Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



To speak of Voodoo, is to first off, dissociate it and from Vodou too actually (and which is African Religion in all), as Voodoo in all again, does speak of White Society in America in all truly even (and not truly Haiti either), interpreting Vodou, and from very much speak of Christianity in itself that is. In all ways even, the above Voodoo Symbolism posted in all, and as actually emanating from White American Society too, and Voodoo, and as seen in America that is, and is in all again, not Black, or Haitian either.

American Voodoo:

Saturday, December 14, 2013



Candyman, and as speaking truly of Black Slavery in all, and the Black Experience too, and in Canada actually, and not America either [and as with all this even, speaking also, and of the very world of Tyler Perry, and 'Madea' too].

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Natural Sounds

Natural Sounds.

Many out there, do not truly know what does constitute for Reality, and what does not either. In all ways even, this somewhat has to do, and with most being conditioned in all, and in viewing Reality, and from the perspective only, and of Sight too. However though, most truly in all again, have been conditioned in all truly even, and from perceiving Reality in all, and from the perspective of Sound too that is. This in many a way even, does speak of what some do term Awakening to Reality, or even Opening up to Reality actually. Awakening to Reality in all, does speak for instance of being alerted or forewarned even, and to a certain Reality that is. Opening up to Reality on the otherhand, does speak even of discerning, what is truly possible in all, and as with regards to Reality too, and what is not either. 

In most ways though, most do view Reality in all, and as with speak of Power, Might and Authority too, from the very perspective of Sounds actually. That in all again, Unnatural Sounds, and as with they even best represented by a Vehicle or Car Horn that is, do in all again, tend to be perceived by most, as Sounds in all and that can be used to best judge or adjudge Reality too, and as with this even speaking of Human Voices, and in these Modern times we live in that is [that Power, Might and Authority in the World today, does go along with Sounds, that do match those in all, and of a Car or Vehicle Horn that is]. In reality though, what does truly constitute Reality in all, and as with not only Awakening or Opening up to it, and as with this even speaking of a Shift, Altering or Change in Consciousness too, does in all again go with Sounds in all, not only Natural, but very much alike in all truly, and to those made by all sorts and kinds of Drums that is.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oral History

Oral History.

To speak of Oral History, is to refer to it as the History in all again, that is oft Narrated in all [and as with this even speaking of Folklore, or even Folktales too]. In all ways even, it is History that actually does speak of Blood issues, and not Gene/Intellectual issues either. In all ways even, a History that speaks of issues and matters and as pertaining to Revenge, Retribution, Vendettas, Vengeance, Retaliation or even Reprisal too. In all again, the version of History in all, that truly does guide our everyday affairs and states actually, and as compared in all again, to erroneously guiding ourselves and on an everyday basis too, and from the perspective of Local or even National History that is. In all ways even, a good example of all this, is 'Indaba My Children' by Credo Mutwa, and which does speak of African Oral History, and as with speak even of just how in all African History did actually occur that is.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

South America

South America.

There are those in South America, and in many a way are not too happy, with themselves, and as with regards even, and to how to live their lives that is. In many a way too, why all this is partly said is because, South America in many a way does tend to present itself, and internationally too, as being somewhat American, or even European that is. 

South America today though, can truly only be defined in many a way, and by its Agricultural Industries that is. Other than that, nothing much truly does go on in South America, and as with speak even of how to live ones life in all, and other than living it around the Television actually [and as with the prevalent presence even, and of Globo in Brazil too, and as not only entertainment, but also as an authority in itself too]. 

In all ways though, South America as attempting to present itself and as being as affluent as America or even Europe too, does call into question and of just how best in all, to live in the place [that in all again, American and European lifestyles in South America, appear in all to be rather pretentious in their ways actually]. In all ways though, is to tell many a South American that, there is a basic way of viewing South America in all, and as compared to viewing it in general, and from its Governments too. This basic way speaks of the Local, the National, and the Regional (South America) that is. 

To speak of the Local and South America, is to in all ways even, speak of the a huge difficulty in all, and for most South Americans too, and as with regards even, and to just how to create Local Identities in all. Many an attempt and as based around Folklore, the Ethnographic (and as with Popular Figures even), Community, the Communal, and even Basic Industries too, have in many a way failed actually. In all ways though, it does appear that, life at the Local level, and in South America too, appears best to be lived around Religious lifestyles in all, and as with this speaking even, of Religious Rituals actually [and as with speak of the Mass for instance] [all this too compared to Ancestor Worship in all, and which is how many a part of Africa does create Local Identities too, but with the Mass more suited for South America, and as compared to Ancestor Worship in all, and speak even of Candomble in Brazil actually].

To speak of the National in South America, is to speak in all again and of the attempt of many a South American Country, to somewhat Americanize, and as with speak even of Economic policies that is. While the creation of National Identities, and as based around State (American States) oriented Economic policies does work in America, it does not appear to function rather well, and in South America too. In all again, National Identities in South America, appear in all to best truly function in all again, and when they do stem from National Arts Councils/Identities that is [this is a major difference between America and South America too, as unknown to most, Art in America is at the local and Folklore level even, and as with this speaking even of Americans as rather creative in all actually, and as with American National Identities too, speaking of State based Economic policies, and not National Media truly either].

