Friday, September 16, 2011


Who exactly, was Marie-Antoinette? And why too, has she become, a rather famed historical personality (rivaling even, the Pharaohs, and in mystic too really)? The Story of Marie-Antoinette, begins more or less, actually, after the French Revolution (with many though, believing falsely, she, was actually, a pre-Revolution Queen actually too). To understand though, and know Marie-Antoinette, is to recognize, that she, more, than any other post-Napoleanic figure, did create, the Modern Era (even more so, than, Queen Victoria herself). To understand, and accept this better even, is to know perhaps really too, that the Modern Era, has been hugely defined in all, by Popular Media/culture (and the very world too even, and as with Marie-Antoinette really too, of Jewelry and Perfumes even).

How though, can one best access really, the very world too again, of Marie-Antoinette? To comprehend this better, is to know perhaps, that most acquaint, this age and day, modern, with a rise really, in development in all, and human creativity too really, and as with Technology too really. Truth is, as with Technology even, and culture too really again (and as with knowing too, It, technology that is, does emanate in all, from culture itself too really), is to know, that Popular Media/culture, reached its heights really, in the world, of Marie-Antoinette (and the Carolingians even). Having said this, is not only to know, that those in the past, would find modern Technology rather silly in its ways (as with the Car even, being used mainly, for relaying Knowledge actually), but also, as with fulfilling whims, requests and demands (and Popular Media/culture too in all really), it could best be said, that the Carolingians (and Marie-Antoinette too even), could easily, have figured out, the Technology, seen, in the World today (as with it really, fulfilling, lowly even, whims, requests, and demands too in all).

Having said all this, and as with Popular Media/culture too even, is to know too, that the materiality seen today (as with Technological advancement and prowess even), falls behind (largely even too), that seen, in the past, as with todays materiality too really, not truly, fitting the purpose of materiality in all (and as with fulfillment/Satisfaction too really) [meaning too that, a Car or CD bought today, will satisfy (or fulfill one even), for about, 6 months (or as long even, as a time warranted guarantee, continues to prevail)] [Dumas on the otherhand, is still very much, a relevant read, to this very day even too (and as with, the Machiavellian even)].

Thirdly and finally even, is to know and recognize that, Marie-Antoinette and the Carolingians too really, did actually invent, Fundamental Science/Research [and the very world too even, of the French Scientist actually, Wilhelm Leibniz (who though, did not invent calculus, as falesly often mentioned), and also, the so falsely called too even, 'Queen Sophie Charlotte of Prussia' (but actually really too, Marie-Antoinette herself)]. Knowing this, is to know, that modern Technology today (as with Victorian-based Research even), has its roots, in Fundamental Science/Research [and as with Einstein too even really].

In many ways though (as with Leibniz even), it is to know in all (and acknowledge even), that the Popular World, truly did reach its heights, with the Carolingians [as with they really too, deeming in all, Popular Media/culture today, rather lowly even], and Marie-Antoinette herself really too [as the true in all really, "Queen of Pop"].