Wednesday, October 16, 2013



First off, let me begin this post by stating in all that, not all people in all again, and as living in the Western World, are truly Westerners [and as with they even living Traditionalist lifestyles that is]. However, there is a common misconception, to be seen all over the World that is, and as with regards truly even, and to just whom Westerners in all, are, and as 'stupid' people, illiterate, cowardly and even hopeless in all truly. The belief held is that, they are very much like Caribbean people [and as with the false belief that, people from the Caribbean, are in many a way not intelligent, and due to their speech patterns in all, and also the very associating of the Caribbean, and with Soca music too that is]. In all again though, Westerners as illiterates in all, are actually Guyanese, and not Caribbean either, and as with Guyana too, where Africa, and in the form of Urban Africa actually, does meet the Western World in many a way [and as with stating that, Africans in all, are actually similar to Caribbean people, and not Black Brazilians or Guayanese people either, and as most or many tend to believe actually].

In all ways even, a many so termed Carifest festival in all, actually being Guyanese, and not Caribbean truly either.