To speak of South America and as a Region too,  is to in all ways even speak of the difficulty and of creating a common South American Identity in all [and as with South Americans visiting other parts of South America in all, feeling readily at home that is]. In all ways though, an attempt to represent South America as an entity in all, speaking in all again of the Banking Industry, the Telecom/Internet Industry, and even Celebrity figures too that is. In all ways though is to tell those in South America that, South America and as entity too, appears in all to be defined as a whole, and by those one might call the Little People [or those in South America in all, and who do work hard even, at low levels of employment, and with little pay too]. In all again, the Little People in all, and as helping form and cement in all again, a core South American Identity, and as with South Americans traveling from one part to another part of South America in all, able to depend on them and for anything too, and as with this basically speaking even, and of the Hospitality Industry in South America that is [and as with the Little People owning this Industry, and many other like it too that is].

Friday, October 18, 2013



Consciousness in many a way, continues to be a difficult subject in all, and for many a person out there too. In many a way, Consciousness in itself, is poorly presented on average, and as manifesting in all and in the form of Matter, Energy and Time in itself too. This is not exactly wrong, but most do take Consciousness in itself, to actually only consist of Matter, Energy and Time, when in reality, Consciousness in itself, is actually born of our Belief systems that is. In all again, when we do speak of Consciousness, and as manifesting as Matter, Energy or Time, it is best in all again, to associate it all, and with speak even of the Sacred that is [that what can be said to be Sacred, is truly Consciousness manifest, and as with speak even of Oracles that is, and as with whats Sacred in all, also very much Natural (and speak even of Consciousness and Conscious states too), and as versus the Unnatural that is (and speak even simply of Conscious states only)].

In many a way, it can be stated that, the ancients in all, did probably lead greater lives than we do today, and due in all again, to their Belief systems in all, and speak in all again and of how they did envision Consciousness that is [and as with their Belief Systems, rather nascent in all, and as with their even believing in all again, and in just about anything too that is]. To speak of Consciousness though, is to speak of it all even, and from three main perspectives: Shift in Consciousness, the Altering of Consciousness and a Change in Consciousness too. To speak of a Shift in Consciousness, is to speak in all again, and of raising Awareness levels in all, and as with this speaking even, and of what does truly matter, and who does not either. A simple example in all this, is the failure by most to actually realize for example, just how huge the Pyramids at Gaza truly are (Link1, Link2, Link3); if one could only grasp this, one would then truly realize that, what passes for success or achievement today in all, does not matter in most if not all ways even that is [and as with one also realizing, that the Pyramids, are actually Pyramids too, and with a tip at the top that is]. When we speak of the Altering of Consciousness in all, we are in all again actually speaking of experiencing new Realities actually, and as with this speaking even, and of what some do term the Supernatural in all [in many a way too, the Supernatural in all, is actually born of Nature, and speaks even of the Wilds in all, and somewhere in all again, where anything in all truly even, can happen to one actually (and as with being bitten even, and by a strange insect too, and suffering from a hallucinatory experience that is)] [in many a way too, the hallucinatory even, and as speaking even of hindsight, foresight and insight too actually]. In all ways even, the Supernatural too, and as speaking of portals, channels and adjuncts even and in Nature that is, and as with they even, holding the key in all, and to experiencing realities in all again, associated with Higher Beings and such as Angels too for instance. Finally in all, speak of a Change in Consciousness, speaks in all ways even, and of a discovery process in all, and as with speak of discovering something new that is [for instance and as an outlandish example even, most men have been made to believe, that masturbation is a male problem in all, and that women in all again, don't masturbate in all truly even, when in reality, if most men were to know or realize that Women masturbate frequently or regularly even, they would probably reset themselves, and not wish to masturbate at all either].

In Egypt in all again, speak of Consciousness in all spoke in all ways even, and of Alchemy in itself too. Alchemy in many a way, can be said to speak of the Word and the Image actually. What this does mean is that, the Ancient Egyptians (Lower Egypt too), were experts in all, and in being able to describe something to its fullest, and in many a way even, speak it into reality that is [that in all, if one had the proper word for anything seen in an Image for instance, then it actually was real in all]. In many a way too, speak even of just how the Pyramids were built, and as with finding the right Word too, and in solving any problem that is. With the Greeks on the otherhand, talk of Consciousness in all, not only spoke of Myth, but also Cosmology in itself too. To understand Cosmology better is to know that, it actually speaks of whom you are (as with Myth even), how you are connected and to just about everything else out there too, and what in all it truly does mean or imply even that is. In all again, speak of Greek Civilization in this manner, spoke of the Greeks as being capable to do what they wanted and at any time or place too, what it all meant or implied even, and as with Consciousness for the Greeks too, grounded in Sacred Geometry that is.

The peoples of the old World in all, did actually truly know about the Egyptians and the Greeks too. In many a way, they had many a Shift, Altering or Change in Consciousness, and that did make them wonder, what to truly do with their lives that is. In many a way too, the belief that life had already happened and as with basic speak even of the Pyramids in all, and that Humanity in many a way too, should strive in all ways even and for new ways to live by that is. Some like the Italians, did choose in all again, to live life as Seducers in all, or Magicians in all truly. For others like the French, they in all ways even sought to live life like Muses actually [or folks in all again, who view everything in life, and from the perspective of attraction and repulsion, and as with the belief even, they can attract anything they so do desire and into their lives too that is, and without much effort either]. For the Germans, life as lived as Matyrs in all, and with the English, life as lived as Paragons in all truly (and as with they even Knightly figures that is). Other groups in all again, did seek to live life differently, and as with the case of the Arthurians for instance, and as living life as Knights in all, or the case even and of the Romans, and as with they Visionaries even, or finally again, those in the Middle East too, and as with they Wizards actually. 

