Saturday, January 22, 2011

Supernovas, Holographic Universes, Witchcraft & Quarks

Witchcraft, is a rather, prevalent practise today, even perhaps, more so, than, in the past. However, unlike in the past, where it, was mostly associated, with attempting to control, ones thoughts, today, it is more, of, the kind, that deals with, attempting, to imprint, beliefs, into one. In all really, Witchcraft, is in many ways, based on, the lack of understanding by most, on how their, realities, actually really function. That in all, not only, can thoughts, be imprinted on one (and affecting ones thinking in all), but that whole beliefs (systems too), can be imprinted, on, ones psyche, due really, to believing that, it's, all possible, for that, to happen to one, based mainly on, not understanding, how, reality, truly works/functions [in many ways, a person/group, playing a trick on one, resulting, in an event, not explainable, but, affecting one, greatly, can easily, lead to, beliefs, in Witchcraft].

Most don't really know [or understand basically], how in all, our Realities, are constructed [an area of research, of great interest, to some]. In all really, one can say, that, our Realities, are of, threefold: our Human selfs, our Environs & Surroundings, and finally also, our Environments. These three Realities, make up, in a basic detail, all, the Realities, associated/known, to us. Understanding them, is the basis, of defeating, any, beliefs, associated with, Witchcraft, and in many ways, helping us put in order, our very lives (even here, on Earth), as with, experiences, possibilities, and even too, limits. Otherwise in all, the other, possibility, is creating, beliefs, that in all, can become, genetically, codified in us, leading, to all forms, of, serious struggles, here on Earth.

We shall begin, by speaking of, those Realities, associated, with our Environments, and in many, ways, speak of, our limits/limitations, here, on Earth [and in all forms, of, occupied Spaces]. In many ways, a world previously attempted, to be explained, by some, from the realities, of, Euclidean Geometry, but can actually, probably, be theorized [as with a theorem], with, Non-Euclidean Geometry, but in all too also, best theorized, in an artistic form, via, the use, of, String Theories.

String Theories & Non-Euclidean Spaces:

String Theories, in most ways, attempt, to explain, our limits/limitations, here on Earth. In all, how does, what, some call, Reality, actually work? Is it something, that can only, be, identified mainly with/by, our 5 senses? Is a wall, actually, only a wall, as envisioned, by, our eyes, or even, sense of touch? Can you actually, walk, through a wall? These are the questions, that, String Theories, attempt, to explain, they too in all, being based on, 5 known beliefs, associated, with them: those associated mainly, with, the limits/limitations, of, the Human being, as primarily based on, what they call, Matter.

There are 5, of these, commonly known, beliefs (and String Theories to boot), which attempt, to explain, our Realities [Matter based]:

Egyptian: The primary belief, that, the Human being, can become, invisible [as with, appear, and disappear, to, ones senses really], is of, Egyptian origins (in many ways). This belief, of this potential, of the Human being [as with Matter really], is associated, with what, some, call, F-Theory [a String Theory, associated, with, the belief, in, 12-dimensions, to, our actual, physical presence, here, on Earth] [That in all, a Human being, can become, invisible, by moving, to any, of these, 12 Dimensions] [One should perhaps, point out, that, all this, is somewhat, connected, to, having peculiar/specific, basic manners, mannerisms, and even, body languages].

Greek: The Greeks, having heavily studied, Hermeneutics [which in all, is, the basis, of, all kinds, of String Theories], did in somewhat, formulate, what, some call, the, Theory of Everything [which differs, from, Grand Unified Theories]. The Theory of Everything, is a String Theory, that, in many ways, supports, the belief, that, Human beings, are capable even, of, Flying. This belief, is founded on, the further belief, in, Supernovas, and that too, Supernovas (or becoming one really), enable one, to, react, to all things, in, a real-time, basis, meaning in all, that, one, is capable of, just about, anything [including flying]. In many ways, Supernovas work really, based on, holding, a certain Image [Truth in all], in ones mind, and then, simply, moving [in a reactionary and real-time basis], towards, this Truth/Image, held.

Roman: The Roman beliefs, in that, Logic conquers all, is at the core, of what, they, basically call, String Theory. String Theory, which was also, studied, by the Congo, actually, has its roots [in the Congo world], with, Priesthoods [associated with the Roman Empire], moving, to the Congo world, after, the demise, of, the Roman Civilization/Empire. String Theory, in all, proposes that, certain strings [or codes perhaps], logical in nature, can, in all, manifest, all possible, kind, of Realities [including, the assassination, of, someone, the actual walking, through a wall, or even perhaps too, the lifting, of, a very heavy, stone, by a human] [This theory, is believed (supposedly), the way, the Egyptians, built, the Pyramids].

Islamic/Byzantine: The beliefs, associated, with, this Civilization, with regards really, to, Human Potential, and, Matter issues, not only, has, to do, with the very concept, of, Umma, but is also, associated, with, what, they call, Quantum Field Theories. Quantum Field Theories, are a form, of, String Theory, associated with, Umma, in that, one, can very, well, become, Light itself [as with Matter really], and in all, is capable, of, all sorts, of, events, from traveling to Mars itself, to simply disappearing, from one location, and appearing, in, a whole, different location [as with travel really, and Star Treks, 'Beam me up, Scotty'] [This is not, similar, to the Egyptian model, which really states that (as with Dimensions really), that one, can, walk into a whole, new world, too, as with, existences] [There is a rumour/belief, that, the Egyptian Civilization, actually, moved itself, into, a whole, new, Dimension!! (who really knows though)].

Italian: The Italian belief, in that, time-travel, is possible, is connected with, what, they call, M-Theory. In many ways, M-Theory, clearly states that, we, can use, our minds [as with imagination really], to create, possible realities, by, in many ways too, imagining, an Object [of any kind], in our minds, and by simply too, imagining it, changing, and affecting, this change, into it [in all really, streaming knowledge, into it]. The belief, in time travel, is in, reverse, and has to do, with, attempting, to decipher, oneself, as an, Observer [in all, when you time travel, whom, are you, in the past really; how do you define, yourself, as an Observer, and possibly even, as an, Interactor]. In many ways, one simply, imagines, oneself, something different, that in all, totally, fits in, into, the past, or future, as, with, time-travel.

One should realize though, that in all, there are many more String Theories, out there, and these are just, the 5, popularly known, to Man.

Holographic Universes & GUT's:

In dealing, with the issue, of, our Environs, and ourselves, as, Human beings, with regards really, to, Self-Expression, and in general, defining, Might, Authority, and Power, as with, Expression really, we in all, refer to, the matter, of Order (enacting it), and, Holographic Universes. Grand Unified Theories, are those really, associated, with attempting, to put, an Order, to things [as with perhaps, describing, how, an Aeroplane actually flies]. In all, there is not, one, GUT (in all), that can, describe this, as in all too, GUTs, are contained, in, what, they call, Holographic Universes, and the greatest, of these, Universes, is that, which attempts to describe, Black Holes. In all, most Guts, are always, changing, and transforming themselves, as, Black Holes often do, and can truly, never, capture, Order, as with, the Mind of God.

Theoretical Sciences & Human Nature:

By Theoretical Sciences (in all ways), we are referring really, to, the Hard Sciences, as with, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Chemistry, and even, Theoretical Biology. These three Sciences, in many ways, describe us in all, as, Human beings, with regards really, to, all, our possible, natures [as with mostly, Experiences really]. Theoretical Physics, is the most, known, of these Sciences, and encompasses, fields, such as, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, and even, Parallel Universes. In many ways, describing really, how, we truly, experience, our Worlds [as with, right now, at this moment], and what, perhaps, is, a legitimate experience, and what, is not [the other two areas, of, Theoretical Chemistry, and, Theoretical Biology, are not rather, well too known]. In all, the Science, of Computational Science, deals with, this area, and not, that, of, GUT's, as many, in America (really), attempt to do [leading, to, massive, software programming].

All the above, do somewhat, connect, with each other, as none really, is, totally Independent/disconnected, from, the other [Theoretical Physics, determining for instance, how, one sees things, does influence then, how, one in all, studies, Holographic Universes (Order)].

The Supreme Goddess and Non-Euclidean Geometry:

In all, the three above groupings, used, to attemptedly, describe, Nature (in all), have, their basis [as Sciences really], on, the worship, of, the Supreme Goddess. From a Mathematical perspective, they are all, totally, founded on, what, they call, Non-Euclidean Geometry [which is, the Geometry, that, in many ways, encompasses, all] [As with God really, as, a Mind].

However, in attempting to understand, and defeat in all, Witchcraft, is to know that, the above, three Areas of Study, are based, not on, beliefs simply [as with many, Hypothesis], but in three, main, ares, of research: Particle Physics (String Theories), the 4 Natural Forces [Gravity, Electromagnetic, Weak & Strong] (Holographic Universes), and finally, the three Theories, formulated, by, Albert Einstein [Theoretical Sciences]. Knowing this, is also all about, knowing, that, Witchcraft, does really work, as, its basis, is, mainly on, unfounded, but commonly held beliefs, of all kinds [in all, all beliefs perhaps should be, supported, in their entirety, by, the three areas, of research, just mentioned] [which in many ways, defeats, the beliefs, associated, with Witchcraft].

[Albert Einstein, was not really, a Jew, but actually, a Greek, as is, Brian Greene]

While today, all this, is purportedly studied, from the basis, of, Hypothesis, and lots, of heavy, Experimental Research [rather expensive too], in the past, it was studied really, based on, Art works, based too on, the Supreme Goddess [Art works, that had one, thinking, in, a certain way, and basically, helped one theorize, all kinds, of, possibilities, as with, regards, to all this].

Supernova music: