Friday, January 21, 2011



The Bible Code, is a work by Michael Drosnin, that proved, to be rather, extremely popular, when it was first, released. It implied (or spoke to say the least), about, the presence, of, a Code, in the Bible, that, could be used, to interpret, the future (and even, past too), in one way, or another. An interesting book, to say the least too, as those, who read it, were rather, convinced, that the end, of the world, was not, only a possible event, but one also, very much too, probably, in sight.

The belief, in a single Code, that can in many ways, create (in an interpretational format), the future, is not, unknown, to most, and is actually, referred to, as, Superstring Theory (which differs, from, String Theory). Superstring Theory, and the belief really, in its being manifest, in the Bible, is actually, a belief, associated, with, the world, of Ancient Spain, and Moses too [as imagined, perhaps, by Sigmund Freud].

Hermeneutics, is a field of research, originating, in many ways, in, the Greek Civilization, but still, known, in one way or another, in, other Civilizations [it was the Greeks though, who extrapolated it, to its outmost, and very much too dividing it, into, rather many, sub-fields]. Hermeneutics (from the root word - Hermes), is in all, an area of study, based on, attempting, to literally, interpret things (or in many ways too, see things), for what, they really are. In its more popularly known mode, it is often presented, in three main forms: Lexicology, Reason, and, what they call, Semantics. Lexicology, was mainly seen, in, the Egyptian Civilization, and was a way, of reasoning/thinking, about things, as with, interpreting them really, from, the perspective, of, words. In all, a relational logic, whereby, one, attempted to interpret, the true meaning, of words [as with a sentence], with regards, to one [or another, external body] [For instance, if someone insulted you, you would probably analyze, their words, to discover, whom they were (when they did as such), and whom you were, when that happened too (as in how really, they saw one)].
Reason (and not Reasoning), was associated strongly, with, the Roman Civilization, has in many ways, to do, with, interpreting things, from, possible outcomes [in many ways, seeing things, from, capabilities and even, abilities too]. It is however, Semantics (coming from the Greeks), that is of, rather high, interest, as it in many ways, is, based on, interpreting things, from, an emotional/feeling perspective [if someone greets you cordially, but you feel, a stinging sensation, what, does that really mean? Thats pretty much, Semantics, in a nutshell].

While today, many privately and publicly, do use, Lexicology, and those in power, obsessed with, Reason, it is however believed, that, Semantics, holds sway, in, the attempt, to, interpret things, as it, in many ways, not only helps you, see things, as, clearly as possible (as with feeling), but in many ways too, encompasses, the, other two, above mentioned areas. In many ways in all, Hermeneutics, encompasses, what many refer to, as, our Inborn Intelligence [a form of Intelligence, mainly associated, with, our Child selfs, and highly used by us, when, as children].

If one, is not raised, rather well, then, they in all, don't really, develop, Inborn Intelligence rather well, and this too in all, hampers, any further development, with regards especially, to, Intelligence and Creativity [all heavily based, rather, on, Hermeneutics].

The importance with Hermeneutics for some, is that, in many ways, it is, the basis, of what, some call, an Alchemical transformation [in many ways, a feeling induced, that strongly perhaps, awakens one, to, a reality unknown] [Not too much different, from, the Maana of Moses, or the healing Staff, with a Snake coiled around it (and not too different too also, from similar imagery, associated, with Hermes)] [At the very least, Alchemical transformations, can be induced, by, even, a surprise kiss, from a girl, considered, outside, ones range].

When we speak, of, Inborn Intelligence, and our Child selfs, we are in many ways really, referring, to, the basic belief, that, we are inherently, good, and blessed people. That in all, seeing ourselves, as, worthy human beings, has in many ways its basis, in having, Inborn Intelligence, and properly developed, Child selfs [despite even too, what, has happened, to us, in the past]. For those who don't have, proper, Inborn Intelligence (and poorly developed Child selfs), they in many ways, develop, what are known as, Stunted Personalities [in many ways, a personality state, devoid of, any form, of, feeling, or even, emotion]. If this was to happen [as even with, trauma, in a, past/present life], then, in some ways (if not many really), Hermeneutics, can be used, to help, resolve this.

Stunted Personalities [and Hermeneutics as an area of study], are in many ways, those, which lack, any sense, of, Choice, Option, or Will. They in many ways, are unable, to, make any of these, due mainly really, to not, for example, seeing them, or noticing them, anywhere, around one [if one is late, for work, what to do? Sulk about it, and slide in unnoticed, or even perhaps, have, a traffic officer, call ones, boss, and report, heavy traffic]. For most, with Stunted Personalities, the second option, even, if available, would be totally, missed out on (as with it, not seen, or even, noticed). In many ways, not only, do those, with, Stunted Personalities, lack, any sense, of, Choice, Option or Will, but in many ways too, develop, severe, Trust issues, of all kinds.

