Friday, December 10, 2010

Daily Prayer

The act, of saying, ones, Daily Prayers, is deemed, rather, meaningless, today, and in this age, we live in. Most out there, just don't, believe in it, anymore. One of the reasons for this, is due, to not, understanding, the purpose, of, Daily Prayer, in our lives. In many ways, at the very least, one can say, its main, sole purpose, is to, help us, transcend, ourselves. What this, really means, is that, as we, attempt, to grow, on a, daily basis, we attempt really, to become, very much, like, 'God' [what this really means truly, is that, we are attempting, to become, the very manifestations, of God (as in, Breathe, Light, Wind etc.), by evolving really, with regards, to our intelligences (as with Art)].

Daily Prayer though, is misunderstood, as it does not, always, have to be, on, bended knees [as said before, even, engaging, in Religious Art, is very much similar, to prayer]. In all really, one must understand, that, daily prayer, in different Regions, of the world, does, differ, as mainly, with the end sole purpose, sought out. In knowing this, end sole purpose, one, can then realize, that, indeed, prayer, does take form, in many, different ways.

One can also, by truly knowing this, that, every activity (of all kinds), that we, engage in, should be, in many ways a form, of prayer (as with the end, sought). It is the only, way really, to live, a fully (and truly too), meaningful life, and in many ways too, gain, self-meaning. Why wake up, every morning, so early? To make lots of money? In reality, one should know, that, knowing why, they do this (wake up early that is), then, they, can truly, realize, how everything else (they truly desire), falls, into, their path, and eventually, fills up, their lives.

In this entry, we shall state (really), that, seeking out, the Manifestations, of, 'God', in ones, everyday life, is all, that is needed, to get, through it (with all, that one, desires & needs). All, truly all really, does fall, into place, when one fully realizes, that, Daily Prayer, is all, driven, by the attempt, to become, like, 'God' (as with manifestation), and be rewarded, largely, for it (as with, understanding, and not, effort).

North America: The Search for Knowledge

There is a belief, out there, in the world, that, growing (and evolving too), as a person, is born really, of learning, something small, everyday. This shows too, in the way, North Americans, perceive, 'God', as being, manifest (i.e., as a Burning Bush). 'God', manifest, as, Eloah (in a Burning Bush), is in many ways all really, about, the search, for, Knowledge (in all, seeking out, the truth). This truly, is what, every, North American, strives for really, on an, everyday basis [Knowledge]. This in many ways, has also, shaped, North American, work culture, and everyday existence (as with planning, for just, about, anything), in that, North American culture, is one, where, just about, any, moment, is one, born, of, searching, for Knowledge (as with Truth really). This has directly, influenced, North American, work culture, as they are a people, whom, at every moment, at work, are always, resorting, to someone (out there), for an answer, to a question (as with, regards, to the truth). Thats whom they are, and in many ways too, as mentioned before, searching, for Knowledge (as with Truth), is not, really done, through, the books, but by asking (of), someone, who might, know, of the truth, they seek out. That in general, is how, North American culture, works.

South America: The Search for Transparency

In South American culture, where 'God', manifests, very much, as a, Great Wind, Prayer, in many ways, is actually, an activity, born, in search, of, Transparency [in many ways, the Great Wind, is believed, to sweep, through, an area, wiping out, just about, all forms, of 'dirt', and leaving only, the truth, in many ways]. In all really, truly, South American culture, is one, where, its people, simply lack, transparency, with regards, to whats, really going on. In many ways, as can be, deciphered, the daily goal, of, every, South American really, is to seek out, Transparency, with regards, to their lives, and, daily activities. This too, has affected, South American, work culture, as, the Researching tools, known as, Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis, were, very much, born, in South America. They are tools, in many ways, like, the Great Wind, that (in all really), breakdown, something, into, its parts, in the search, for, Transparency. In all ways really, all, South Americans, would be advised, to learn (in detail really), Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis, as it is needed, in just, about, anything, they do (including, very much, planning, for their lives).

Europe: The Search for Insight

In Europe, where, 'God', is believed, manifest, in the form, of, Light (as with Amen), one does find that, everyday, Life, is born of, the search, for, Insight (as with, oneself, and others). In many ways, Europe, has always been, a Region, whereby, just about, every, activity, is born of, the need, for, Insight, with regards, to oneself (and ones, personal feelings really), and others too (and their ways really). This might sound, rather hard, to comprehend, for most, but just about, any, problem (including mathematical), in Europe, has always, been solved, from, the perspective, of, Insight [as in, seeking, to actually See, the truth]. People, in Europe, question, their thinking (and thoughts too), and those, of others, in an attempt, to discover really, the truth [of just about, any, situation arising]. Again, as mentioned, rather difficult, to foresee, as this, method, of daily operation, is actually, used, too, in dealing, with, a car puncture.

