Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Idealized

Many have truly in all, tried, to get, what some do term really, a 'proper perspective on ones life' in all. The attempt in all too, to put ones individual life really, into all forms of perspectives too really, and as with regards even, to just how to live it in all (and as with Age even perhaps), what to do with it, what kind of success to attain in all really, where to live too really for instance, or even, whom to generally turn to in all, for general help or assistance even (and as with general prayer too even) [as with those even too, who don't believe truly, in "Jesus' way" anymore too really].

In the past though, people have looked, for general inspiration really, on just how to live their lives in all, from various sources [and as with even, what to do, with any given day perhaps really]. Some of these sources, have included even perhaps, (the Lifestyles of) the Rich and Famous, past Civilizational existences (including obsessions too really, with Egypt for instance), Grand/Great Ancestors (as with wanting really, to emulate even, their everyday successes in all really), Religious/Political Figures (including too for instance somewhat, modern day American Football players for example), and finally, Women too actually [as with they defining in all, whats happening even, in any given place too really].

Below though, will be recommended, various 'Deities' in all really, that can serve for the Masses out there even (and as with Region too really), what Jesus in all, has represented in many ways truly, to most people out there (and as even truly mainly, with the recent times actually) [with 'Jesus Mania' in all, truly beginning actually, in the Victorian times really]: general Success, and in just about, everything really, we actually do in all [and as with prayers too even].

North America: Venus

- the Roman Goddess, Venus, truly serves in all, as an Ideal really, for North Americans in general, to turn towards too, when dealing with, any kind of problems really, and in their lives too actually [and in general, those feeling lost too, and in all too even, not truly believing (or understanding truly even), "Jesus' way", anymore really] [the best way even, for American Men in all perhaps, to deal with, any relationship problems, they might actually have really].

South America: Aphrodite

- for South Americans in general, whom even, with all the Money in the World too really, do feel like in all really, life offers no true opportunity in all, there is no other better source out there, to turn too really, than the Roman Goddess Aphrodite [and as with she even, offering something really, to talk about in all, other than the 'North' for instance really (or America too that is)].

Europe: Europa

- the Greek Goddess, continues in all truly, to truly define in all, the European Experience, and in all its ways too really.

Africa: Kebra Nagast

- for a Continent in all (and minus Egypt too that is), that has seen, a rather poor development in all really, and with regards, to Spirituality too in general [other than talk too, of the Orisha really].

Asia: 'the Buddha'

- for Asians in all, who believe that life, is rather boring or lackluster even, and in modern Asia too even, rediscovering themselves (or their true Selfs really), lies with, not only knowing they have always truly, been 'the Buddha' really, but also knowing too that, 'the Buddha', does come in, rather many forms really (and as with the Polymorphic too even actually) [and including too even really, the rather famed in all, Laughing Buddha].

The Middle East: Oracles

- the Middle East, is a Region of the World, replete even, with all forms of Oracles, that one living there in all, can truly identify with, and not only, as with the Ideal actually, but also in all, as with whom really, they are truly in many ways, actually becoming, and towards too really, the end of their lives actually [as with this defining truly even, whom they truly are in all, and as with regards really, to their total Self/self].

Afrique: Osiris

- living in Afrique, can be either, rather difficult in all, or simple too even, depending really, on just how well, one is truly acquainted in all, with Osiris really [and as with him even, being truly, the greatest Trickster in all perhaps, of them all too really].

** in all, and as just mentioned above too really, the above, are whom we truly are, as complete (and total even), Individual beings really [meaning that, if you have no understanding of Religion or Spirituality in itself too even (and don't even somewhat feel really, or believe even, that it is necessary or important too really, and in ones life that is, one should know, that associating oneself, with the above 'Deities' in all, not only provides for simple religious existences in all really, but also, is the key, to making one simply feel, Human in all even, and even too, as with regards really, to Intelligence in all actually)].