Monday, October 31, 2011

Media Representations

Most on turning on their Television Sets, are often prone, to see all forms really, of Media Representations, and of other people out there, which they tend to believe, to be true, or factual to say the least. They see images in all, of Africans chatting or starving even, Europeans well dressed, or living well too actually, Indians in all, associated with business really, or Chinese people too, talking funny, or looking naive or lost even. Images in all, truly false in their ways, but which many in all too out there really, have even come, to truly internalize, as with believing them even, to be the real truth in all actually [and many even too, coming to shape their Identities and behaviours in all, based around, these Images really].

Below though, will be shown in all, how people in the past, have actually in all truly viewed others really, and from places too, outside their own really: via Artworks in all actually. Artworks too, that are more factual and truthful in nature, and in showing one too, whom others out there truly are, much more better, than anything the TV could ever truly show really [with the TV perhaps in all, to be best viewed as being inferior really (and to Artworks too even), and with regards really, to helping others know/understand, whom others out there truly are actually].

North America: Jazz Artworks

South America: Street Artworks

Europe: Baroque Artworks

Africa: Tribal Artworks

Asia: Critical Artworks

The Middle East: Syrian Artworks

Afrique: Classical Artworks

***with Classical Artworks too, having their true origins, in Afrique, and not Europe too either [and with Theban Music too in all, falsely referred to as, Classical Music really].