Africa: The Search for Depth

In Africa, where, 'God', manifests, in the form, of, a Great Voice/Sound, then one, finds, that, just about, any moment out there, should really, be, about, the search, for, Depth [in many ways too, influencing, African cultures, as with, storytellers, and learning, at the feet, of, ones elders]. In many ways, the search, for Depth, is born really, of identifying, with, ones feelings, as in knowing truly, when one, hears, the truth. In many ways, living, in Africa, on an everyday, basis, is really born of, accessing (getting in touch really), with ones, feelings, and attempting, to discover, why, one feels they way, they do [as with, Depth/harmony]. In many ways, Africa really, is an ever changing continent, and being, in, the midst, of things, is really, all about, feeling out, ones, environments, and attempting, to know really, why, one feels, they way, they do.

South East Asia: The Search for Visibility

In Southeast Asia, where, 'God', is said, to manifest, in the form of, the Divine Breathe, then, one, finds that, everyday life, is really about, the search, for, Visibility; this is rather, not too easy, to, see (or understand), unless, one, acquaints, Visibility, with, Inner Strength. Everyday life, for Southeast Asians, should end, with, more, inner strength (than that had, in the morning), and in, many ways too, having more, Visibility (as with, knowing, the right way, to what, one seeks out). In many ways really, everyday too, is really, all about, the search, for, direction (in whatever, one does).

East Asia: The Search for Clarity

In East Asia, where, 'God', manifests, very much, in, the form, of, Clear Water Springs, then, one finds, that just, about, every activity, on every day really, is born really, for, the search, for, Clarity. In many ways, this means, seeing, the truth, in the form, of, 'the big picture' [and in general, filling out, all the details]. Everyday life, for East Asians, is very much, like, a Jigsaw puzzle, and just about, every problem faced, has to do, with, attempting, to make, a whole, from, many pieces [in all really, one can say, that, Jigsaw puzzles, are a form, of, prayer, for East Asians].

Middle East: The Search for Indepth Knowledge

In the Middle East, where, 'God', manifests, very much, in the form, of, Pure White Light (Alat), then one finds, that, just about, every, activity, on a daily basis, requires, Indepth Knowledge, to deal with [Indepth Knowledge, refers, to being, in, the know (of something)]. This might make, Life, in the Middle East, seem, Machiavellian, but there is, something, in the Middle East really (as with the Air perhaps), that makes, things, rather mysterious [in the Swahili world, the belief, in, Jinni spirits for example, interfering, in ones Life, is rather, a norm (when things, just simply, go wrong)]. Most Middle Easterners though, do believe, the Swahili perhaps, to be, superstitious, but they do know, of, the Sands of Time (and their, causing, of havoc).

As stated before, daily living, in all, the above Regions, should be, based, on the above [as with, nature, of problems faced too], or in reality really, one is doing, nothing much, with, their lives. They are (in many ways), simply, just suffering.

Becoming Manifest:

Accessing 'God', and become, one, with 'him', is something, one, must learn, on a, basic level. In many ways, what, constitutes, prayer itself, and also, simply, learning, to be, an, intelligent being. Most people, have no idea, how, to go about, doing, things, or even, simply, planning, for just about, anything. The world today, has very much, become, American, in how, people, live out, their daily lives [as with, planning, for them] [the whole culture, of going, to an 'office', as early, as, possible, and working, until, evening, is western, in nature, and arising, in, America]. In all really, a way of life, that does not, suit, the vast, majority, of people, out there, as unbeknown to them, the average, American 'office', is really, a, Communications Center of sorts [somewhat, like, Telemarketing] [In many ways, what is been said, is that, most believe, the problems, most in the world, face, are similar (on average), to American problems] [as a followup, the belief, that marriage problems, in India (or China), are the same, as in America].

In order, to live, in a region, one must, access, 'God' [as with Region really], and basically then, know, how to live there. But in all, accessing, 'God', in many ways really, is part, of ones, education [in a rather, large way]. As in the end really, it is all, that matters [as with, insight, transparency, depth etc.] [In many ways too, 'God' here, represents, an order (of sorts)].

