Friday, January 28, 2011

The Fear of Dying

Most people, have, a, Fear of Dying, unlike, the actual, Fear of Death [meaning really, what is, missed out on, in Life, on dying, or, even, what comes after]. The Fear of Dying, has, very much to do, with, the actual, experience, of Dying, in, one, or another, form [as with, rejection for instance, by, a Woman]. The Fear of Dying, is strongly, associated, with, our search, for, Truth, in all, its, forms [the very fact, or matter too, that, one, simply, can't, handle, the Truth]. For Truth, to actually, become true [or the Truth itself], it has, to be, Registered, in ones, memories. Registered, and not, Recorded [which, in most ways, is simply, recording, of, non-noticeable, events (of all sorts)]. When something, is Registered [in ones memories], it might, result, in a, Phase shift [as in with how, one, sees things], or even, a, Transformation, in how, one, experiences, Reality itself.

The search for Truth itself, is highly, associated, with the mind [as with, really, the search, for, Clarity, Clearness and, Purity itself]. The obvious problem with this, is that, 'the mind', is, in many ways, a rather, cultural, and spiritual too, body part [as in, helping one, see things, only, from the perspective, of, their cultures, and, missing out, on, the beauty perhaps, of, a Chinese woman].

Most people today, suffer, in, many ways, from, Mental Distortions, of all sorts. What this means really is that, they have, no real way, of, telling the Truth, with, the exception, of, actually, seeing it, happen, or, hearing it, from, a rather, credible, source. Thats because, most, falsely associate, experiencing, the Truth, with, the actual, search, for, Clarity, Clearness and, Purity in itself. This, is not true though, as Truth, is, experienced really, in the form, of, Laughter, Grief and, Crying. For many though, who believe, Truth, is associated, with, Clarity (as with hearing, about it), or even, Clearness (as with, seeing it happen), they, in many ways, live, rather, disturbed emotional lives [always worried, and, fearful, about, all sorts, of, things, and, only, escaping this, if, one, can be shown, by sight, or, hearing, that, their fears, don't, really, exist].

Most though, should realize, that, if, the Truth, is actually, Registered, in ones minds/memories, then, it is done, so, via, an experience, based on, Laughter, Grief and Crying, and that, even, the, actual seeing, or hearing, of, the Truth, can, be forgotten, if, this experience (of Laughter etc.), is, rather weak. For many though, who don't, know this, Life, is filled, with, all kinds, of, tensions and other such nuances, that most, falsely, attempt, to resolve, with, their minds (Clarity etc.), rather than, actually, theorizing, the Truth, and, hitting it, right, with an emotional experience, based on, Laughter, Grief and Crying [in many ways, many, today, especially men, who rarely, ever theorize, operate, very much, like, animals (always seeking out, Clarity etc.)].

When one seeks out, to Formulate, the Truth, as, with the use, of Laughter, Grief and Crying, they are actually, being, a Muse/Thinker [as with, Bacchus, or Atum, for instance], in doing, all this. When they attempt, to actually, see/sense out, the Truth, as with, Experimentation really (and as with Clarity, Clearness and Purity too), they are actually, on the, polar opposite, of, their, basic, two Human Natures: the Being [as with, acting, Casual, Ordinary etc.]. Most people, today, especially, men, have, no idea, of, whom, they are, as, a Muse/Thinker, and therefore, never do, theorize, anything [or laugh even], while, their Being nature, is also, rather, messed up/stunted, due, to not knowing, whom, they, really are there [as with, Ganesh, or Achilles] [and also, due too, to the, demands, of society, that, they act, upright, always].

The Fear of Death, is highly, associated, with ones, Muse/Thinker nature, while, the Fear of Dying, is highly, associated, with ones, Being nature [and especially, the search, for, Clarity (today)]. For many too, having, a messed up, Being nature, has to do, with, the fact, that, this, nature, is, very much, used, during, Sexual Activity, of any kind [from kissing, to love making, and even, especially, dating itself]. The Muse/Thinker nature, for many, is largely, messed up, due, to issues, associated, with, the Future/Money itself [and the attempts, to, predict it all].

