Wednesday, October 2, 2013



The topic of Cosmology, is in many a way a rather difficult topic to discuss in all. It in many a way too, does constitute of many a diverse Field of Study in all, and in many a way too, speaks of how people in the old and ancient World, did create Belief Systems actually [and as compared to Modern approaches, and of creating Belief Systems, and as based around Practical Research only].

To understand the above better, is to not only associate Cosmology and with Astrology, Astronomy or even the Physical Sciences too, and amongst many another Field of Study in all, but in all ways even, and as with this speaking of the Physical Sciences as a fine example, speaking in all of using the Voice, and from its various states too (and as with speak of pitch, tones, volume, accent, accentuation, intonation, vocal range etc.), and when describing anything in all again, and as having to do with Cosmology that is [and as with this best understood, from the studying of the Physical Sciences, and as based around which Voice states in all, are to be best used, in fully describing anything in nature that is]. In all ways even, the Voice and Cosmology as such, and as speaking even of belief systems and as pertaining to string theories, quantum theories, parallel universes etc., and as with further speak even of Gods and Goddesses associated in all and with Cosmology too, speaking of viewing them primarily from their Voices, and as with they said to possess various Voice states in all, semantically (nuances, dissonance, tensions etc.) associated in all again, and with Voice states used, to describe various a field of interest, and in Cosmology too that is.

In all again, the Greeks, and as having been said to have possessed, the most developed of Cosmologies in all.