Monday, December 13, 2010

Umma, Craft & Secret Societies

Property Law:

As we enter, the Ages, of, Compassion/Exploration, one, of the main, issues, at hand, will be that, of, Lawfulness (rather than, the Law). In many ways, Lawfulness, deals, with the Objective, of, Defence [as with, crime, violence, and feuds]. In many ways too, Law, is in itself, a Concept, and one, very much, associated, with, the Body [as with Corporeal Law]. Lawlessness though, deals, very much, with what, they call, Property; and while, Corporeal Law, is very much, well founded, as with, Policing, Property Law is not [and it can, take, one, a long time, to be prosecuted, for the damage, of, Property]. In many ways, Property Law, deals, with Crime, Violence and Feuds, which many, very much. falsely believe, to be about, Corporeal Law.

What is deemed Property though, has changed, over, the times, and in recent times really, interestingly enough, Land, has become, Property [when it never, really was]. In the past really, what was considered, Property, was any, wealth (creation really), based on, Feminine law, Law (as with Knowledge), Art, and eventually, Theosophy; in all, anything, that stemmed, from these, and considered, valuable, was considered, Property. That of Law (as with Knowledge), is easy, to see, as in many ways, it was, based, on what, they call, Science (as a Philosophy), and the, Wealth, created of it. That of Art, while heard about, has mainly, been, associated, with instilling, Intelligence (in all its forms), into others; in many ways though, Art as Property, can also, very much, be, associated, with the, Scientific world (although, this is harder, to explain). Property and Feminine law, in many ways, referred to, not only, keeping, Women (as Property), but also too, to the, well being, manifested (as a result) [Do note, there is far, more Wealth, associated, with, Feminine law, than simply, Well being]. It is Property, as deemed, above, that needs, to be, protected, from others, due, to crime, violence, and feuding [things, most, never really, hear about, unless, they get, out of, hand].

We are now, entering, into, the Age of Compassion/Exploration, and what that means perhaps really, is that, issues, pertaining, to Property, might get, much worse, than most believe they will. The issue, of Defence, will probably, become, much more, important, and unfortunately, Policing, does not, appear, to be, of much use here [with regards, to Property, the only, Policing, that works, is very much, military, in nature] [as with Bodyguards too]. For those, without, access, to military systems [and own Property], then Weaponry, has often, been, the only, defence, they have had. In the past, carrying Weaponry, was deemed, right, especially, with regards, to, Violence (and even Crime) [The Age of Dignity/Discovery, had with it, lots, of Crime, while that, of, Respect/Invention, had with it, lots, of Violence]. In this new Age (of Compassion/Exploration), we shall see, lots, of Feuding [in all, 'violence' associated, with those, one, calls, 'family']. How to protect oneself, with regards, to Feuding, will rather, be, of interest to many, as Weaponry, might not, be, the best, way, to go. In many ways, what is, deemed, espionage [and spying], will become, more, mainstream [as the local populace], will be, forced, to learn, more, about this [In all, what is been said, is that, Spy organizations (of all kinds), will have, to redefine, themselves, as spying, becomes, more mainstream (as with survival too)].

In the Islamic World, there is a, Concept, known as, Umma, that many, have formerly, ascribed too. Umma, outside, the Islamic World, has often, been known, as, 'the Feminine Principle' (or even, Guiding Principle). It is a Principle, that, in many ways, guided, those, in the Islamic/Byzantine World, with regards, to any issue, of Defence [and protection of all sorts]. In all really, what is been said, is that, in the future, to survive really (as with Defence), knowledge, of Umma, will be, needed, in very, many ways [Umma, was also, often, used, to design, Islamic/Byzantine, Political structures] [In many ways too, Umma, is seen, around, the World, in the form, of, Communal proverbs, sayings, idioms etc.].

The issue, of Defence, in many ways, has often, been, associated, with, Women. In many ways really, it is, Women [and their Societies (often secret)], that have, been, involved, in dealing, with, Defence issues [Most men, don't really, know, Women (as such), and the issues, they privately, deal with].

In many ways too, Secret societies, were, in the past, created, to deal mainly, with, issues, of Defence. Many of them, are well known (or supposedly exist) e.g. being, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Skulls & Bones etc. Most out there though, don't really, know, what lies, at, the heart, of, these societies, and simply, believe them, to be, associated, with, rather intelligent people. In many ways though, Secret societies, are associated, with, people, knowledgeable, in, what, they call, the Craft. This to many, might sound, rather, threatening [or even intimidating], unless, they realize, that the Craft, was actually, born of, what, they call, the crafts [as with, sewing, knitting, making Jewelry, papermache, cookery etc.]. And what, most out there, don't know, is that, while, crafts, seem rather, simple, easy (and even, useless), they infact, are rather, hard, to engage in [especially, as with, regards, to mistakes made] [In all, if you make, a mistake, while, Knitting, or even, with, Cookery, everything, can be ruined].

It is, these crafts [often looked down upon], that, gave birth, to, the Craft, as in, many ways, they have one, thinking strangely, on how, to do things [Cookery, might seem, rather, unambiguous, with regards, to all this, but in, reality, it is, difficult, to engage in, as with, regards, to finding, the right ingredients, mixing everything, right, cooking, with the proper heat (and even time), and even too, how, to serve (and even, go about, serving), the cooking] [all this, makes sense, if you, throw in, a time factor (to it)]. Its a form, of intelligence, that, was traditionally, associated, with, Women, and eventually, turned, Women, into Property (as with, regards, to crafts, and even, the Craft) [interestingly enough, own-age, of Women (as Property), was done, by, other Women, and not, by Men]. In many ways too, what made, Drama [in the past], rather, interesting, was due, to the knowledge, by people (in general), of the Craft [in basic forms] [This, in many ways too, is what, has, traditionally made, African civilization, rather interesting. Its a civilization, heavily founded, on, the crafts, and no where else, were, Secret societies, seen, in rather, huge numbers, than, in Africa] [African Craft, is heavily founded, on, Partition Theory].

In this age, of Feuding, the Craft, will become, of more, importance, than before, as Weaponry, could lead, to more, disaster (as with Violence, and Crime really), than most, believe it to.

The Craft, is in, many ways too, associated, with what, one might call, Optimism (as with Zest too), as knowledge of it, makes one, rather, Optimistic, when problems (technical in nature), arise. Below though, is a list, of crafts, that were, often, associated, with various, Regions, of the World [and somewhat, ignored by most, as not, being, part, of culture/civilization (and even, history)] [African cultures, have often, been, Matrilineal, due, to the heavy influence, of crafts (in their cultures)].

North America: Percussion Instruments

Percussion Instruments, differ, from other, instruments (out there), as they are, associated, with crafts, rather, than Art. They are also, instruments, mainly associated, with, women [as with, the Muses] (the Harp for instance, is part, of, the Percussion group), and in many ways, American Secret societies, have often, been founded, on, craft (as associated, with, Percussion Instruments, and especially, the flute).

South America: Knife arts

In South America, the Craft, was based on, the ability, to handle (and expertly use), all forms, of, knives [as with fighting]. In some ways, similar, to what, was seen, in France, as, with the use, of, daggers.

Europe: Stick arts

In Europe, most, Secret societies, were born of, the ability, to handle, the Stick (or sticks), rather, expertly, in many ways. Sticks, have often been, at the heart, of, European based Secret societies, and some, were used, for, Dances, while others, were simply, expertly handled [this sounds, difficult, to envision, but, in many ways, refers, to, the expert, twirling, throwing, and simply, handling, of a stick, as a magician, probably would (similar, to the way, some, American Basketball players, handle, Basketballs)] [In all really, these, Stick arts, gave birth, to, magical arts, as those, seen (and associated), with, what, they call, a wand].

Africa: Storytelling

In Africa, the art (or craft really), of, Storytelling, has often, been, a mainstay, in, their cultures. African Storytelling, is rather, wide (in scope), and just about, all sorts, of, stories, are associated, with, all age and gender groups (seen there). In many ways too, African Storytelling (can be, rather, very creative, and expansive), and in many ways too, gave birth, to, numerous kinds, of Secret societies (all mostly, associated, with, Property rights), and in many ways, at the heart, of, how, Africans, go about, doing, just about, anything.

South East Asia: Yoga based crafts

In Southeast Asia, Yoga based crafts, especially those, associated, with, Yogic Music, were eventually, associated, with what, they call, the Craft. In many ways, Music for instance, that makes one, rather, intelligent, on how, to deal, with all, sorts, of people problems.

East Asia: Zen based crafts

In East Asia, Zen based crafts (as with, paintings, Bonsai, and even, music), were also, very much, at the basis, of what, they call, the Craft. In many ways, crafts, associated, with just about, how, to resolve, any form, of conflict.

Middle East: Oracular Poetry

In the Middle East, Oracular Poetry (and Poetry itself), have always, been, at the heart, of the Craft [and most, Secret societies]. In many ways, Poetry (as with Prose), involved really, with, what, they call, troubleshooting, and very much, similar, to the Ifa Corpus [as with the Yoruba]. In all really, crafted Poetry (Prose), and not, real Poetry.

Martial Law:

Martial Law, is a term, that most out there, don't really, know much about; they may, have heard of it, as with, regards really, to outlaws, and those, simply asked, to help, catch, all kinds, of, criminals. In many ways really, Martial Law, does not, refer, to the lack, of, Corporeal Law, but in, reality, to the lack, of, Property Law. When this happens, most out there, are allowed, to arm (and defend) themselves. This, was rather, rare, in the past (but actually, common, in Japan, where, Feuding, has been, rather, the main form, of, violence seen), but is, believed, will be, the main form, of, violence, in the future. And while, knowledge, of the Craft, will help, many, in the future, achieve, Success (in an Age, where, Compassion issues, will be, the mainstay), and Defence issues, probably, being dealt, with, the help, of Umma, in many ways too, people, will be, required, to be, rather Martial, in their ways. All this, might sound, probably, preposterous (to all), but people out there, will have, to change, as even, achieving, Success, will be met, by all, forms, of resistance.

Below, are presented, various, Martial figures, that, could be of use, to various, folks, in the future, as with, seeking out, any kind, of, Successes [it is believed, that not only, will time, seem, longer, but also, more effort, will be required, in just about, anything, most do] [In all, in an Age, of Compassion issues, one, could very well, find themselves, fighting, about, 100 people].

North America: Conquistador

In North America, where, everybody, is at heart, a Boxer, then, becoming, a Conquistador really (a kind, of Boxer), will be, of great help. In many ways, becoming, a Conquistador, is all about, developing, great endurance, as often, seen, in Extreme Sports [such as Triathlons].

South America: Matador/Assassin

In South America, where everybody, is very much, a, Worker & Leader, then being, a Matador/Assassin, will be, needed, in doing, just about, anything (in full). In many ways really, one will need, the heart, of, a Matador, and have to go, about, doing, their ways, as an, Assassin, would.

Europe: Musketeer

This might sound, rather controversial, in that, the Musketeer, is not only, a French tradition, but also, very much, a National Emblem of sorts. In many ways though, in Europe, where, the people, have always, been, Monks (at heart), then, Musketeers (who are really Monks), might very well, serve, as an ideal, to adhere too. The Musketeer, in many ways, is an Osirisian figure, similar, to the Green Knight (of Arthurian lore).

Africa: Warrior Priest

In Africa, where, the people, have traditionally, been, Combatants, Spearmen, and Saintly figures, then, being, a Warrior Priest, will probably, be called for, in dealing, with, just about, any form, of, problem. African Warrior Priests [most famously seen, in, Akan society], and having roots, in, Nubian Civilization (as with, Priest figures, having, Iron bands, on their arms), were really, figures, sent out, to set right, any wrong, done, by others (out there).

South East Asia: Ninja

Perhaps, all this sounds, outrageous (as perhaps, as in, being inspired, by watching, too many, Jackie Chan movies), but in, Southeast Asia, where most, are really, Swamis (at heart), then rather, than being, a, Shaolin Monk [which requires, arduous training], being instead, a Ninja, would be more, like it. In all really, Southeast Asians, will find, that, doing, just about, anything, will require, one, to have, some knowledge (it is believed), of Ninjutsu.