In all ways even, the understanding of life as explained above, speaks in all ways even and of presenting History in itself too, and in the form of Consciousness that is [this meaning, speak of Shifts, the Altering and Change in Consciousness in all, and as with all this making one aware in all that, knowing History from the perspective of Consciousness in all again, could truly lead one to realize that nothing much happens anymore, and as with speak even that is and of the fact that, nothing much that does happen, actually truly matters to most (meaning in all again, most don't care truly either, to know too much in all, and of what goes in the World today actually)].

A simple song of Consciousness:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



First off, let me begin this post by stating in all that, not all people in all again, and as living in the Western World, are truly Westerners [and as with they even living Traditionalist lifestyles that is]. However, there is a common misconception, to be seen all over the World that is, and as with regards truly even, and to just whom Westerners in all, are, and as 'stupid' people, illiterate, cowardly and even hopeless in all truly. The belief held is that, they are very much like Caribbean people [and as with the false belief that, people from the Caribbean, are in many a way not intelligent, and due to their speech patterns in all, and also the very associating of the Caribbean, and with Soca music too that is]. In all again though, Westerners as illiterates in all, are actually Guyanese, and not Caribbean either, and as with Guyana too, where Africa, and in the form of Urban Africa actually, does meet the Western World in many a way [and as with stating that, Africans in all, are actually similar to Caribbean people, and not Black Brazilians or Guayanese people either, and as most or many tend to believe actually].

In all ways even, a many so termed Carifest festival in all, actually being Guyanese, and not Caribbean truly either.

Good'day America: A Socio-Political History of America

Good'day America: A Socio-Political History of America.

In many a way, speak of a Socio-Political History of America, speaks even and of just what terms like 'the United States of America', or even 'the USA', truly mean actually.

In many a way though, this post in all, is intended, and for those in America, considered very much outsiders in all, and to American society in itself that us. It begins off, by attempting to tell many a person, considered a minority too, just whom in all again, White people in America, truly are. That not all White people in America, are the same, and that they in all again, do live under differing Political systems in all.

In all, White America, and as divided into the following groups: Canadian-Americans, British-Americans, Australian-Americans, Euro-Americans, Native White American groups, South-American Whites and also Whites from many another differing region/place in all. All the above is said, because many an American problem today, is often presented and by many an American TV show, and such as the Today Show for instance, as being common to all Americans actually, and as with many a minority on hearing anything about racism in America, believing it to be true of all White Americans that is.

The first group, Canadian-Americans, are responsible for inventing the America, of Minority representation. It is they in all, and who do speak of racism, and from the very perspective of exclusion of many a person in all, and from American political life too. In all again, the very world even of Affirmative action, and speak even of funding minority public schools for instance. In many a way too, the very belief that minorities in all, are not truly intelligent people, and need white assistance of a kind, to basically survive that is. Canadian-Americans too, and as consisting of figures and such as Bill Clinton and even David Letterman that is.

British-Americans, are a rather unknown group in all. But one in many a way, might have heard of them, and via speak of America, and as being ruled by many a Secret Organization that is [and speak even perhaps, of British Maritime Law actually]. In all again, a group that highly identifies by skin colour, and truly believes even that all White Americans, should be one with each other, and not care to associate or interact with other skin colours in all, and as with the belief that non-white people in all, will one day eventually, become extinct from Earth. In all again, all other White groups in America, and as somewhat housing similar beliefs and very much due to a belief that British-Americans in all, have played a fundamental role in American History actually, and speak again even, and of British-Americans, is to speak in all and of figures and such as Tom Hanks, or even Christian Bale too actually [ to complicate this further though, is to speak of the fact that, there are populations in America, and of Persian origins too, and speak even of Boston America that is, and who could be confused for being British-American, and when they are not. This in all ways even speaks of figures and such as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis, and even Ben Affleck too].

Australian-Americans, are far more popular to most, and than most out there, do actually believe them to be. For it is they, and more than any other group of White peoples in all, who are often featured in many a textbook in all again, and on recent American History too. To understand this better, is to know that it is Australian-Americans, that were behind the formulation of the Antebellum South (or America after Slavery), and speak even of Jim Crow too actually [and as with Jim Crow even, speaking of America in all, and as somewhat similar to Colonial Kenya even, and as with regards to segregation laws that is]. In many a way too, the group of White Americans in all, truly behind even America's self-help industry, and in all ways even, consists of peoples, and such as Bruce Willis, Dale Carnegie, and even American Country singer Hank Williams too.

