Friday, December 31, 2010

The Islamic Art World

The Islamic Art World, is an, Art World, unknown, to most really, due, to the difficulty, in categorizing it. To fully expand on this though, one, in many ways, should, realize, that there, is a difference, between, the Middle East, and, the Islamic world. That the Middle East, mainly, refers, to a world, consisting, of, Islamic Mysticism, Islam (Islam, Sharia, Sufism & 'the Next Big thing'), and finally, Gargoyles & Jinnis.

The Islamic world though, is different, having, its roots, in, the Byzantine world, and extending, even, backwards, to the fusing, of, the Civilizations, of, Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, together [in many ways, this, fusion, resulting in, Byzantine, has, Egypt being an inspiration, as with, Art, and Mesopotamia, being, an inspiration, as with, structures]. What though, can be, referred to as, the Islamic world, consists, of, 5 main elements, that, define those, who live in it:

Islamic Knowledge:

Islamic Knowledge, is a rather, large, unknown field, that, consists really of, Islamic Science, Islamic Medicine, and even, Islamic Technology & Inventions. A huge field, mostly, popularized, in, the Byzantine Era, but still, very much, in existence, today. An interesting field, of Knowledge accumulation, in that, unlike, in the Western world, where, Knowledge accumulation, is, based on, heavy Group research, in the Islamic/Byzantine world, Knowledge accumulation, was, based, on, Individual research [think Galileo Galilei here, who though, is often, shown, as being, Western, but was really, Byzantine/Islamic] [Italians, as great inventors, of all kinds, have, their, roots too, in the, Islamic world, and not, European].

Islamic Culture:

Islamic culture, refers really, to, all forms, of, Cultural Formations, seen, in the Islamic world. Smoking shisha, or even, Coffee houses, are, in many ways, the Cultural Formations, seen (or were seen), in, the Islamic/Byzantine world. In many ways really too, Cultural Formations, rather, Individual in nature, but, very similar though, to, those seen, in, France (a world, of individuals, crossing, paths, with each other, with, the most, wonderful, of stories, to tell). In many ways too, giving rise, to, all forms, of Literature (and other Art works too), the most famous perhaps, being, the Arabian Nights.

Islamic Art/Architecture:

Islamic Architecture, is rather, reknowed, and known too, as, with the example, of, the Alhambra, the Taj Mahal, and, the basic Designs, associated, with most, Mosques, out there. Islamic Art though, is not, too, well known, and does, differ, from, the Egyptian Art World, seen in the Middle East (and heavily associated, with, Sufi Dance). More though, will be written, on, Islamic Art, below.

Ancestor Veneration:

Ancestor Veneration, is what, unites, all, Islamic people together; whether, they be, white or black, or Jew or Christian. In all, Ancestor Veneration, is, at the very heart, of, the Islamic World, as, the Islamic World, is one, that, has been, created, mainly, by, Individuals. In all, it can be said, that, to be Islamic, is to engage, in the veneration, of, the various Ancestor Figures, that, have lived before, and, to attempt too, to live, as, they did live. But what really, makes, for an Islamic Ancestor, is, that, they lived, by, the laws, of, the Byzantine Orthodox Church (most commonly known being, Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, and even, Russian Orthodox). In many ways too, this gives, the, Islamic world, a, Christian substratum, and leads too, to the, understanding, of Islam, as, a Philosophy really (on living Life) [The Mohammedans, who are, falsely believed, to be, at the core, of Islam, are actually, Islamic, and perhaps, can be, associated, with a 'cult', geared, towards, Prophet Mohammed (as with, all, his teachings)].

The Feminine Principle:

Umma, is the, Feminine Principle, as defined, in the Islamic world, but having, its, origins (as with, conceptualization really), in, Ancient Mesopotamia [in all, Umma, can be, conceptualized, rather differently]. Umma, in the Islamic world, was, at the heart, of, creating, nearly all, its, Structures, and especially too, including, the Family structure. In many ways, Umma, defined, the Islamic world, as, a People, and a Government (of sorts) too [as really, with, Political Structures]. Today though, one finds, that, the Islamic world, is, somewhat, inactive, due mainly, to, the inexistence, of, Umma, as a Guiding Principle, with regards, to, Family life. In the Islamic world, Family existence and, survival too, was very, much, guided, by, Umma, and if for instance, one, did not, have, any work to live by, it was too, Umma (as a Guiding principle), they turned too. In many ways too, Family work, consisted, of, Individuals, attempting, to manifest, new Knowledge (as with, Islamic Knowledge), and benefit, from it.

That in all, makes up, for, what, they call, the Islamic world, and has, its very foundation, in, what, they call, the 5 Pillars of Islam:

1. Testimony of Faith (Islamic Knowledge)
2. Almsgiving/Zakah (Islamic culture)
3. Fasting/Sawm (Islamic Art/Architecture)
4. Prayer/Solat (Ancestor Veneration)
5. Pilgrimage/Haji (Umma)

The Islamic Art World:

As mentioned before, the, Islamic Art World, is one, that is hard (and difficult too), to categorize, and even, characterize [due mainly, to it, being, of the Baroque, nature (as in, rather, individual)]. In many ways, the, Islamic Art World, should not, be, confused, with, the Egyptian Art World (seen, in the, Middle East), or even, Art movements, like, the Arabe Art movement [the fusion, of Islamic Art, and, European Art].

Islamic Art, is much, older, than that, and going back, to, the Byzantine Era, and perhaps, with, Music too, is, best represented, by, the various Church Hymns, heard today. It is really, a rather, hard, Art World, to characterize, but, a few examples, will be, given, to attempt, to show, not only, its existence, but also, its rather, Individual nature (making it, in some ways, a Heritage, of sorts) [for instance, Church Hymns, are written, by, individual Priests, and not, by the Church].

You have,

1. Islamic Poetry: Most famous perhaps, being, the works, of, Islamic Mystic, Kabir.
2. Islamic Art: Most famous being, Paintings, associated, with, the Byzantine Era.
3. Islamic Music: A rather wide area, with, one end, consisting, of, Church Hymns (and Chants too), and on, the other hand, various works, on, String Instruments, resembling, the Guitar (which too, has, its origins, in, the Islamic World).
4. Islamic Cuisine: Rather, too famous, but perhaps, too, its often, association, with, the discovery, of, Coffee.
5. Islamic Calligraphy.
6. Islamic Dance: the most famous, perhaps, being, Egyptian Belly dancing.

In all, an Art World, very much, in, existence, but rather, hard too, to, categorize, due, to its, rather, Individual nature.

A rather dynamic Art World, in nature too, as it very much, allows, for the borrowing, of various, principles, from, other Art movements [in many ways, influenced in all, by, Greek, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian, European and even, North African cultures]. It is also, rather, adaptable, to other, cultures (making, for the fast, spread, of the Islamic world), and some, of the, better examples (popularly known), include, some, of the music, of Prince (the Gold song), and even, the dancing (and music), of both, MC Hammer, and Ludacris (who are really too, from, the Islamic world) [Princes' music, appears, to be heavily, influenced, by, Islamic Spain, while, Hammers dancing, and Ludacris' too, also, very much, originate, from, Islamic Spain] [Islamic Spain, was, a rather, wild world, and, in many ways, helped forment, the, division, between, the Islamic world, and, what some call, Christendom] [Former Rap act, Bell Biv Devoe, also, have, their roots, in, the Islamic world, and, associated, with a group, of people, known, as the Zanj (today though, whose, history, has been rewritten, by, the Western world, as, the history, of, slavery, in the Islamic world)].

Security Protocols

We live, in a rather, very unsafe World, from a, rather, Individual perspective. What this means really, is that, the World, is rather, lawless, from the, very perspective, of, seeking to walk, out, of our, very homes, and go somewhere out there. This also includes, the, very perspective, of, going to sleep, at night.

On leaving our homes, what, do we do, when, someone insults us publicly? What would one do, if, someone, on the streets, slapped you, over, the head? What would you do really, if you, tripped, and fell over, while, walking, on the streets?

We all have, a base, personality, that is, of prime importance, to us, as it, unites, all the other, personalities, we have, including, religious, and even, political (in nature). An Identity, spoken about previously (as with, Religious Iconry), and basically, tells us, that, all our other, personalities/Identities, are, all the same really, when something, bad (or good even), happens, to them [they basically react, the same way].

Many out there, believe, Americans, to be, tougher than most, due, to their ability at times, to, withstand, lots of pressure, in, anything they do. This really, is due to their knowing, what they are, as with, the Identity, associated, with, being attacked, in just about, anyway [our base Identity].

This Identity, interestingly enough, is, strongly associated, with, our Higher Beings. As an example again, when attacked, by many, how do you think? Do you run off, or, do you insult them (in an interesting way)? When someone, you know, betrays you, or, ridicules you, how do you, really react? A swift punch, or again, simply walk away.

All the above, is in, many ways, what, makes the Media, rather, dangerous to most, as, it in many ways, attempts, to define, this, base Identity (we all possess), for us all. On the TV Screen, terms, such as Indian, Asian, African etc., really, refer, to the way, people, react, when something, is done to them. As a result, one, can see, how, dangerous, the Media is, in forming, perceptions, of others, due, to the very fact, that, if most, watch Television, and believe, Africans, react, in a certain manner when scared, then an African, in the midst, of, a group of people, holding, such beliefs, will begin, to, react, that way. Its total brainwashing, and, the prime reason, why, most Media (especially Western), should be, avoided.

Below, will be, presented, the various, Figures, that different, Higher Beings, can, identify with, with, regards, to forming, a base Identity (and with regards too, to, being attacked, in just about, anyway). In many ways too, what, they call, Witchcraft, is, very much, associated, with attacking one, from, the basis, of, this base Identity (in general, how you, basically react, to, just about, anything, perceived crazy).

Angels: Cowboy

North Americans, of the, Angel kind, are basically, Cowboys (of all sorts), when, put under, pressure. The Cowboy figure, is pretty, well defined (as with, Cowgirls too), and in many ways, has, many, believing Americans, to be tougher, than, most out there.

[As mentioned before, this, base Identity, unites, all, our other Identities, and if, you are, the kind, of, person, who hates, to exercise for instance, then, you should, do it, from, the perspective, of this, base Identity (including the exercise, one likes)] [In all, if there is, something, you hate, doing, it should, be done, from, the perspective, of, this base Identity].

The Constellations: Jack

The word, 'Jack', probably, means, nothing to most, but, actually refers, to a rather, famed, American character, most, know nothing, about. One of the most, interesting, characters, in American lore, and probably too, one, of the greatest, problem solvers (of all time). Jack though, has, his origins, in, Egyptian Mythology (he being, similar, to Horus) [Horus here, as, the 'All seeing Eye']. In many ways, a character, that dies, a thousand deaths, and rises again, to fight, another day. In America, as Jack, he has, been immortalized, in various, cultural figures, the most, famous, being, G.I. Joe, Michael Jacksons 'Smooth Criminal', and finally as, Jack Slater (in Arnold Schwarzeneggers 'Last Action Hero'). An America, most know, nothing about, but, the main reason, one, would fall, in love, with, America.

Shapeshifts: Zorro

The character of Zorro, in many ways, describes, South Americans, with, regards, to, their base Identities. Zorro, a character, of, Iberian origins, is one, prone, to, get out, of, most trouble, via, the use, of, humour (rather than the sword).

[It is difficult, to speak, of, this character, as not, too much, is known of him, but, what, can be proscribed perhaps, are works, of poetry, inspired, by, the spirit, of, Zorro] [In many ways, Poetry, does, teach us, how, to deal, with, all kinds, of, problems, in our lives].

Many South American soccer players, are very much, like, Zorro, in spirit too. Capoeira too, is a, Martial Art, that, very much, breeds, Zorro-like, characters.

Recommended Poetry: William Blake [might be English, but, very much, just like, Zorro]

Light beings: Robin Hood

Probably, the most, beloved, of, European characters, but still, the spirit, of Robin Hood, never dies (no matter what really). In many ways too, a figure, more popular even, than, the Musketeers, and in many ways too, embodies, all, Europeans really, when, scared somewhat [the basic belief, that, Europeans react funnily, when scared].

Recommended Poetry: John Keats

Daemons: Mansa Musa

Daemon culture, does, not have, too, many, social figures, to go with, and in many ways too, their, world, has been, one, of prevalent violence, when, something 'bad', happens, to one of them. In many ways, Mansa Musa [not, as historical figure, but, as Myth (as seen, in Malian folktales, and, Malian music too)], best, represents who, Daemons are, when, put, under pressure, of all sort.

The character of Moses (in the works, of Barbara Kimenye), is also, very similar, to Mansa Musa (as Myth), in nature. So too, is Shaka Zulu (as Myth).

Gods: James Bond

James Bond, is in, many ways, an Asian like figure (as with Gods), when put, under pressure. Perhaps, there are, better examples, in, Asian lore, but probably, the most, famously known, would be, Green Samurai, in, the Japanese, Samurai Pantheon. In all really, a figure, who reacts, much faster, than, his adversaries, when, facing, trouble, of any kind. Most East Asians, mistakenly, tend, to see themselves, as, the characters, seen, in Rashomon, when, something 'bad', happens to them [in many ways really, Rashomon, a rather, depressing work, should be, classified, as, a forbidden work (due, to its rather, even, extreme, negative nature)]. In many ways too, Rashomon, makes, East Asian society, rather, depressive today.

Recommended Poetry: Robert Browning

Gargoyles: D'artagnan

Perhaps really, a, very surprising, entry, for those, who believe, D'artagnan, to be, a rather, French/European character. As mentioned earlier (in another post), during, the downfall, of, France, very, many people, from, outside it, went there, to, make a fortune (perhaps), of some sort. They came, from, just about everywhere (including America, and even, Central Europe), and many, brought about, with them, a legacy, of, violent thought. Interestingly enough though, many, Islamic/Middle Eastern people, did also, go there, mainly, to help, keep, the peace. Alexandre Dumas' D'artagnan, is very, much, inspired, by this, Islamic group, and in many ways, D'artagnan, is rather, very, Islamic (in thought), when, something 'bad', happens to him. In all really, a character, who would, not be out of place, in, the Islamic world.

Jinni: Trojan

Jinnis, perhaps, perceived, as being, comical by most, are, very much, similar, to Trojan warriors, when, something bad, happens to them. In many ways too, Trojan warriors, are, very similar too, to, Roman guards [in the Roman Empire, and, Roman Republic too]. In many ways too, our, base Identities, determine, how, well evolved, we are, with, regards to our ability, to, express ourselves.

Recommended Poetry: Samuel Coleridge

In many ways, our base Identity, is at the, heart, of whom we are, and, one, that must be known, if, we are, to feel, rather, confident, about ourselves, in, just about, everything, we do. In many ways too, our base Identity, refers to, what, some call, 'a backbone', as with, being, bold, brave, or even, courageous [and not, showing Courage, or, being Brave, which are, associated, with, seeing ourselves, as, Martial figures e.g. Ninjas, Conquistadors etc.].

Monday, December 27, 2010

Natural Intelligence

The Greek World:

Natural Intelligence, is a rather, controversial term, for this, modern Day and Age. It refers academically today, to, the belief that, certain people, are intelligently superior, to others, at a, very basic level. In many ways too, it has given, rise, to all kinds, of, racial monikers, attempting to, associate, intelligence (natural really), with, physical features.

When one studies, what, they call, Classical History (or even, past history too), one discovers that, their, is a belief, in, an, inherent superiority, of those, who lived, during, the Classical Ages of Civilization (in many ways, Classical History, often, refers to, Greek History). How is it, that, the Greeks, could amass, so much, knowledge, without, the requirements, seen, in other civilizations; Chinese, Islamic/Byzantine, Egypt and even Roman [the requirement, being, rather Institutional ( as with huge Libraries perhaps)]. In many ways, what, differentiates, Greek Civilization, from, the others, mentioned before, was that, the Greeks, in many ways really, believed, in being, inherently superior (knowingly why, that is), to other people, out there. This belief, was due, to the Greeks [not only, living, rather individual lives, (and not heavily structural, as with, the other mentioned Civilizations)], but also, seeking, to understand, what, inherent Natural Intelligence, really, referred to.

Greece, as a Civilization, has heavily, differed, from that, of others, in several ways. It is a Civilization, that, has gone, through, three phases, of its existence. What makes Greece though, different, from other Civilizations, is that, in all, it was, a heavily, Art based Civilization. When one studies, the History, of, other Civilizations, one finds that, not only, are they, heavily structured, but they also, seem too, to have, their, (many) ups and downs. Egypt for instance, has always been, studied, from the perspective, of its, Dynasties [and not really, its Art, or even more properly, its Religions]. The study of Rome, is seen, from, three perspectives: its rise, Empire, and its, gradual fall. What makes Greece, rather different, from these two other, often all together referred to, as, Classical Civilization, is that, Greece, existed, as a Civilization, for about, 10,000 years, of almost, uninterrupted, activity (almost, zero, great downs). And during this period, Greek Civilization, goes through, three, major Art phases, that define it [Sculpture, Art Murals & Pottery].

The origins, of Greece, lies with its Art (as Sculpture), and rather many, of the rather famous, Greek Sculptures, are made, in the first phase, of, Greek Civilization. This phase, is also, simply, referred to as, Greece, and is the Greece, of Plato and Aristotle. Then follows, another, second phase, where Greek Art, is heavily defined, by, Mural Art (as Art), and is also known, as the, Graecian World [a time, in Greek History, when, Greece transformed itself, and in many ways too, began, very much, to look like, what, the Roman Empire, would eventually, look like] [The Romans, borrowed largely, from, the Graecian World]. This too, is the Greece, not only, of, 'Augustus' (and Trajans), but also too, very much, of Cleopatra. The final phase, sees Greece (once more), transformed, into a Civilization, heavily, defined, by its Pottery. This time, of Greek History, is referred, to, as, Hellenism, and has its main center, in, Macedonia. A Greek World, mainly, associated, with Alexander the Great (as a religious myth), and with time, the Hellenistic world, becomes, a part, of, the Islamic world [in all, almost 10,000 years, of uninterrupted activity].

What though really defined, Greek History, are the Greek themselves, as in many ways, they, are perceived, as being, inherently superior, to other, folks, out there. That while, other Civilizations, were heavily, defined, by their Religions/Institutions, or even, Great Figures, Greek Civilization, has always, been defined, by, lone Individuals [Socrates, never did learn, from, Plato]. As mentioned before too, the reason for all this, is because, the Greeks, sought, to develop themselves, as naturally, inherently, intelligent beings. During the Greek period, of its History, the Greeks, aspired, very much, to be, great Muses. In the Graecian period, they aspired, to be, rather highly spiritual [as with learning, to define, intelligence in itself] [the Greece, of Rhetoric]. In the Hellenistic times, they sought, to become, Great Minds [bio-rhythms, musculature, and reflexes]. In many ways, they highly, developed, their Minds, such that, they, always knew, whom they were, at all times, and were, simply, just aware, of everything (with them). It is during this time, that Greece, is associated, with, all kinds, of, major Cults, associated, with developing, Great Minds [in all, Greeks aspired, to be (and look like even), Alexander the Great].