East Asia: Shogun

The title, of Shogun, is of, Japanese origins, and one, of the, lowest titles, amongst, the ranks, of, the Samurai. In many ways, a Shogun, is really, a kind of, Business person, who is rather, aware, of his/her, surroundings [at all times] [stereotypes, of East Asians, as being, crafty businessmen]. In all really, a Shogun, is not, expertly, trained, in the use, of the, Katana, but in, most ways, is really trained, to be, aware, of his/her surroundings [in all, the Katana here, is simply used, for Defence, as with swords, in the Escrima Kali arts, are used for] [In many ways, Escrima, does not, really, discriminate, with regards, to the, kind, of Swords, used, in their arts].

Middle East: Martial expert

A Martial expert, in the, broadest sense of the word, can be, described, as a person, who, basically studies, warfare. In the least, it pertains, to a person, who can, best, be described, as a, Free style fighter. Freestyle fighting, often seen, in, Brazil (in popular form), should not, really be, confused, with, Freeform fighting [also seen, in Brazil, and of, African origins]. Freeform fighting, is basically, fighting, in a, specified Martial art, with, few rules, to go with. Freestyle fighting (which in, Brazil is actually, of, Islamic origins) [as with, the Swahili (in Tanzania)], is about, not only, being, adept, at various, martial art forms, but also, studying them, more, as a Science, than, an Art [in all, this means, studying, Martial arts, more, as with Dancing, than, as Dance]. In many ways, not too, different, from being, Amir Hamza.


The future, will be, rather, different, than the present, especially, as with, regards, to creativity. In this Age, of Compassion/Exploration, most, will find, that being, guided, by most, sources (out there), will not, be, as helpful, as many believe. More independent thinking, will be required, to fulfill, ones, endeavours. Most people out there, don't know, themselves, as a, Mind (as with 'God', being, a Mind). In many ways, a Mind, is one, from which, Ideas, Points, and Pointers, are born of. In the past, Minds, have often been, relegated, to the Priesthood (of all sorts) [and associated, with, Counseling], but now, it is deemed right, that, people, connect, to a Mind, for self-guidance (in most ways). In all really, been connected, to one, will make one, achieve, their full potential, as with, regards, to Exploration.

In different regions, different people, have used, different, concepts, of 'God' as Mind, for the purpose, of, creativity (as with ideas really). For most out there, today, not connected, to, a Mind, they tend, to be, connected really, to the, Television, or other, forms, of Programmed media [as a source, of Ideas, Points, and Pointers] [in all, media, that televises things]. Below, will be given, different, Minds, that people, in the past, have connected to, for, high creativity [of all sorts] [One should not, think, that connecting, to a Mind, is easy, as in, many cases, it requires, hard, and arduous, training, of all sorts].

In different Regions, of the World, different, people, have often, used, different Minds (as with 'God'), with regards, to advancing, civilization. Due to the fall, in, popularity, of Religion (rather than, spirituality), many (or most really), have lost, contact, with 'God' as Mind, and wander around, feeling, rather lost, due, mainly, to the lack, of, creativity (as with ideas). Even in rather, recent, past times, alot, of creativity, did use, to come, from, people, one could term "people of the clergy'. It is however, deemed right, now, that, the people, have, access, to 'God' as a Mind, as the, Priesthood (as a counseling unit), has in many ways, become, outmoded.

North America: Tezcatlipoca

Tezcatlipoca, is the, Meso-American, conception, of 'God' as a Mind, and referred to, as, the Great Spirit, by, Native Americans (Cherokee). In many ways, the Cherokee, using, the Great Spirit, were historically, famed, in America, as givers, of, dreams. Tezcatlipoca, was especially, rather common, during, the times, of, the Aztec ruler, Montezuma [in many ways, Societies, often highly, dependent, on a, warrior spirit, are often, heavily based on, 'God' as Mind].

South America: Itzam Na

Itzam Na, is, 'God' as Mind (or Creator really), as seen, in, Mayan Cosmology [and rather common, in, South America]. South America, being, a Region, whereby, the warrior spirit, has in, many ways, always, been, manifest, Itzam Na, was always, rather, heavily worshiped, for all, sorts, of ideas.

