Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Histories pt. 2 (kitab al-duwari)

The first entry, spoke about, our, environments, from the, perspective, of, Development; there is, however, another way, of, looking at, our environments, which are, that, of progress, and advancement. This entry here though, deals, with the, former: that of progress. Progress, is very much, different, from, development, in that, basically, development, is all about, building [or rebuilding], civilization. Progress, on the otherhand, is, all about, what, they refer to as, reconstructions, and reformations. What makes, progress though, different, from, develoment, is that, progress, is very much, communal based, in nature; the building up, of, communities. Reconstructions, and Reformations, are a really, good way, for, remaking, the individual, to be a, civilized being. The problem today though, is that, past methods, of, doing this, have been, replaced, by, womens society. The individual, today, is very much, a making, of women, in society, as are, communities, out there. This, unknown, to many really, is a, huge step, back, as, this modus operandi, was common, in the, ancient days, outside, Ancient Egypt. Its a really, huge step, backwards.

There are several, ways, to go about, building up, the individual [and community], which, many today, also, oftenly associate, with luck, talent, or genes. The belief, by some out there, that one, cannot really, build up, individuals today, and, individual success, is all about, luck, talent, or genes. And as mentioned, in the past, various structures, existed, to build up, the individual, which, today, have been replaced, by, womens society [a huge step back].

Progress Formats:

The severally known, progress formats, out there, can be classified, as follows:

Religion: In todays world, we see, a dearth, in religion, and its practise, and its ways, have, generally, been replaced, by, womens comments. As mentioned previously, religion, can be, divided, into, 4 main groups: Western, African, Asian, and World. Islam, as stated before, falls, into, all 4 groups. The problem though, is that, with, the rise, of, womens society, the world, has seen, a death, of, religion, and its, practise. Its a bad situation, in that, many religions, out there, are pretty much, dead, and one, cannot, know, if, its possible, to revive them. Even if, possible, like, many, of the, Asian religions, one, would find that, they are, rather outmoded. The solution really, for those, who wish, to, re-engage, in, religious practise, and create, normal, images, for themselves, in society, is to, really look, into, Islam. For Islam, is by far, today, the only, really, relevant, religion, and its, a religion, highly, versatile, in nature, and can, be adopted, and made, to fit into, many communities, outside, the Islamic world. The worship, of Jesus, as seen, in, Southern France, is an example, of how, in general, Islam, can be, adopted, by communities, outside, the Islamic world. For those, in the, Western world, as mentioned before, Sharia, would be, something, one would, want, to incorporate, into, their religions [for Sharia, makes more sense, than Christianity, in the world today]. For Asians, looking, into Sufism, would be beneficial. As mentioned, remember, Islam, is highly, versatile, and one, should not think, that, creating, a community based group, to study, Sharia, or Sufism, is, becoming Islamic. Take whats useful, and adopt it, into, ones religion.

Classical Studies: Classical studies, is the study, of the, Classical world [or Ancient Civilizations really], from the, perspective, of, systems and structures. The reason, for this, is to, simply, enable people, to know, how, to rule, over themselves, and even, how, to basically rule, themselves. This today, has again, been replaced, by, womens society [via the Media too], telling people, how, to basically dress, or really, the kind, of personalities, they should have. How they, should act, behave, and even, move. Systems and Structures, at their heart, affect, our, personalities, and are, all about really, being civilized. How to eat, dignifiably, with a fork & knife, is part, of what, being civilized, is all about, and a part, of what, education, is really, all about. When it comes, to the study, of, Ancient Civilizations, one finds, that, a few stand out, with regards, to, becoming civilized. The best really, would be, Ancient Egyptian, Roman Civilization, Islamic Civilization, and even, the Swahili civilization. Those are the four, that stand out, with regards, to, systems and structures. Ancient Egyptian, is particularly popular, with regards, to, systems and structures, pertaining, to, the family. Islamic civilization, is of importance, with regards mainly, to education, and law. Swahili civilization, once stetching, from the, Somali coast, to inside, South Africa itself, is a good, civilization, to study, with regards, to, systems and structures, that are, decentralized in nature, and very, communal based. They were, rather advanced, in that. It is however, with the, Roman Civilization, that one, sees, a high degree, of development, with regards, to, 'systems and structures', thought. Rome, is the most, studied, civilization, out there, with regards, to just about, anything: from education, to law, to engineering, to politics, and even, economics. The problem, with Rome though, is that, its ways, are only, applicable, to those, already, somewhat, significantly, civilized. For small communities, and countries, looking, to build, systems and structures, right now, the Swahili civilization, would be, the best start.

