Tuesday, October 15, 2013



We live in a World today, that is in many a way British actually. To understand this better, is to view the World today, and from the very perspective of Antagonism too. Antagonism in many a way, does not speak only of the competitive edge, but also in many a way too, just whom in all again, we do perceive to be an enemy of a kind actually. This in all ways even, speaks of everyday social tensions, racial too, and as with these tensions even, coming to define not only whom we are on the streets of any city out there, but also how we interact with each other, and in our homes too [and as with this speaking of domestic disputes for instance]. In many a way too, the British World, and as coming to define Antagonism and social tensions in our lives today, and as based around even issues pertaining to slavery, imperialism, colonialism, apartheid/segregation, and as with all this even speaking perhaps of the American Civil War, the Anglo-Zulu Wars for instance, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Teen fights and School bullying in the UK, Economic exploitation in the Third World (and as with this even referring to lowly paying minorities in all), and even speak of Child slavery too, or furtherly even, the very stereotyping of the average person out there, and as based around sexuality too that is. 

In all ways even, is to tell many a person out there that, we can all change in our ways, or bring change around even, and as based around simply coming too view ourselves in all, and in a different light too [and as with this even speaking of an individual reform that is]. In all ways even, this in all does very much speak of the History of Jerusalem actually (and not Israel truly either), and as with it a City in all again, that has attempted to evolve, and as based around the creating of as many peaceful, loving and harmonious relations, and between different peoples in all, but with they in all again, very much retaining their Identities that is. In all ways even, Jerusalem today, is still very much the same place in all and as with regards to all this, having more peaceful relations to it and as compared to most parts of the World actually (and as with speak even of everyday racism/discrimination that is), and that in all again, learning about Jerusalem in all, can help one learn how to perceive themselves in all again, and in a new light, and as with regards even to their neighbours for instance, and as with this speaking even and of simply attempting to bring change, and to a city or neighbourhood too, and by talking even perhaps, to the Mayor of a city in all, and as with regards to how to simply perceive each other in a new light, and while still maintaining ones Identity that is. 

Finally, Jerusalem, and as perceived even, the Capital City of the World in all, as its History in all again, does have figures to it, that just about everyone in the whole wide world, can identify with actually.