Sunday, January 23, 2011

Islamic Cultures and the rise of Modern Conventional Living

The above photograph, is one, of, Istanbul [one of the larger, but lesser known, Cities, of the World]. Istanbul, might be of interest, to many, as, in many ways, its very much, at, the very center, of, the World. What this refers to, is, the fact, that, Istanbul, has in many ways, being, a trendsetter, with regards, to what, some, call, Conventional Living.

What exactly, is Conventional Living? Conventional Living refers in all, to how we plan, our, daily routines. What this refers to really, is what, thoughts, principles, and practises, we have/generate, in our minds, from the time, we wake up, to, the time, we go, to bed. Thats Conventional Living, in a nutshell. When we say, that Istanbul, is at the center, of, the World, we really mean that, most, of the World, has similar, daily routines, to each other, with these routines, having, very much, originated, in, Istanbul, in what some, call, the Modern Era [from the mid, 19th Century]. Istanbul, to this day, still remains, a trendsetter, for, Conventional Living [daily routines], and in many ways [if not most] (and if, Happiness too, is taken into account), Istanbul, can be said, to have, the best quality, of life, available, in the World [with regards mainly, to Happiness].

Most out there, don't really know, whom, they are, with regards, to, Conventional Living [or daily routines]. In many ways too, this very issue, of, Conventional Living, is what, separates us [in this Modern Era], from past times [as with, the Old Ages]. That in many ways, the death, of, Napoleanic Europe, really mean't, the death, of, its [Europes] Conventional Living [to be eventually, replaced, by, living patterns, from, Istanbul, and the, UK].

What though, is the sole purpose, for, Conventional Living? How is it, that a Japanese Businessman, spends, all his day, in an office in Tokyo, while, an Arabian, lives less frantically, but both, are believed, to have, the, very same, issues/problems in their lives/minds? All this perhaps, is because, most associate, Conventional Living, with, issues, pertaining primarily, to, Survival itself [the need, for food, clothing, housing, enjoyment etc.]. Yet still, the Arabian, believed to live off, Oil wealth, still retains, a rather basic existence, and does not, in all, seek out, these very things, despite, having the money, to do so.

While some, do associate, Conventional Living, with, Survival issues, in the past, it has always, been, associated, with fulfilling, Psychological needs [in all, maintaining, mental health, in all, its forms]. In many ways too, as a summary really, Conventional Living, is living, associated, with, daily routines, as based on, thoughts, principles, and practises, all based too, on, dealing, with what, one could call, Fears [i.e. torments & fears, very much, psychological, in nature] [Most of these Fears, are not, in any ways, deemed, to be, of the Survival mode, but very much, Psychological in nature, as to perhaps, believing, that, the primary goal, of life, is to enjoy oneself totally (with sex, being, one of these, major components)].

Below, will be presented, certain, Traditional Cultures, whose ways of living [Conventional Living], is believed, to be best, suited, to the various, regions, of the World, and that, for many, with routines, based on, survival/pleasure, they should realize, that these, cultures, hold far more, wisdom, on how to live out lives [as with, Conventional Living], and that, the belief, in what, they call, Western lifestyles, as being, the basis, for survival, on this Earth, is rather, truly false, as no other culture, on this Earth, is doomed, to fail, and become, extinct, than Western culture, itself [and its need, for lots of, Oil, Natural resources, Happiness, and even, Psychotherapy] [In all, a culture, driven by, the need/desire, for sex, money/freedom (mental in nature), and even, violence itself].

In many ways too in all, Conventional Living, based on, Psychological motives, which are, rather, Individual in nature, and not, Conventional Living, as associated, with, Group formations, and, driven primarily, by, all sorts, of, Fears [torments & fears].

North America: Cherokee Cultures

The Cherokee, could very well, be called, the, very first, inhabitants, of North America, arriving there, in many ways, as, Colonials. Since then, in more ways than one, they have, defined, what, Conventional Living, in North America, has mainly, always, been about [in all, providing, the required wisdom, on how, to generally, survive, in, America, from a, psychological perspective].

Recommended Literature: The best place perhaps, to see, this form,, of Conventional Living, in North America, as seen, in the past, is probably, in the works, of, Thomas Hardy [and especially too, 'Far from the Madding Crowd'].

South America: Argentine cultures

Argentine cultures, refers, in many ways, to cultures, seen, in Argentinas, farming lands, and somewhat, similar, in nature, to, American Country living. In many ways too, Argentines, do differ, from, Argentinians [who are largely, influenced, by Western cultures].

Recommended Literature: The works, of Charlotte Bronte [and especially, Jane Eyre], believed, to be European/English, are actually, largely influenced, by, Argentine/South American cultures.

