Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Natural Sounds

Natural Sounds.

Many out there, do not truly know what does constitute for Reality, and what does not either. In all ways even, this somewhat has to do, and with most being conditioned in all, and in viewing Reality, and from the perspective only, and of Sight too. However though, most truly in all again, have been conditioned in all truly even, and from perceiving Reality in all, and from the perspective of Sound too that is. This in many a way even, does speak of what some do term Awakening to Reality, or even Opening up to Reality actually. Awakening to Reality in all, does speak for instance of being alerted or forewarned even, and to a certain Reality that is. Opening up to Reality on the otherhand, does speak even of discerning, what is truly possible in all, and as with regards to Reality too, and what is not either. 

In most ways though, most do view Reality in all, and as with speak of Power, Might and Authority too, from the very perspective of Sounds actually. That in all again, Unnatural Sounds, and as with they even best represented by a Vehicle or Car Horn that is, do in all again, tend to be perceived by most, as Sounds in all and that can be used to best judge or adjudge Reality too, and as with this even speaking of Human Voices, and in these Modern times we live in that is [that Power, Might and Authority in the World today, does go along with Sounds, that do match those in all, and of a Car or Vehicle Horn that is]. In reality though, what does truly constitute Reality in all, and as with not only Awakening or Opening up to it, and as with this even speaking of a Shift, Altering or Change in Consciousness too, does in all again go with Sounds in all, not only Natural, but very much alike in all truly, and to those made by all sorts and kinds of Drums that is.