Folklore: For those, wishing, to become, civilized, almost immediately, the study, of folklore, is of, utmost, importance. Folklore, is mainly, all about, the development, of character. Characters, unlike personalities, don't really need, a formal, education. They somehow know, how to, meander about, the system and structures, to get done, what, they want to do. Folklore, is heavily, associated too, with, mythology, mythic tales, legends, and the likes. Being acquainted, with them, can give one, a quick start, on living, life, on the now. While, they are, generally, about, success, they are, also, very much, about, problem solving, from the perspective, of, process. The process, of problem solving [Joseph Campbell, is mythic problem solving, in an advanced form]. In todays world though, bureaucracy, is behind, the process, of problem solving, with many, unsatisfactory, results. When studying, folklore, the most, relevant today, would probably be, African, Egyptian, and Indian, as they still, very much, work.

The Ecumenical: The Ecumenical, can perhaps, be described, as being, all about, the creation, of, Intellectual Capital (IC). Intellectual Capital, can perhaps, be said, to be, all about, the generation, of, thoughts, principles, and practises, and their, application, into our lives. The way, to go about, doing this, is by, actually, adopting, certain, symbolic identities, such as, that, of the, Leader, Scholar, Teacher, Warrior, and the likes. One finds, that, whenever, someone, attempts, to go out there, and make, life better, for themselves, and others, they often, adopt, any, of the, forementioned, symbolic identities. In general, you find, that, the Warrior, is particularly popular, in, the Western, and African, regions. The Scholar, on the otherhand, is popular, in the, Middle East, and Asian, regions. In the, olden days though, one sees, that, the Teacher, was, particularly popular, in creating, IC. The most, popular teacher, out there, was probably, Jesus. He taught practises, to enable people, in the, Middle Eastern region, to live, in peace, and harmony, with each other, but faced, prejudice, from a, Jewish [not Jew] Cabal, who preferred, to rule, rater than have, people, made civilized. The Next Big thing, as an Art, will be, based, on, Asceticism [and its practises], and also, very much, being, a Scholar. A whole culture, based, around that: Asceticism [practises really], and the Scholar. It will be, very much, about, creating, a paradigm, for, generating, IC, from the, many studies, done, by, Islamic Scholars, in the past. Thats the Next Big thing, as a Science. For the average joe though, adopting, the, symbolic identity, of the Seer, is one, they could use, in adopting, IC, into, their, communal lives, at the moment. This could be, something, simple, as reading, literature, and choosing, to adopt, certain, small practises, to make life, better. Hold a Gasque party, or something like that, to bring about, differet people, in a neighbourhood, who don't, really know, each other. For the Seer, thoughts, are the easiest, to come up with, based on, reading stuff.

In total though, one finds that, each of the above, modes, of forming, community, have been, replaced really, not only, by, womens society, but also, by, other, formalized, identities, out there. Religion, has very much, today, been replaced, by, ones, 'Place of Birth'. People see others, as being, perfect, or not perfect, for example, based on, their, 'place of birth'. Classical studies, have been replaced, by, Modern Education & Schooling. Education&Schooling today [modern], are really, all about, development, but, in the past, were about, progress. Folklore, is today, mainly done with, having, been replaced, by, bureaucracy, and a, city based identity. People, from NY apparently, solve problems, differently, from people, in Miami. The Ecumenical, has been, replaced, by, an identity, highly based on, materiality [strongly identifying, with some forms, of, material culture [Mercedes Benz for example], as a proof, of being, civilized, rather than, with, thoughts, principles, and practises]. And at the heart, of all these, modern identities, is, Womens society [and not community or communal].

Remember that all this, is all about, the individual, and not, the person; the individual, is a, communal/community based being, while, all that has, been written before, about, has, to do with, the person.