Sunday, August 29, 2010

Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford

This edition, of, Relationship Design with Cindy Crawford, deals, with a relationship model, that, would probably, be favoured, by, two independent working minds, who don't have, too much time, for each other, but are willing, to make it.

At the heart, of the relationship, are two souls, very independent, in thinking, wishing, to have a, relationship, but, to busy at work [self-made success perhaps], to really, have it. The model, is rather easy, to see, in nature. Each, of the individuals, in the relationship, has their, own, timetable, and routines, that they follow. They might meet, at the, breakfast table, or even, on, the streets, or, a restaurant too. Their timetables, dictate, their living really. However, they do both, aspire, to have, a social life. They both, do not have, the time really, to get, to know, each other, socially, well enough. They might not, have, time, for dates, or even, to mingle, with others. They therefore, do not, have the time, to know, each other, well enough, to be, comfortable, around, each other. This is dealt with, by each of the individuals, in the relationship, molding, the other, into, something, they want them, to be, socially. To lose weight, one of the partners, might ask, the other, to probably take up, tennis. To be socially suave, the other partner, might ask, the other, to take up, acting lessons. In short really, each, of the individuals, in the relationship, molds, their partner, to be something, they want them, to be, socially. There is however, some, private time, between, the individuals too. This private time, might occur, in the weekends, or even, during, hiatuses, such as, the summer season. During this, free time, the two individuals, act, totally freely, with, and around, themselves. What this really means, is that, they relate, with each other, using, their child [kid], personality. They are totally free, around, each other, and even, depending, on the individuals, farting, is allowed. Simply totally free [pillow fights too perhaps].

The partners, might decide, to have, children too. If this is decided upon, then, the children, are actually, split, between the parents. This means that, one parent, cares, for a number of them, and the other, for the rest. The parents, act, as guardians, towards, their children. They simply, seek, to instruct them, on becoming, learned, and intelligent. The children however, are left alone, to pursue, all this. The parents, might pay, for piano lessons, private school, and even, cooking lessons. As mentioned above, the children, are actually, split, between, the parents, and those, under, one parent, don't really know, the other parent, well; they know about him or her, from, the other parent. The kids too, don't socialize, too much, out there, and are, very much, materialists, by nature; living around, certain, material culture. The kids, also, very much, relate with each other, around, a certain, material structure; whether around, the TV, or around, the dining table, or even, in the car, as they are driven, somewhere. They basically, know, personnel, who also work, around, the material structure [such as cooks, or drivers], better, than they know, each other. They are very much, individual, by nature. In the later years though, when, both parents, have pretty much, retired, or even, past, 45 years, in age, they switch, friendship, with the children. This means, that those children, once, under, the guardianship, of the mother, now, only deal, with the father; and vice versa. At this age too, the individuals, might seek, to spend, more time alone, than with, their spouse [choosing perhaps, to live separately].

And that sums up, in totality, this relationship model.