Monday, October 7, 2013

The Crucifixion

The Crucifixion.

Allow for me, to present a view that many might have in all, a difficulty accepting. It in all again, has to do with Television. The attempt of this post in all, is to in all ways even, have most out there, simply doing away with their TV's, as with knowing truly even, what Television is truly all about.

To know the TV first off, is to know that it is primarily associated, and with the Third Eye too. That in all, and just like the Third Eye, TV in its entirety (and as with speak even of TV movies, and that not all movies can be favourably viewed on TV), attempts to present Reality in many a way, and from the context in all, and of viewing everything as being a Negative, Opposite, Inverse or even 'Inside Out' in all too. All this too, being the very way the Third Eye, does in all work actually. 

However though, to truly know the TV, is to know that it speaks of only one thing really: the Crucifixion. That in all, everything on Television, is very much presented, and from the very perspective that, someone in all, is about to be Crucified [and as with speak even, and of the trial before hand that is].

The TV at its highest Potential: