Monday, October 17, 2011

Mohammedan Symbols

This entry, in all ways truly, does deal with an element, in our lives, that most out there, have forfeited in all really (and as with belief even), but in all too, does truly define really, our very lives in all on Earth: Predictability.

Many out there, have probably heard the belief, that nothing, truly goes on out there [as with even the further belief 'its just the same old story' really]. Mohammedan Symbols in all though, are actually in all too really (and as unknown to most even), at the very heart, of, Mohammedanism [and not Mohammedan Materiality, Mohammedan Architecture (such as Mosques even), or even truly, the Qu'ran even]. To understand this, is to understand in all, the element, of Predictability, and in our lives really.

Mohammedan Architecture:

Predictability in many ways today, can perhaps, best be described, from the perspective in all really, of Media [and as with it even, strongly in all, permeating, our Existences in all truly]. Speaking of Predictability in Media is speaking off in all, how Media, does truly define, the Predictable, Hierarchy & Organization, and finally even, what they do term in all, 'Example' [and in our lives really]. That in all, these elements do really, define in all (and on average even), Predictability, in our lives, as with Media truly, telling us, that what happens next in our lives (the Predictable perhaps really), has in all, to do, with a Western /Westernized Figure in all really, that Hierarchy & Organization too also, and in our lives, should in all, be Western & White too, and finally, that, 'Example' in all, should be in all too, that shown really (as with Praise even), by, Feminists & Western/Westernized Women really. Thats how, Media in all, truly, does attempt, to create/manifest, our lives in all, as being truly solid [and as with nothing in all, happening in them too really] [as with ones wanting, to do anything, met by the forces in all, of the Predictable, Hierarchy & Organization, and even 'Example' too really (and as with behaving really, around the Norm that is), and as with all this too even, in all too really, defined, by Western Media in all, and in many ways too truly] [Want Money? Its all 'Western' really. Want a House? A Western Bank will do. Want to go on Holiday? Only Western destinations, do suit really].

Mohammedan Symbols though, are Symbols in all (and as with the Mohammedan Faith really), that in all, do deal, with, the issue, of Predictability in our lives [and as with anything truly, capable, of happening really, in ones life/Life, should one in all, truly, Identify with these Symbols really]. In all too, the very way, that Life/life, was truly lived, in the old days, as with 'Power' even, having come to be defined, by those, who could best, predict, their environments in all really.

In many ways too though, dealing with Predictability in our lives (as with heightening even, the levels of civilization itself) [or even truly, simply, making people out there, aware, that there does exist, a greater 'mystery' in all, than the problems, they do in all face really, in their lives], is to speak of perhaps, how, 'mysteries' in all, were made rather popular in the past [as with 'gossip' even], by speaking of them even, as the greatest perhaps, 'Riddle', unsolvable too (by all), and probably too really, by 'God' only. Examples of such 'mysteries' have included Sacred Symbols (such as Mohammedan Symbols even), Fermats Last Theorem, 'the Easter Bunny', or even truly, the meaning, of Womens Menstrual Cycles [and their associated, emotions and feelings in all too really].