Euro-Americans, are largely unknown somewhat to most. They are however in all ways even, a rather private group, having arrived in America, and during the American Civil War period too. They are in many a way involved in many an American Multinational (and not Corporation either), and in many a way too, are responsible for the birth of America's Gated Communities in all. Not much to be said of this group in all again, they even wealthy perhaps, but in all ways even consists of people in all and such as Johnny Depp, Sandra Bullock, the cast of the TV show 'Life Goes on', Marcia Cross and even Kelly Clarkson too. In many a way too though, this group as having come to be prominent in all, and in helping design modern American Political Imagery, and as with example of an American Flag, and with an Eagle superimposed on it, but in all ways even, this group too, as responsible in all, and for uplifting Chinese/'East Asian' presences in America, and as with regards even to Self-Images, and as with this group too, responsible in all, and for having attempted in all again, to claim that China, was the next Global Superpower that is.

Native White American groups, speak of White Americans in all, and who have been in America, and for almost an eternity now. They in many a way in all, have speech patterns and that do differ from other White Americans too, and as with these speech patterns even, speaking of Robert DeNiro, or even Al Pacino too for instance. In all ways too, a group that remains hidden in many a way, and from American Public view, and as with they even rather private in their ways, and no longer in all, do put out Images of themselves, and on the International or even National American scene too (and to some extent that is). In all ways even, a group of White Americans, rather self-sufficient in their ways, and includes figures and such as Axl Rose for instance, Steven Tyler, Richard Gere, Cindy Crawford, and even Julia Roberts too.

South-American Whites, speaks in all ways obviously, and of White populations from South America in all, and now residing in America too. They are in all again not rather well known too, but in many a way too, center themselves in all, and in the State of Nevada actually. In all ways even is to tell many a minority that, when they do think of American racism, and as including the frequent use of the term 'nigger' even, then one should be made aware that, it is this group, that practises such racism in all. They however though, also do tend in all, to associate with White groups in all again, and as coming in from the Middle East too (and who are equally racist that is), and in all ways even speaks of folks in all, and such as Napolean Hill, Dick Cheney, Sharon Stone, and even Tina Fey too (Omani).

Finally in all again, speak of White populations, coming in from Africa, Central Asia and even Asia too, and who do in all, tend to cluster with each other actually. A group in many a way not well know actually, but in many a way too, are associated with White poverty in America in all. A group in all again, that has never truly been able to fit in into American life in all, and in many a way, have somewhat preferred to remain as they simply are. They however have made some inroads in American life, Politically too, and are the kind even and to some extent, to readily help minorities actually, and as with this speaking even of many an American Aid Organization, and such as the American Red Cross for instance. In many a way too, this group as originally in all falsely presenting themselves, as being Italian Immigrants to America, when Italians in all, actually do look like Sylvester Stallone, Lenny Kravitz, Scarlett Johansson and even Natalie Portman too. In all again, this group as made up of figures and such as JFK (John F. Kennedy), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Keanu Reaves, and even Donald Rumsfeld too. In many a way too, this group as making a home, and in the State of Florida that is.

In all ways even, viewing White American populations as such, could very well help many an outsider to American life, and especially the recent immigrant to America in all, simply know whom they are in America actually [that America in all, is in many a way even, politically divided, and not only by State, but even speak of Ethnicity too actually]. In many a way though, is to also speak of Political terms, and such as the United States for instance. In all, the United States, as very much referring to Native White American groups in all, but with this in all again, speaking of certain peoples in all, that one might falsely believe to be minorities, when they do actually fall under the United States. Examples include Bow Wow, Slash, Thomas Sowell and even Al Roker too.

In many a way too, the term the USA, as coming in all again, to actually speak of African-Americans in the United States of America that is, and as with this even specifically referring to, descendants of African 'slaves' to America, and as with many even simply choosing to live simple lives, and in what some do term America's Inner Cities. In all again, the group, and culturally too, responsible for giving America its Street Graffiti Art, Breakdancing, Southern Black Cuisine (and such as Southern Fried Chicken too), and even what some do call Street Ball (or Street Basketball that is). In all ways too, a group that does define itself differently and from other Black populations to be seen in America, and as with this group preferring to be well-educated and in a individual manner too in all, and as with speak even of the likes of Kwame Jackson for instance, and a group in all again that does differ from Black populations coming in from the Middle East and Asia too, and who do fall under the banner of 'Black America', and in many a way aspire to lead Middle Class lifestyles, and as with this in all ways even speaking of the worship of Oprah Winfrey for instance. In many a way too, 'Black America', and as falling under the term the US, and where in all again Black America does meet White America in all, and via many a Feminist formation too actually.

In all ways even is to tell many a person new to America, and lost in their ways that, it is the State of Minnesota, that they might truly wish to seek out (and instead of Texas too), and in hoping in all, to adapt or acclimatize, and to American life that is. Finally too, the term 'the United States of America', and as said a modern Umbrella term, and for all said Americans too that is.



Those who have never been to the United States of America, and simply seek even to move there, or even visit the place, don't truly know and of just how society there does function in all. In many a way, most are told that discrimination and racism, do exist in America. This is true, but most might not discern it in all, and as an everyday reality even, as due to the fact that everyday American life, is more or less discriminatory actually, and as with this even, speaking of finding acceptance that is [and as with acceptance, and as including being served in a praiseworthy manner in all, and in a restaurant too, does in all ways even speak of whom Americans in all again, truly are today, and as with finding satisfaction in everyday life that is].

