, associated with, inferiority/superiority, and not, basing, the latter, on, wealth, success, or even, facial looks)]

Physical exercise:

Proper Physical exercise, is one, of, the better ways, of maintaining, not only, basic health, but, also too, getting, in touch, with, ones, two basic, Human Natures. Physical exercise though, is best, associated, with the form, of, material existence, that, one lives by. Below, are presented, such, examples (as based on, Material Existence):

North America: Country Culture and Calisthenics

South America: Iberian culture and Treks/Long walks

The British Isles: Normandy and Athletics

France: Arabe and Boxing/Fencing

Western Europe: Bavarian-Nordic and Aerobics

Central Europe: Castilian and Physical Training (the world of pushups, chinups etc.)

Eastern Europe: Austro-Hungarian Empire and Popular Sports/Games (Soccer, Basketball etc.)

Africa: Haute Couture/Western cultures and Bodybuilding

Afrique: Victorian culture and Gymnastics/Olympic Sports

South East Asia: The British Raj and Dance (some Religious, others, Popular e.g. the Tango, Breakdancing, Capoeira etc.)

East Asia: Heian and Weapons practise (only Weapons though)

The Middle East: French TriColour and Anaerobic Exercises [Weight lifting (and not, Bodybuilding), Isometrics/Flexibility training, and even finally, Chanting]

Most of these, Physical exercises though, are best, done, mainly, in, ones youth.


The main goal though, of the, above three, is to not, only, have one, in all, thinking, for oneself rather clearly, but, to replace too, certain, mental existences [often, in the form, of Media], with, a more grounded, Reality [as with, helping one, see things, for, what, they really are, and, make, sound decisions, too, for oneself].

Print Media: Any Print Media, that one, engages in, should, be in alignment, with, the Religious thought, that, one, ascribes too, or risk really, being, duped, by, all kinds, of, wild tales (and most, neither true, or, even real).

Science & Technology: Rather than, believe, in the, hullabaloo, often, associated with, Science based Research, and the beliefs (false rather), that, Science, holds all, the answers (and even, further beliefs, in scenarios such as, those, acclaiming, a certain person, to be, the most, Intelligent, person, in the World), one instead, should seek out, the, Mysteries, mentioned above, with regards, to, atleast, any form, of, Higher Science.

Graphic Media: Graphic Media, is one, highly, associated, with, all forms, of, Body Images [many a time, highly, racialized, like the kind of, Western Media, one sees, in, Asia]. In all really, Graphic Media, can be, rather dangerous, and, present, a rather, false image of, ones capabilities, and intelligences in all, too. Any form, of Graphic Media, one engages in, should, not only be, associated, with the above, Material Existences, but also, too, somewhat, with the above, Physical exercises.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Game of Life

The Game of Life, is an entry really, that, refers to, how, most out there, perceive, Life, in itself. It is in, many ways too, today, associated with, what they call, the Selfish Gene [the pursuit, of, Money, Power, Sex and, Progeny]. To explain this, much better, is to say, that, in, todays World, there is, a Game, that, is played out, generally, in, our daily lives, that has, to do with, the pursuit, of, Money, Power, Sex and, Progeny.

It is not, necessarily, a Game, with, known rules to it, but, perhaps, can best, be explained [in its, everyday variety], with, simple, tellings, of ones, Social Realities. A group of friends, boys, begin in Life, all together, each, holding, similar dreams and visions too. As time goes by though, obvious, disparities, begin, to show, as with, the matter, of, the Selfish Gene. Some of the boys, begin, to date, earlier, than, others. Others, perform well, in school, while, others, don't. Others too, are, rather held, high, in esteem, by society in general, while others, are totally, ignored. And even with a few, some come, from, well to do, and stable families, while others, come from, broken homes, filled, with poverty, and, suffering. However, that is, the hand, that, Life, has dealt them in all, and they must, play them out, to, their best, of, their abilities, as long, really, as, they know, what, the rules, are [with many, discovering that, there appears, to be no rules, at all (other than, those, based on, various forms, of, discrimination)].

However, it is known, and deemed right [believedly], that, there is a God, who, is always, watching out, for, most out there. Some do find despite, how unfair, Life generally is, that at, one point, of, their lives, they, begin, to attract, women, from, all over. Others too, discover that, even, after failing, in school, opportunity, for Success, appears, to be, just about, everywhere. There are those though, even, while having, come, from, good and stable, homes, do find, themselves, living, in poverty eventually. It is a Game, being played here, that, many, never truly, understand, and in fact, hate, in all, as, there appears, to be, no rules, to, the Game itself. The truth though, is that, this Game, does have, some, underlying, rules, to it, driven, largely, by, certain, Emotive states; these being, Hate, Despair, Agony, and, Exasperation. That in all, the aim, of the Game, is to, ensure, that, one, does not, fall, deeply, into, any of these, states, or risk, not, being able, to, come out of them (and in all, wind up, living, a Life, totally based, on, suffering, of all sorts). For some, dateless, during their you, exasperation, might, very well, prevent them, from, doing so, later on, in, their lives [out to seek, some, form, of revenge]. For others, early Success, might bring with it, despair, as to, a perceived, perhaps, meaninglessness, to, Life itself. In all really, this Game, is, very much, like, a Game, of, Tennis [as compared to, Baseball, or even, a sport, like, Basketball], as, Tennis, is in, most ways, a, Game, very much, driven, by these, four, Emotive states.

However, one should, also know, that, there are, other ways, to, base, ones Life, on [and in many ways, too, strongly, associated, with, the Life Stages, one goes through]. Other ways, to describe, the, Human Being, as, a Social Being, are, as follows:

Emotionality: Emotionality, largely differs, in, its meaning, but, in general, refers, to, seeking out, peace of mind, in ones Life [as with, seeking out here really, safety, comfort, and, respectability too]. In most ways, a rather, commonly known, way, of seeing, the, Human Being, as, a Social being, as it, in most ways, refers, to, seeking out, home, family, and, friends respectively.

Selfish Gene: Defining, oneself, socially, as with, the Selfish Gene, was, described, in so many words, just, above [the paragraph above].

Self-Conceptions: Self-Conceptions, has to do, with, how, one Conceives, Models, and, in all, Sees, themselves. In many ways, it, generally refers, to, developing, a high, level of, oneself, with, regards to, Boldness, Bravery, and, Bravado. In all too, associated, with, ones Psyche, as in, not having, anything, in it [the Psyche that is], affecting, ones, level of Being [Boldness, Bravery, Bravado] [In all, not having, anything, in ones memory, that fills one, with regret, or, not dealing, with, anything, that, makes one, feel, unsettled in all, or even too, challenging, anything, in ones world, that, one finds, disturbing].

Values & Beliefs: Values & Beliefs, is a, rather, old way, of, living, Life, based, very much, on, in all in general, developing, greater Values, and, higher Beliefs. In many ways, to see, all this, rather clearly, it is in all, a way of Life, that is, largely based, on, greatly improving, how, one presents, themselves, to, the World, in general [that is, without, a fear, of, holding, certain, Values, or Beliefs (systems)] [Probably, like, a Mormon, or, Priest even].

Self-Consciousness: Self-Consciousness, has, in all, to do, with, in general, becoming, more conscious, of, ones, world, and, ones self too [as with, Intelligence, Knowledge, and even, Wisdom]. In many ways, associated, with, the Psyche, by, learning, as much, about, oneself, and, ones world [from, the perspective, of, Wisdom in all]. In many ways, a Life, heavily, based on, working, through, most of it.

Religious Symbolism: A way, of, conceiving oneself, socially, strongly, based, on, identifying with, a, Religious Symbol or Sign, and, in all, letting it, shape, strongly, ones Persona [in general, seeing things as, or, behaving generally as, and even, doing things too, in a manner, all inspired, by, the, Religious Sign, or Symbol] [No different, from, being, a Templar, or, Crusader even].

The above, 6 ways, are, in all, the ways, one, can gauge, themselves, as, Social Beings, with that, of, the Selfish Gene, being, the most, popular, of them all.

