Saturday, October 5, 2013



Many out there have probably heard of Ethnography. Many too though, do believe it to be a rather difficult even, topic that is, and one only Academics in Universities, truly do understand. This is not really true, and as while Ethnography is often presented as the attempt to breakdown a culture in all, and into its many parts (and often as with speak of beliefs that is), it can however be perceived readily even, as the very study even, and of Poses, Posture and Mien too (or mannerisms that is), and within a culture too actually [that in all ways even, one of the easiest ways to perceive Ethnography, and as with regards even to Poses, Posture and Mien, is actually via what they do term 'Music Videos', as unknown to most, Music Videos, are nothing more than Poses, Posture and Mien too].

In all, the very importance of Ethnography in our lives, and as perceived via the lenses of Poses, Posture and Mien even (and as versus beliefs too that is), very much has to do, and with simply even, reclaiming ourselves. What this does mean is that, we all hold pictures or images of ourselves, and by which we do perceive ourselves as being perfect in all, truly capable of anything, or even simply wonderful in our ways that is. However, there are times in all, when we do not perceive ourselves as such, or very much along the lines, and of these pictures and images of grandeur we create of ourselves, and in many a way too, do falter in our ways, and simply lose confidence or esteem, and in ourselves too. In such times, we need to reclaim ourselves in all, and simply in all again even, by engaging in something, that will help us begin perceiving ourselves, and in accordance with these images and pictures of grandeur that we do hold of ourselves that is.

For many though, this something to be engaged in, and in the attempt to reclaim ourselves, often is perceived from a Western light, and as with even truly believing, in interacting with 'White people', and so as to feel good about oneself, or even engaging in sex, as with the belief it can help one reclaim themselves. In all again, is to tell one that, reclaiming oneself, is truly even about reclaiming former Poses, Posture and Mien even, that one did possess in all, and as with regards to how we do perceive ourselves as being grandoise in nature that is (the holding of such Poses, Posture and Mien too), and in many a way, Ethnography, and as studied in such a light, is a rather good way even, of simply reclaiming ourselves that is. In all, a rather big problem for most today, that is, how to reclaim oneself, and especially when struggling with a low paying job for instance, and still hoping to fulfill a certain dream too, but that this in all again, ethnography in all, is something truly worth looking into, and as knowing whom you are in this manner, can help you live a life, and without losing hope, and in future aspirations that is.

In all again, Dance too, and as with engaging in it, rather helpful, and in helping reclaim oneself that is.

Ethnography (Poses, Posture, Mien) and East Asia: