Saturday, September 24, 2011


and the very world too even, of the Media really.

Most are aware, that they are actually perhaps really, 'brought up', in rather, Media filled existences. The very act, of 'raising' a child today, is heavily too (as with a Mother really even), very much, Media based really. To understand this better, is to know, that, bringing up a child in all, is heavily about, shaping, 'its', Persona really [how one Sees things, Acts/Reacts, and even, generally Does things in all really]. The problem, with how many in todays World, have their Personas shaped, is very much, Media based in nature [as with the Television Set, even playing, a huge role, in all of this]. The end result though, of all this [as with Family Media even, highly associated with Womens Groups in Society], is that, most children out there, are brought up really, having their Personas, shaped in a certain specific manner. To understand this even better, is to know, that instead of having children See things really (as they are even), many today, are raised in all, to be rather Dependent (as with how, they See things really), on Mother Figures in all. Instead of teaching children in all too, to Act/React right really, many, are brought up too again, based around, Pleasing really, Mother Figures of all kinds, with the end result, being, a general culture, of Infantilism [or the general desire, by both men and women really (but especially men) to please, a Female Figure, in their lives (and at all costs even)]. Thirdly is to accept, that most out there, have their Personas shaped (as with Doing things in general), by Ridicule in all really [and by Female Presences too, in their midsts], and in general too really, leading, to a general Avoidant Personality in all [as with the fear even, of facing punishment, due, to a Female Figure in all really too].

Traditionally though, children (as with having, their Personas shaped in all really), have been either, 'Brought up', Reared, or even, 'Raised up' really [and all this too, speaking of, how they do in all, See things in general, Act/React, and generally too, Do things in all really, respectively] [with each of these acts though, 'Brought up' etc., actually influencing, the other areas of the Persona, they are not, directly, associated with really] [and these acts too, rather Independent in nature, as with the child really, gaining Independence too, by becoming Self-Independent really, with regards, to all this really too].

In general though, the very act of shaping the Persona, is to in general too really, avoid, all forms of Authoritarianism really [from Demagogy for instance, to Authoritarian rule in itself really too]. Traditionally though, this has all been about, teaching, a Child, what they do in all call, 'Play' [as with it even, consisting really, of, Fight, Game and Dance even too really] [and as with these three in all, shaping really, how one does See things in all really too, Act/React, and even, Does things in general really] [in many ways too, one often sees really, advanced child raising techniques in all, in European Cultures, and not, African, as many today, often falsely believe]. All this though [the concept of 'Play' in helping Raise, Rear, or 'Bring up' children], has been replaced in all, by a general culture, of Pleasing Female Figures in all too really, as with they even (Female Figures that is), heavily defining too really (and as somewhat even, with 'Play' in itself really), what a man/woman, male/female, boy/girl etc., is really like.

[In all too though really, what Authoritarianism (as with 'bringing up' children today that is), has done, is result in general really, in a war-like existence/culture, seen all over the World even, with general society in all (or the 'current system' as some would say), that in its most degenerative form, leads, to Warfare in itself really too] [In all too really again, the books advanced below, speak of really, the 'current system' in all (or modern society even), as with the problems seen in the books below, speaking of, general society today (as with problems faced even) (but, at a lesser frequency really, or intensity level even)]