In all as one can see, Ancient Greece, has evolved, rather, differently, from other Civilizations, as it was, one, heavily based, on, Natural Intelligence [and not, the Institutionalization, of the Human]. In many ways in all, the end result, of all this, in our Modern times, was the, attempt, by some, misunderstanding, the Greeks, to begin, dividing, Human beings, by, perceived, Natural Intelligence (as with, facial features really). Terms, such as, Anglophone, Judeo, Francophone, Indo, and even, Sino, are terms, created, in Modern times, in an attempt really, to claim, racial superiority, over others. In many ways, terms, meaningless, as they attempt really, to ascribe, racial superiority of a group, over others (groups too), due really, to the perceived, great, achievement, of a sole figure, in their midsts [what makes this, all ridiculous too, is their refuting, the very, basis/foundation, that was used, by, these figures, to achieve, great success] [Jewish/Jew success, owes its, basis, to the Islamic world, while Anglophone success, owes its, basis, to the Graecian World] [Even in America today, the most, intelligent, of Americans, are descendants, of Ancient Greece, from the Graecian World, and while, being part, of Americanista (latins), are actually really, Americanista (Legion)] [Thomas Edison, was of, the Graecian World, as is, Jack Nicholson].

The Alexandrian myth, is played out, interestingly (by a few people in all), in Ancient Greece, and the Hellenism period too. In Ancient Greece, it is played out, by Hadrian, while in the Hellenistic World (Macedonia), It takes, a rather new, angle, whereby, one, in many ways, muses to themselves, in an attempt, to create Worlds, and then, goes out, to actually, create them, by making, small changes, here and there [in many ways, what, Americanista blog, is all about].

In all, as a result, of the Greeks, living, as they did, they became, more, naturally intelligent, than others out there, and in many ways too, became, a symbol, of, white racial supriority, in the Western World [despite the Greeks, looking, nothing much, like, most Westerners] [They were swarthy skinned too, with the rest, being, blonde & blue eyed].

What will be attempted below, is to explain, to the masses out there, that, they too, possess, Natural Intelligence, which, they can use, to simply, change around, their lives, in the present. That all talk, out there, of, Racial Superiority, as with, Natural Intelligence, is only true, for, the descendants, of, Ancient Greece [they are in many ways, simply, naturally intelligent] [Italian Intelligence too (probably the second, most intelligent group, in America), owes too, its, Natural Intelligence, to a Greek tradition, of, Postulating] [Members, of other Civilizations, including, Egypt and Islamic too, are superiorly intelligent really (evolutionary that is), with regards, to, creating Order (of all kinds)] [They do not really, possess, the natural creativity, that, the, descendants, of Ancient Greece, possess].

The methods described below, are deemed, suitable, as a basis really, for education, of all kinds. That one, can choose, to become, Naturally Intelligent, and thereby, choose, to live out life, as, they see it.

North America: Trance work

In North America, developing, Natural Intelligence, has always, been, associated, with what, they call, Trance (work). Trance, in many ways, is associated, with, deep thinking (learning to be as such, as with Knowledge really), and then, suddenly, seeing the light, with, regards, to any problem, one, is encountering. However though, at the very core, of, Trance work, is the, Evolutionary being (and attempting, to develop it, to, a great extent).

South America: Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis, is in many ways, misused, today, as in the past, it did not, have, anything much really, to do, with, diagnosing, psychological conditions, of all kinds, but in reality, was, at the basis, of the study, of, Reality [as with, Theology, Physiology, Psychology, Methodology etc.]. In many ways, one, studied, Reality, from these, perspectives, and wondered too, how, they fitted, into, any, of the Realities (out there), or created [in many ways really, defining, themselves, according to their Worlds]. At the heart, of, Psychoanalysis, is the Brain, and the ability, to, compute things, rather fast, and also too, connect, all dots, together [in many ways, developing, a supercomputer like, brain].

Europe: Postulating

The tradition, of Postulating, has been, a mainstay, in Europe, for a rather long time. It differs though, from other, forms, of postulating (as with, musing really), as it is, a postulating, from the, very first principles/thoughts/practises, rather than, hunches or guesses [In many ways, it works, both ways, as discovering, first principles or thoughts, in many ways too, includes, postulating, from first facts, or, information even]. At the heart, of Postulating though, are, our two basic human natures [of being, a Muse/Thinker, and, a Being (casual, natural, formal etc. in nature)] [In many ways in all, postulating to oneself, as a Muse, and then, seeking, to see, if ones thoughts, sit well, with, one, or others out there].

Africa: Possession

The tradition of Possession, in Africa, is heavily misunderstood, as, in many ways, it is, associated, with being, controlled, by something else (as with, a spirit too) [in all, that one, loses, control, of their faculties (and themselves), and are, simply pawns, for use, by, something out there]. Possession though, is in, many ways, based on, using, various forms, of, spiritual entities, as, sources, of Knowledge. What though, falls under, spiritual entities, are not only, African gods (very numerous in number), but also, all forms, of, spiritual Art (inspired, by, the various gods). A good piece, of Literature, falls, under, spiritual entities, but in many ways really, to truly understand, possession, is to know, that, engaging in it, is like, being swept, into, another world (as with a good dream) [In all, an African, good, at possession, can read a book, on, American history, and be, swept into it, as with, actually, believing themselves, to be, 'in the book' itself] [in many ways too, even, gaining, outside Knowledge, from whats, in the book itself]. At the heart, of, Possession, is what, they call, Active Imagination [differing too, from, others forms, of, imagination] [As with perhaps, Imagination in the evolutionary being, or even, hallucinations]. Active Imagination, when mastered, can have, one, in many ways, creating, reality (as they go along).

South East Asia: Scholarly reading

One probably, knows, of the olden, tradition, of reading, as many, as possible, Scholarly works, before, attempting, to go out there, and achieve, Glory (in all its forms). Reading all, the best, books, and believing oneself, more, superior, than, the average joe. Its a tradition, that works really well (with, the right books), and one heavily, based, on the Subconscious mind, the Unconscious, and even, Collective Unconscious. In many ways really, these three minds, are, strongly associated, with all kinds, of, symbols and signs, and in many ways too, reading, lots of good, scholarly works (they must be, at the very least, good), imprints, in one, all forms, of, symbols and signs, that, make the way, to Glory, easy, to perceive [in all, all sorts of, warnings out there] [In many ways too, fully, understanding this (as with great books perhaps), is that, one, simply walks, into success].

East Asia: Martial training

There is a tradition, out there, more prevalent than most believe, that has, its origins, in, East Asia. In many ways, it is all about, seeing, oneself, as basically intelligent (than even, the most, educated), by fashioning, oneself really, as a, Warrior, of sorts. That perhaps, with some, Martial Arts training, and reading, lots of deep books (as with Wisdom), then one, can, simply conquer, the World (as long, as one, understands, the, Wisdom, in those books). A tradition really, misrepresented, by the movies, but actually, existing, in another way, in, East Asia. In East Asian societies, creating, natural intelligent beings, was associated, with, undergoing, intense training of all sorts, that, in many ways, kicked out, fear (of all kinds) from oneself [many today, will find, their, thinking, hampered, by all, kinds, of fears]. This training, was intense, going on even, for 5-10 years (even), and at, its very heart, was about, developing, rather, strong Memories [such that, one, remembered, just about, everything, they saw, in their lives (or even too, that they, simply sensed)] [If one, opened a book, and saw, something, of interest, later on, in solving, a problem (based on memory perhaps), the little thing seen, in the past, could, be activated, to help, one solve, the problem] [In many ways too really, Memory, as strongly associated, with, all kinds, of Patterns (including Architectural)].

Middle East: Channeling

Channeling, is a form, of, basic intelligence, strongly, seen, in many movies [pertaining, to the future], and associated perhaps, with, a stream of white light, enlightening one [on all, sorts, of problems]. In many ways though, Channeling, is all about, becoming, a rather, strong, Medium.Being a Medium, in many ways, is, when really, ones thinking (in all ways), merges, with ones, ability, to fantasize. A way, of rapid thinking, working, very much too, like a, network, of powerful computers [or what really, they call, Grid Computing]. At the very heart, of, Channeling, is what, they call, Gene work. Gene work in many ways, is all about, tapping, into, our genes (but actually really into, our States of Consciousness). That in many ways, not only, is, alot of knowledge, recorded, in, our Genes (as with our, personal histories too), but that, our, genes, are responsible, for, what, they call, altered, States, of Consciousness, allowing us, to access, Knowledge, from all over, in, the form, of, Consciousness [as with fantasizing really]. In many ways too, a tradition, developed outside, the Islamic world, of simply, reading, alot (casually), and then, simply, fantasizing, about it all [made famous, by, the Victorians (in Europe), and today, rather, abused] [A technique really, originating, with, the Victorians, in Kenya (who were, in many ways, the brains, of, the Victorian World)].