This post though, goes out to many a person in America, and Brown skinned too actually, and who doesn't realize the nature of discriminatory acts in America today. That in all, the discriminatory, and not discrimination or racism truly either, speaks of finding a home in America in itself [and as with being at home, having feelings to it, and of full acceptance that is]. For many a Brown skinned American, a large problem and as with regards to finding a home in all, as unknown to many too, what does fall under the term the US, actually can be discerned as being home in all again, and for Black skinned Americans too [and as with the US in many way, truly based in Georgia and Alabama actually]. In all again, for Brown skinned Americans, and as speaking even of Shad Gregory Moss (or Bow, or Bow Wow too), Slash, Will Smith, Laurence Fishburne and even Russell Peters too, home in America today, and as with being Brown skinned too, is not California and by a long shot either, but in most ways truly even, it probably truly is, Alaska actually [and as with saying even that, Alaska, is not as cold as most believe it to be, or covered all over with snow either, but in all ways even, is similar in climate, and to Canada that is] [they do also appear to have Polar Bear up there too].



Many have probably heard of the so called Knowledge Divide, and that does exist between the so termed First-World Countries, and the Third World in many a way truly. This Knowledge divide, is also falsely presented from the perspective of Science & Technology [that in all again, if one has sufficient Technology in their lives, their lives in all will be pretty much satisfactory that is]. This is not true, as before one in all again can talk Science & Technology, one in all ways even, has to talk Philosophy. What is Philosophy though? As mentioned in another post before perhaps, Philosophy in all ways even, speaks actually of Designing Life in itself. It speaks of what does constitute our Religious Beliefs, Popular Beliefs too, what we believe to constitute of Success or Achievement even, what we view as Pain or Suffering for instance, what we believe is Art, speak of Ritual too, what we define as being Satisfaction or Happiness even, and in many a way too, speak not only of Architecture actually, but also the Technology in all, to go with it all too. In all, most of the Third World, spends alot of time doing Research in Science & Technology, and don't truly know why. What this means is that most of the Third World, has no proper views or perspective even, and on Philosophy in itself, and how to live their lives satisfactorily (and as with this speaking even, of copying Western forms of living) and as a result, have no true idea and of why they are actually engaging in any form of Research that is [that Research in all again, is supposed to accompany life in one way or another actually].

In all again, this topic of Philosophy in our modern lives, is also intertwined, and with speak even, and of not White people in all, but White Women actually. That unknown to most too, the Knowledge Divide we do have in our lives, speaks of the so called First World in all, having texts to it, heavily based around Philosophy too [and as with they even very much European, Greek but especially Italian too], and in many a way even, speak of Philosophy in all, also does speak of emotional support systems too, and as with being driven in all, to succeed in anything one does, and without fearing failure that is. 

In many a way, this Knowledge Divide, speaks of an evil perpetrated in all, and by White Women too actually. That White Women, and as evil people, are obsessed with having others always admire them, or glorify them too, and at almost all moments that is. In many a way, and as with the false belief by many that are all Women are the same, and that White Women in all, are simply more prettier than the rest, speak of Brown Women and evil, speaks of them as hating anything perceived beautiful actually [and as with telling many an Indian man that, the Women in their lives, might very much hate them, and for dressing in traditional Indian Dress too that is]. With Black Women on the otherhand, issues in all again, and as pertaining to feelings of being inherently stupid [and not feelings of being inferior either].

To speak again of White Women and evil, is to in all ways even know that, White Women are actually good at one things: Deceiving others. Deception in all, does not speak of lying to others actually, but that in all ways even, it speaks of making others believe in Beliefs in all again, and that are not exactly true. This is whom White Women are, as unknown to most too, many White Women are actually employed in the Media/ 'News Media' business, and as with they even, serving as Editors in all [and unknown to most too, lots of movie auditions and casting, are actually under the control of White Women, and who do decide who plays what role in any Western movie in all, and in a stereotypical fashion too that is]. In all finally, White Women as deceptors, and as keeping many a person out there, enthralled with just whom White Women are sexually, and as with the belief even that having sex with a White Woman is heaven in itself [and as with this even, not necessarily a lie that is, and as with this referring even, to the proliferation of Media out there, and that does present White Women, as beings to be worshiped in all, and with many in the World truly believing that being in a relationship with a White Woman, is heaven in itself actually]. 

Finally in all again, minority representation in all, speaking of White Women in all again, viewing minorities in all, and as being Black skinned, or Brown skinned too, and with the further belief by White Women that, Black Men in all, are easier to fool or mislead, and as compared to Brown Men that is [and this why in all again, Black Men are more popular amongst White Women, and as compared to Brown Men that is].

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The EU

The EU.

To speak of the EU, is to also in all refer to it as being different in all, and from the UK actually [and as with some believing life in the EU, does mirror that in the UK for instance]. The UK in all ways even, the United Kingdom that is, does not speak of Political Structures in all and as many truly believe, but in all ways even, of Media actually [and as with the UK, capable of being summarized along the lines of the BBC, and a few Government Websites too that is]. To know this better, is to know that, life in the UK, is highly Media driven. What this does mean is that, compared to the rest of the World, those living in the UK, tend to immediately even, react to anything seen in the Media, and as with this in all again, speaking of the UK, as eventually leading to a way of life, similar to that seen in the movie 'V for Vendetta' [what this does mean is that, if the UK decides to fight a war, it is not the Royal Family or even the UK Government that does decide on it, but actually the Media, and especially the BBC too].

