Monday, October 21, 2013

Oral History

Oral History.

To speak of Oral History, is to refer to it as the History in all again, that is oft Narrated in all [and as with this even speaking of Folklore, or even Folktales too]. In all ways even, it is History that actually does speak of Blood issues, and not Gene/Intellectual issues either. In all ways even, a History that speaks of issues and matters and as pertaining to Revenge, Retribution, Vendettas, Vengeance, Retaliation or even Reprisal too. In all again, the version of History in all, that truly does guide our everyday affairs and states actually, and as compared in all again, to erroneously guiding ourselves and on an everyday basis too, and from the perspective of Local or even National History that is. In all ways even, a good example of all this, is 'Indaba My Children' by Credo Mutwa, and which does speak of African Oral History, and as with speak even of just how in all African History did actually occur that is.