Sunday, October 13, 2013



Many a person out there, and especially Men too, do truly wonder just whom Feminists in all truly are. The belief is that, they are Man-haters of a kind actually. This is not exactly true, as Feminists are actually haters in all, and of anyone or anything deemed a success that is. One has to know just whom Feminists are truly like, and as with regards to Success in all. It is not that they only hate those who are Successful, or even again truly wish to take over any form of Success in all, it is that, they actually do wish to wipe out any success that is not of their own making, and then in all again, attempt to succeed on their own right, but in all ways too, have no idea on how to go about doing this actually. As a result, they remain rabid haters of anything deemed a success, and as with this speaking even of men too, as History in itself, can be in all ways even, perceived, as having been a Manly endeavour in all that is.