How this is done, differs, by, Regions of the World. As it is known, in North America [for those, who believe, in a, Western Education greatly], that, the Education, is simply, an introduction, for, North American Graduates, to a World, of all sorts, of, Guides, Mentors, Leaders etc. In all, one can have, the very best, of, Education, in, North America, but without, Guides or Mentors, they, truly, will never, make it. That though, is North America. Below though, is a basic methodology, on getting, anything, done, by realizing, that, 'God' comes first [in all forms, of, learning], and that, any kind, of, education, is secondary, to this.

North America: Mentoring

In North America, becoming, 'God' manifest, in many ways, is all about, finding, the right, Mentors, Guides, and Leaders (of all sorts), to guide one, in, ones Life; all other forms, of, education, come, secondary, to this. In everything, one does, one must find, the right, Mentoring, and hopefully, right enough, to stick with it, through out, ones Life. In all really truly, what is, been said, is that, if you, seek, to pursue, and engage in, anything [including, making, all sorts, of, plans], then Mentoring, is really, what, you are seeking out [as with, intelligence, learning etc.] [Thats how really, things get done, in, North America].

South America: Deconstruction

In South America, the only, basic, education, really, one needs, in doing, just about, anything, is learning, how, to Deconstruct [breakdown really], just about, anything, into Steps. Deconstruction [or Analysis], is in many, ways, what, accessing, 'God', in South America, is really, all about, and what, is needed, to get, anything, done right. You could have, the very best, of, Education, but if, you lack, the ability, to, Deconstruct things, then, you truly, have, wasted, your time [in being educated].

Europe: Studies

In Europe, to become, a success, what, is mainly needed, is, a collection, of, Studies. Studies, are not rather, too well, known, but are, in many ways, psychological insights (by experts, of all, kinds), on just about, how, to go about, solving, any problem. All problems, in Europe really, are psychological, by nature, and Studies really, can take, the form, of, many, Art-based Sources, such as, literature, musical pieces, and even, cooking [this goes, both ways, as, even, studying, how, a Source, was, created, is very much, in, the line, of, Studies]. In many ways, Europe, is a, rather, strange place, if you do not, like, people, as just about, every, problem, is a, 'Studies' really, of, intentions, aims, and motives. Every problem [including Engineering].

Africa: Texts

The concept, of, the Textbook, is rather, very, recent, in nature [unknown, to most], and has, its origins, with, White Africans, moving, to the, Western world [unbelievable, as it might sound]. In Africa, Texts, are in many ways, needed, to learn, how, to solve, just about, any, problem, and in many ways, what, determines, what, a Text is, is just, how, difficult, it is, to understand. In many ways, Texts, are all about, searching, for Depth [as with deep thinking], and getting really, to the, root cause, of, just about, any problem. A rather hard paradigm perhaps, to live with, as there are, very few, Texts, on the kind, of problems, one sees, in, Africa [minus Nigeria really].

South East Asia: Study

The idea, of, Studying, to prepare, for just about, anything, has its roots, in the, ancient world, but becomes, much, more developed, in, India. Studying, is a concept, known, to most, who have, attended, schooling [as the, Western, education system, rather young in origins, has its basis, on, the Indian, education system]. In many ways, studying, is really, about, reading, a series, of, books [not Textbooks really], in attempting, to find, the direction, one needs, in, doing, just about, anything. In many ways, what, high school, and university, is all about, for most, out there, but mainly really, works, in India, as Indians, tend, to be rather, good writers, of books.

East Asia: Disciplines

In East Asia, solving, just about, any, problem, requires really, engaging, in, the Disciplines. Engaging, in Disciplines [whether, Scientific, Mathematical, or Physical even], is rather, demanding, in nature, and requires, rather, hard concentration, in mainly, learning, principles. For those, in East Asia, not, able, to go, to University, whining about it, is not, a solution, but, knowing, that, most problems, in, East Asia, are solved, via, Disciplines, is all, thats needed. In most ways, most, East Asians, will find that, what, is called, Studio Art (as a Discipline), is needed, to solve, most, of their problems [Studio Art, used to be, rather popular, in, Ancient China].

Middle East: Art

This might seem, a surprise to most, as Art, is something, many, often associate, with, the European World. Art, has often, been, rather large, in, the Islamic World, and in many ways, even more prolific, than, in Europe [most European Art, was produced, in, Italia, and in many ways, Italia, was similar (in nature), to, the Islamic World]. Art here, differs, from, Religious Art, which (the latter that is), is used, to, connect one, to all kinds, of, deities, gods, spirits etc. Art though, instead, is used, to make, one, more intelligent, in just about, every way. In the Islamic World, becoming intelligent, was mainly, associated, with engaging, in, as much, Art, as possible, and afterwards, engaging, in, as much, philosophic thought, as possible. Any other form, of, learning, was really, Research based, in nature.