Friday, October 21, 2011

Kenia : English Civilization Afrique

As it has been mentioned many a time before, and on Americanista Blog too really, people, have actually in all, been settling, within Afrique, since, the Viking times really. Some even, of these Settlers, have been English [and they in all too, discovering Afrique really, via Mercantilism, and into Asia itself too, and through the Swahili Coast] [and the very world perhaps even, of Marco Polo really]. What remains unknown to most though, is that, there is a Heritage even, of Architecture in all, built, within Afrique, and by its various Settlers [and with the most popularized of these out there actually, being in all really, 'Byzant' Ethiopian Architecture] [with English Architecture too really, found too in all, within Afrique (and far away even, and hidden too, from Nairobi really)] [and all this hidden Architecture within Afrique really, similar in all too really, to hidden ancient Architecture in all, to be found, inside India actually (and including, its Jungles too even really)]. 

Kenia though, refers to in all, to the kind of English really (Primordial too even), spoken, within English Civilization really, in Afrique. A kind of English too, unique in its ways in all (as with it even, being Primordial really), and in many ways too, has influenced even, the creation really, of new ways of speaking, other Languages out there [such as French, Kiswahili, and German too even]. However though, the main Tongue spoken in Kenia, is actually, 'Arthurian Kenian English' [and English too, similar in all, to that seen, in the John Locke Book posted above] [with John Locke too, having actually lived, in Kenia/Afrique, and not, England, as 'Internet media' in all, does presuppose to claim really]. What differentiates though, Kenia, from the other two divisions of English Civilization out there (England & America), is what truly, does lie, at its core really [as with Kenia in all too really, organized around really, Architecture, but in the form truly, of Heritage really]. For what does lie, at the core really, of English Civilization (England), is the Church of England in all really, while English Civilization (America), has Britain based Media (and Theatre too), at its very said core. 

For Kenia though, what truly lies at its core even, are the formation and creation in all, of Kenian Bodies [as with 'Ivanhoe' even], and Bodies too (as with Egyptian Civilization even), heavily influenced in all, by Osiris really [and while too really, English Civilization (England), is highly centered too, around English Religious Writings (or Scholarship too really), and English Civilization (America), centered around, English Imaginative Writings (or Readings too really), English Civilization in Afrique, or Kenia really, is highly centered around, the concept, of, Private Collections (and Personal Writings too even)]. In all too really, many out there have become acquainted, with Kenia truly, via, Popular English Food, Colonial, seen out there really (which many too, falsely assume in all, to be of English origins truly) [and speaking off too, popularized in all, Foods, such as Mayonnaise, Spaghetti, Pasta, Lasagna, or Italian Sauces even, such as Bolognese etc., which many in all, actually truly falsely believe really, to be traditional Italian Food, when in reality, Italian traditional Food, spans the range in all really, of Food, eaten, in Europe traditionally (and with European Foods actually in all, mainly too, of Italian origins really)] [the Foods mentioned above in all though, actually come from, Kenia Afrique, and popularized out there too really, by the Swahili in all (and via Saudi Arabia too actually)].