There is a false, belief, out there today, that, Life, is really, only about, accumulating Knowledge (as with fame really), and then, seeking to die. In many ways perhaps, as with, discovering, a great theory, and seeking, to be, reknowed, for it all [past the Ages]. One must remember, that, Knowledge in itself, is, endless, and limitless [as Confucius once taught], and also, rather meaningless. That never, in history before really, has man, been, so obsessed, with, seeking Knowledge (for Knowledges sake). For the Egyptians, difficulty in life, was associated, with, the 'Gods', they worshiped [not everybody, could, become, Egyptian] [just like, many today, perceive, difficulty, in becoming, a follower, of Islam]. With the Romans, it had, to do, with, making Visions (Great), real, in just, about, everyway [the adventure in Life, had to do, with, these Great Visions, and so too, did, the Knowledge sought out] [Visions, inspired, Religio-spiritually]. With the Greeks though, Life, in all, was seen, from, the perspective, of, experiencing it. The belief that, Earth, is our home, for, a certain time period, and, you really want, to live it out, to the fullest (by experiencing it really, to the outmost). All Knowledge sought, in Greece (as especially, as can be seen, in, Plato's Republic), had its basis, on this: living life to the fullest. So, don't waste time, seeking out, Knowledge, without, a proper picture, to it all [a good example, being, Einsteins Theory of Relativity] [We know, whats, it all about, but nobody really, knows, what to do with it].


The Music of Kanem-Bornu

Ancient Mali, was not, really, an Art based, Civilization, but is one, 0f the most, famous, of African Civilizations (It being, rather political, in nature) [Ancient Mali, was heavily Islamic].

Kanem-Bornu and Songhai, were more, in line, with African Civilization.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Failed States, Democracy & the Search for Salvation

Many have probably heard, the beliefs that, Civilization, existed in a greater form [in the past], than it does today. Most when they hear this, think mostly, in terms of, technology, not knowing really, that, its not the best way, to perceive, all this. Technology today in many ways, differs, from that, of the past, due, to the way, of living, seen today.

However, to get a clearer picture, of what, was meant by such, held beliefs (of Greater Civilization), is to basically know, how, Civilizations, progress. In a previous posting, it was stated that, achievement really, in Society, could be defined, in the form, of, Successes, Victories, and even, Legacies. In the past, some recent (others ancient, Greece/Egypt), Civilizations, operated mostly, from, the Legacies level. In more, recent times, of, Musketeer France, and even, the world, of Secret Societies, Society, operated from, the level, of, Victories. In todays world though, not only, has Civilization fallen, to the level of Successes, but one finds too, that most, out there, lack gainful employment, of any kind.

To understand, how, this came about, is to know, that, a certain level of Civilization, has been wiped out, and replaced very much, by, Primitivity (in one form, or another). This level of Civilization, we could perhaps, call, Ground-zero Civilization. What exactly then, is meant,, by, Ground-zero Civilization? By Ground-zero Civilization, we are referring, to, Civilization, as pertaining to, basic survival (in a communal form) [the very fact, that, most today, could not go, out, into the wilds, and build, civilization]. To fully too, understand, Civilization, at this level, is to, understand, that its, basic premise really, is the building/growth, of, very healthy, human beings [in all ways, mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically etc.]. Today, this level, of Civilization, is purported, to be in existence, with, the Family unit, and while, this is basically so, it is, not, really true.

To fully understand, how, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, functions, is to in many ways, be, in touch, with, our Higher Beings (as with Gargoyles, Angels etc.). To realize that, they too, are human (with regards, to evolving on this earth), and need too, be treated, in a certain way, so as, to develop well (as with Life really, on this earth) [Meaning, not leaving Earth, having, just made it, and psychologically messed up, somewhat (as perhaps with history)].

At the basis, of Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, is the search, for, three main things: Health, Prosperity & Well-being. By Health, it is meant, that one, should be, physically, mentally and emotionally, healthy. By Prosperity, it is basically referred to, that, one, in all ways really, should experience, Reality, in a positive manner (no crime, violence or abuse, of all kinds). Finally too, as with, Well-being, it is meant that one, should be got rid off, all, forms (and kinds too), of Ignorance [a basic education, to mainly really, fight, off, ignorance]. At the heart too, of Civilization, at this level, is what they call, Trades, Skills and Expertise (all forms of knowledge). That in all, Civilization, at this level, only, operates, on the above Knowledge really, and is too, rather, communal, in nature. One can see though, that today, such Knowledge, is almost, inexistent, as most communities out there, have in many ways, been wiped out, by, so called, Big Business (taking over Commerce too). At the basic level, such Knowledge, leads, to the creation, of, Necessities (Health), Amenities (Prosperity), and finally, Goods/services (Well-being). That in, many ways, is what, economic activity, at the Ground-zero level, is all about [but at a highmost level perhaps, it becomes, what, traditionally, has been known, as, Government] [Families and Home businesses, put together] [Examples of Necessities, include, what they call, Condiments, or Remedies even, while Food itself, falls, under, Goods/services]. In all really, learning a Skill, Trade or, an Area of Expertise (as with, plumbing perhaps), ensures that, everybody out there, has some, gainful employment, of some kind [in many ways, one finds that, the highest, level, of Knowledge accumulation, at this level, of Civilization (as with a, Body of Knowledge), is associated, with what, they call, Engineering (in all its forms)].

One of the mainstays, of Civilization, at this level (today though, heavily associated, with, the Family unit), is what, they refer to, as, traditions. 'traditions' really, refer, to all forms, of, practises, principles & thoughts too, that are used, to ensure, that, the average person, in Society, is, Healthy, Prosperous, and having, Well-being [In all, physical, mental, psychological, spiritual etc., wellness]. In the past, what made for, such traditions, heavily differed, by, communities, and in many ways, was, at the foundation, of any, differences, between them [as with, civility (and evolution too)]. 'traditions', as with, going for Mass, praying at the Mosques, reading religious works oftenly, eating certain health dishes, circumcision rituals, marriage rites, mastering oneself etc. These traditions in all, differ in many ways, and for some, even, exercising all day (as with, work done even, perhaps), very much made, for, tradition, in the past. In todays world (and the future too), traditions, will be used, to help us, see, differences, in us, with regards, to the Higher Beings, we are all, evolving, into [in that, their exists, different, kinds of Angels (some being, superior, to others)]. These traditions in many ways, also gave, birth, to all, forms, of Festivities (holidays, celebrations), and very much too, communal, in nature [and helping too, drive, local economies, in many ways]. Festivities, are used, in general, to help bring together, all, kinds, of people. [Festivities here too, does not, only refer, to large celebrations, like Christmas perhaps, but also, to small, gatherings, such as, the drinking of beer, after work] [In many ways too, economies, at this level, of Civilization, heavily, operates, on Credit, of all forms (as with, Credit schemes too)] [In many ways too, such Credit Schemes, help ensure, that, employment for all (including outsiders), does exist].

The term Failed States, often used, to, refer to corrupt Governments, in reality really, actually, refers, to those places (out there), where Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, has been, wiped out. The end result, is the replacement, of, Civilization at the Ground-zero level, with all forms, of, Aid Agencies (NGO's, Human Rights Orgs., and even, the Church). Democracy today, often refers, to, attempting, to solve, problems, created, by the wiping, out, of Civilization, at the Ground-zero level [in many ways, the belief that, Technology, will save Humanity]. The Search for Salvation, in all, refers, to the fact that, we now live in, a world, filled, with un-Godly beings (as with prone to destruction), and in many ways, a World, of failing Health (as with, destroying human nature, and eve, Nature itself), failing Prosperity (violent, in all, possible ways; all), and even, failing Well-being (a world, of total, ignorance, where rap music, is considered, a form, of, enlightenment). All this, being enforced by, forms, of Mothering, which today passes for, Civilization, and all, at the, Family level too [Civilization really, for those, who know about it, has never, truly, existed, at the Family level] [The Ancient Greeks, and past/recent Caribbeans too, in many ways, built Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, based on a heavy tradition, of wise sayings, of all kinds] [Well-being really].

We shall below, attempt, to present, various, works, that could be, of help, for those, attempting, to create, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, as with, Ideologies really. One should realize, that creating, Civilization, at this level, is rather, a difficult task, and can take, a long, time, to forment, especially, if outside forces, are against it [in many ways, similar, to attempting, to rebuild, a war torn, community] [as mainly, with, psychological wellness]. As mentioned before, Civilization, had risen, to much, greater levels, of existence, as possibly, can be, seen, in Greece, with the Greek, Scholar, Euclid [who wrote, about, thirteen volumes, on, mathematical thought, in a lifetime]. The picture above too, represents, the Alhambra, an architectural work, from, Islamic Spain, and what most don't know really, is that, the Alhambra, is a, symbol, of Islamic Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level [in other parts, of the world, Civilization, at this level, has existed, in the form, of, make-shift houses, wooden sheds, and even, mud huts]. That really, is just, how far, Civilization (in all), has declined, unknown, to most.

North America: Alexis de Tocqueville

Democracy, is a word, many, strongly associate, with America, and even, believing it, to be, an American word [and not Greek]. American Democracy, in many ways, has, always existed, at the, Ground-zero level, of Civilization [and not, with Successes, as many believe]. The works, of Alexis de Tocqueville, in many ways, speak, of American Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level.

South America: Thucydides

An unknown, name, to most, but obviously, recognizable, as being, Greek. In many ways, Thucydides, taught, about Civilization (at the Ground-zero level), from the, perspective, of the, sole human [that one, was expected, to train, themselves somehow, on how, to fully, survive, on ones own]. In many ways, a doctrine heavily, misunderstood, today, as it is, supposed, to mean that, one, should teach themselves, to survive, in just about, every situation (including, a war torn country). One of the better, 'disciples', of, Thucydides, was probably, Marco Polo, who built, a trading empire, all, by himself [in many ways, the way of living, associated, with, what, some call, Sea Navigators (as with, Amerigo Vespucci too), all fall, in line, with Thucydides beliefs, in a way of living].