Below though, we shall attemptedly, show, how Life, in, different Regions, of the World, was, lived out, based on, how, they, perceived, themselves, as, Social Beings; that in all, the model, of, using, the, Selfish Gene, while, rather old in nature, was in fact, in many ways [and parts, of the World], replaced, by the other, mentioned, models [the Selfish Gene, makes, a strong, comeback, highly based, on, the way, the, English, envisioned it]

North America: Emotionality

Life, in North America, traditionally, has always, been based, on, Emotionality, as with, seeking out, a, Mansion, Validation by Women (as with, nearly all of them), and finally, esteemed Success [all, moderated, too, by, the 7 Vices, as, with, the Life Stages].

South America: Values & Beliefs

In South America, Life, has mainly, always, been, rather religious, in nature, and, in a world, filled, with, all forms, of, dangerous, creepy, and even, mean people [all rather, normal in appearance], Life in all, was, strongly based, on, Religiousity, and, an accompanying, Values & Beliefs, system.

Europe: Self-Conceptions

Europe, falsely believed, to have, been modeled, on, the Selfish Gene, was actually, modeled, on, Self-Conceptions [the Selfish Gene, makes, an entry, into, European life, with, the Pompadour Ages/Periods (as seen, in England really), making, England, in all, a Powerhouse, on, the European continent]. In all, European life, was far, more troubling, than, the, romantic picture, the, movies (and Media in general), often portray it as.

Africa: Emotionality

Life in Africa, in general, similar, to North America, has, traditionally been, based, on, seeking out a home, materiality, and finally, enviable Success. In all too, these, three descriptors, are all, moderated, rather, simply, by, the three stage, African Life Stages.

Asia: Self-Consciousness

In Asia, Life, falsely believed, to have, been, about, Values & Beliefs (as with, Family life for instance), was actually, based on, Self-Consciousness [making in all, Asian Families, as, with their, members, rather, competitive, as to whom, would, achieve, the, greatest Success, in an Area of Study]. For the Asian, Life, has always, traditionally, been about, work, work, and even, more work [with most, competition, being, within, Family members, and not, outside it, as this, can/could/often lead, to, group/Family feuding].

The Middle East: Selfish Gene

In the Middle East, Life, has always, been based [socially that is], on, the Selfish Gene. A modus operandi, that, in most ways, works, rather, well in all, as, the Middle East, is, a Region, having, people, with, a high concept, of, Humour itself, making, dealing, with, the issues, of, the Selfish Gene, much, easier [as with, truly, "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", as, an example].

Realism (Enactivism & Experiental Reality)

Realism, is an Art Movement, that, began, in the 19th Century, and was, in all, to have, a rather, great impact, on the History, of the World. This, was, especially true, with, regards, to what, they call, the Visual Arts, as, Realism, in this particular area of Art, gave rise, to, Images/Photography, rather, realistic in its nature, in how really, they described, ones world [as with, paintings, of real, everyday people, and, real, everyday events too]. In other areas, such as, Literature, Realism, aspired to, tell, true stories [often, tragical], or even, fictional accounts, of, true events and happenings. In many ways, unknown to most, Realism [and its attempt, to tell, truth based, stories, surrounding, everyday, events, and everyday, people too (in the form mainly, of, music), came, to influence, the world, hugely, enough, in ways, most, have never, truly, fathomed]. To truly understand this further, is to, realize, that Realism, does not, influence, the way one thinks or even, feels, but in fact, creates, our mental pictures, of Reality as with, Constructs, Paradigms, and, Models. In many ways, a rather, dangerous Art form [due to its, highly, impressional, nature], in that, it can have, one, in all, seeing, only, certain things, and totally, missing, out, on others [this is especially true, too, of what, they call, accounts (and not, tales) of an event, as some, of these, accounts, can be, rather, tragical in nature, giving one in all, a rather, false impression, of Life itself] [The world, of Pablo Picasso].

Realism though, as a Science, is studied, in, the form, of, Enactivism, and, Experiential Reality.Enactivism, in most ways, speaks of, how, we generally see, our worlds [as with, our, very own, eyes]. At the root heart though, of, Enactivism, are, three things, discussed, in, previous postings:

1. Personal problems [and fantasy figures]
2. General problems [worries, incongruencies, apprehensions]
3. World History [Helplessness, Weakness, Timidity]

In all, what is been said here, is that, at every moment, of, our waking selves, whenever, we see, something, deemed of interest, it has, to do, with, the three, above [Realism, as an Art form, shapes the way, one sees, the, three above, and was in many ways, created, to, stabilize (as with, happenings), the Earth/World] [Realism, does have its roots, in African Art].

Experiential Reality though, speaks of, our having, what, they call, a Sense of Reality [as with really a, Sense of History/Advancement, Sense of Power/Progress, and finally, a, Sense of Success/Development]. In all, that, our everyday experiences today, deemed worthy to note, are, very much, based on, our, Sense of Reality, and not, mainly really, on, Culture. In many ways too, via mostly, the, Media, what they do call, a, Sense of Reality, has come, to replace, Culture itself [as with, the opening, of, a fast food restaurant, somewhere].

Individualism & the rise of Internationalism:

Ayn Rand, was a reknowed, American, writer, of Russian Ancestry, who, although falsely, believed, to be, a proponent, of, Objectivism (as a Philosophy), she was, actually, in many ways, a, proponent really, of, Individualism. Individualism, is a rather, confused, doctrine, in that, it attempts really (from a political perspective), to define, what, an Individual, is [as with, mainly, political institutions]. In reality though, an Individual, can best be described, rather congruently, by, both, Enactivism, and, Experiential Reality [how both in all, affect, the Individual being].

Internationalism, is often, confused, as, the bringing, together, of different bodies [of people/beings], for, a higher [or grander even], cause. The belief that, foreign groups, working together, make, for a better, safer, and, more stable, world. This though, is not, exactly true [as with what really, Internationalism, is all about]. Internationalism, in most ways, deals, with, the Individual [and in general, how, to better them]. For most, this refers, to, three main things:

1. Standards of Living: As mainly, with, quality of life, and, Western materiality (as a measure).
2. Education: As with level, attained really, and, Literacy rates.
3. Development: Often associated really, with, the kind of Government, a Country, is, associated with, as especially, with, Ideology espoused [e.g. Democracy etc.]

That in most ways, is what, Internationalism, is all about, but, all made, rather, unclear, as while, it is said, to be, based, on Group Think [and, associated, Think Tanks], it is mainly, studied, from, the perspective, of, the Individual [as with, giving, Individuals, a poll of some sort].

Internationalism, and in many ways, Realism too [as, Eanctivism & Experiental Reality], have come in all to change, how, people, view, the World, from, a Historical, perspective [in all, it has come, to define, what, History, is all about, today, rather than, the traditional method, of basing History, from, Culture/history, Cultural Identities/historical, and, finally, civilization/historic]. It is this, method, of using, Internationalism, to record, History, that has, many, disconnected, from, their pasts [and in many ways, not only, failing, to understand, their, previous ways, but also, looking, at them, as, being, inferior, due to, only, seeing it all, from, the perspective, of, the Individual] [In all really, writing, History, from, the perspective, of, the Humanities].

To grasp all this, much better, is to see, all, the above, from, a rather, very, individual, perspective, as with, helping one, see, their world, today, as it, really is. As an example of all this, the following, example, rather, everyday in nature, will be, used, to describe, all this, in, rather, informal terms.

Personal problems: How in general, do people, around you, walk? How in general, do people, around you, talk? Have you seen, someone, trip over, recently? Do people around you, feel, weak/tired, often? How do those, around you, greet, each other? Has a friend, visited you, lately?

[The above questions, should help one, in, a small way, to see, Reality, for mostly, what it is; They are not, questions, to be answered (as those below too), and then, simply move on, but should instead, make one, aware, of ones, surroundings]

General problems: What to do, for fun today? What to eat, for breakfast? Do others, around you, often, threaten you? How often, do you laugh, in a day? How do you behave, if, attacked? Have you seen, anyone, greet, another, by a wave?

World History: How is the Weather, where you are; does it rain often? What food, do those, around you, eat often; where they, eating, the same, food, 5 years ago? What kind, of clothes, do those, around you, put on? If having a problem, whom (politically), do you, turn to? Would you have turn, to the same, entity, 5-10 years ago?

[One should try, and understand, the nature, of, these questions asked, as they, pertain really, to, helping one, gain, a grasp of, Reality itself (and how, it changes, unnoticed)].

Sense of History/Advancement: From which point, do you, base, the study really, of, ones History, as a, Group? The Ancient days, the Medieval times, or even really, the Modern/Colonial era? [an important question, as it, helps one, gauge, 'progress', in all its forms]

Sense of Power/Progress: Whom, is in Power, today, in your region? Is the Political Doctrine, most ascribe to, in your region, a follow-through, from the past? Do you in most ways, subscribe, to, the Power Entities, in your region (as with, believing in them), or do you, actually, subscribe, to, more ancient Power Entities (as with, Storytellers, and the Media)?

Sense of Success/Development: How do those, in your region, describe, Success? Does it follow through, from, past eras? Is your region, more wealtheir, today, than it was, in, the past (perhaps, 200 years ago)?

The goal, of all this, again, is to tell, most, they do not, have, a clear method/way, of seeing, Reality. They in fact don't know, much, about, their regions in all, and one, could be, living above, possibly, buried treasure, and not, know about it. To make this, even more clearer, is to state, that, there are many, ways, of seeing, Reality [the easiest, example, being, from a past, perspective, as with, basing, ones reference, on, the Ancient past, or even, the, Modern/Colonial era]. The people, in your region, might trip often when they walk, and you might, never know this is, unless, you had, a, Sense of History.

The whole purpose, of this entry, is to actually, attempt, to present, to those, out there, better ways, of, seeing, their Reality, compared to, that, which, the Media [via Realism (Visual Arts), and especially, Advertising too], want you, to, see, or imagine up. That in most ways, unknown to most [from the perspective, of, Enactivism (and Personal problems etc.), and, Experiential Reality], that, most today, actually more or less, live, in the past, and hence, a knowingly belief by many that, despite all the changes, they see out there [Media driven], nothing much, ever, changes in Life [Enactivism and Experiential Reality]. By giving others, a rather clear, picture, of, whats really going on, at this moment, then, they truly, can, begin, living, their lives, and not, wasting it, due, to not, having, a clear, picture, of Reality (as with actual, seeing it, with, ones eyes) [and whats, really going on, at the moment] [Some people, walk down, a road, and only, see, the passing, car, and not, the, man, walking by, too, or even, the person, on, a motorcycle, whom all, in most ways, might, influence, their lives/histories, more, than they think].

[The passages below, are deemed, right, in helping, people, see, their current worlds, from, the perspective, of Realism (Enactivism & Experiential Reality), and not, Internationalism really (as, the Media, often, wants, one, to see, their worlds)]

North America: Civil War America

North America, right now, as, with moods, atmospheres, weather, and in all, Realism (Enactivism & Experiential Reality), are actually, back (and having been stuck there, mainly), in Civil War America [all this, of course, speaking, of, Individual life].

[This all, should not, be confused, with, the, Psychosomasis entry, which spoke of, the greater, problems (as with Crime and Violence), that, a Government, faces, and, its true, underlying, roots/causes] [The above, applies, to the Individual, and how, they, actually see, Reality].

Recommended Literature: To help, North Americans, actually see, their, Realities, as they, really are (as with, Civil War America that is), the following, Literature, has been, recommended:
'The Norton Anthology of African American Literature by Nellie Y. McKay'; 'Masterpieces of American Indian Literature by Willis Regier'.

South America: Peronist Argentina

For the average South American, life today, as, an Individual, and based really, on, seeing Reality (as it really is), is no, different really, from, the Argentina, of, Juan Peron. That when one, says, nothing, ever changes, in, South America, they mean that, life, from, the Individual perspective, has, not, changed much, from, 40's Argentina.

[To make this even clearer, alot, of what, is deemed, important Media, actually, deals, with the, issues, that were, covered, in, the Psychosomasis entry, and Government attempts, to, deal with them (as with, the outbreak, of, a disease, or, Violence, somewhere); They do not, deal, with, the Individual life (the everyday person, who sees, strange things, in, the News, but with nothing really, happening, in, their lives]

Recommended Literature: 'The Oxford Anthology of the Brazilian Short Story by K. David Jackson'; 'The Oxford Book of Latin American Short Stories by Roberto Gonzalez'; And also too, anything (but especially, Brida), by Paulo Coelho.

Europe: Merovingian France

The Merovingian Dynasty, was, a Dynasty, seen, in France, during, the Byzantine times. In many ways, a high point, in, Culture, for France, and one, that, has come, to, influence, France/Europe, to, this modern day [in many ways, Napoleanic France (as with, the first, Napolean, and the, Individual), very much, built, their France, on, the Merovingians] [The France, of, Soldiers, with Side hats, and 'Les Miserables' the movie;]

Recommended Literature: 'The Oxford Anthology of British Literature Vol 1: Medieval by J.B. Trapp'; 'Longman Anthology of British Literature Vol 1A by David Damrosch'; And finally, anything, by, Guy de Maupassant, Honore de Balzac, and even, Gustave Flaubert

[What is been said here, for, the European out there, that what, is, actually, going on, right now, in, Europe, as with the past too, from, an Individual perspective, cannot only, be seen, in, the Literature pieces above, but also, in, the movie, 'Les Miserables'] [In all too, it is been said, that, most, of Europes, Political structures, have not, changed much, since, Merovingian France]

Africa: Abbasid Caliphate/Dynasty, Kuba Congo, and Victorian world

For Africa, one finds, that, the Individual, in, North Africa, is still, very much, stuck, in the times of, the, Abbasid Caliphate/Dynasty [and a Dynasty, that gave, birth, to, the, Mediterranean world, as it is, perceived, today (politically)]. Those in Afrique, have never, ever, gotten past, the, Colonial times, and especially, Victorian Kenya/England [Kenya today, is still, rather similar, to, England, than most, countries, out there (as with the, Middle & Lower, classes)]. For the rest, of Africa, Life, is still, very much, for, the Individual, stuck, in, the times, of, the Kuba Congo Kingdoms [a time, of great, instability, as, especially with, witchcraft].

Recommended Literature:
North Africa: 'The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Medieval Period by Flint' [The Abbasid Caliphate, was rather, Medieval, in its nature, as with, the Islamic world mainly]
Sub-Saharan Africa: Indaba my Children by Credo Mutwa [based on, life, in the, Kuba Congo Kingdoms]
Afrique: The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: Vol 5 by Joseph Black;

[One should not, be surprised, either, by the use, of works, believed, or pertained, to be, British in nature, as they are, in fact, Victorian, Byzantine, Islamic, and even, Ottoman in origins. The British, have never, had, such a, huge array, of Literature, and most, of these works, are said, to be British, as with regards really, to, Commercialization (the appropriating, of, other cultures/peoples works, and, attempting, to sell them, for, a profit)]

South East Asia: British Imperialist India

While British Imperialist India, is falsely, believed, to have, been, a, harsh, time for all, Individual life, still, existed, but, Group life, was rather, limited. For the Individual, in Southeast Asia, life, today, is no different, from, British Imperialist India.

Recommended Literature: The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Vol 6 by Joseph Black [in most ways, similar, to Individual life, in British Raj India]; 'The Oxford Anthology of Writings
from North-East India by Tilottoma Misra; Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century: An Anthology by Laura Otis [speaking, of Intellectual life, similar, to that, in, todays/recent past, India].

East Asia: World War 2 Asia

East Asia, as with, the Individual really[and how, they, perceive, and see, Reality], is still, very much, stuck, in World War 2, Asia [and issues, of, Japanese war time, activity].

Recommended Literature: 'The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Literature by Joseph Lau'; 'The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature by Victor H. Mair ' [similar in nature, and rather, inspirational too, as with, the Individual really]

Middle East: Ottoman Turkey

For the Middle East region, as especially, with, Israel even, life, for the Individual, has not, changed really, since, the times, of, Ottoman Turkey. At a time really, when, in Turkey, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, existed peacefully, alongside, each other, and in, many ways too, a, world, similar to, modern Israel [Politically speaking].

Recommended Literature: 'The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Vol. 2 & Vol. 3 by Joseph Black [Islamic/Ottoman works really, as with, translations]

One should attempt, to see, the purpose, of all this, which is, to give, another, a, phase shift, as to, how really, they see, their, worlds. What is more, important to one [as an Individual], the Car, passing by, or, the Dog, which, just ran by? To the, non-perceiving Individual, the Car, probably is, but what, is actually, been said here, is that, the Dog, actually, holds the key, to not, only, seeing, their worlds, as they really are, but, also, in all, their, ability, to spot, all, forms, of opportunity [social, political, and even, mostly, economic] [if only, one, could see, their, worlds/Realities, as, they really, are] [And in all, not what, the Media, wants you, to see].

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The African Consciousness

The African Consciousness, might seem, a rather, peculiar term to use, for this entry, taking in to account, the picture, above. Yet still, it should not surprise one, as, Africa [as a Continent], has come, to influence, the world, way much more, strongly, than most, believe it to have, and especially, via America [as a kind of portal]. In many ways, to make all this, rather, simple in all, is to recognize, that, there are two, general kinds, of, American Media [that for Americans themselves, and, that mostly, targeted, towards, an International audience]. Unknown to most, American Media, targeted, towards, an International audience, has a much, larger, African based cultural impact, than most, believe it to do [Motown, one of the more, famous, American Record Labels, did not, feature, American artists and music as many believe, but in fact, music, made, by Africans, moving to, America].

To fully see, and understand this better, is to know, that Africa, has primarily had, two main, forms of, Civilization: Nubia, and Niger [the world, of Kanem-Bornu, and Songhay] [Niger in all, does stem from, the, Nubian Civilization]. And while, Nubia, is rather well-known, it is Niger, that has really, come, to influence the World, as especially, via, African Arts [the music, of Motown, has its origins, in, the Niger Art world, as especially also, see, through musical forms, such as, Blues music, and especially, that known as, the Delta Blues (Niger/Mali)].

To understand this, even much, more fully, is to realize how what they call, Modern Life, has in, all, replaced, the concept, of Drama, in, our lives. That in all really, Drama, no longer, exists in our lives, having been replaced, by ways, of thinking [about Life], that in many ways too, people, associate, with, Western civilization, but in most ways really, having, a strong, African, component, to it.

It was previously stated, that, Drama, consisted of, three main things: Melodrama [as with, Disposition, and, Mainstream politics], Dramatism [as with, Attitudes mostly], and finally, Melodramatism [as with, Demeanour, and Attachments]. All these three, today, no longer really exist, in most cultures [with the exception perhaps, of, Childhood], having in all, been, replaced, by what, some would call, Modern Life [a way of living, based on, Western and African, ways of thought].

Instead of Melodrama, what we see today, is a way, of life, highly influenced, by, the world, of, Kanem-Bornu. A way of life, that in many ways, states that, we, should seek out, a, great job, a great car, a great house/pad, and even, finally, mostly, a great social life [filled, with friends, money, and, lots of sex]. In all, while many might believe this, to be, seen, in most cultures out there, it is not, really so, as, this form of life, is rather, individual in nature, and in many ways too, a stage, to be passed through in life, before, one even, gets down, to, being married.

Instead of Dramatism, you have, a way of living, highly influenced, by, the Nubian Civilization. A way of living, that tells one, that, the whole purpose, of life, is to do, something, that will make one, rather, celebrated, and registered, in a 'Book', such as, 'Who's Who in America'. The belief that, the whole goal, of Life, is in many ways, to get, noticed, and, profiled largely, in, the Media [and probably win, an award or two, of, some kind] [For some, rather desperate even, been profiled, by, the Media, as, a Criminal, is considered, a badge of honour].

And instead, of Melodramatism [and especially, the issue, of, Attachments], one finds that, Western culture, and, its endless, pursuit, of pleasure, takes hold, leading, in many ways, to, people, suffering from, all forms of, addictions, and the, general violence, that ensues, due, to a general fear, of, ones addiction, leaving [or being, taken away, from], one.

The above, three ways of Living [a three stage process], also, in all, is to many, a belief really, of, how, Life, should be lived out [as with, young adulthood, adulthood, and, maturity itself] [In many ways, popular beliefs such that, one should have, friends, from all over, the world, or even, the, idea, of, International Business (as with, having, close Business ties, with, all kinds, of, outsiders, in order, to survive), and finally even, the, belief, that Sex, is, all that, there is, to Life, all originate in all, from, the Niger, Nubian, and, Western worlds, respectively] [The Niger world, was not, Egypt-Nubian, as many belief, but, actually, brought together, all kinds, of, Africans] [The Niger world today, exists mainly, in the form of, what some call, the Nigerian State (in all, people, from Nigeria, who are not, Igbo, Yoruba, or even, Hausa/Fulani)].

[All this too, was, in general, supported, by, Social Constructs (Infrastructural in nature), very much, based on, the Chinese, way of living (as with, University attended or even, Area of Studies, and even too, modern restaurants in general)].

And at the very heart, of all these three, ways of Living [or Modern Life to be exact], was the following, three: Eating, Media [as mainly, with gossip], and finally, Physical toning [an obsession really, with exercising, so as, to look, physically good, for, the women/men out there].

To however, attempt, to explain all this better, is for most, to realize fully, how, this form of Life, was, supposed, to be lived out, as many, did, fail, to grasp, what in all, was, at the very center, of its existence [how really, to define, the, elements, of Pain, Negativity, and even, Illness/Sickness]. For most living, this way of Life, Negativity in all, was, often associated, with, actually planning out, for things [as with, studying in school hard, perhaps], and then, chasing, Success [now falsely believed, easy to gain]. In reality though, this World, worked rather, differently. Ones concept, of Pain [in all its forms], actually came from, Physical Exercise, and, not actual, Working/Studying. That the most pain, one felt, was gained through, Physical Exercise, and not, Studying/Working, as many thought (or believed) [to fully understand this, is to know, that, in the African world, problems, are solved, by, Politicking, which in many ways, refers, to, doing, a Quick Study (or what, they call, Intensive Research), as with studying, for, an exam, one week, before its time]. Thats what, it was, all about.

We all need, to feel, elements, of Pain, in order, to feel, that, we have accomplished, something, in our, daily lives. In the traditional past, all this, was, not based on, the Physical really, but on, different, Spiritual body parts, that, one had, to develop, on, a daily basis, inorder, to, feel good, about, oneself [the using, of Physical Pain, to feel good, about, oneself, as with, Exercising regularly, is a rather, olden, way, of Living, and even, going, back, to the, Egyptian times].

Different Regions, of the World in all really, mainly based, their daily lives, on, certain Spiritual body parts, that in all, made them, feel good/great, about, having accomplished, something, on a, given day [by living out, the day really].

North America: Mammalian Brain

For North Americans, daily life, has traditionally heavily been, based around, the Mammalian Brain [as with, attempting, to, Deduce things, all the time]. In most ways, for the average North American, Life on a daily basis, was actually, all about, attempting, to decipher, the outcome, of, just about, anything done [including, which, route, to go home by]. In all, developing ones, Deduction skills, on, a daily basis, helped one, feel good, about, themselves [as with, arriving, home 30 minutes, earlier, than on, the previous day] [In all too, the attempt, to, save on time].

South America: The Neo-Cortex Brain

The Neo-Cortex Brain, is that, part of our brains, used for, Critical thinking, and in general, used, to Control, and, Stabilize things. For South Americans, daily Life in all, is heavily, based on, developing, ones, Critical thinking, as with, how really, to best, learn to, Control, and Stabilize, things, around one.

[One should fully, realize, what is, been said here, that, in all, the belief perhaps, that, physical pain, is, the greatest pain of all, is, wrong, and that, developing, the two skills above (as an example), leads, to one, in all, developing, a mentality, that, physical pain, is, not really, a problem]

Europe: Human spirit

For the European, the end, of each day, brings with it, a feeling, of being, drained, with regards to, ones spirit [and the, popular belief in, making love, at, the end, of each day]. In many ways, a feeling too, that, all is meaningless [and boring too], and, in the past, was, resolved, by, an active culture, of, Socializing, at the end, of each day [the culture really, of, meting friends, after work, talking 'nonsense', and, making jokes, drinking, spirit enlivening drinks (such as some wines), and in all too, mainly, a general culture, of, Sexual activity (as with looking out, to see, again, that one, girl, that one, can't, get out, of ones mind)].

