Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Due Process

Due process, is a term, probably, that many, acquainted, with the world, of Law, know about. They have, probably heard it, in an American, TV series, such as, L.A. Law [Americanista really]. And while, in the Law world, explaining, Due Process, is kinda difficult, in the everyday, meaning, of the word, it is not so. Due Process, can be said, to refer, to the process, of actually, solving problems. And the solving, of problems, involves, what are known, as Thought Processes [not to be confused, with Thought systems]. Thought systems, are really, associated, with, general thinking. Thought processes, on the other hand, are harder, to define, as unlike, thought systems, they can be, very, regional, in nature. In the world, of the Arts, thought processes, are associated, with what, they call, Songs [and not music]. In America, the two, most popular, singers, in the last, few decades, have been, Prince, and Madonna. They are not, musicians, but singer, and songstress. As a result, many Americans, born, in the last generation, will find, that, when it comes, to solving, everyday, simple problems, like stretching, or even, yawning, they kinda do them, in a similar manner, to the way, Prince, and Madonna, would do them. Sounds outrageous, but it is really so. Most Americans, in general, stretch, and simply hang out, in a manner, similar, to Madonna. Most Americans too, climb stairs, and answer, to queries, in a manner, similar, to Prince. Songs, can be a danger, to ones health.

Around the world though, Due Process, and problem solving, in general, differs, kind of, greatly. In Asia, many people, attempt, to use, trial and error, in general problem solving, not knowing, what they are really, doing. In Africa, the heavy use, of memory, as in remembering, is used, by many, to solve problems. The problem though, is that, many, use knowledge, as they remember it, dismissing, the accounts, of others. Can be dangerous, for people, who don't see things, rather clearly. In Europe, problem solving, by people, is often, guided, by, sexualized feeling states [they seek to be popular always]. In the Middle East, you find today, that people, are guided, in their thinking, with regards, to problem solving, by states of excitability [acting on the spur of the moment]. In North America, many, not knowing, what they are actually, doing, attempt, to solve problems, by using, what one, could perhaps call, creative daydreaming [thinking outrageously really]. In South America, with society, having been, reduced, to somewhat, resemble, an African village [Media style], many people, just, don't think at all, with regards, to problem solving; they resolve, everything, simply. As a result, of all this, the world, has become, problematic, in nature, with just about, everything, in it, appearing, to be, a problem, of one kind, or another. All this, due, to dumb thinking, on the parts, of many people, out there.

Most have probably heard, of scientific disciplines. They differ, from, the scientific genre, as they are, heavily, mathematically, oriented. Scientific disciplines, are of, importance, in problem solving, and are, at least, a general study, for those, who simply wish, to learn, how to, solve problems, better. For those too, who wish not, to go, to school, studying, a scientific discipline [as mentioned, heavily mathematically oriented], can help them, at the very least, present, a presentable presence, at any, dinner table, where, so called, educated folks, attempt, to prove, just about anything, using, a mathematical formula.

Different regions, of the world, utilize, different, scientific disciplines, in solving, the problems, often seen there.

North America: Operations Research

Operations Research, is a scientific discipline, with origins, in America itself. It is heavily, divided, into, sub-disciplines, such as, Optimization [find the best solution to a problem], linear programming [finding a clear solution], or numerical analysis [solutions to huge problems]. Operations research, would be, a good study, for all, North Americans, in teaching them, to deal, with problems, found, in North America. It is also, applicable, to the world, out there. Operations research though, has been, applied, to technology, for the use, of all, everyday Americans, in the form, of, Help lines. Dialing 911, for instance, is kind of, about, optimization. If in North America, and especially, America, and a visitor, of sorts, and kind of, lost too [problematically], help lines, would be, your best friend. Don't use, creative daydreaming, when not knowing, what to do.

South America: Control theory

Control theory, is a scientific discipline, having, been made popular, via, what they call, Cybernetics. Cybernetics, was made, popular, in American society, by one, Maxwell Maltz. Cybernetics, is often, used, as a problem solving tool, for those, who design, air missiles. In short really, its based, on having, a very, clear picture, of what, one, wants to see, happen, and somewhat then, propelling oneself, towards, this clear picture, while using, all kinds, of feelings, as a guiding system. In South America traditionally, the use, of cybernetics, to solve, everyday, problems, was enhanced, via, the use, of what, they call, news clips, and even, news reports, all heavily, involved, with problem solving.

Europe: Chaos Theory

In Europe, having, a problem, is very much, like, experiencing, chaos. And most problems, are not, about, attempting, to see, a higher order, but actually, attempting, to clear, the chaos. Chaos theory, is heavily, associated, with, recursive thinking. You simply, have to see, the recursive pattern, in ones thinking, and know, when to stop. In and out, in and out, until, things, don't make, sense, anymore, is very much, how, chaos, is created. Stop the recursion. One you stop, the recursion, you want, to solve, the problem, at hand. Solving, the problem, at hand, often, involves, the use, of a standardized, solution. These solutions, often, make their presence, known, via, the use, of, the services industries, often, associated, with the use, of, electric machines [such as ATM's]. Europes, service industries, work, very much, like, electric circuits. Not too easy, to see.

Asia: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, is very much, associated, with, knowledgeable beings. And while, it has, its, origins, in Japan, Asian, immigrant labour [within Asia], has often, taken, the form of, knowledgeable workers. People, who simply know, how to, solve problems, of one kind, or another. Artficial Intelligence, as a studied, discipline, is really about, tackling, all kinds of, problems. Simply knowing, about them, from, the perspective, of causes. In Asia, knowledgeable beings, were often, seen around, sitting perhaps, under, a tree, and meditating, and one, could approach them, and ask, a question, and get, an answer to it. They were known, as Sages. Thats kinda how, Ancient Asia, was like. Today though, such knowledgeable beings, can be found, in Asias, education systems, as, Asian education, seems, to be mainly about, being knowledgeable, rather, than gaining, knowledge. They are kind of, practical, in nature. If in Asia, and stuck, visit, your local university, or high school, for an answer.

Africa: Data Mining

In Africa, many, of the problems, are really, about, knowing, whats going on, at the present. Not only that though, but also, having, an exact picture, of whats going on. People in Africa, only really, hear, about things, and problem solving, is alot, about, seeing things. In Africa, a person, might ask, to meet you, at a bar, and upon, entering the bar, one might not, see them, unless, they call out, at you. Sounds, kind of untrue, but thats how, Africa, really is; people, hear things, they don't, really see them. While in Africa, the use, of SMS, is of, extreme importance, in solving, just about, any kind, of problem [cellphones too]. The internet too [search engines], is of, importance, in trying, to understand, a problem, big, one might face, while in Africa.

Middle East: Cryptography

In the Middle East, problems faced, are not what, they appear, to be; one has, to decode, the truth. One will find, that, they have, to discover, whats, really going on, rather, than whats, happening. One cannot, solve, a problem, in the Middle East, from the perspective, of whats, happening [causes and effects], but only, from the perspective, of whats, really going on [conspiracy like, in theory]. Understanding, the mathematics, of cryptography, can help, those, in the Middle East, understand, the problems, they face, much better. In general though, the best way, to study, cryptography, in an Artistic manner, is via, the reading, of, Islamic literature, and especially, those concerning, Islamic heroic figures. The likes, of Sinbad, Aladdin, Antares, Amir Hamza, are always, attempting, to decode, the problems, they face [for instance, who killed, Amir Hamzas father].

Thats problem solving, worldwide, in a nutshell.