Sunday, December 26, 2010

Failed States, Democracy & the Search for Salvation

Many have probably heard, the beliefs that, Civilization, existed in a greater form [in the past], than it does today. Most when they hear this, think mostly, in terms of, technology, not knowing really, that, its not the best way, to perceive, all this. Technology today in many ways, differs, from that, of the past, due, to the way, of living, seen today.

However, to get a clearer picture, of what, was meant by such, held beliefs (of Greater Civilization), is to basically know, how, Civilizations, progress. In a previous posting, it was stated that, achievement really, in Society, could be defined, in the form, of, Successes, Victories, and even, Legacies. In the past, some recent (others ancient, Greece/Egypt), Civilizations, operated mostly, from, the Legacies level. In more, recent times, of, Musketeer France, and even, the world, of Secret Societies, Society, operated from, the level, of, Victories. In todays world though, not only, has Civilization fallen, to the level of Successes, but one finds too, that most, out there, lack gainful employment, of any kind.

To understand, how, this came about, is to know, that, a certain level of Civilization, has been wiped out, and replaced very much, by, Primitivity (in one form, or another). This level of Civilization, we could perhaps, call, Ground-zero Civilization. What exactly then, is meant,, by, Ground-zero Civilization? By Ground-zero Civilization, we are referring, to, Civilization, as pertaining to, basic survival (in a communal form) [the very fact, that, most today, could not go, out, into the wilds, and build, civilization]. To fully too, understand, Civilization, at this level, is to, understand, that its, basic premise really, is the building/growth, of, very healthy, human beings [in all ways, mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically etc.]. Today, this level, of Civilization, is purported, to be in existence, with, the Family unit, and while, this is basically so, it is, not, really true.

To fully understand, how, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, functions, is to in many ways, be, in touch, with, our Higher Beings (as with Gargoyles, Angels etc.). To realize that, they too, are human (with regards, to evolving on this earth), and need too, be treated, in a certain way, so as, to develop well (as with Life really, on this earth) [Meaning, not leaving Earth, having, just made it, and psychologically messed up, somewhat (as perhaps with history)].

At the basis, of Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, is the search, for, three main things: Health, Prosperity & Well-being. By Health, it is meant, that one, should be, physically, mentally and emotionally, healthy. By Prosperity, it is basically referred to, that, one, in all ways really, should experience, Reality, in a positive manner (no crime, violence or abuse, of all kinds). Finally too, as with, Well-being, it is meant that one, should be got rid off, all, forms (and kinds too), of Ignorance [a basic education, to mainly really, fight, off, ignorance]. At the heart too, of Civilization, at this level, is what they call, Trades, Skills and Expertise (all forms of knowledge). That in all, Civilization, at this level, only, operates, on the above Knowledge really, and is too, rather, communal, in nature. One can see though, that today, such Knowledge, is almost, inexistent, as most communities out there, have in many ways, been wiped out, by, so called, Big Business (taking over Commerce too). At the basic level, such Knowledge, leads, to the creation, of, Necessities (Health), Amenities (Prosperity), and finally, Goods/services (Well-being). That in, many ways, is what, economic activity, at the Ground-zero level, is all about [but at a highmost level perhaps, it becomes, what, traditionally, has been known, as, Government] [Families and Home businesses, put together] [Examples of Necessities, include, what they call, Condiments, or Remedies even, while Food itself, falls, under, Goods/services]. In all really, learning a Skill, Trade or, an Area of Expertise (as with, plumbing perhaps), ensures that, everybody out there, has some, gainful employment, of some kind [in many ways, one finds that, the highest, level, of Knowledge accumulation, at this level, of Civilization (as with a, Body of Knowledge), is associated, with what, they call, Engineering (in all its forms)].

One of the mainstays, of Civilization, at this level (today though, heavily associated, with, the Family unit), is what, they refer to, as, traditions. 'traditions' really, refer, to all forms, of, practises, principles & thoughts too, that are used, to ensure, that, the average person, in Society, is, Healthy, Prosperous, and having, Well-being [In all, physical, mental, psychological, spiritual etc., wellness]. In the past, what made for, such traditions, heavily differed, by, communities, and in many ways, was, at the foundation, of any, differences, between them [as with, civility (and evolution too)]. 'traditions', as with, going for Mass, praying at the Mosques, reading religious works oftenly, eating certain health dishes, circumcision rituals, marriage rites, mastering oneself etc. These traditions in all, differ in many ways, and for some, even, exercising all day (as with, work done even, perhaps), very much made, for, tradition, in the past. In todays world (and the future too), traditions, will be used, to help us, see, differences, in us, with regards, to the Higher Beings, we are all, evolving, into [in that, their exists, different, kinds of Angels (some being, superior, to others)]. These traditions in many ways, also gave, birth, to all, forms, of Festivities (holidays, celebrations), and very much too, communal, in nature [and helping too, drive, local economies, in many ways]. Festivities, are used, in general, to help bring together, all, kinds, of people. [Festivities here too, does not, only refer, to large celebrations, like Christmas perhaps, but also, to small, gatherings, such as, the drinking of beer, after work] [In many ways too, economies, at this level, of Civilization, heavily, operates, on Credit, of all forms (as with, Credit schemes too)] [In many ways too, such Credit Schemes, help ensure, that, employment for all (including outsiders), does exist].

