Sunday, August 29, 2010

History in Colour (Part 1)

History, is often, a heavily debated, matter. Just about, most people out there, have their own, version, of, historical events, of all kinds. Versions, that determine, very much, how they see themselves, and also, very much, how they deal, with others. While most versions, of history, are very, communal, in nature [family, community, nation, and the likes], and people, identify, with them, they do not, necessarily, determine, why we deal, with others, the way we do. History of aggression, between groups, is often, encoded, in their genes; people, who have hated, each other, for a long time, continue, to do so [mutually speaking], even, after harmony is restored, because, this hate, might be encoded, in their genes [Montague & Capulet style].

History, at least, at the, communal level, is often, many a time, associated, with what, they call, spirit. Ones spirit. The raising, of spirits, to fulfill, a certain, dream, or prospect. 'spirit' though, is never, really mentioned, in history, and instead, bodies are. When we say, bodies, we really mean, that, in many cases, colour [skin colour that is], is used, to define, bodies. In many other cases, still, human body shapes, are also, used, to define, body. In general, to make something, complex, simple, the idea, of spirit, in history, as recorded, very much today, is often, associated, with, skin colour, and body shapes, as definers, of the communal. That however, might be difficult, to see, for those, who don't read into, history itself [as written, in the books].

While the recording, of history, from the, communal perspective, is heavily done [and rightfully so too], it is in many, ways, not very, truthful, in nature, and does not, explain, why most people, out there, are like, they are. It explains really, small events, in history. When it comes, to history, on a large scale, it is there, where, spirit, comes, into play. 'spirit' is not that hard, to define, as it is, that part of us, that very much, makes us, aware, of just about, everything, around us; the 'person', who most people, believe themselves, to be, and, very much, also, said to be, life, within us. 'spirit', is very much, whom, we are, at our core really, and the 'person', believed, to transverse, through history, having memories, and experiences, of all kinds. Most people, out there, don't know, whom, their spirit is. 'spirit' really, is the unifier, of all, our other, identities. Its at the core, of it all. When we are born [reincarnate], we are born, with a new spirit [our old/former spirit, resides, in the ancestral realms]. When we are born, and seek, to know, whom, we are [usually by having a name, attached to us], we are really seeking, really, to strengthen, the spirit, in us, by giving it, a strong identifier. In short really, what is been said, is that, the names, we are given, should strongly, be linked, to an, ancestral spirit, for support, and strength. Our spirit identity [the originator of our dreams and visions], is truly, the only, identity, we need, to know, right now, to start, living life, as it is. And knowing, this identity [spirit], is very much, associated, with attaching it, to an, ancestral spirit, one wishes, to emulate [or copy], and to live, a life, like they once did. One can attach, to ancestral spirits, of their own past life, or to those, of others, who are really, of similar genes or blood. Its really, that simple, and knowing, ones spirit identity, is enough, for a person, to live life, without, ever gaining, any other identity. One can simply, talk, to ones, ancestral spirit, and they can, direct one, to do, something, for them, or for oneself, to make one, meaningful. Ancestral worship, is the oldest form, of, religious worship, and was, very much, what, religion, in the ancient world, was all about. Simply choose out, an ancestor [in the European tradition atleast], and ask, if they wish, to be associated, with one. For those, without, any religion in them, and wish, to embark, on, a path, of self-discovery [through religion], then, ancestral worship, is the beginning, to knowing, whom, you really are. Once attached, to an ancestral spirit, they can reveal, to one, all ones other identities [as chosen before, in the heavens; this also, is true, for ones, ancestral spirit, although one, can change it, here on earth] [One should note too, that they must, strongly, identify, with an ancestral spirit, and not, simply, just, identify].

In todays world though, spirit, and ancestral veneration, of all kinds, has been replaced, with, strongly, identifying, with, skin colour. Our skin colour [more than our body shapes perhaps], determine, the dreams, we seek out, to live [hair and features though, also, partly determine, what we seek out, to live]. And this identifying, with skin colour, goes back, to, 17th century, Europe, which eventually, became, a cancer of sorts, spreading out, to the rest of the world, and in many cases, ending, ancestral veneration. European history, is often told, from the, perspective, of one colour, only: white. And while, black and brown, did exist, in Europe, their history, is very much, untold, as it is, a history, that while, meshing, with white history, begins, to diverge, and take, its own course. In this series, of, 'History in Colour', we shall attempt, to bridge, together, European history, as, its, a history, that has come, to affect, many people, around the world [educated Western really], with regards, to how, they see themselves, and others. Colour, and not spirit, will be, the main definer, of European history, as told here, as from the late, 17th century [when colour, begins, to become, an identifier, in Europe], and each colour, in Europe, having, different histories, has very much come, to define, how, similar colours, around, the world, choose, to live, their lives.

White History:

The history, of white skinned people, in later Europe, often, if not, takes the form, of, revolts, revolutions, and riots. It also, very much, deals, with, issues, of, material culture, language, and identity. Material culture, language, and identity/power, are at the heart, of what, they call, the white identity; 'What is the difference, between, upper class, and middle class [material culture constructs]', 'Are all Germans, Nazis?', 'Are Spanish people, lazy?', 'Should immigrants, from Europe, to America, be forced, to speak, only English? [can they for instance, be Russian, at home]', 'Are Swedish people, oversexual?'. These are the issues, that people, with white skins, and those, affected, by, the Western region [white culture], think mainly about. This construct, of history, has been, attemptedly applied, to people, with other, skin colours, with often, disastrous, results. A full misunderstanding, of whom, they are. Several revolutions, riots, and revolts, have very much, cemented, white identity, as defined above, making it, difficult, for people, with other colours, to understand, why, white people, are the way, they are. Why some, white people for instance, don't like, to see, wealthy minorities. Why some, white people, look down, on the languages, of other colours. Or even better yet, why, many white people, believe, the way, other colours, formulate, identities, such as, father, or mother, is backwards in nature.

The most important, of these revolts [in all], was the French Revolution. It is a revolution, that many, white skinned people, strongly identify with, and often, believe, to define them, all, as one. The history books, present, the French Revolution, as a revolution, born, as a fight, for freedom, and independence, by peasants, in a very much, feudal Europe. This is not true though, and the, French Revolution, was born really, by a desire, for the lower classes, in French society, to attain, a higher, material culture, including, very much, the women [and men too], of top level, French society. It is a revolution really, that pretty much, defined [for whites really], the class structure, seen, in just about, every, western society today, and other areas, influenced, by western society. A class structure, that remains, very much, impermeable, with the exception, of servitude, to the top classes, or pure, sheer luck. [The black, and brown, experience, in the French revolution, differs, from each other, and from that, of whites]. While issues, of Class, are often, very much, associated, with minorities, they are really, truly, issues, affecting, the white masses. [The Media, concentrates, on minorities, in dealing, with this matter, as speaking, of whites, and class, is a sure recipe, for revolution]. [For minorities, so called, class issues, are really about, well-being, and survival, and not, materialism]. Oliver Cromwell, is a well known, figure, for those, who know, English history. And while, often, described, as, English, he was really, Scottish [and of the same mold, as William Wallace]. The story, of Cromwell, it is believed, is one about, uniting, England, Scotland and Ireland, under, the flagship, of the English Queen. The English, made him, their own [book wise], but in reality, he fought, for the independence, of Scotland, and Ireland, with regards really, to language, and culture, and not, freedom, and independence [as the books attempt to say]. The history, of white people, has been one, of one group, attempting, to force, its culture, and language, on another. This is especially true, with regards, to Irish history, which has been, reframed, as a religious, conflict. The Gordon riots, which took place, in the UK, and believed, to be, a mass uprising, to fight, poverty really, was very much really though, all about, identity formation. It took place really, in the middle, 19th century, and very much, dealt, with, issues, of Reconstruction, in England. Reconstruction, in England, and America, was heavily really, a white issue. The American Revolution, is another, revolution, that helped, cement, white identity, in one way [animosity between, America and Europe]. And while, this revolution, is known, from, the perspective, of the Boston riots, it very much though, deals, with, European settlers, wishing, to enforce, their language/culture, on various, colonies, in America. This revolution, helped, cement, a divide, between, America, and Europe, and what, it meant, to be, American, and European. The English Civil war, is a little known, war, by most [many not knowing, that England, did have, a civil war]. It is based, around, what they call, the, 'gunpowder plot and treason', and a belief, by many, to be, very political, in nature, and dealing with, the overthrow, of the, English parliament, by a certain faction, of English society. In reality though, it was very much, an identity issue [not in the way, most would believe it to be], based on, attempting, to totally, reform, English society, to a womens society. In general, overthrowing, English institutions. The Cuban revolution, is another, very much known, revolution, taking place, in the Americas, and despite, many believing it, to deal, with, identity [power] issues [peasant], really dealt with, language [and culture] issues, and what, it meant, to be, Cuban. Cuban cultural identity, was heavily reformed [after the overthrow, of Battista, by Castro], to be, heavily White Cuban. The French Civil war, another revolt, unknown, to many, and believed, to be, all about, identity issues [religious in nature], was, at its heart, all about, language/culture, issues, and the overflooding, of France, with immigrants, from outside, France. It did, however, become, a religious identity issue, later on. It was, a civil war, very much, instigated, by, illegal immigrants, to France. The American civil war, another war, believed, to be about, power issues, was in fact, really, about, language/culture issues, very colonial, in nature, and gave birth, to Colonial America, with the defeat, of, Southern forces, by, British backed, Northern forces. White servitude, was installed, by the British, in the South, upon its defeat.

These historical events, are very necessary, to be understood, for those, who wish, to understand, white people. The Cuban revolution for instance, very much, raised, the issue, of, what, was, white cuban culture, and what, was not; an issue, that continues, to this day, in the western region, of the world, as to what, pertains, white culture, and what, is, minority culture [and what was too, Western, and Non-Western]. White Cubans, for instance, co-opted, Salsa dance, as a, white dance form, and not, minority too. Tango dance, was also, completely rewritten, as being, only, of, white Argentine, origins.

In short really, for those, out there, seeking, to marry white, they must, understand, white identity, as based, on, materiality, language, and identity/power issues. The white world, is not, what, many out there, believe it, to be; it is one, in many ways, filled, with misery.