Europe: Irish cultures

The Irish, in most ways, have retained, a, way of living, seen alot, in, most of Europe, before, the birth, of, the Modern Era. A way of living, that, could today, very well, suit, Europe, with regards really, to restarting, its, Civilization.

Recommended Literature: The works, of George Elliot, and especially, Adam Bede, offer, a clear picture, of how, Conventional life, really was like, in, Europe, before, the birth of, the Modern Era.

Africa/Afrique: Maghreb cultures / Victorian cultures

Afrique, in many ways, is a place, that strongly, differs, from the rest, of Africa, due, to several reasons; first off, being, its sharing, a similar landmass, with, the Middle East, and second too, the very fact, that, the origins, of living there, are associated with, the Islamic world [as especially, with the Swahili], and also, migrations, of, White populations, from, all over [Kenya, is a similar country, to Zimbabwe, and South Africa, in that, White populations, created, ways of living there, way before, Black populations, ever, set foot, on the land] [In many ways, Kenya, is rather, heavily westernized (culturally), due, to the Black populations, simply, adopting, the ways of living, of, the White populations]. In all though, surviving in Afrique, has never been seen, in a better form, than with, Victorian cultures [even Somalia, has its origins, as a country, with, the Swahili, who were responsible, for, building, Mogadishu]. For the rest of Africa, Conventional Living, has probably, never best, been seen before, as with, the cultures, of, the Maghreb.

Recommended Literature: For Africa, most North African Literature, is, highly recommended, it being, mostly based on, Maghrebi cultures, and their, Conventional Living lifestyles. For Afrique, the works, of, Jane Austen, in most ways, actually, speak of, Victorian Conventional Living, in, Victorian Kenya, and not even, Victorian England [as especially, with, Pride and Prejudice].

South East Asia: Tamil cultures

In South East Asia, the cultures, of the Tamil, in many ways, offer, the best, picture, on how to , survive/live, in, South East Asia, from a, Conventional Living (Psychological), perspective.

Recommended Literature: Surprisingly enough, the works, of, Emily Bronte [and especially, Wuthering Heights], are actually, inspired, by, the way of living, seen, in India, and not, England, as many, supposedly believe.

East Asia: Japanese Traditional

In East Asia, getting Civilization restarted, would probably, best, be based, on basing life [as with, Conventional Living], on, Traditional Japanese, ways of living.

Recommended Literature: The works, of, Natsume Soseki, best present, Japanese, Traditional living, to, the masses, as especially, with, Kusamakura.

The Middle East: Arabic cultures

Probably, the best, of these, Arabic cultures, are those, associated, with, the Shirazi Swahili. Arabic cultures, in the Middle East, have always, been, associated, with, Conventional Living, and in some ways, still do, influence, the Middle East, with this regard. However, it is also deemed, and believed that, the Shirazi Swahili, have, better Conventional ways, of Living, and that in all, their cultures, would best, be adopted, for all this [living in the Middle East, can prove, to be, rather difficult, especially, for, the newbie].

Recommended Literature: A surprise entry perhaps, the works, of, Henry Fielding, while of, Iberian origins, as with, Authorship, do though, represent, Portuguese living [as with, Conventional living], similar, to, Shirazi Swahili, Conventional living, but, in the UK though. In many ways, can serve, as, an inspiration, for, Conventional Living, in, the general, Middle East.


In conclusion though, one, rather left out, today, form of existence, is actually, the, Islamic world [as a Civilization itself] [and differing, from the Middle East]. In some ways [if not many really], the, Islamic world, can be said, to have, a mecca, in, Turkey/Istanbul, today. In helping get it, restarted again, it would, perhaps, be best, to understand that, at, the core really, of, Islamic Civilization, in many ways, are, Islamic cultures.

Islamic cultures, in many ways, consist of, three things, driven primarily, by, Conventional Living: Islamic media (consisting, of, Conventional Living, as with thoughts), Islamic Religiousity (driven, by, Popular figures, often traditionally, referred to, as Saints, and making, for principles seen), and finally, Islamic civilization (consisting of, various practises, which, in themselves, connect, to, Islamic Cultural Systems). All this today though, is probably, best seen in, Turkish/Istanbul, cultures.

However though, it is also deemed, and believed best, that, all this, could use, a, Byzantine influence (creative in scope), by perhaps, adopting, certain forms, of, Byzantine Literature, such as, those seen, in, 'The Longman Anthology of British Literature Vol. 1B'. In many ways, creative pieces, speaking of, Conventional Living, in, the Byzantine Era.