Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Primary vs. the Secondary

Many have heard, of the terms, 'the Real vs. the Unreal', 'the Implicate (Order) vs. the Explicate', 'the Surroundings vs. the Environment' or even, 'the Probable vs. the Improbable' too really. Terms in all, used too, to describe, our Existences (and Present too even), but with no, underlying factor in all really, to unite them.

The term too, 'the Primary vs. the Secondary', can in all, be used, to act perhaps, as such an underlying factor, in helping unite too, the other in all, above terms really [with 'the Probable vs. the Improbable' too, heavily used really, in the Mohammedan and Koranic Worlds really].

The Primary and the Secondary too in all, can in many ways too, be best described really, as follows: Primary (Significance, Substance, Importance), and the Secondary (Conditions, Circumstances, 'Time periods') [with the Primary today, heavily in all too, defined really (and replaced too even), by Feminists (and Womenfolk too in general), and the Secondary in all too today, defined really too in all, by Significance, Substance and Importance even especially, and as defined too really, by Feminists in all actually]