The EU on the otherhand differs though in all ways even [and as with this referring to the EU, as a dangerous formation too]. To understand how the EU came around, is to in many a way even, know just whom Europeans in all again, truly are in this age and day. In many a way even, this also does speak of what one could term the Collective Memory actually. In all, the Collective Memory, does speak in all ways even, and of perceiving History in itself, and from the very perspective, of Celebrating Life too that is [and with this in most parts of the World, speaking of what we have to be grateful for that is]. In Europe though, Celebrating Life has traditionally differed from other parts of the World in all, as it in all ways even, speaks of comparing oneself to another, and in all again, celebrating the differences and similarities between us all that is. What one sees in Europe today though, is a difficulty accepting just whom they are in all again, and as with regards to the Collective Memory that is. What has resulted in Europe today in all, and as with this arising with Revolutionary Europe too, is the defining in all again of the Collective Memory, and as based around Contrast in all, and not Comparison either. Contrast in all again, does speak actually, and of viewing just about anything, and from the very perspective of superiority-equality-inferiority that is. This in all ways even speaks of the EU, and as with it based around the European Collective Memory actually, and not speak either of a Cultural Renaissance of a kind that is. 

In many a way, the viewing by Europeans of the European Collective Memory, and from the perspective of contrast, not only speaks of the miserable lives immigrants to Europe in all today live by [and as with life in Europe too, totally based around the Collective Memory, and attempts in all again, to Celebrate Life to the fullest in all], but that in all again, this speaks of the EU and via the UN even, as spreading all over the World, and for an unknown reason too. What can be discerned of all this though, does speak of evil, and as emanating from the Collective Memory too [as with this speaking of thieves and robbers, and in places in the World, where the Collective Memory, is very much defined from the perspective of being grateful of any good that has happened in our lives that is]. In Europe though, with the Collective Memory defined from the perspective of Contrast in all, evil appears to abound in all again, and as with average European too, and innately speaking even, having a psychology to them, that does have them viewing everything in their lives, and from contrast too [or superiority-equality-inferiority that is]. In many a way, this speaks of a similar psychology in most parts of the World, and as based around the Collective Memory, and as with it referring even to hatred perhaps, and as arising with a friend with rather good shoes, a beautiful spouse perhaps, a good home, or even the luck of having met someone famous that is.

What the EU and the UN in many a way truly do, is in all again, put out Images of Europeans in all, and as inherently superior that is, and in many a way announcing to one, you can never be like Europeans in most ways actually. All this too speaking of a European psychology today, where most in all, simply view things, and at all times too (and for those unable to fathom this psychology), that at all times in Europe, one is either superior, an equal or inferior that is. In all ways even, this does speak of the EU, as a Feminist State in all, and as with this psychology of contrast primarily associated in all again, and with European Women actually [and as with this too, what Feminism is all about, being conceited, or viewing everything and at every moment too, as either superior-equal-inferior, and with this in all ways even, speaking of whom all European Women today truly are: conceited that is]. In many a way too, while Feminism in America, presents itself mainly from Academia and also what some do call the Police State tin all, Feminism in Europe, is more lethal in its ways, as it in all again, speaks of Feminist Thought, merging with European Militaries actually [and in many a way, making the EU, a threat to the rest of the World in all]. In all again, this does also speak of the very fact that Europe in all, has a huge Resource problem actually, and that it does require resources too, and as with this including the importing of food and as unknown to most that is, and with this one of the reasons, that the EU actually does exist. In all again, Feminism, conceitedness and even the psychology of contrast in all, speaking of Europeans as harbouring a hatred for anyone, who does in all ways even succeed in anything, and as with the end result of it all, being something in all again, that Europeans view superior to them that is [and as with many falsely believing that it is Americans who do harbour this kind of hatred that is].



When many do seek to study History today, it is in all ways even, often presented, and as with speak of Civilization in itself too, and from the very perspective of Art, Ritual and Architecture that is. Surprisingly enough, History as viewed in this manner, is still often considered inferior to the Modern Times we live in, and due to viewing Modern History in all, and from a perspective of Technology too, when the ancient in all again, did actually know of Technology, but did define it from the perspective of Art, Ritual and even Architecture too [and as with speak of the Pyramids that is] [and as with Technology today too, only defined and from the very perspective of Communication issues that is].

However though, there is another way of looking at History, and this in all again, speaks of popularized History even (and as with a Historical movie too), and viewing History in all again, and from very the perspective of Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment and even Satisfaction too. When one views History as such, one should then probably be made aware that, it was not Egyptian Civilization, European, Indian or even America too, and that was the most happiest in all and of all places too, but that instead, it actually was Greek Macedon Civilization, and as seen in Central Asia that is.



We live in a World today, that is in many a way British actually. To understand this better, is to view the World today, and from the very perspective of Antagonism too. Antagonism in many a way, does not speak only of the competitive edge, but also in many a way too, just whom in all again, we do perceive to be an enemy of a kind actually. This in all ways even, speaks of everyday social tensions, racial too, and as with these tensions even, coming to define not only whom we are on the streets of any city out there, but also how we interact with each other, and in our homes too [and as with this speaking of domestic disputes for instance]. In many a way too, the British World, and as coming to define Antagonism and social tensions in our lives today, and as based around even issues pertaining to slavery, imperialism, colonialism, apartheid/segregation, and as with all this even speaking perhaps of the American Civil War, the Anglo-Zulu Wars for instance, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Teen fights and School bullying in the UK, Economic exploitation in the Third World (and as with this even referring to lowly paying minorities in all), and even speak of Child slavery too, or furtherly even, the very stereotyping of the average person out there, and as based around sexuality too that is. 