The term Failed States, often used, to, refer to corrupt Governments, in reality really, actually, refers, to those places (out there), where Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, has been, wiped out. The end result, is the replacement, of, Civilization at the Ground-zero level, with all forms, of, Aid Agencies (NGO's, Human Rights Orgs., and even, the Church). Democracy today, often refers, to, attempting, to solve, problems, created, by the wiping, out, of Civilization, at the Ground-zero level [in many ways, the belief that, Technology, will save Humanity]. The Search for Salvation, in all, refers, to the fact that, we now live in, a world, filled, with un-Godly beings (as with prone to destruction), and in many ways, a World, of failing Health (as with, destroying human nature, and eve, Nature itself), failing Prosperity (violent, in all, possible ways; all), and even, failing Well-being (a world, of total, ignorance, where rap music, is considered, a form, of, enlightenment). All this, being enforced by, forms, of Mothering, which today passes for, Civilization, and all, at the, Family level too [Civilization really, for those, who know about it, has never, truly, existed, at the Family level] [The Ancient Greeks, and past/recent Caribbeans too, in many ways, built Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, based on a heavy tradition, of wise sayings, of all kinds] [Well-being really].

We shall below, attempt, to present, various, works, that could be, of help, for those, attempting, to create, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level, as with, Ideologies really. One should realize, that creating, Civilization, at this level, is rather, a difficult task, and can take, a long, time, to forment, especially, if outside forces, are against it [in many ways, similar, to attempting, to rebuild, a war torn, community] [as mainly, with, psychological wellness]. As mentioned before, Civilization, had risen, to much, greater levels, of existence, as possibly, can be, seen, in Greece, with the Greek, Scholar, Euclid [who wrote, about, thirteen volumes, on, mathematical thought, in a lifetime]. The picture above too, represents, the Alhambra, an architectural work, from, Islamic Spain, and what most don't know really, is that, the Alhambra, is a, symbol, of Islamic Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level [in other parts, of the world, Civilization, at this level, has existed, in the form, of, make-shift houses, wooden sheds, and even, mud huts]. That really, is just, how far, Civilization (in all), has declined, unknown, to most.

North America: Alexis de Tocqueville

Democracy, is a word, many, strongly associate, with America, and even, believing it, to be, an American word [and not Greek]. American Democracy, in many ways, has, always existed, at the, Ground-zero level, of Civilization [and not, with Successes, as many believe]. The works, of Alexis de Tocqueville, in many ways, speak, of American Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level.

South America: Thucydides

An unknown, name, to most, but obviously, recognizable, as being, Greek. In many ways, Thucydides, taught, about Civilization (at the Ground-zero level), from the, perspective, of the, sole human [that one, was expected, to train, themselves somehow, on how, to fully, survive, on ones own]. In many ways, a doctrine heavily, misunderstood, today, as it is, supposed, to mean that, one, should teach themselves, to survive, in just about, every situation (including, a war torn country). One of the better, 'disciples', of, Thucydides, was probably, Marco Polo, who built, a trading empire, all, by himself [in many ways, the way of living, associated, with, what, some call, Sea Navigators (as with, Amerigo Vespucci too), all fall, in line, with Thucydides beliefs, in a way of living].

Europe: Marcus Tullius Cicero

Perhaps one, of the greatest Romans, that ever, lived, and in many ways, a Leader, who, believed, in truly defining, how, a Life, should be, lived out. He did not write, from the, community perspective, but from, the perspective, of, the lone individual, seeking, to live Life, to, its greatest heights (as with the, basic Knowledge, to be acquired, for this).

Africa: St. Augustine of Hippo

A Roman too, and one, who attempted to define, what a perfect, and, Godly existence (as with, the City perhaps), resembled. In many ways, a perfect inspiration, for, what most, perceive, to be, Godless Africa (as especially too, with its, Cities).

South East Asia: Herodotus

One of the more, reknowed, Greeks (having written lots, too, in, one lifetime); Herodotus, in many ways, sought, to study, the very way, in which, people, all over, lived Life. South East Asia, one of the poorest, regions, in the World, suffers (as such), due to their, rather undeveloped, Ground-zero Civilization. In many ways, this has been, due, to the existence, of, strong Mother figures, in their lives, all due really, to, the traditional worship, of, Goddesses (in all their forms) [Hinduism, as mentioned before, is mainly, associated, with, Goddess worship]. Rather strong Mother figures, in India, has stifled, the expansion, of, Civilization (at all levels) there, and in many ways too, allowed, for British Imperialism, to take place. These figures, must be gotten rid off, and South East Asia, can become, a rather extremely strong, civilization, if, different communities there, sought, to learn, from each other (rather than stereotyping each other), as with, Ground-zero Civilization. Works of other travelers, such as, Ibn Battuta, are deemed, also, helpful.

East Asia: Lao Tzu

Chinese philosopher, reknowed, for his, association, with the, Tao Te Ching, and in many ways too, a work, associated, with general survival, at, the Ground-zero level, of Civilization. His works though, are heavily based, on Prosperity issues.

Middle East: Plato

The works, of Plato, are numerous (in number), and in some ways, represent, the best, in, Greek thought. Plato, was in many ways, an Idealist, and for this, reason, his works, best serve, a Middle East, where, survival, is in many ways, individual (as with, going, against the odds). The Islamic/Byzantine world, has always had, a rather, developed, form, of Ground-zero level Civilization, and it is believed, that, the works, of, Plato, can very much, help, improve, on this.

As a finality, it must be remembered, that, these works, are, inspirational in nature, and do not, really, tell one, how, to start, Civilization, at the Ground-zero level. Having said that, it must be, remembered too, that, starting Civilization, at the, Ground-zero level, is a, rather, difficult task, and should not, be taken, lightly. It could take one, a whole generation, to get things, up and running, smoothly.