Europe: Gaea

Gaea, is the name, of 'God' as Mind, as seen, in, Greek Cosmology. A Mind, heavily used, through out, Europes, development, as the Church, in Europe, has always been, of Greek origins. In many ways too, Gaea, was used, during, Egypts, rather famed, 18th Dynasty [which although, of, Nubian origins, was actually (or became rather), Egyptian] [This is really so, because, they worshiped, Egyptian/Greek Gods, and Symbols] [The difference, between, Nubia and Egypt, has always been, based on, Religious worship (as with, Gods and Symbols), and it is falsely believed, that, Nubian Gods, were actually, Egyptian Gods, with, Nubian names; this is totally false, and the Nubians, have always had, their own Gods, with the division, between, Nubia/Libya and Egypt, being, rather, very deep]. The Armana period [18th Dynasty], was one, of the most, reknowed, Egyptian Eras, due mainly, to its, rather very, High Art [Greek & Egyptian].

Africa: Nut

Nut, is the name, of 'God' as a Mind, as seen, in, Nubias, rather famed, 12 Dynasty. This Dynasty, was rather, reknowed, for its, deep thinkers, and is, believed, to have been, the greatest, of the, Nubian Dynasties. Its traditions, were later on, passed on, to, the Akans, whose society, differs, from the rest, of West Africa (and even, Africa as a whole), due, to having, its basis, on 12th Dynasty Egypt (and not Meroitic) [In many ways, the role, of the Asantehene, in Akan Society, is not, too different, from that, of, the Nubian Pharaohs (who were different, from, Egyptian Pharaohs, due mainly, to being, deep thinkers)] [The members, of the, 12th Dynasty, have typical, Nubian faces, while those, of the, 18th Dynasty, have, Byzantine/Islamic faces] [In Akan Society, Nut, is known as, Nyame; interestingly enough, other, African Societies (including, the Yoruba), don't have, a conception, of 'God', as a Mind].

South East Asia: Brahman

Brahman (and not, Brahma, or Brahmin), was 'God' as Mind, as associated, with, the Brahmin Priest Class, seen, in Indian Civilization. A rather, very popualr, conception, of 'God' as Mind, and rather too, well known.

East Asia: Saraswati

Saraswati, believed, to be, a Hinduism/Buddhism Goddess, is actually, the name, of, a Primordial Goddess, mostly seen, in, Buddhist Tradition. In many ways really, Saraswati, is not, too different, from, 'God' as Mind, as conceived elsewhere. Saraswati, was responsible, for making, Japan, rather, powerful, during its, Edo period [the history, of Japan, appears to be confusing, due to the masses, not knowing, there are two kinds, of Japanese people: Egyptian & Nubian (as with Middle Eastern Art)] [The likes, of, Pat Morita, and even, Miyamoto Musashi, were Japanese, of Egyptian origins] [The Samurai, own their origins, to this Egyptian group] .

Middle East: Amun

Amun, is the name, of, 'God' as Mind/Creator, as seen, in, Egyptian Religious Tradition. A conception, of 'God' as Mind, still rather, used, to this day, but also, used, through out, Egyptian history.

Knowing oneself, as, a Mind, rather, than, a Body, is rather important, as most today, feel, rather displaced (and even wasted), due, to mainly, seeing, the World, as been, made up, of Bodies. In many ways, attributing, forms of intelligence, to various, Bodies (as with, skin colour, and body size), and somewhat, believing, themselves, inferior, as it is, popularly believed, that, only people, with certain, body 'formations', can be, successes (via the Media). Knowing oneself, as, a Mind, can cure this. However though, becoming, a Mind, is not, that easy; it requires, arduous training, similar with that, associated, with, priesthoods [as with, constant praying]. It can be, a rather, long process, but one, deemed, necessary, for this Age, we enter, into. Connecting, to Tezcatlipoca, requires, one, for instance, to engage in, Extreme Sports, of all kinds. Connecting to, Saraswati, requires, one, to live in, Extreme Conditions (as with Jungles), over, a long time. Connecting, to Nut, was associated, with, long Treks, over, very long distances. Gaea, was associated, with, Marathons, over, very long distances. In many ways really, becoming, a Mind, is not, an easy task, and perhaps, many, won't be, able, to handle, the effort required (as all this, is not, a one, in a lifetime, event). However, the future, does, demand it.