In all ways even, is to tell many a person out there that, we can all change in our ways, or bring change around even, and as based around simply coming too view ourselves in all, and in a different light too [and as with this even speaking of an individual reform that is]. In all ways even, this in all does very much speak of the History of Jerusalem actually (and not Israel truly either), and as with it a City in all again, that has attempted to evolve, and as based around the creating of as many peaceful, loving and harmonious relations, and between different peoples in all, but with they in all again, very much retaining their Identities that is. In all ways even, Jerusalem today, is still very much the same place in all and as with regards to all this, having more peaceful relations to it and as compared to most parts of the World actually (and as with speak even of everyday racism/discrimination that is), and that in all again, learning about Jerusalem in all, can help one learn how to perceive themselves in all again, and in a new light, and as with regards even to their neighbours for instance, and as with this speaking even and of simply attempting to bring change, and to a city or neighbourhood too, and by talking even perhaps, to the Mayor of a city in all, and as with regards to how to simply perceive each other in a new light, and while still maintaining ones Identity that is. 

Finally, Jerusalem, and as perceived even, the Capital City of the World in all, as its History in all again, does have figures to it, that just about everyone in the whole wide world, can identify with actually.

Monday, October 14, 2013



- and as with the Pagans even, speaking of spiritual beliefs in all and as associated with the Ankh too, and as seen in Egypt actually, and as with this in all again, not only speaking of Wiccan beliefs in all, but with Paganism too, actually speaking and of the very origins of the White races on Earth too that is.



When we do speak of a Worldview in all, we are in all again, speaking of how certain groups of people in all, do perceive themselves actually, and as with regards to the rest of the World too. In many a way, the Worldview that one does possess, does in all ways even refer to just how one does present themselves to others, how one chooses to communicate with them, or even how one simply interacts with others that is. In many a way too, Worldviews in all can truly even uplift one, and as with one choosing in all again to change their ways, and simply become better, and via comparing themselves to those who are a part of their Worldview in all, and as with the concrete belief even, that they can be just like them that is [and as with this even speaking of solidifying just how one Present themselves in all, and in an evolutionary manner too that is].

In many a way, there does exist competing Worldviews in the World today, and that have made certain places in the World more prominent than others in certain ways, and as with these places in all again having Worldviews to them, that are very much a part of themselves actually, and as with speak even of how the peoples in these places truly see themselves in all, and as with speak even of developing a sense of superiority in all that is.

To speak of Worldviews though, and in a historical manner too, is to speak even of just how the Modern World in many a way (and as with speak even of the UN too), came to be. The first of these Worldviews, is the Egyptian Worldview actually, and speaks in many a way even, and of just how those in Egypt, did view themselves in all, and as with regards to the rest of the World actually. This in many a way, speaks of Egyptians as viewing the World as made up of Egypt, Ancient Libya, Ancient Nubia / Nubia, Spain, Phoenicia, the Jewish World and finally in all again, and surprisingly enough, China too actually. You also have another Worldview in all that is truly common today, and atleast from a Media perspective too, and speaks in all ways even, and of how the Italians in all did view the World actually. In all again, a Worldview that comprises of America, Europe, Italy, the Middle East, and finally in all again Japan too. Another lesser known Worldview in all, is pretty much European in all truly even, and consists of how Europeans in all again, have traditionally viewed the World: very much as Europe, Italy, Spain and South America too [in many a way, the worship of Europe seen today, does emanate with this Worldview, and with Spain and South America too]. 

You do also have more Modernist Worldviews in all, and that do exist today that is. The four known in all, can be said to be Eurocentric, Afrocentric, Victorian and British too. To speak of the Eurocentric Worldview, is to speak of it as stating that those who do live in the Western World in all, are innately more intelligent and superior in all again, and to the rest of the World too, but with this in many a way even, calling into question just whom in all the Japanese truly are, and as with they not truly perceived as being Western that is. In all again, a Worldview that does speak of exploitation in all, and one too that does carry a major fear with it, and of someone outside the Western World in all again, arising with an ideology too, to in many a way even conquer the World that is. The Afrocentric Worldview on the otherhand, is far more popular than most think it to be. It is in all the Worldview that does associate any place in the World, and with the Celebrity figures to be seen in it actually. In all again, speak of the Media too, as being highly Celebrity driven, but in many a way too, this Worldview also, attempting to connect Celebrity figures, and with not only Africa in all, but with anything deemed African too that is. You also do have the Victorian Worldview, and very much centered in Kenya today and as with making Kenya today one of the more prominent so termed Non-Western Countries in all, and as with it a Worldview too, that does in all ways even speak of viewing the World, and from the perspective of its societies in all, and as with they even deemed rather efficient and proper in their ways that is, and a Worldview in all again, that has resulted in Kenya today, somewhat American, British, German and even Scandinavian too, and as with these societies in all, believed rather efficient in all again, and as with Kenyans even, believing in all, they can somehow be the next America or Sweden too that is. Finally, the British Worldview, and that does have many a person in the World in all, viewing the World, and from its Cities in all again: London, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, New Delhi, Sydney-Australia, and finally in all again Tokyo-Japan too. In many a way, a Worldview that does attempt to explain to many a person out there, why in all Indians in the UK, are actually popular people that is.