Africa: The Voice

Living in Africa, will lead, one, to notice, that, at the end, of, each day, ones, Voice, has fallen, to, levels, below those, seen, in, the morning. In Africa, remaining vigilant, and strong through out, the day, has, in many ways to do, with having [and maintaining], a, strong Voice, all, through out, the day. Doing so, even makes, physical, activity, rather, easy, to handle.

South East Asia: Speech

For South East Asians in general, learning what, they call, Speech [as especially with, execution, delivery, and, exertion], is in many ways, highly, required, to feel, good, about, oneself, all through, the day. The whole culture, of, attempting, to remind, oneself, to always, speak well, and rather, accurately [and clearly too], has, its origins, in, South East Asia. Being well spoken, in South East Asia, is what in general, being, upbeat, and, enthusiastic about Life, in general, is all about.

East Asia: Soul

The Soul, is something, highly associated, with, South East Asian Religion, and, American Popular culture too. In most ways though, East Asians, going, through their days, tend, to lose, Soul [as with rhythm really], due, to a general, culture, of, being reprimanded, for anything, done wrong. In all, for the East Asian, to always, remain, positive (about Life really), developing Soul/rhythm, is of, utmost importance, in all [Motown music, is rather, popular, in East Asia].

Middle East: The mind

The mind, does differ, from, the Mind, as in many ways, it is, what, is sought out, when, one seeks out, what, they call, Clarity, Clearness, and even, Purity, with regards for instance, to solving, a general problem. That for most, people, in the Middle East, daily life brings with it, at the end of the day, much more, difficulty, with, seeing things, as, with regards really, to, Clarity, Clearness, and even, Purity [in the Middle East, an, ugly woman, can look, rather, attractive, at, the end of the day]. This way of living, is also, seen, in, Afrique, too [where, the Voice, is not, of, importance].

In all, it is mentioned too, that, dying, in any, of the above, areas [as with regards to Regions above], not only, results, in, the killing, of ones, spirit, but in many ways too, probably, an early, death too in all [developing, these areas though, makes one, feel upbeat, good, and in general, have, a positive outlook, towards life] [Developing these too, as mentioned above, makes, Physical pain, a non-reality really, as with, its being blocked by, a rather, upbeat, and, highly positive, Mind].

Drama and General Living:

As mentioned though, previously, there are other, two, areas of our Lives, that, we highly, engage in, to just, keep going [on]. They are, Eating [good food and tasty too], and Media [gossip, and such other, kinds, of storytelling]. In many ways, these are also, rather, African in nature [but hard to describe well, unless, one realizes, that, oily foods, are highly, required today, to, make one, feel good], and that, in the past, people, based their lives, around, other modes, of living. These though, were mentioned, in, other post entries, but will be repeated here, for, the sake, of, Clarity.

North America: Religious texts (food for thought) and Indie media

South America: Popular Arts and Animation

Europe: Folk Art and Art

Africa: Crafts and Magazines/Publications

Asia: Subjects and Televised events/Docus

Middle East: Philosophy and Lit.

In all, 'both' do go along, with Eating, and Media [of all forms], respectively.

There still remains though, the very, issue/Culture, of Drama, that many, have lost, to, aspirations really, from, the Niger, Nubian, and, Western worlds. Most today, have no idea, of, what, Drama is, and, in many ways too, look up to, people, from, the Niger, Nubia, and, Western worlds, as being, interesting, and even, intelligent [as with, mainly, having, many friends (from all over the world perhaps), attaining success (of the, award winning nature), and finally, Sex (and how to, go about, getting it, with, regards, to, economic indicators, such as, quality, and even, quantity)].

Below, will be attempted, the, quest really, of, having, people, from around, the World, know whom, they were (really are), with, regards, to Drama [and not, spend, their, whole lives, in front, of, Western/African Media, seeking, excitement, in their lives] [The following sources, are, deemed the best with this regard, as this in all is, a rather, difficult matter, to handle/explain].

North America: The Norton Anthology of American Literature by Nina Baym et. al.

South America: Literature: A Portable Anthology by Janet E. Gardner

Europe: The Norton Anthology of English Literature by Stephen Greenbalt

Africa: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature by Heather James -- [Modern Life in all]

Asia: The Norton Anthology of World Literature by Sarah Lawall -- [Might sound, a bit, outlandish, but as Asia, has often, influenced the world, with regards, to, Religiousity, the world, has often, influenced Asia, with regards to, Drama]

Middle East: Renaissance Drama by Arthur F. Kinney -- [Perhaps, a surprise entry, but in, most ways, one does find, that, the word, Renaissance in European terminology, often, refers to, works, inspired, by, the Islamic/Byzantine world] [Drama, for the whole, Islamic/Byzantine world, as with, inspiration really]

Afrique: English Renaissance Drama by David Bevington -- [Not English really, but actually, a, merging, of, the Byzantine, and, Victorian worlds, together. In all, suits Drama, in, Afrique, as the, only really truly, indigenous peoples, of the place, are, the Swahili, and those, referred, to, as, the Plain Nilotes (Maasai, Samburu, Rendille, Somali peoples etc.), by, Cultural Ethnographers. In many ways, these people, have, the kind of Drama in their cultures, similar in nature, to, the Islamic/Byzantine world, and is what, made them, endeared by, the White and Colonial populations, in, Afrique] [Some of these peoples, such as, the Statuesque Maasai, actually, have, their origins, in, the Persian world].

The above, should not, be confused, with, Conventional Living, as they, represent, Drama, in our lives, which, is what, generally/basically, happens, while living out, Conventional Living. In many ways, it should be reminded, that, Drama, is the very, basic spark required, to, getting, Civilization started, in all [as with, all forms, of, achievement].

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Decency & the Search for Justice

This entry, in many ways, deals, with a rather, pervasive problem, seen, amongst most, including, the most Intelligent, of us all. It in many ways, is what, makes us, all, equals, with regards to, the issue, of, Intelligence itself. In many ways, its basically, all about, how, we basically, go ahead, with, thinking, about, anything. A man, with a Phd from Harvard, might be, surprised, when a beggar, on the streets, somewhat, out marches him, in solving, just about, any, ordinary problem. This might happen, in more cases than one, and at its root, is, very much in all, the, very issue, of, having, a Sense of Justice [and Decency in all].

Most people, when they plan, or plot out, just about, anything, tend to, develop, all forms, of fears [mainly ingrained], that, their plans/plots, will, in most cases, never, truly work out. That despite, their being perfect in all, something [even with, all the support needed], will still, go wrong. In many ways, Ingrained fears are usually, of, the brainwashing, mind control, and even programming kind, having been instilled, in one, unsuspectingly, and in many ways, arousing, the general fear, of, death/dying, and even, ridicule itself [in all, simply ridicule, or, ridicule while dying, or even, ridicule after death].

In most ways, the only way, to deal, with, Ingrained fears, is to, reason them out, from, the perspective, of, a Sense of Justice [and Decency too] [In all really, all forms, of failure, when met as such, are, not, fearfully handled, in any form].

One does find though, that today, most, people, have their Sense of Justice [and even Decency], instilled, in them, via, programming [mainly in the form, of, TV Shows and Dramas], originating mainly, from, America [a good example of such shows, famous all over the World, are, Dynasty, Dallas, Neighbours, and even, the Bold and the Beautiful].

In all too, one finds that, Shows and Dramas, like the above, influence, in most ways, how, many actually, see, their very worlds, especially, with regards, to, having, a Sense of Justice [and even, Decency itself]. There are four, primary ways, that, most out there, actually, see, their World, from; they are:

Class Divisions:

There are those, who see, their Worlds, from, the perspective, of, Class Divisions/Housing, and, Physical bodies [the very obvious, discrimination, against, people, who don't fit, a, certain physical ideal, as, in their, being, too fat, too short, or even, too tall too; In many ways, the fear perhaps, of, a person, holding, a certain Job Position, due really, to their, believing, they don't, possess, the ideal, body shape/physical image, to do so. In many ways, the very world, of, Dallas.

Colour Distinctions:

There are those, who view, their worlds, from, the perspective, of, Colour Distinctions, and in all, a belief, in, a Knowledge divide, between, various Colours [of in general, how things (in a city perhaps), actually, work, and in all, other forms, of, Knowledge]. A model really, that puts, those, with brown skin, at the bottom, of, society [as with, the Western world]. In many ways too, the world, of, Dynasty.