Below will be, presented, various ways (based on, Ascetic practises), for many, to, develop, their, two basic, Human Natures, as these, Natures, are, strongly associated, with what, they call, 'the Fountain of Youth' [in all, remain active (and agile too), in these, two areas, and, you will, never, age, in so many ways (as really, with being, childlike, and, youthful, in looks)]. These practises, will be, based, on, three things, that one, can seek out, to help, in, developing their, two basic natures [one must, also know that, nearly, all forms, of, oppression, have, these, two natures, at their, very heart (as with points, of origin)]:

1. Religious thought [of the, 'food for thought', kind, and, 'everyday wisdom' too].
2. Mystery Schools [based on, Higher Beings, and, presenting really, the, 'Fountains of all Knowledge', as perceived, by, different, Higher Beings]
3. Physical exercises

Religious thought:

As mentioned, above, 'everyday wisdom' in all, that, can help, one, develop, their, basic two, Human Natures. In all, wisdom, for, everyday living, according, to, Regions [as with, the Bible, not being, the truth, (as with, wisdom really) in all, Regions, of the World]:

North America: The Catechism of the Catholic Church

South America: The Leviathan

Europe: The Nag Hammadi Texts

Africa: The Talmud

South East Asia: The Dhammapada

East Asia: The Sutta-Nipata

The Middle East: The Al-Hadith

The Mystery Schools:

The Mystery Schools, refers in all, to, the highest perceived, Knowledge attainable, that 'members', of, any Higher Being, can in all, aspire, to attain. In many ways, Knowledge, that is, perceived, to be, the highest, levels, of, possibly attained, Knowledge, and in many ways, rather, very, mysterious in all (and nature). Knowledge really, that, is endless in scope, and limitless in range, very much, like, with God, and, in most ways too, on, accessing it, opens up, ones eyes, to, all new forms, of, Realities (unfathomed before), and in all too, makes, one, rather, fearless, about, Life in itself [in that, knowing, of these, forms, of Knowledge, reduces, largely perhaps, ones, fear of dying/death, and, in most ways, too, Knowledge accessible, to just, about, anyone, and in all too, making, everyone (in a Society), rather, equal]. This Knowledge in all, trumps, Science based Knowledge [of our earthly realms], and, in most ways, is actually, perceived, to be, gained, directly, from God [as with, attempting, to become, God 'himself'].

Gargoyles: The Secrets of Alchemy, the Dragon Kings and the Order of Dracul

For the everyday, Gargoyle, living, in, the rather, highly, competitive, Gargoyle world [and even, the World, at large], the search, for, the Secrets of Alchemy, have been, an olden day, tradition, going back, to, the times, of, King Alfred [and even, Vlad Dracula too]. Knowledge in all, rather, wide in scope [from the transformations of stones to gold, and even, the gaining, of, super strength, by, drinking, a certain, drink/portion], and in all too, allows, a Gargoyle, to do, as, they please, all the time (and whenever, they want too), due really, to, becoming, a 'Dragon King', and therefore, not, under, the influence, of, any human law.

Recommended Literature: 'The Emarald Tablet by Dennis Hauck' & 'The Emarald Tablet of Hermes & the Kybalion by Hermes Trismegistus' [Hermes Trismegistus, was actually, Egyptian, and should, not be, confused, with, the Greek god, Hermes, and, of, the Hermetica fame].