There are those, who attempt, to stunt one, by, not only, limiting, their Inborn Intelligence (as with having, one, lack, any kind, of, Choice, Option, or Will, in their lives), but in many ways too, hamper, the development, of, their Child self (as with how, one, Moves, Acts, or Does too really). As a result, not only, do severe even, Trust issues, develop, but one finds that, certain traits, often, associated with, Childhood (as with, development itself) [Boldness, Bravery, Bravado], are strictly, hampered, with the end result, being, a poor, Child self development, and in many ways too in all, a total, hampering, of self-development, as a, human being [in all, a person, rather paranoid, and also too, cowardly, in nature].

In most ways, a proper development, as, a Child (as with, Boldness, Bravery and Bravado really), results, in a proper way, of, how, one Conceives, Models, and finally, Sees themselves (respectively). If one, does Conceive, Model, and See themselves, properly, then, the end result, is the, proper development, of, Virtue, in all its forms. If however, one fails at this, then, the end result too, is, entering, the state associated with, what they call, the Passions [Gluttony, Love of Money, Anger, Fornication, Sorrow & Despondency, Vainglory, and finally too, Pride perhaps]. When one, is in a state, of, the Passions, then not only, do they, lack, Inborn Intelligence in general, but in most ways too, other than always, Acting/Moving/Doing, from a basis, of, Boldness, Bravery and Bravado, they do so, instead, from, a basis, of, Arrogance, Hatred, and even, Conceit too. In many ways, entering these three states, can strongly, hamper one, with regards really, to all forms, of Intelligence, leading, to, one, becoming like, demon-like beings, in just about, everything, one does. In all, other than having, a Child self, one in all, has, an evil-like being, 'inside one' (to say the least), and while appearing, in many ways, to be, rather Civil, and Well-groomed too, in their ways, they are actually, rather demonic [in many ways really, those with these issues, tend, to falsely see themselves (as having issues really), with regards, to, Sex, Intelligence, Humour, Physical Presence (as in a room), and even, simply, too, Acceptance issues].

This issue, of poor Child development, has in many ways, historically speaking, hampered, the Ancient Spain world, and in many ways in all, America too [making many perhaps, of these, people, rather evil like, while, appearing, rather humane in all; in many ways really, those affected, by, these issues, tend to, develop perhaps, a strong, hatred, for those, attempting (or having too), Succeeded in life, and in many ways in all, plot, their downfall]. A form of Evil, never really studied [unless perhaps, as with, the movie, the Omen], but in many ways, speaks of, double faced folks, who can be rather, amiable, on the outside, but totally evil (as with axe-murderers), on the inside.

Philosophies and Life:

How though, other than, the, primary study, of Hermeneutics, does one really, learn, how to develop, the Child self? This might sound, rather obtrusive in nature (as with a paradox), as there are many, who, attempt to heal, the Child self (harmed), but there remains, many issues, about, how, to actually, raise, proper children [America, has suffered, from this, problem, largely, and did attempt, to solve it, rather prominently (in the South atleast), by adopting, African Child raising, techniques (and making America, African, in a way, not, expected)]. Some of the better works, in attempting, to heal, and probably understand too, the Child self, are, sources like, 'Homecoming' by John Bradshaw.

Developing ones Child self [as primarily with, Boldness, Bravery and Bravado], is in many ways, a question, most out there, simply, have no idea, how, to deal with [other than, protecting ones, children, in as many ways, as, possible, or having them perhaps, take, a course, in, Hermeneutics].

There is no way really, to answer, this, problem, rather well, and other than, probably, looking at, this, from a, mostly cultural, perspective (as a lot, of, Hermeneutics, attempts to do), a better philosophy of life, would be probably, to engage, in what, they call, the Philosophies [in most ways, Philosophic works, based highly on, issues, of the Child self, as with, Bravery, Choice/Option, and even too, how, to basically Act]. Philosophies in many ways, are philosophic works (even perhaps, musical in nature), based on, Hermeneutics too, and probably to say the least, can be used, to help, develop, the Child self, from, the perspective, of, ones Higher Being [rather than, the cultural].

It is not too easy, to explain all this [that is, how, to actually, develop, the Child self], as there are no, real good methods, to all this [other than, raising Children, in rather, controlled environments]; but in many ways though, it is believed, that, the Philosophers below [mainly though, of, European/French origins], can inspire one, to, seek out, all, forms of Art works, associated, in many ways, with, their Philosophies on Life. Yet in all as said, just above, there is actually, no known, real, good method, of, actually, developing, the Child self (as with, raising children, really).

Gargoyles: Voltaire

Light beings: Socrates

The Constellations: John Locke

Shapeshifts: Michel de Montaigne

Daemons: Montesquieu

Jinnis: The Marquis de Sade

Gods: Jean-Paul Sartre

Esicrucian Man: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What is really, been said here, is that, one, should seek out, other, works [music, literature, theatre, movies etc.], that are along, the lines, in thought, of, the above Philosophers/Philosophies, to actually, help, in learning, how, to raise, children [as with, true, proper, Child self development]. For those, with issues, with, their Child self (while Therapy, does help to say the least), the works, of, the above, Philosophers (highly inspired), might very well, help one, deal, with these issues [and also too, properly develop, their, Child selfs] [Many of these works, are, of French origins, as no known, Nation, on Earth, has been known really, to come up (as with origins), with more or less, the, most creative, of, beings, as with, Postulating, on, Hermeneutics (and general Ideas)].