Hair Distinctions:

There are those, who view the world, from, the perspective, of, Hair Distinctions [as with, Hair type really], and in all, a belief in, differing, Racial Intelligences, between, different groups [according to hair]. In most ways, an example would be, a person, with, a certain form, of hair, fearing, asking, a Westerner, for, a date perhaps. In many ways too, the world, of, Neighbours.

Facial Features:

Finally, there are those, who, view, their World, from, the perspective, of, Facial Features, and the, very issue, of, Future prospects [that in all, only those, with, Caucasoid features, are offered, the, very best, in life (as with, being, favoured really)] [In many ways too, a negroid faced person, might fear entering, a Bank, due, to the obvious, belief that, they may very well, be denied, a loan]. In all, the very World, of, the Bold and the Beautiful.

These are the four main, ways, that most out there, tend, to view, their Worlds, and in all, influence, just, about, all forms, of, decision making, from, the very, important part, of, planning or plotting, things out.

In all though, the question, really asked is How does one, prevent, Ingrained fears, from, preventing them, from, doing, just about, anything? It is this, very issue, that prevents, most, from actually, believing, in, Religion itself, as Religion, works, to a certain extent, where then, Humans [using, the very concept, of Faith mostly], have, to make, all things, perfect [in many ways, an Oracle, might give one, the go ahead, to do, anything, but many, might, still, develop, a fear, of, things, not working out, as with, regards really, to, planning/plotting, and in, general, having, a Sense of Justice].

While this issue, of, a Sense of Justice, has in the past, been, mainly perceived, from, the perspective, of, Culture [and Cultural Identities too], it is believed right that, instead, it is best viewed, now, from the perspective, of, our Higher Beings [due mainly, to the fact, that, we do live, in, a Global world] [In all though, Higher Beings in all, are in all too, perceived, rather differently, from each other, and treated too, rather differently too, from, each other, and do indeed, also, possess, different concepts, of, the Sense of Justice].

In a World today, where most, do, confer to, Daredevilry, to get, most things out there, done [as especially, with, regards, to, planning/plotting], below then, will be presented, the, various 'Sense of Justice', associated really [mostly], with, different Higher Beings, so that, one, can easily, really, deduce whether, any plans/plots, they do make out, will, instead, really work [One has to, think out really, what, a Sense of Justice, really means, as, Justice (as with a Sense), can be, used, to deal, with, just about, any form, of, situation, that arises].

Gods: Justice as Fairness

For God beings, the issue, of, a Sense of Justice, is strongly, associated, with the very issue, of, Fairness. That in making, any kind, of plans/plots, the issue, of, Fairness, does pop up (almost, all the time), and one, must know, how, to deal with it, in order, to, succeed, in their endeavours.

Recommended Literature: The Tale of Genji, by, Murasaki Shikibu, is a, Japanese work, that in all ways, deals, with this very issue, of Fairness, as a Sense of Justice.

Light beings: Justice as Chivalry

The very belief, in, being, a daredevil of sorts, as with, saving the day really, is in, most ways, associated, with, Light beings, and their, belief, in having, a Sense of Justice, as based really, on, Chivalry. In all, all plots/plans, made by, Light beings, should involve, the, very concept, of, Chivalry, as a Sense of Justice.

Recommended Literature: The Companions of Jehu by Alexandre Dumas

Esicrucian man: Justice as Courtesy

This form, of a, Sense of Justice, is highly, popular, in most, American Media, and is a form, of, a Sense of Justice, that has, been instilled, in, most, of the worlds, populations [the belief, by many, that, getting, just about, anything done, requires, making, a courtesy call, to, someone, to help, see them, through]. In all, a form of, Sense of Justice, that works, rather well, in, America, but fails, just about, everywhere, else [in many ways too, a form, of, a Sense of Justice, that can, easily, give breed to, a, culture, of corruption].

Recommended Literature: Hard Times by Charles Dickens

Jinni: Justice as Tolerance

For the Jinni, life, is one, about, in many ways, attempting, to develop, Tolerance, in one form, or, another [making life, unpleasant, for most, Jinnis out there, today]. In many ways, a Sense of Justice, that asks, one, to simply, tolerate (hold on), to any, form of, misgivings, and be, rewarded in the end, with a huge rise (on ones part), and a huge fall (on the part, of, the other/intolerance).

Recommended Literature: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Gargoyles: Justice as Competence

For the Gargoyle, the very issue, of Justice, as with, a Sense of Justice really, tends, to manifest, in the form, of, issues, pervading, the very issue, of, Competence. In many ways, Gargoyles, can be, rather arrogant [as in believing, they know, more, than most], and can result, in, many, issues, of, Competence [as a Sense of Justice], arising.

Recommended Literature: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Shapeshifts: Justice as Candor

For the Shapeshift, the very, issue, of a, Sense of Justice, often, manifests, in the form, of, the very issue, of, Candor itself [in all, believing oneself, as, infallible, and not, prone, to making, mistakes, of any kind]. In many ways, a difficult, Sense of Justice, to deal with [and explain too], as, in many ways, it is, associated, with feelings, of, weakness, on ones part [and the belief, that, they must, in general, overcome, such weaknesses].

Recommended Literature: The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo

The Constellations: Justice as Clemency

For those, coming, from the Constellations [including, Fairies too (not too many of them)], the issue, of, a Sense of Justice, is, highly associated, with, the issue, of, Clemency [in all really, learning, to forgive, oneself, for, all forms, of, failure, and in general too, forgiving others (who probably, messed up)]. A rather, well known, Sense of Justice, as in many ways, it is, Biblical, in nature.

Recommended Literature: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Daemons: Justice as Equality

For Daemons, the very issue, of, a Sense of Justice, is highly, associated, in most ways, with, the issue, of, Equality [as with being, favoured, or not, being favoured at all]. In many ways, for most, Daemons, who seek, to do, just about, anything, the belief in being, favoured (or not), does, pop up, as with, regards really, to, Acceptance, and Attention, issues [in all, others, refusing, to, hear one out, or even, not, dealing with one, favourably].

Recommended Literature: Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie

Islamic Cultures and the rise of Modern Conventional Living

The above photograph, is one, of, Istanbul [one of the larger, but lesser known, Cities, of the World]. Istanbul, might be of interest, to many, as, in many ways, its very much, at, the very center, of, the World. What this refers to, is, the fact, that, Istanbul, has in many ways, being, a trendsetter, with regards, to what, some, call, Conventional Living.

What exactly, is Conventional Living? Conventional Living refers in all, to how we plan, our, daily routines. What this refers to really, is what, thoughts, principles, and practises, we have/generate, in our minds, from the time, we wake up, to, the time, we go, to bed. Thats Conventional Living, in a nutshell. When we say, that Istanbul, is at the center, of, the World, we really mean that, most, of the World, has similar, daily routines, to each other, with these routines, having, very much, originated, in, Istanbul, in what some, call, the Modern Era [from the mid, 19th Century]. Istanbul, to this day, still remains, a trendsetter, for, Conventional Living [daily routines], and in many ways [if not most] (and if, Happiness too, is taken into account), Istanbul, can be said, to have, the best quality, of life, available, in the World [with regards mainly, to Happiness].

Most out there, don't really know, whom, they are, with regards, to, Conventional Living [or daily routines]. In many ways too, this very issue, of, Conventional Living, is what, separates us [in this Modern Era], from past times [as with, the Old Ages]. That in many ways, the death, of, Napoleanic Europe, really mean't, the death, of, its [Europes] Conventional Living [to be eventually, replaced, by, living patterns, from, Istanbul, and the, UK].

What though, is the sole purpose, for, Conventional Living? How is it, that a Japanese Businessman, spends, all his day, in an office in Tokyo, while, an Arabian, lives less frantically, but both, are believed, to have, the, very same, issues/problems in their lives/minds? All this perhaps, is because, most associate, Conventional Living, with, issues, pertaining primarily, to, Survival itself [the need, for food, clothing, housing, enjoyment etc.]. Yet still, the Arabian, believed to live off, Oil wealth, still retains, a rather basic existence, and does not, in all, seek out, these very things, despite, having the money, to do so.