Jinni: The Jesus Bloodline

For the everyday Jinni, Life, in its, grandest heights (as, perceived today), has, to do, with, the search, for, the highly, sought out, Bloodline of Jesus [a Bloodline, in most ways, highly, based on, certain, religious practises]. In many ways too, all, this, is done, so as, to become, like 'Jesus', in that, one, experiences, Life, to its greatest heights, and, lowest lows [as with, Emotions & Feelings really] and in all too, is, capable, of touching, others, with, such great, emotional range. In all, the attempt really, to live out, the, most, Beautiful of lives [In many ways, too, the world, of, the Crusaders, and the Quest for Jerusalem, and also, too, the DaVinci Code].

Recommended Literature: 'Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent' and 'The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett'

Light beings: The Secrets of Freemasonry, Buried Treasures and Secret Knowledge

For the average, Light being, a higher sense, of Life (or Existence itself), can be, gained by, looking, into, the mysteries, associated, with, Freemasonry, and Architecture itself. In all really, Knowledge, sought out, so, as to build, the, greatest, grandest, and most, magnificent, of Civilizations.

Recommended Literature: Forbidden Faith & Inner Christianity, both by Richard Smoley

The Constellations: The Secrets of the Pyramids, Neuromelanin and the Sirius Mystery

For those, out, to reach, for, the stars/Constellations, the highest, forms, of Knowledge, attainable, are those, associated, with, the building, of, the Pyramids, and the secrets too, associated, with, Neuromelanin (as with levitation), and finally, the, origins, of, Life itself, as with, the mystery, of Sirius. In all, for the average, Man, Dwarf, Elf, or even Fairy, from the, Constellations, feeling perhaps, a bit, down, that, the Egyptian Civilization, might have, moved, to another, dimension (and left them behind), this, might be, the answer, you are looking for.

Recommended Literature: 'Serpent in the Sky by John Anthony West' & 'Sacred Science by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz'

Shapeshifts: The Secrets of the Reptilian Brain, Serpents, and the Third Eye

For the everyday Shapeshift, topmost, secretive Knowledge [often, of the, Inca, or Mayan mold], has, to do, with, seeking out, the secrets, of, the Reptilian Brain, Serpent beings (including Dinosaurs), and even too, the, Third Eye [all, to be used, in, an attempt, to create, order & harmony, in a Shapeshift world, that, threatens often, to spiral out, of control, at, any one, moment] [In many ways, protecting, ones lives/assets] [The ability too, to bring back, others, to Life, from the dead].

Recommended Literature: The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin and Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo

Gods: Secret Cults and Societies

For the Gods, their worlds, have, always, strongly, operated from, the rule, of, Secret Cults and Societies [as with, being associated, with, rather, secretive Knowledge]. In all really, the ability, to become, more Knowledgeable than others [as based, on, Secret Books], and becoming, Warrior-Kings, who in all, are, capable, of solving/resolving, just about, any issue/matter, that, pops up, especially, in a, Gods world, where, unresolved matters/issues, can, very much, lead to, the downfall, of, Civilizations.

Recommended Literature: 'The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth' & 'Secret Societies of the Middle Ages by Thomas Keightley'

Daemons: The Women Mysteries, Menstrual Periods, and the Secrets of Melanin

For the Daemon world, easily prone, to, fall, into, Witchcraft, topmost Knowledge, has often, been, associated, with what, some call, the Womens Mysteries (as mainly, with, the strange, illnesses/sicknesses, that, befall Women), Menstrual Periods (women, as portals, for all, forms, of beings, including, ghosts), and finally, the secrets, of Melanin (as becoming, rather, highly knowledgeable, to trickery, and, all other forms, of games, played out, by women in general too, and in many ways too, the ability, to give, a woman, a, super orgasm). This form, of Secret Knowledge, has, come, to influence, the World greatly today, and, is greatly misunderstood too, leading, to all, sorts, of problems, in, Societies out there (in all, it is Daemon, Spirituality). In all really, an attempt, to fully, understand, women, as forms, of alienable beings, and the, Knowledge, gained as such (that in all, women, are kind of, crazy, and understanding/knowing this, leads to, the uncovering, of, even, greater Knowledge).