Europe: Marcus Tullius Cicero

Perhaps one, of the greatest Romans, that ever, lived, and in many ways, a Leader, who, believed, in truly defining, how, a Life, should be, lived out. He did not write, from the, community perspective, but from, the perspective, of, the lone individual, seeking, to live Life, to, its greatest heights (as with the, basic Knowledge, to be acquired, for this).

Africa: St. Augustine of Hippo

A Roman too, and one, who attempted to define, what a perfect, and, Godly existence (as with, the City perhaps), resembled. In many ways, a perfect inspiration, for, what most, perceive, to be, Godless Africa (as especially too, with its, Cities).

South East Asia: Herodotus

One of the more, reknowed, Greeks (having written lots, too, in, one lifetime); Herodotus, in many ways, sought, to study, the very way, in which, people, all over, lived Life. South East Asia, one of the poorest, regions, in the World, suffers (as such), due to their, rather undeveloped, Ground-zero Civilization. In many ways, this has been, due, to the existence, of, strong Mother figures, in their lives, all due really, to, the traditional worship, of, Goddesses (in all their forms) [Hinduism, as mentioned before, is mainly, associated, with, Goddess worship]. Rather strong Mother figures, in India, has stifled, the expansion, of, Civilization (at all levels) there, and in many ways too, allowed, for British Imperialism, to take place. These figures, must be gotten rid off, and South East Asia, can become, a rather extremely strong, civilization, if, different communities there, sought, to learn, from each other (rather than stereotyping each other), as with, Ground-zero Civilization. Works of other travelers, such as, Ibn Battuta, are deemed, also, helpful.

East Asia: Lao Tzu

Chinese philosopher, reknowed, for his, association, with the, Tao Te Ching, and in many ways too, a work, associated, with general survival, at, the Ground-zero level, of Civilization. His works though, are heavily based, on Prosperity issues.

Middle East: Plato

The works, of Plato, are numerous (in number), and in some ways, represent, the best, in, Greek thought. Plato, was in many ways, an Idealist, and for this, reason, his works, best serve, a Middle East, where, survival, is in many ways, individual (as with, going, against the odds). The Islamic/Byzantine world, has always had, a rather, developed, form, of Ground-zero level Civilization, and it is believed, that, the works, of, Plato, can very much, help, improve, on this.

As a finality, it must be remembered, that, these works, are, inspirational in nature, and do not, really, tell one, how, to start, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level. Having said that, it must be, remembered too, that, starting Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level, is a, rather, difficult task, and should not, be taken, lightly. It could take one, a whole generation, to get things, up and running, smoothly.

The British Raj

Romanesque Art (music) [and not Country music really].

Delhi circa 1934.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Sacrificial Life (Personal Daily Living & Transcendence)

The Technological Age:

We live in times, that, most, know, are simply, unreligious (and nonspiritual), in just about, every way. While most, know this, they can't, truly, see (as with, fathom really), it. One thing though, they do know, is that, life, works (or appears to); they get up, early (perhaps), everyday, and do, make it, to the end, just, to relieve, the same day, on, the very next, day. Things work, but most, know, thats not, how, life, should work.

The main problem though, does lie, with, what, we seek, from, our daily lives. In many ways, seekings, shaped, very much, by, American Media, and the belief, that, the main, goal, of Life, is, to seek out, comfort (in all its forms) [Success too, today, is defined, by, the comfort level, one, has attained, rather than, actual, output (ethical)].

One should realize, that, Life, is very much, a, spiritual endeavour [and at the very least, a religious journey]. Having said all that, one, comes to realize, that, the seeking, of, comfort, in many ways, goes, against, the two, definers [of Life], as just, given above. One of the main reasons, to all this, has, to do, with how, we, define, Material Existence. The very fact, today, that, Technology, is used, as a form, of, Comfort itself (means really, that it exists, very much, as, a tool, for, comfort itself) [in all really, one, cannot, really call it, Technology] [Comfort, in the form of Aje (gone wrong), has taken over].

To fully understand this, is to, understand, what, the various forms, of, Material Culture (out there), really, represent, and stand for. That in all, Comfort, is not, supposed really, to be, associated, with Material Culture (but instead, Enjoyment is). There exists, different, forms, of 'Technology', and each, has, a Cultural basis, in origins, to it all [in all, 'technology', cannot, be said, to exist, without, Culture]. When one speaks, of, Materiality (as with, Material Culture), one, in many ways, is also, speaking, of, various, Cultural formations. In that, Materiality, is where, 'Technology', meets, Culture. In many ways, Technology, is used to solve, problems, in a Culture; Scientific inventions, are used, to create, stability, in a Culture [and finally, the Technological, is used, in, the everyday, workings, of, a Culture]. A Car, is Technology, but a Rolls Royce, is, Materiality. The former, should not, really, exist (as in many ways, it is, comfort based), but instead, the latter, should. Materiality in all, should take, into, account, the elements, of, Aesthetics, Style and Design [in their makings] [in all, if, Materiality, does not have, all, three, as with, regards, to, the Culture it exists in, it should not, be allowed, to, be part, of, the Culture] [In many ways too, similar in nature, to not, associating, with people, who, don't think (style), look (aesthetics), and even, live (design), alike, to oneself].

To make all this, clearer, is to show, really, what stands, for, Money (and Currency), in, a Society. In that, Currency, pertains, to, solving, all forms, of, problems [technological, technology, and scientific], while, Money, pertains, to, Materiality. In many ways, Money, is a form, of, stored wealth (and highly associated, with, Materiality). Currency, is only, used, to solve, everyday, problems (of all sorts), and is, what, is readily available, in ones, pockets. This distinction, is rather, important, as in all, Money, is used, only, for, Cultural reasons, while, Currency, is used, for all, forms, of, Personal endeavours [Money though, is often, converted, to Currency]. In all really, in many ways, this, rather, important distinction, is not, readily, seen, in society today [as one, does not, truly, see (really), how money, works or flows, today, unless, they understand, the huge, role, that credit, plays, in, the money economy] [In all, if you are a person (out there), without, access, to credit, you are, pretty much, struggling].

In many ways really, in total, the, Technological, should be, Mechanized, Technology (on the other hand), is, Mechanical, while, the Scientific, should be, Mechanic. In all, one should, look, at their, everyday lives, from, Aesthetics (thinking), Style (looks), and, Design (living), as with, regards, to, daily living [in all, the problems, one faces, should be, based, on the three, descriptors, just mentioned].

Sacrifice & Living:

How to live out, ones, daily, personal life, on, understanding, the nature, of, Money, is based really, on seeing, the, Religious aspects, to Culture itself (as with, Aesthetics, Style & Design). In that, the goal, of Life, is not, to seek, Comfort, but instead, Enjoyment (as with, Aesthetics, Style & Design). And that too, seeking, Enjoyment, is very much too, based on, having, 'Paid', the price, to what, one, owns (in all really, not, too much, Credit).

One could have, all, the money, and the best, foods & wines, but, if one, did not, work, for that money (as with, Credit too), then they, will find themselves, not enjoying, their, earnings, at all [in many ways, work, contains, what, is known, as, the Sacrificial, which, most jobs out there, lack] [Most jobs, contain, the element, of, pain].

To explain this further, is to show that, one, must seek out, a form, of, Sacrifice (as with, Transcendence really), in ones, daily lives, in order, to, simply, just feel, good, about, themselves. They must, in many ways, Suffer, and not, actually, feel pain. There must be, a religious, foundation (spiritual too), to, their lives, such that, at, the end, of, each day, they, should feel, good, about themselves (not on, Work done really), but on, how, they have, actually, lived out, their day.

Many out there, seek out, hardwork (as with, pain really), toughness, and even, strength, to feel, good, about themselves. In many ways, they believe, this, will shape them, in, a certain way, to, feel good, about, themselves, and even, feel, better, than others (out there). In many ways, a way, of living, associated, with, seeking comfort, and also, very much, stone-age (as with, hominidal), in nature. Life though, in the, recent times (and even past), had, transversed, much further, from, the concept, of, Pain/Reprieve, in living out, ones, daily life [as in, seeking pain, then, comfort].

Life, from the Greek, times, had become, rather, religious (in nature), and the, Pain/Reprieve dichotomy, was, rather, very much, looked down, upon, in, even, Ancient Greece. Several ways, of, living out, ones daily life [based on, the Religious], have come, into, existence, and each, appears, to suit, different, Regions, of the World, appropriately (as with, even, history itself).

North America: Absolution

Absolution, is a, form, of the, Sacrificial, very much, based, on what, they call, cleansings (and even, reparations). In many ways, it involves, living out, ones, daily life, and at, the end of it all, looking, to see, any 'evil', done, by oneself (knowingly and even, unknowingly); and then too, seeking, to cleanse, oneself, from, ones sins (which includes, reparations). In many ways, a rather, Roman concept, of, the Sacrificial, that still, works, rather well, in, North America. The cleansings, could be, in, the form, of, rituals (including confession), or even, a form, of, self-flagellation (as in, seeking to, aid/assist/help, another).

South America: Penitence

Penitence, is a form, of, the Sacrificial, very much, based on, seeking forgiveness (as with, any, kind, of mistakes made). In all really, not, an attempt, to, live perfectly, but actually, to seek, self-awareness (in all its forms). In many ways too self-awareness, is very much, associated, with, a Saint (or Saintly figure), and in, many ways, Saints, tend to have, what, are called, Tenets (by which, to live by) [Tenets, are a form, of laws]. The forgiveness, can involve, lengthy, prayers (of all kinds).

Europe: Rectification

Rectification, is a form, of, the Sacrificial, very much, based, on self-exposure (as with, the keeping, of a diary). In many ways really, seeking, to question, ones, thinking, and in many ways too, expose, ones motives (in all its meanings), to the reasons, why, one believes, they are not, too happy. Seeking to, expose (by motives), oneself, and then, seeking, to change, oneself.

Africa: Restitution

Restitution, is a form, of, the Sacrificial, very much, based, on, self-belief (as with, daring oneself). In many ways really, a form, of, questioning, ones unhappiness, by seeking really, to, question, ones doubts, about, oneself (really). A form, of, the Sacrificial, very much, suited, for living, in most, of, Africa, other than, Afrique.

South East Asia: Atonement

Atonement, is a form, of, the Sacrificial, whereby, one, seeks, very much, to make, themselves, perfect (in the historic sense). In all really, seeking, not to, sin really, but actually, avoid it [as in, avoiding, immoral spots (in and about, town)]. In many ways, Atonement, is rather, religious, as, it is based, on, following, certain, 'Commandments' [as with, Samsara & the Bodhi tree], and living, by them (in attempting, to, avoid sin). One, in many ways, looks, at the Commandments, and asks themselves really, how, they can, Avoid, breaking, any of them, as with, changing, their lives [in many ways really, too, seeking, to become, Lord Krishna].

East Asia: Propitiation

Propitiation, is a form, of, the Sacrificial, very much, based, on the Mind (and the Concept, of, the Hero). In many ways, similar, to, a form, of, celebrity worship (as with, motivational media), and in, many ways too really, seeking, redress, to oneself (as with, self-growth) [for instance, learning, how, to handle, insults, or disappointments]. In many ways in all, seeking, to have, a clean Mind.

Middle East: Penance

Penance, is one, of, the oldest forms, of, the Sacrificial, known, out there [and also, seen, in, Afrique]. Penance (associated alot, with, Thomas Aquinas), is very, much, based, on, going (what they call), the, extra mile. A way, of, self-analysis, based, very much, on, giving, 100%, to everything, one, does (as with, concentration really). In all, seeking, to do, just, about, everything, in, a refined, and perfect, manner too. In all, work/concentrate, until, you drop (in exhaustion and joy).

The above really, constitutes, all, that, their really is, to life/Religion, at, the hominidal level. The only ways really, to feel, good, about, oneself, on just, about, every, waking moment, of, the day. Without this, rather, strong, religious foundation, to life, life in itself, feels, rather, meaningless, and in all too, Culture (as with, Aesthetics, Style & Design), and all forms, of, Materiality, should, be based, on, the above. Without this all, one finds very much, that, they simply, stop, to exist (eventually), and begin, to slowly, die off (or even, decay) [no moral, reason, at all, to live, life].

Monday, December 20, 2010

Metaphysics (Modes in Thought)

The term, Metaphysics, is known, to many, but, not really, with, regards, to meaning. For many out there, it simply, refers, to the, Cosmos, the Stars, and burning Suns. Metaphysics though, actually, refers, to what, they call, Modes of Thought [this means, ways, of seeing, reality].

Many out there, have rather, poor, Modes of Thought, due, to not, being, able, to see, reality, for what (it really is). Many instead, are rather, paranoid, in their thinking, and never, do, realize, the truth, until, much, later on.

One, of the best, ways, to realize, Metaphysics, is to, ponder, the question, of what, would happen, to one, if, attacked, by several, assailants (one, with a club). What would, one do? Respond, with a, flying, roundhouse kick?

Knowing the answer to this, is at, the center, of, understanding, what, Metaphysics, is really, all about [how to see, reality, for what, it really is].

Historically though, Africans (in general), and Women too, have been, known, to have, rather, poor notions, of Metaphysics (as with, Modes of Thought) [in many ways too, giving birth, to, the beliefs, of inferiority, of, Women (and Africans), in thinking, especially, with regards, to, the Sciences]. In many ways really, this, is due (for Africans atleast), to not, having, notions, of, Metaphysics, in their, Religious Beliefs.

Traditionally, Metaphysics, has been, represented, Religiously, in the form, of, Sun based, Symbolism [the most, famous, being, the Sun dial]. If lacking, in, Modes of Thought (as with, seeing, reality, for what, it really is), one, is prone, to suffer, from, depresion, and, in general, lack, motivation, with regards, to Life itself [the belief, that, Life, should always, be, fair, and just] [but, at the back too, dreaming, of, being, a gladiator (and walking off, to, success)].

Being adept, at, Metaphysics, is similar, to fully, knowing, what they call, Critique [and not similar, to, Critical thought]. Critique (possessing it), in many ways, is, what, makes us, look, naturally, sexy, cute, sweet, humourous etc., to others, out there [in Religious Circles, Critique, is associated, with, what, they call, the Ecumenical (as with, the Council of Nicea)].

Below, will be, presented, the 5 main Modes of Thought (known out there), and their, relation, to, various Sun Symbolism, seen, out there.


The Golden Scarab above, often, associated, with, Egyptian Sun Symbolism, was actually, mainly, Greek (but really too, of, Egyptian origins). Constructivism, is a way, of thinking (seeing reality), based on, seeing, thing, 'from the basics' [as with, postulates]. In many ways, an attempt, to, 'paint', a picture, of reality, and in, general too, construct, a Model, of reality. In many ways in all, a way, of, creating reality, based on, hunches and guesses.


The Sun Symbolism, presented above, has, its origins, in, the Hindu world, and is, a 'sign', that represents, what, they call, Relativism. Relativism, is a way, of thinking (seeing reality), based on, seeing, reality, 'from the core (of it all)'. In many ways too, drawing, a picture, of, reality, with, regards, to Constructs (of reality). From the core (of it all), means really, the main image, perceived, in a drawing (for instance) [everything else, being, relative].


The image above, represents, what, some call, 'Horus Rising', and while too, being, of, Egyptian origins, was, Sun Symbolism, as associated, with, the Roman Empire. Absolutism, is a way, of, thinking (seeing reality), based on, seeing, things, 'from the root (causes)'. In many ways, one, of the main, modes of thought, seen today, as, it is, rather, psychological, in nature [in all, applying, the law, of, cause and effect].


The above image, of, a Sun dial, is associated, with, Sun Symbolism, as seen, in, the Egyptian-Greek world [which partly, consisted, of, the 18th & 21st Egyptian Dynasties]. Allegorism is a way, of, thinking (seeing reality), based on, seeing, reality, 'from the center'. In many ways, this means, seeing, reality, from the perspective, of, motion, movement and even, activity, with regards, to one [a way of seeing reality too, seen, in, East Asia, and often, associated, with, the Martial Arts].


The Image above, represents, what, they call, the Winged Sun Disk, and, Sun Symbolism too, as seen, in, Ancient Egypt. Realism, is a way, of, thinking (seeing reality), based on, seeing, reality, 'from the heart'. In all (as often seen, in the statement 'lets keep it real'), its a way, of, seeing reality, based on, actually, seeing reality (as with Paradigms); this really means, that someone, could, actually, point out, the reality, to you, out there (based on sight).

One must have, a proper, way, of thinking (seeing reality), in order, to do, just, about, anything, out there [from dressing up, to even, looking, for something lost]. Without this, one, is mainly, lost, and can, easily, be fooled, especially, in a, fear based, environment.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Materiality & Self-Image

The Holidays, are arriving soon, and most, are probably, aware, that nothing much, is going on, out there (everywhere). One of the problems really, at the heart, of all this (perhaps), is due, to the fact, that, most, are not, really aware, of, an Identity, that is, of, prime importance, to their, Self-esteem [Materiality]. It is in, this, arena really, that one, finds, that, Western Supremacy, still reigns, as, the Western world, in many ways, continues, to define, the, Self-Image, many, possess, of themselves, as with, Materiality [the basic belief, that, certain people only, can, dress, in Gucci; certain only too, can put on, prada, eyewear, or even, live, in Mansions].

If one, does not know, themselves, by, Materiality, then, in many ways, they can never, truly, feel good, about themselves, at the, hominidal level. They have to find, Materiality, they can, strongly, identify with, or even, if, having, an MIT based, education, still feel, very much, inferior, to others [in many ways, a fake (social in nature)]. The Materiality, that one, associates with, must, in some ways too, be based on, ones, Genetic identities, or feel, very much, alien, in ones, own world [if you are feeling, at the moment, rather, nauseous, about, ones environments, and even, feel, the need, to move, away, then one, should be, aware, that, the Materiality, they are surrounding themselves with, does not, really, suit them].

For most, to end, Western Supremacy in their lives, and have, a form, of, Materiality, to identify with [do note though, that this, Materiality, might be, of, alien origins, but having, been made, suitable, for ones culture], then below, will be, presented, some, basic, Material Existences, that would be, of, great help, in starting, Civilization itself [in all, just about, all forms, of, human contact, involve, a certain, form, of, Materiality].

What shoes, to wear? What wine, to drink? What joke, to tell? What song, to listen to? What car, to drive? Which exclamations, to use?!! These, and many other, such, questions, associated with, Materiality, are what, the sections, below, are all, about [helping those, in Places (and not regions really), out there, identify, with a form, of, Material existence, that could help, easily, start up, life].

Africa: Haute Couture / Western cultures

The term, Haute Couture, has various, meanings, and in todays, world, is very much, associated, with, the mixing, of different, cultures, out there [as with Materiality]. Africa, is a place, with a, rather big, Materiality problem [in that, they don't, really, produce much, of their own, and tend, to copy it, from elsewhere]. In many ways really, it is, this, general lack, of, Materiality, amongst, Africans, that has, often, seen, many people, deem them, primitive, in culture [think here, African drums]. Africa too, is very much, a land, divided, very much too, by skin colour [white, brown, and black]. In many ways, these divisions, have, always been, rather, material based. In helping, Africa, gain, a respectable, Material existence, three regions, have, been deemed, inspirational (for all this), as with, regards, to, skin colour: Morocco, Nigeria/Igbo land, and, Angola. White Africans, could very much, find, an inspiration, for, a material existence, originating, from, Morocco. This material existence, is very much, already, in place, and is, what, is termed, Western materiality [in many ways really, South Africa, is deemed, very much, the Mecca, for, Western material existence, as with, very much, design] [South Africa, is in many ways, the prime, Western nation (as really, with, Ideology)]. In all though, it is, Morocco, where one, finds, that, Western materiality, has been, given, an African twist, that in, many ways, makes it, White African. Angola on the other hand, is deemed, an, inspirational ground, for, Black Africa, as in, many ways, they, being, mainly, of, Nubian origins, have also, developed, a Material existence, that finds, inspiration (too), in the, Minority cultures, of, North America [Minority cultures, are in, many ways too, a breeding ground, for, Western materiality]. For Brown Africans, Igbo cultures, might fit, the bill, as in, many ways, they, of all, Africans, are rather, isolated, from the rest, of the World, and in many ways too, will find, inspiration, from, Australian culture [as especially, with, the Media/media] [Australia, is really, a Western culture, as with, the Media, but unknown to most, this Media, does, find, lots of inspiration, from, Brown South Africa].

Afrique: The Victorian World

While India, is said, to have been, the Crown Jewel, in, the British Empire, Kenya, was very much, the Crown Jewel, in, the Victorian World. In many ways really, Afrique, has always, mainly, been, an Islamic land, as especially too, with, Materiality. What made, Victorian society, in Kenya, rather, unique, was the unique, blend, that made it up: Aussie, Brit, Portuguese, Omani & Swahili. Aussie, as with, the socializing; Brit, as with, the home cultures. Portuguese, as with, the Design (some looking, rather Italian); Omani, as with the Work. And finally, Swahili, as with, the Cuisine. And at, the very heart, of all this, was, Americanista [Legion] culture, which, in many ways, simply, provided, the 'Infrastructure', to it all [in the form, of a Circuit really]. One of the most, wonderful times, in, recent history, and in many ways too, 'Waltzing Matilda', was a much, bigger hit, in, Kenya, than in Australia [Aussies, do differ, from, Australians]. A quick way, to get, a glimpse, some what, of, this World, is to read, the works, of, Jane Austen [the Victorians, in Kenya, were also, very much too, influenced, by the, Mohammedans, as with, regards, to, Religiousity (and Religious order too). The Mohammedans, were also, very much, an inspiration, for, Briton Colonials, who walked, around, with truncheons, whacking, people, who tended, to, misbehave].

Brittannia: Normandy

Brittannia (formerly known, as the, British Isles), would probably, best, find, reinvigorated growth (in the material sense), by, appealing, to the material culture, that spans, the, cultural complex, known as, Normandy. Normandy, a region in France too, rather reknowed, for, its, vineyards, is also, very much, connected, in, culture, to the, French Arthurian world, via, the Scottish Highlands. In many ways, a way of existence, rather cultural (in nature), and also, seen, in the works, of, Gustave Faulbert, Emily Bronte, and even too, the world, of, Harry Porter. In many ways, not, a rural culture (as many believe), but one really, rather, hard, to explain, as it is, driven, by foods and wines, and in many ways too, a deep, intellectualism, (as that seen, in the works, of, Michel de Montaigne) [a rather Arthurian work (as with, Chretien de Troyes)].

Central Europe: Spanish Granada / Castilian

Castilian culture, owes, its origins, to the, Brit World, as with, the, Spanish Granada. An unknown culture, but in, some ways, resembling, Canadian, Country culture, as some, of the, Country culture, seen, in Canada [Calgary to be exact, and especially too, the, Stampede], has its origins, in, the Castilian world. The Castilian world though, was very much, Byzantine (in nature), and though, Sea Merchants by expertise, they were, a people, who, engaged, in, Religious works [and especially, Literature], from around the World, as a form, of Culture [and inspired too, in materiality, by, the contents, of these, Works]. In many ways, deemed right, for, Central Europe, as they still are, pretty much, Byzantine (by nature), and rather too, love, reading, alot. In all, Castilian culture too, is of, Arthurian/Byzantine origins. The book, 'Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire', is of, Castilian origins [the movie adaptation of it, with KK (Keira Knightley), in it, is inspired, by, the story, of Georgina (and made, rather English/British)].

East Asia: Heian / Macau

The Chinese Heian, period (owing, its inspiration, to, Japanese Heian), was, at, the core, of, the building, of, the Forbidden City. In many ways too, Chinese Heian, has been, adopted, by the, City-State, of, Macau, in a rather, modern, fashion (and intelligent too). In many ways really, Macau culture, is, Heian (both Chinese and Japanese), and for, those, East Asians (out there), looking, for a change, in, their lives (and especially too, with, the forthcoming, holidays), Macau, might be, the place, they want, to seek out [as especially, with, materiality too]. Literature, associated, with, the Heian periods, are, 'Tale of Genji', and even, 'Rashomon'. In many ways too, a Material existence, very much, fitting, Malay cultures.

Eastern Europe: Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Austro-Hungarian Empire [a follow through, of, Charlemagnes, Holy Roman Empire], was most, reknowed, for the, Hapsburgs (as Family, or, Dynasty). A material existence, in many ways, fitting, Eastern Europe (whose cultures, have, in many ways, been, erased, by Communism), and one believed too, to re-invigorate, the Eastern European world. In many ways too, part, of the Arthurian world, as seen, mainly, in, Austria. A rather good read, on this, world [and comical too], is ,'The Good Soldier Svejk' [another good source, would be, 'The Sound of Music', with, Julie Andrews].

France: Arabe

Arabe, a term, used, to refer, to, people, of, Islamic-European origins, is in, many ways too, an Art based World. After the fall, o,f the Napoleanic era (and even, before), several, Europeans, had moved, to, the Islamic world, and settled there, and in many ways, created too, their, very own, Existence. Alot, of the Art out there [Literature especially], supposedly believed, European, such as, the works, of, Lord Byron, William Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, and even, Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame), are actually, of, Arabe origins. The Arabe Art World, is very, much, Baroque (in nature), and this, pretty much means, rather, Individual too [as with, Creative Writing]. Alot, of the, European like Architecture, seen, in Cairo (Egypt), and, supposedly believed, to be, of, British/European origins, is actually, of, Arabe origins [one, can also, see, Arabe culture, in, the, 'Kaho na kaho', video, posted, in one, of the, previous entries]. The Art (and Architecture too), is very much Gothic (in nature). In many ways too, a Material existence, that suits, already (very much), Islamic, France.

Middle East: French Tricolour

French Tricolour, is, the name, of, a culture (or social class really), that, springs up, in, France, after, the end, of, the Napoleanic era. It was, a culture [or social class really], heavily, based, on, intellectualism, as with, heavy (and deep), historical & political thought. In many ways, in, a France, torn, apart, by, Revolution, and in, many ways too, a France, with, a dying culture, the members, of, French Tricolour, attempted, to salvage, what, was left (of it all), and present, French, History, in a very much, new light [from the perspective, of, its People/Citizens] [The Revolution, and other, such disturbances, in, many ways, destroyed, French culture (and even, Architecture), and, the members, of, French Tricolour, simply, attempted, to present, French History, from, the perspective, of, its People, rather, than, its, deep Culture]. The origins, of, French Tricolour though, do not, lie, in France, itself, but, from really, the, Islamic world. It is here, that people, know, as Arabs (in the Middle East), help, give rise, to, French Tricolour, and especially, with, regards, to, its Materiality [the word, Arab, has gone, through, several changes (in meaning). Originally, in the form, of, Arabi, it was, used, to refer, to, people, like, Rachid Taha, and even, Cyrus the Great (all, in Persia). The Western world though, have often, used it, to mainly, refer, to any, wealthy, Middle Easterner. However today, and in, the recent past, the word, Arab, is used, to refer, to, people, who look, like, 'Ethiopian billionaire', Mohammed Al-Amoudi]. The Arabs, influenced, French Tricolour, by, basing, its, materiality, on their, own [which was not, only, Islamic, but also, having, roots, in the, Egypt, of, Ramesses] [If you have, ever, bought, a box, of, chocolates, that were, in, a rather, shiny, and very, black box (with perhaps, golden/bronze linings, on it), and probably, a wrapping, of sort, then, you have, a basic idea, of, the materiality, associated, with, French Tricolour]. The members, of, French Tricolour, engaged, in, rather deep, political thought (of all kinds), and very much, too, heavily based, on humour. Theirs, was an attempt, to, put, French History, into, its rightful place, by, discussing, the very, basic nature, of, famous, French Citizens, of all kinds. By asking, simple questions, such as, "What did, Napolean eat, for breakfast?', they then, found themselves, on, a journey, rediscovering France, as in, asking too "Where did, his Coffee, come from?". The discussions held, led, the many members, of, this, social class, to write down, their, own thoughts (as with, Creative Writing), and giving rise, to, a whole, new world, of, French Writers, of all sorts (poets, essayists, authors, historians etc.). These, rather deep, (and very much, too, humour based), discussions, led eventually, to, a rather, proper, recreation, of, French History, and those, French Citizens, deemed, intellectual (in their ways), had, their names, imprinted, in what, they call, the Pantheon. In many ways, the world, of, the Marquise de Sade, Voltaire, Montesquie, Jean-Paul Sartre, and even, Dumas himself (his work, 'The Last Cavalier', is very much, based on, this world too). A rather interesting time, in French History, and while, St. Joan of Arc, and even, Napolean, were heavily, discussed, neither, did make it, to, the Pantheon [Le Chevalier de St. Georges, did though]. In all, one finds, a, social class, divided, by, thinkers [as with, the Bonapartists, Ancien Regime, the Girondists, and other, such groupings]. French Tricolour, is, eventually reborn, as, 'The French Academy of Sciences', after its death. In all though, this, culture, is deemed, right, for the, Islamic world, as theirs, is, a world, having, a History, based, totally, on, all kinds, of, historical figures. Figures, in many ways, who, have attempted, to, shape, History, and faced, all kinds, of, obstacles. In many ways, it is believed, that, French Tricolour, can, help put, Islamic history, in its, proper place (and perspective), rather than, leaving this, to, the hands, of, a Religious Cleric. In all, it can, breed too, a new, class, of, Islamic thinkers, who, can, very much, help, shape, somewhat pacified (in creativity), Islamic culture. By asking, questions, such as, "Why did, Aladdin, think, he had, a chance, with, Princess Jasmine?", one can, very much, get, to, the true nature, of, Islamic society. If you are a, Middle Easterner, and wish, to, somewhat, experience, French Tricolour (and especially, with, regards, to its materiality), then, you, surely, want to, visit, Bahrain, for a holiday (of sorts). [As a conclusion though, a rather, favoured work, on, the French, Revolution, by, members, of, French Tricolour, is, 'Scaramouche'].

North America: Canadian Country

Country culture, has, often, gotten, a bad rep, from, many, out there, due, to its, been, associated, with, primitivity (in North America). In many ways though, this, is true, in America. In Canada though (Anglo & Quebec), Country living, reached, a rather, high level, with regards, to, sophistication. A rather high, level, as can be, seen, in, the Country house (in the picture above), coming really, from, Quebec. In all really, Country living, has always, mostly, defined, North American, Lifestyles (over the centuries), and is in many ways, the, suitable, material culture, to unite, a North America (in many ways really), heavily, divided, by Class (as with, wealth). In many ways too, to get, started, on all this, a subscription, to, 'Country living', might be, what, is really, needed. A good example, of, how, Canadian (Quebecois), Country living, looked like, in the past, can be seen, in, Celine Dions, 'Its all coming back to me now' video.

South America: Iberia

Iberia, in many ways, refers, to a, Cultural development, that, once took, place, in both, Portugal & Spain, and having, origins really, in, South America (with South American immigrants, to the, Iberian Peninsula). In many ways, these, immigrants (also very much, seen), in, the British Isles, sought really, to, redefine, themselves (not only, by, materiality, but also, by, communications protocols). For instance, they took, bullfighting, and somewhat, made it, a, Spanish national past time (by introducing, new ways, of, bullfighting) [e.g. being, 'The running of the bulls']. In many ways too, the Iberians, started, a new, trend, that would, become, part, of, World culture, as in, the case, of, immigres [people, driven, to move, to another, part, of the world, and become, part, of, its high culture, by, redefining oneself, but also, retaining, ones past self, to a certain degree] [In many ways too, the personal culture, of, moving, to a, more, cultured place, and returning, to, ones homeland, more cultured]. Not an easy, Cultural development, to speak off, as in, many ways, it was, rather, individual, in nature. It did, however, spin off, several, literature works, such as, Don Quixote, and the works, of notable writers, such as, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, and even, Samuel Richardson. These immigres, also, helped, introduce, the trombone, into, Portuguese & Spanish, music.

South East Asia: The British Raj

The term, 'The British Raj', while being, used, to refer, somewhat, to, British Imperialism in India, in many ways really, speaks off, the, material culture, that came, into, existence, during, Imperialism in India. A material culture (and culture too), while, having, a basis, in, Nepalese Royal culture, did, eventually, produce, its own, form, of, Material existence [a great example, being, the Rolls Royce]. In many ways, bad times (in India), but also, rather, great too, and helping, give birth, to, an Indian based, Architectural movement, and also too, very much, an, Indian, Art movement (that came, to be called, Romanesque) [and part, too, of the Egyptian, Art World really]. In most ways really, the best, way, to unite, the whole, of, South East Asia (materially) [the world, of, the British Raj, as, Art, was probably, best seen, in, the works, of, Agatha Christie (who though, did, alot, of her, writings, from Kenya), but helped too, give birth, to, a whole, new, generation, of, Indian writers (such as, Salman Rushdie, and also, V.S. Naipul)]. The works (movies), of, Deepa Mehtra, are also, very much, Romanesque ( in nature) [Slumdog Millionaire, is also, a rather, good, Romanesque movie].

Western Europe: Nordic-Bavarian

Perhaps, an extremely, controversial, statement, to say, but one, that, could best, be, understood, in, a certain light. The term, Nordic, to many out there, seems, to be, a, replacement, for the word, Scandinavian. In many ways really, the word, Nordic really, refers, to a, cultural complex, born, of, Scandinavian Material culture [in all, Nordic, refers, to, Scandinavian materiality]. It however, is not, that simple, as, it is, in, many ways too, a Material existence, born, of, traditional, German manufacturing [and in many ways really, a manufacturing, inspired, by, Norse Mythology (as with, Images), and on, adopting, such Images (tall, blond haired, Scandinavians for example), they, giving rise, to, a whole, new, form, of, Materiality] [this, modus operandi, is at, the heart, of, modern, German manufacturing (as seen, in, Bavaria), but, their culture, being, based, on, Germanic Mythology]. Scania, is very much, the, heart, of, Nordic culture, as, BMW, is, at the heart, of, Bavarian (culture). In many ways though, Nordic culture, is, rather dead, today, in, the Scandinavia (no love for Loki), and, it is, probably deemed best, for, mostly, cultureless, Western Europe, to adopt, both, Germanic & Norse Mythology (as, with, social Images), and use it, to create, a new form, of Material existence [in all really, simply, take over, Bavarian & Nordic materiality (for ones own use)]. In all really too, the best, example, of, Nordic-Bavarian (material existence), is, probably, IKEA.

Scandinavia: Prussian

The Scandinavia world, once, reknowed, for its, materiality (and even, high culture), finds, itself, rather stagnant, today. In many ways perhaps, this, is due, to, the center, of, Scandinavian culture, being, Stockholm (and very, American like too), rather than, Gothenburg (which is, actually, of, Prussian origins). In many ways too, Gothenburg, is, the best, City, in, the whole, of, the Scandinavia, and was, actually built (in design really), by, Prussians, from, Russia. The Prussian world, as with, material existence, is not, too, well known, but, can best, be, seen, in the, Edwardian English world, and also, very much too, modern, Spanish Print Media (of all kinds). In many ways too, the world, of, James Bond (as with, Pierce Brosnan & Technology). In many ways too really, the world, of, Hamlet and Othello (as with, cultural formations) [Cultural formations, as seen really, in the, world, of, Theatre].

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Prussians

The Prussians, are (were), a people, who, were, of the same, descent, as the Brits. The Prussians, originally, lived, in Italia, before, eventually, moving, to Russia [Jon Bon Jovi, for instance, is an, 'Italian Brit']. It was in Russia though, where, they reformulated themselves, very much, in, an Arthurian manner, with, the role, of, Arthur, been played by, a Chancellor [and the Prussians, very much, as Knights (of all sorts)].

The Chancellor, was also, actually, played, by Priestly figures (Greek-Italian), who had lived, in Italia too, and moved on, to Russia, and very much, played, a similar role, to, the Sun King [as Chancellor] [Examples of such folks, who also engaged, in, Religious Art, was, Luigi Cherubini].

The Prussians, did cement, their identity, in, Russia, by helping, very much, build, St. Petersburg Square; and while, the Square, is, of, Eastern European Style, its Design (Osirisian), and Aesthetics (Italian like), are very much, of, Prussian origins.

The Prussians though, were renowned, problem solvers [many of them, of, the militaristic nature] [as with, Carl Von Clausewitz], and in many ways too, helped, cement, Russia, as a great, Nation, of Academics [Academics, are people, who basically, solve problems (by study & research)].

Russian History, in many ways, is, the History, of, Eastern European groups, and the Prussians, with that, of the latter, mostly, unknown [with their role, in Russian Society, eventually, been replaced, by, a Jewish faction]. In many ways, a rather, interesting, history, unknown to most, but mostly, seen, in its, Literature.

War & Peace, is a work, by, Leo Tolstoy, very much, inspired, by, the lives, of, Prussians, and also too, very much, factual, with regards, to, the Napoleanic Wars. Eastern European culture though, differed (in nature), and is similar, to what, is seen, in, Anna Karenina:

Many of the Prussians, eventually leave, Russia, and settle, in, Sweden [and helping forge, strong, relations, between, Russia and Sweden]. With time, Prussian/Eastern European culture, is replaced, by, Jewish/Russian (Stalinist) culture. The role, of, the Chancellor, played, by, Greek-Italians (Brown), is eventually, adopted, by, the Germans, during, WW2, with alot, of, Nazi Imagery (including, the Swastika & even, the SS uniforms), being adopted, from, Prussian culture [in many ways, it is believed, that, Hitler, as, Chancellor, was actually, in nature, inspired by, not only, Prussian culture, but also, very much too, by, famed Italian Artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (as with rhetoric really)] [In general though, there was, something, Italian, about, Hitler, and alot, of, the Nazis, material culture, was actually, of, Prussian/Italian origins].