While in all again though, the Eurocentric Worldview is very much centered in America, and especially in the form of Academia and not Media truly either, there does exist another Worldview that is Canadian in all, and similar to the Eurocentric Worldview too, and that does in all again even acquaint the World, and with any place in all, and that does have White residents to it that is [and as with these places, and as including Kenya, South Africa and the Caribbean too, now viewed even as part of the White World that is] [and that in all, they should be ruled over and by White people in some ways too that is].

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Africa: Perceptions of Time.



Many a person out there, and especially Men too, do truly wonder just whom Feminists in all truly are. The belief is that, they are Man-haters of a kind actually. This is not exactly true, as Feminists are actually haters in all, and of anyone or anything deemed a success that is. One has to know just whom Feminists are truly like, and as with regards to Success in all. It is not that they only hate those who are Successful, or even again truly wish to take over any form of Success in all, it is that, they actually do wish to wipe out any success that is not of their own making, and then in all again, attempt to succeed on their own right, but in all ways too, have no idea on how to go about doing this actually. As a result, they remain rabid haters of anything deemed a success, and as with this speaking even of men too, as History in itself, can be in all ways even, perceived, as having been a Manly endeavour in all that is.

Swahili people

The Swahili people.

- many out there, don't truly know just whom Swahili people truly are. This is because of a miseducation in all, and by Modern Academics too, and who don't truly know either, just whom Swahili people truly are, and as with they even preferring to be rather private in their ways that is. This is confusing too, because Swahili people, have a history of settling outsiders to the Swahili coast, and on their cities too (and such as Dar-es-salaam or even Mombasa actually), and in some ways, simply live lives that are very much dictated even, and by the Swahili people [and as with some of these settled peoples in all, workers for the Swahili people that is]. The reason for all this is because most don't truly realize that, the Swahili in all have had a prominent role even, and in the rise of the Middle East actually. All this again said due to Images in all, and as put out today and of so said Swahili people too, when in reality, the Swahili are still rather Wealthy to this very day, and in many a way live hidden lives actually, but with some though, having decided to very much take part in Western Entertainment industries, and as seen today that is [and probably out of boredom too]. In all below, are presented the Swahili people, and as most have never known them actually:

Swahili Arabs:




Miji Kenda / Zanzibari:



American Youth Cultures:

When we do speak of Hoods, we are not specifically referring to American Youth cultures in all, but that in all again Hoods are actually White skinned men/teens in all. In many a way, Hoods in all do differ from Gangsta images (and which go with Brown skinned men/teens too), or even those of Homeboyz in all (and who are in all again Black skinned teens/men that is), in that Gangsta images in all again, are all about attempting to fully and freely express oneself to the fullest, while Homeboyz on the otherhand speak of the attempt to become as Independently minded as possible, and as one truly can [and as with not being institutionalized, and from an educational perspective too that is]. Hoods on the otherhand, so speak in all ways even, and of whom white skinned men/teens in all, truly are, and in this modern day we live in: in that, they don't care or want to be disturbed or bothered by anyone that is. In all again, the images created by Hoods, speak of teens in all too even, and who don't simply care to know anyone too much, and as with not wanting to be disturbed or bothered in many a way, and simply live lives, even simple, and as they so wish to do that is.




The above picture in many a way, truly even does speak of just how in all London, was supposed to look like in its entirety, and as compared to just how in all again, it does like today, and as with this speaking even, and of those who did know London in all, and before and during even, the Dickensian times that is. In all again, and as with speak of London today, it does in all ways even, speak of Disappointment that is.

To understand Disappointment though, is to not only perceive it as an everyday experience in all again, but that Disappointment in all, appears to have reached a crescendo too, and in these Modern/Western Times we live in, and as with Disappointment even, today that is, something that happens by the minute actually, and not regularly and as it did before. In all ways though, Disappointment in our lives, speaks of divisions, segmentation, separation, partitions, fragmentation etc., and as with this perceived even, the end result in all, and as arising from Disappointment in itself that is.

In all ways though, Disappointment is a rather good way in all again, and of perceiving History in itself, and as with this even truly speaking of Disappointment, and as arising between Men and Women, and as with the story of the rise and fall of many a Civilization out there (and as including Europe too, and speak even of its old Architecture that is), speaking in all again, and of disappointing relations, and between Men and Women that is.

In all ways though, Disappointment and as an everyday reality, perceived from a Human perspective too, and as with speak even of ones Inner Voice (the voice we use to speak to ourselves), Intuitive Thought and even the Inner Self too(how we innately feel, and as tricksters for example perhaps, and about anything out there that is). In all again, speak of viewing History from the perspective of Disappointment, speaks in all ways even of viewing it all as a 'never ending' Story actually, and one supposed to have been continuous in all, and from the ancient times and to the present too, and as with the Modern/Western World in all, truly displaced even, and from the past times that is.

In all, the attempt by many a Civilization out there, to express Disappointment in their lives, and via many a Relic too (and as with this referring even and to awareness in all and as with regards to Disappointment in itself that is), and as with all this too, a part even, and of what they do term Meditation that is.