Recommended Literature: 'Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire by Manly P. Hall' & 'The Goddess: Power, Sexuality and the Feminine Divine by Shahrukh Husain'

Esicrucian Man: Mysteries associated with the Ark of the Covenant, UFO's, and the Queen of Sheba

For Esicrucian Man, the highest, forms of Knowledge, attainable, are those, dealing, with, the mysteries, surrounding, the Ark of the Covenant, UFO's (as with technology really), and finally, Masonic Lodges (those affiliated, not, with Ancient Egypt, but, with Solomon, and his Temple). In most ways, all this, is based on, creating, Covenants, by which, one, lives by, and, by doing so, everything, goes, rather smoothly (and well) [and even easily too], in their lives, but, should they, break them, then, disaster after disaster, awaits them.

Recommended Literature: 'Bible Encoded Crop Circle Gods by Steve Canada' & 'The Temple of Solomon by Hubert L. Bird'

[The above Knowledge, does not, only, represent, the highest form, of, Knowledge attainable (perceived), by, different Higher Beings, but in most ways, should, also be, the basis, of, ones forming, of, all forms, of, 'pet hates' (i.e. feelings, associated with, inferiority/superiority, and not, basing, the latter, on, wealth, success, or even, facial looks)]

Physical exercise:

Proper Physical exercise, is one, of, the better ways, of maintaining, not only, basic health, but, also too, getting, in touch, with, ones, two basic, Human Natures. Physical exercise though, is best, associated, with the form, of, material existence, that, one lives by. Below, are presented, such, examples (as based on, Material Existence):

North America: Country Culture and Calisthenics

South America: Iberian culture and Treks/Long walks

The British Isles: Normandy and Athletics

France: Arabe and Boxing/Fencing

Western Europe: Bavarian-Nordic and Aerobics

Central Europe: Castilian and Physical Training (the world of pushups, chinups etc.)

Eastern Europe: Austro-Hungarian Empire and Popular Sports/Games (Soccer, Basketball etc.)

Africa: Haute Couture/Western cultures and Bodybuilding

Afrique: Victorian culture and Gymnastics/Olympic Sports

South East Asia: The British Raj and Dance (some Religious, others, Popular e.g. the Tango, Breakdancing, Capoeira etc.)

East Asia: Heian and Weapons practise (only Weapons though)

The Middle East: French TriColour and Anaerobic Exercises [Weight lifting (and not, Bodybuilding), Isometrics/Flexibility training, and even finally, Chanting]

Most of these, Physical exercises though, are best, done, mainly, in, ones youth.


The main goal though, of the, above three, is to not, only, have one, in all, thinking, for oneself rather clearly, but, to replace too, certain, mental existences [often, in the form, of Media], with, a more grounded, Reality [as with, helping one, see things, for, what, they really are, and, make, sound decisions, too, for oneself].

Print Media: Any Print Media, that one, engages in, should, be in alignment, with, the Religious thought, that, one, ascribes too, or risk really, being, duped, by, all kinds, of, wild tales (and most, neither true, or, even real).

Science & Technology: Rather than, believe, in the, hullabaloo, often, associated with, Science based Research, and the beliefs (false rather), that, Science, holds all, the answers (and even, further beliefs, in scenarios such as, those, acclaiming, a certain person, to be, the most, Intelligent, person, in the World), one instead, should seek out, the, Mysteries, mentioned above, with regards, to, atleast, any form, of, Higher Science.

Graphic Media: Graphic Media, is one, highly, associated, with, all forms, of, Body Images [many a time, highly, racialized, like the kind of, Western Media, one sees, in, Asia]. In all really, Graphic Media, can be, rather dangerous, and, present, a rather, false image of, ones capabilities, and intelligences in all, too. Any form, of Graphic Media, one engages in, should, not only be, associated, with the above, Material Existences, but also, too, somewhat, with the above, Physical exercises.