While some, do associate, Conventional Living, with, Survival issues, in the past, it has always, been, associated, with fulfilling, Psychological needs [in all, maintaining, mental health, in all, its forms]. In many ways too, as a summary really, Conventional Living, is living, associated, with, daily routines, as based on, thoughts, principles, and practises, all based too, on, dealing, with what, one could call, Fears [i.e. torments & fears, very much, psychological, in nature] [Most of these Fears, are not, in any ways, deemed, to be, of the Survival mode, but very much, Psychological in nature, as to perhaps, believing, that, the primary goal, of life, is to enjoy oneself totally (with sex, being, one of these, major components)].

Below, will be presented, certain, Traditional Cultures, whose ways of living [Conventional Living], is believed, to be best, suited, to the various, regions, of the World, and that, for many, with routines, based on, survival/pleasure, they should realize, that these, cultures, hold far more, wisdom, on how to live out lives [as with, Conventional Living], and that, the belief, in what, they call, Western lifestyles, as being, the basis, for survival, on this Earth, is rather, truly false, as no other culture, on this Earth, is doomed, to fail, and become, extinct, than Western culture, itself [and its need, for lots of, Oil, Natural resources, Happiness, and even, Psychotherapy] [In all, a culture, driven by, the need/desire, for sex, money/freedom (mental in nature), and even, violence itself].

In many ways too in all, Conventional Living, based on, Psychological motives, which are, rather, Individual in nature, and not, Conventional Living, as associated, with, Group formations, and, driven primarily, by, all sorts, of, Fears [torments & fears].

North America: Cherokee Cultures

The Cherokee, could very well, be called, the, very first, inhabitants, of North America, arriving there, in many ways, as, Colonials. Since then, in more ways than one, they have, defined, what, Conventional Living, in North America, has mainly, always, been about [in all, providing, the required wisdom, on how, to generally, survive, in, America, from a, psychological perspective].

Recommended Literature: The best place perhaps, to see, this form,, of Conventional Living, in North America, as seen, in the past, is probably, in the works, of, Thomas Hardy [and especially too, 'Far from the Madding Crowd'].

South America: Argentine cultures

Argentine cultures, refers, in many ways, to cultures, seen, in Argentinas, farming lands, and somewhat, similar, in nature, to, American Country living. In many ways too, Argentines, do differ, from, Argentinians [who are largely, influenced, by Western cultures].

Recommended Literature: The works, of Charlotte Bronte [and especially, Jane Eyre], believed, to be European/English, are actually, largely influenced, by, Argentine/South American cultures.

Europe: Irish cultures

The Irish, in most ways, have retained, a, way of living, seen alot, in, most of Europe, before, the birth, of, the Modern Era. A way of living, that, could today, very well, suit, Europe, with regards really, to restarting, its, Civilization.

Recommended Literature: The works, of George Elliot, and especially, Adam Bede, offer, a clear picture, of how, Conventional life, really was like, in, Europe, before, the birth of, the Modern Era.

Africa/Afrique: Maghreb cultures / Victorian cultures

Afrique, in many ways, is a place, that strongly, differs, from the rest, of Africa, due, to several reasons; first off, being, its sharing, a similar landmass, with, the Middle East, and second too, the very fact, that, the origins, of living there, are associated with, the Islamic world [as especially, with the Swahili], and also, migrations, of, White populations, from, all over [Kenya, is a similar country, to Zimbabwe, and South Africa, in that, White populations, created, ways of living there, way before, Black populations, ever, set foot, on the land] [In many ways, Kenya, is rather, heavily westernized (culturally), due, to the Black populations, simply, adopting, the ways of living, of, the White populations]. In all though, surviving in Afrique, has never been seen, in a better form, than with, Victorian cultures [even Somalia, has its origins, as a country, with, the Swahili, who were responsible, for, building, Mogadishu]. For the rest of Africa, Conventional Living, has probably, never best, been seen before, as with, the cultures, of, the Maghreb.

Recommended Literature: For Africa, most North African Literature, is, highly recommended, it being, mostly based on, Maghrebi cultures, and their, Conventional Living lifestyles. For Afrique, the works, of, Jane Austen, in most ways, actually, speak of, Victorian Conventional Living, in, Victorian Kenya, and not even, Victorian England [as especially, with, Pride and Prejudice].

South East Asia: Tamil cultures

In South East Asia, the cultures, of the Tamil, in many ways, offer, the best, picture, on how to , survive/live, in, South East Asia, from a, Conventional Living (Psychological), perspective.

Recommended Literature: Surprisingly enough, the works, of, Emily Bronte [and especially, Wuthering Heights], are actually, inspired, by, the way of living, seen, in India, and not, England, as many, supposedly believe.

East Asia: Japanese Traditional

In East Asia, getting Civilization restarted, would probably, best, be based, on basing life [as with, Conventional Living], on, Traditional Japanese, ways of living.

Recommended Literature: The works, of, Natsume Soseki, best present, Japanese, Traditional living, to, the masses, as especially, with, Kusamakura.

The Middle East: Arabic cultures

Probably, the best, of these, Arabic cultures, are those, associated, with, the Shirazi Swahili. Arabic cultures, in the Middle East, have always, been, associated, with, Conventional Living, and in some ways, still do, influence, the Middle East, with this regard. However, it is also deemed, and believed that, the Shirazi Swahili, have, better Conventional ways, of Living, and that in all, their cultures, would best, be adopted, for all this [living in the Middle East, can prove, to be, rather difficult, especially, for, the newbie].

Recommended Literature: A surprise entry perhaps, the works, of, Henry Fielding, while of, Iberian origins, as with, Authorship, do though, represent, Portuguese living [as with, Conventional living], similar, to, Shirazi Swahili, Conventional living, but, in the UK though. In many ways, can serve, as, an inspiration, for, Conventional Living, in, the general, Middle East.


In conclusion though, one, rather left out, today, form of existence, is actually, the, Islamic world [as a Civilization itself] [and differing, from the Middle East]. In some ways [if not many really], the, Islamic world, can be said, to have, a mecca, in, Turkey/Istanbul, today. In helping get it, restarted again, it would, perhaps, be best, to understand that, at, the core really, of, Islamic Civilization, in many ways, are, Islamic cultures.

Islamic cultures, in many ways, consist of, three things, driven primarily, by, Conventional Living: Islamic media (consisting, of, Conventional Living, as with thoughts), Islamic Religiousity (driven, by, Popular figures, often traditionally, referred to, as Saints, and making, for principles seen), and finally, Islamic civilization (consisting of, various practises, which, in themselves, connect, to, Islamic Cultural Systems). All this today though, is probably, best seen in, Turkish/Istanbul, cultures.

However though, it is also deemed, and believed best, that, all this, could use, a, Byzantine influence (creative in scope), by perhaps, adopting, certain forms, of, Byzantine Literature, such as, those seen, in, 'The Longman Anthology of British Literature Vol. 1B'. In many ways, creative pieces, speaking of, Conventional Living, in, the Byzantine Era.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Supernovas, Holographic Universes, Witchcraft & Quarks

Witchcraft, is a rather, prevalent practise today, even perhaps, more so, than, in the past. However, unlike in the past, where it, was mostly associated, with attempting to control, ones thoughts, today, it is more, of, the kind, that deals with, attempting, to imprint, beliefs, into one. In all really, Witchcraft, is in many ways, based on, the lack of understanding by most, on how their, realities, actually really function. That in all, not only, can thoughts, be imprinted on one (and affecting ones thinking in all), but that whole beliefs (systems too), can be imprinted, on, ones psyche, due really, to believing that, it's, all possible, for that, to happen to one, based mainly on, not understanding, how, reality, truly works/functions [in many ways, a person/group, playing a trick on one, resulting, in an event, not explainable, but, affecting one, greatly, can easily, lead to, beliefs, in Witchcraft].

Most don't really know [or understand basically], how in all, our Realities, are constructed [an area of research, of great interest, to some]. In all really, one can say, that, our Realities, are of, threefold: our Human selfs, our Environs & Surroundings, and finally also, our Environments. These three Realities, make up, in a basic detail, all, the Realities, associated/known, to us. Understanding them, is the basis, of defeating, any, beliefs, associated with, Witchcraft, and in many ways, helping us put in order, our very lives (even here, on Earth), as with, experiences, possibilities, and even too, limits. Otherwise in all, the other, possibility, is creating, beliefs, that in all, can become, genetically, codified in us, leading, to all forms, of, serious struggles, here on Earth.

We shall begin, by speaking of, those Realities, associated, with our Environments, and in many, ways, speak of, our limits/limitations, here, on Earth [and in all forms, of, occupied Spaces]. In many ways, a world previously attempted, to be explained, by some, from the realities, of, Euclidean Geometry, but can actually, probably, be theorized [as with a theorem], with, Non-Euclidean Geometry, but in all too also, best theorized, in an artistic form, via, the use, of, String Theories.

String Theories & Non-Euclidean Spaces:

String Theories, in most ways, attempt, to explain, our limits/limitations, here on Earth. In all, how does, what, some call, Reality, actually work? Is it something, that can only, be, identified mainly with/by, our 5 senses? Is a wall, actually, only a wall, as envisioned, by, our eyes, or even, sense of touch? Can you actually, walk, through a wall? These are the questions, that, String Theories, attempt, to explain, they too in all, being based on, 5 known beliefs, associated, with them: those associated mainly, with, the limits/limitations, of, the Human being, as primarily based on, what they call, Matter.

There are 5, of these, commonly known, beliefs (and String Theories to boot), which attempt, to explain, our Realities [Matter based]:

Egyptian: The primary belief, that, the Human being, can become, invisible [as with, appear, and disappear, to, ones senses really], is of, Egyptian origins (in many ways). This belief, of this potential, of the Human being [as with Matter really], is associated, with what, some, call, F-Theory [a String Theory, associated, with, the belief, in, 12-dimensions, to, our actual, physical presence, here, on Earth] [That in all, a Human being, can become, invisible, by moving, to any, of these, 12 Dimensions] [One should perhaps, point out, that, all this, is somewhat, connected, to, having peculiar/specific, basic manners, mannerisms, and even, body languages].

Greek: The Greeks, having heavily studied, Hermeneutics [which in all, is, the basis, of, all kinds, of String Theories], did in somewhat, formulate, what, some call, the, Theory of Everything [which differs, from, Grand Unified Theories]. The Theory of Everything, is a String Theory, that, in many ways, supports, the belief, that, Human beings, are capable even, of, Flying. This belief, is founded on, the further belief, in, Supernovas, and that too, Supernovas (or becoming one really), enable one, to, react, to all things, in, a real-time, basis, meaning in all, that, one, is capable of, just about, anything [including flying]. In many ways, Supernovas work really, based on, holding, a certain Image [Truth in all], in ones mind, and then, simply, moving [in a reactionary and real-time basis], towards, this Truth/Image, held.

Roman: The Roman beliefs, in that, Logic conquers all, is at the core, of what, they, basically call, String Theory. String Theory, which was also, studied, by the Congo, actually, has its roots [in the Congo world], with, Priesthoods [associated with the Roman Empire], moving, to the Congo world, after, the demise, of, the Roman Civilization/Empire. String Theory, in all, proposes that, certain strings [or codes perhaps], logical in nature, can, in all, manifest, all possible, kind, of Realities [including, the assassination, of, someone, the actual walking, through a wall, or even perhaps too, the lifting, of, a very heavy, stone, by a human] [This theory, is believed (supposedly), the way, the Egyptians, built, the Pyramids].

Islamic/Byzantine: The beliefs, associated, with, this Civilization, with regards really, to, Human Potential, and, Matter issues, not only, has, to do, with the very concept, of, Umma, but is also, associated, with, what, they call, Quantum Field Theories. Quantum Field Theories, are a form, of, String Theory, associated with, Umma, in that, one, can very, well, become, Light itself [as with Matter really], and in all, is capable, of, all sorts, of, events, from traveling to Mars itself, to simply disappearing, from one location, and appearing, in, a whole, different location [as with travel really, and Star Treks, 'Beam me up, Scotty'] [This is not, similar, to the Egyptian model, which really states that (as with Dimensions really), that one, can, walk into a whole, new world, too, as with, existences] [There is a rumour/belief, that, the Egyptian Civilization, actually, moved itself, into, a whole, new, Dimension!! (who really knows though)].

Italian: The Italian belief, in that, time-travel, is possible, is connected with, what, they call, M-Theory. In many ways, M-Theory, clearly states that, we, can use, our minds [as with imagination really], to create, possible realities, by, in many ways too, imagining, an Object [of any kind], in our minds, and by simply too, imagining it, changing, and affecting, this change, into it [in all really, streaming knowledge, into it]. The belief, in time travel, is in, reverse, and has to do, with, attempting, to decipher, oneself, as an, Observer [in all, when you time travel, whom, are you, in the past really; how do you define, yourself, as an Observer, and possibly even, as an, Interactor]. In many ways, one simply, imagines, oneself, something different, that in all, totally, fits in, into, the past, or future, as, with, time-travel.

One should realize though, that in all, there are many more String Theories, out there, and these are just, the 5, popularly known, to Man.

Holographic Universes & GUT's:

In dealing, with the issue, of, our Environs, and ourselves, as, Human beings, with regards really, to, Self-Expression, and in general, defining, Might, Authority, and Power, as with, Expression really, we in all, refer to, the matter, of Order (enacting it), and, Holographic Universes. Grand Unified Theories, are those really, associated, with attempting, to put, an Order, to things [as with perhaps, describing, how, an Aeroplane actually flies]. In all, there is not, one, GUT (in all), that can, describe this, as in all too, GUTs, are contained, in, what, they call, Holographic Universes, and the greatest, of these, Universes, is that, which attempts to describe, Black Holes. In all, most Guts, are always, changing, and transforming themselves, as, Black Holes often do, and can truly, never, capture, Order, as with, the Mind of God.

Theoretical Sciences & Human Nature:

By Theoretical Sciences (in all ways), we are referring really, to, the Hard Sciences, as with, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Chemistry, and even, Theoretical Biology. These three Sciences, in many ways, describe us in all, as, Human beings, with regards really, to, all, our possible, natures [as with mostly, Experiences really]. Theoretical Physics, is the most, known, of these Sciences, and encompasses, fields, such as, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, and even, Parallel Universes. In many ways, describing really, how, we truly, experience, our Worlds [as with, right now, at this moment], and what, perhaps, is, a legitimate experience, and what, is not [the other two areas, of, Theoretical Chemistry, and, Theoretical Biology, are not rather, well too known]. In all, the Science, of Computational Science, deals with, this area, and not, that, of, GUT's, as many, in America (really), attempt to do [leading, to, massive, software programming].

All the above, do somewhat, connect, with each other, as none really, is, totally Independent/disconnected, from, the other [Theoretical Physics, determining for instance, how, one sees things, does influence then, how, one in all, studies, Holographic Universes (Order)].

The Supreme Goddess and Non-Euclidean Geometry:

In all, the three above groupings, used, to attemptedly, describe, Nature (in all), have, their basis [as Sciences really], on, the worship, of, the Supreme Goddess. From a Mathematical perspective, they are all, totally, founded on, what, they call, Non-Euclidean Geometry [which is, the Geometry, that, in many ways, encompasses, all] [As with God really, as, a Mind].

However, in attempting to understand, and defeat in all, Witchcraft, is to know that, the above, three Areas of Study, are based, not on, beliefs simply [as with many, Hypothesis], but in three, main, ares, of research: Particle Physics (String Theories), the 4 Natural Forces [Gravity, Electromagnetic, Weak & Strong] (Holographic Universes), and finally, the three Theories, formulated, by, Albert Einstein [Theoretical Sciences]. Knowing this, is also all about, knowing, that, Witchcraft, does really work, as, its basis, is, mainly on, unfounded, but commonly held beliefs, of all kinds [in all, all beliefs perhaps should be, supported, in their entirety, by, the three areas, of research, just mentioned] [which in many ways, defeats, the beliefs, associated, with Witchcraft].

[Albert Einstein, was not really, a Jew, but actually, a Greek, as is, Brian Greene]

While today, all this, is purportedly studied, from the basis, of, Hypothesis, and lots, of heavy, Experimental Research [rather expensive too], in the past, it was studied really, based on, Art works, based too on, the Supreme Goddess [Art works, that had one, thinking, in, a certain way, and basically, helped one theorize, all kinds, of, possibilities, as with, regards, to all this].

Supernova music: