Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tyranny, Persecution & Hate

The themes, of, Tyranny, Persecution, and Hate, are rather, known, to most, but mainly, from, an Institutional, point of view. In many ways really, this means, that, Tyranny (attempt to subjugate), Persecution (attempt to make, inferior), and Hate (attempt, to forcefully, separate), are in most, ways, experienced really, via, the Television screen (as with, court cases, demonstrations, and even, fights). Most however, don't really know, how, the above (all really), occur, and simply, take them, to be situations, arising, unexplainably (or rather, too fast even).

These themes however, do define, our lives (rather grandly), and in, many ways, do define, if, we are happy (or not). They in general too, define, our rights (tyranny), plights (persecution), and, privileges (hate) [all legal too]. For many though, these issues (while occurring, on, an everyday basis), can probably, best, be seen (in dramatized form), by watching, many, a Martial Arts movie (rather than drama). For others though, dealing, with these issues, can best, be done, by, recourse, to our Higher Beings; [in most, Martial Arts movies, Higher Beings, are represented, mainly, by, a Grand Master].

These issues, do affect, most, on an, everyday basis, slowly breaking them, down, to more or less, a, servile state. For many out there, Self-Belief, is totally, non-existent (despite, great thoughts, of hope), and many, do find, themselves, self-sabotaging, due, to the fear, of, experiencing, Tyranny, Persecution, and even Hate [most of these, 'crimes of nature', only, become, noticeable, when they actually, get out of hand: as with, school hazings, job harassment, and even, physical (street) abuse].

In this entry here, we shall, attempt, to give (for the masses out there), a Framework of sorts, on how, to see/define, themselves, while, in Society [so as to have, 'equal rights', with all]. This Framework, is based, on, defining, the Human, very much, based on, Expressive ability [a rather, Asian way, of, defining, the Human] [In other parts, of the world, how, the Human (versus Animal), is defined differs; in America for instance, History, is a rather, prominent marker, in doing this, while, in Europe, Cultural Identity is; in Africa though, Ethic, very much, defines, what a, Human is] [Historically, in Africa, lazy people, were, readily, enslaved].

The Asian way, of defining, the, Human, is deemed, rather, proper, as it not, only, is ancient, in its ways [having existed, all this time], but also, one, of the easiest, ways [and most proper too], to define, Humanity [and also too, 'equal rights'].

Defining this model, of the Human [made rather, complicated, by the UN Human Rights Charter], will be, not only, relegated, to Regions, of, the world [as in, World Humanity, does not, really exist], but also, based, on what, one, could call, 'Cultural Artefacts'. Cultural Artefacts, in many ways, an Anthropological term, refers, to, cultural relics, that, in many ways too, strongly, resonate, with our past [genetic] [In all really, uniting us, in ways, stronger, than Law, and even, race] [In many ways too, being ascribed, to human potential (and God, in us all)].

The Framework chosen here, will be made, of three parts:

1. Thought Processes & Music (as Cultural Artefact)
2. Theoretical thoughts & Games (as Cultural Artefact)
3. Ideological beliefs & Language (as Cultural Artefact)

In many ways, all these, are deemed, right, in attempting, to define, what, a Human, is, from a, Societal perspective [rights, plights, and privileges].

Thought Processes & Music:

Below, will be given, the various, Thought Processes, that people, of, different Regions (in the world), actually use, in, their everyday thinking. Thought Processes, deemed, important, in helping prevent, Tyranny, and especially, with regards, to, efforts, such as, Brainwashing, or even, Programming. [In many ways, the attempt, to have, all, thinking clearly, and knowing, nonsense, when they, hear it]. As said before, different, peoples, of, different regions, have different, Thought Processes, and these, should not, be, assumed, limited, as each, Thought Process, can be, expressed, in very, many, different ways. A piece of Music [based on these, Thought Processes, and even, enhancing them], will be, given, with origins though, from, European Classical Music [this Music, is now, deemed, a World Cultural Heritage (as with, human potential), as, Old Europe, very much died, on the very night, Alexandre Dumas, passed on] [And possibly too, never, to be reborn, again (old Europe)].

North America: Stochastic Thought Processes / Haydn

In North America, Stochastic Thought Processes, in many ways, define, how, the average, North American, thinks like [as mentioned, there are many, of these, Stochastic Thought Processes]. These, Thought Processes, can be seen, to be, similar, to, attempting, to transverse, an, American, Highway system. In many ways too, these, Thought Processes, are what, makes, the American Internet, rather, different, from the rest, as, the American Internet [Information Superhighway], is based, on, Stochastic Thought Processes [while the rest, of the Worlds, Internet, works, similar, to, a Football game]. In most ways, it is also, seen, that, the Music, of, Haydn, best represents, Stochastic Thought Processes [in many ways, Music, one, can have, playing, in the Background, all the time].

South America: Probabilistic Logic / Beethoven

In South America, Probabilistic Logic, is deemed, right, in truly, defining, how most, South Americans, think like [in most ways, similar, to a, Football player]. Beethoven, on the otherhand, is deemed, right, too, in describing, Probabilistic Logic [as mentioned before, very much too, Background music].

Europe: Fractal (Recursive) Logic / Mozart

In Europe, thinkers, have always thought, along, the lines, of, Recursion. In many ways too, defining, European Art [as distinct, from others]. Mozart, best defines, this, Recursion.

Africa: Fuzzy Logic / Tchaikovsky

In Africa, most, think, using, Fuzzy logic, and this, logic too, is, often used, in, many, Communications protocols, often, applied to, electronic equipment. Tchaikovsky, best defines, Fuzzy logic.

Asia: Ergodic Thought Processes / Bach

In Asia, Ergodic Thought Processes, have historically, described, Asian thought, and in, many ways, thought, similar, to, avoiding Shame [in all its forms]. Bach, is very much, similar (in nature), to, Ergodic Thought Processes [The above Artists, all represent, in many ways, Religious Art, and should not, therefore, be assumed, to be, using, Fractal logic] [To make, a complicated subject, more, complex, old Europeans, did use, different thought processes (in simpler forms), in different, cultural settings (European balls, did, for instance, use, Ergodic thought processes)].

Middle East: Fibonacci sequences & series / Vivaldi

Thought Processes, in the, Middle East, have, always, almost, equated, the Fibonacci sequence (in thought), but in many ways too, best, represented, by what, some, call, the Golden logic (the logic, used, to build, the pyramids) [in all, a logic, of, sequences, and series e.g. prime factors, prime numbers etc.]. Vivaldi, best represents, the, Golden logic.

In all, one should remember, that, these, Thought Processes, do not, refer, to, basic thinking, but, instead, to a linear based thinking, best used, for, Applications; in many ways, the Thought Processes, associated, with what, they call, Methodology, Physiology, Theology, and even, Ideology.

Theoretical thoughts & Games:

Theoretical thoughts here, refers, to the way, of thinking, best used, when, one, is Theorizing [as with, Analysis, Induction, and, Deduction]. In many ways, Thought modes, which are, used, to help one, know (or understand/comprehend), something. These Thought modes, are not, easy, to directly, explain, and have, never, truly, been theorized, but are, in fact, seen, in certain forms, of, social activity, such as, Games [patterns, structures etc.]. In many ways really, attempting, to understand, structures [or patterns, or even, interactions]. Below, will be, presented, the way, most, people, in Regions (around the world), experience, Reality [as with a, situation], and in, very many ways too, tend, to Theorize, anything, that happens [what this means, is that, theorizing things, is very, much, a form of Play, which can, best, be represented, by, a certain, game perhaps, by Region] [this kind, of thinking, is never, truly, taught, in schools, but is, usually, of great, interest, when it is (as with, a professor, talking, of the latest, in research at hand)].

In many ways too, all this, goes, hand in hand, with, the Communications protocols, we, choose [or have, basically, attained, with, regards, to our evolution] [As an example, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and, Bruce Lee, all, represent, Lamentation, Ribaldry and Requiem, respectively (in certain forms)].

North America: Poker / Quickly

In saying, Quickly, what is meant, is that, North Americans, experience, just about, every, reality (happening), as Quickly [what this really means, is that, things, in North America, happen, Quickly]. In many ways too, 'Quickly', is at, the heart, of all, Theorizing, by, North Americans, in that, they often, seek, to Theorize, the very, nature, of, 'Quickly'. In many ways, this form, of, Theorizing, is best seen, in, the Game, of Poker.

South America: Rummy / Abruptly

In saying Abruptly too, it is meant, that, just about, any, situation, in, South America, arises, Abruptly [and that, theorizing it, is in, general, theorizing, the very nature, of, 'Abruptly (ness)']. In many ways too, one, will find, that, 'Abruptly', is best, manifest, in the, card game, of, Rummy [rather popular too, in, South America].

Europe: Bridge / Promptly

In Europe, just about, anything, happens, Promptly [as with, the quick dashing, of someone]. In many ways too the, Game of Bridge, tends, to happen (really), at a 'Promptly', pace.

Africa: Checkers / Immediately

Asia: Backgammon / Instantly

Middle East: Chess / Suddenly

As mentioned before, this mode, of, Thinking, is never, really taught, today, anywhere, with the exception, of, ones homes. In it is not, really, taught, in schools too (where Dogma pervades), and, in general, most out there, tend, to believe, that, just about, anything, happening, in their world [as through, Newspapers, and, News media], happens, in a, premeditated manner [i.e., planned out, and also, rather, carefully].

Ideological beliefs & Language:

When we speak, of, Ideological beliefs, we are, in many ways, speaking, of our, Societal beliefs (as mainly, pertaining, to, privileges/Hate). In many ways, we are speaking, of, the very, many, attempts, to unite, people (as one really), without, ascribing, to, Culture, or even, Status. In many ways, despite all the differences, seen, in Society [as with, looks, wealth, ancestry etc.], there must, be, a way, to attempt, to, create, Equality (as with, humanity), amongst all peoples. That in all, we are really, all, the same, in one, primal way; it is here, that, what, is called, Intonation (voice), comes, into play, as, it very much, defines, how, we see, ourselves, as humans (as being, positive, negative etc.). Voice Intonation, is that, part, of, our voice, that, is very much, similar, to a, ringing bell. It is, a part, of, our Voice, heavily, associated, with, our Self-Beliefs, with regards too, to our, futures, and even, hopes & dreams. In many ways, it also, helps us, see, each other, very much, as being, Equals [that is only really, if one, does have, positive, Self-Beliefs].

It is here too, that, the Ancient Languages (Tongues really), come, into play, as they, became, manifest, in times, when, building, Civilization, was highly, dependent, on all, peoples, coming together (neither inferior, or, superior really). In many ways too, Tongues, do make, use, of, Voice Intonation alot, and are, 'languages' (really), that often, are seen, to be, rather spiritual, and talking, lots, of, 'God' (as in, worship, and praise: insh'allah). We shall, below, ascribe, several Tongues, to, different parts, of the world, that hopefully, can be used, to unite, all, the peoples, together (creating Equality, in one way, or another), and also, very much, be, the basis, of, stability, in society itself.

In all, our Ideological beliefs, are determined, by, our, Voice Intonation, and also, very much, what Language we speak [a French speaker, would probably, look down, on, a Spanish speaker, but both, can, be united, by speaking, a, Tongue, such as Greek].

North America: Latin

South America: Portuguesa

This choice, for, South America, should not, be taken, as, a surprise, as, Portuguese (old), is very much, a, Tongue, and while, being, similar, to, Tongues (such as Swahili), is in fact, really, based, on, Egyptian Coptic (an Egyptian Tongue). In many ways, an Ideal, Tongue, for South America.

Europe: Greek

Africa: Hebrew

Another surprise probably, but, Hebrew, is actually, a, Nubian Tongue, and one too, rather, similar, to, African languages. In many ways, the best, 'language', to unite, the whole, of Africa.

Asia: Urdu

Middle East: Sanskrit

Another surprise really perhaps, but, Sanskrit (of Mesopotamian origins, and not, Egyptian), is actually, a, better Tongue, for uniting, the, Middle East, rather than, Arabic.

In all, as mentioned above, Equality, is very much, defined, by, Voice Intonation [as when, if, two people, have, the same, intonation, they see, themselves, as, being equals], and Tongues too, are also, all, mostly, based on, Intonation [two people, with the same, intonation (one poor, the other, wealthy), will still, see, each other, very much, as, Equals (at heart)]. In many ways too, these, 'Languages'/Tongues, are best, used, for basic Thinking [as such thinking, is associated, with, Voice Intonation].

In all, there is no, good reason, why, these beautiful (really), Ancient Tongues, should, die off, as, they are, very much, part, of, World History (and Evolution).