Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Roman State

The Roman State, has come to influence, the modern World, than most out there, do believe it, to have done really. For it was in many ways really, the Roman State, that did give us, the very World today, that many of us, have come, to Individually know: that of the Isolated figure (lonesome, alone and lonely), the world of (modern) Capitalism [as defining even, our existences largely], and finally even, Lawful Systems [as Law in all too, in the form really, of Logical Frameworks, and of all forms really].

A way of living in general, replacing in all, the Personal Life/life for most out there [as with the Personal in all too, perhaps defined best really, in the form of, the Person, Personal Materiality, and finally too even, a 'Values & Personal Beliefs System' really].

In all ways truly, as with this model too really, of living life/Life in all, coming to define our present times strongly, is to know too that, it is highly, based (or geared truly), around, our 'Body Memory' [i.e. our Physical Body, as with Muscle Tissue in all even, acting truly, as Memory really] [and Memory too, associated strongly with trigger mechanisms, response mechanisms, and repair mechanisms too even, and as with all this in all too really, the attempt in all, to find (and keep even), Inner Calm & Peace, as with really too, having, the Body itself, be as calm and composed too really, as it possibly can (and all this too again, seen, as a lifetime goal really, and of a kind too even)].

Body Memory too (alongside the Body itself), formed, mainly around, Self-Belief systems and not, 'Religious Beliefs' systems really [and the world too even, of Self-Belief systems that is, perceiving Success in all really, as a peaceful & calm 'Experiential state', while, 'Religious Beliefs' systems in all too, perceiving Success really, in the form actually, of upraised feelings].

The Roman State in all truly really (and not actually really, the Roman Empire/Civilization):