Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Many have probably heard of the so called Knowledge Divide, and that does exist between the so termed First-World Countries, and the Third World in many a way truly. This Knowledge divide, is also falsely presented from the perspective of Science & Technology [that in all again, if one has sufficient Technology in their lives, their lives in all will be pretty much satisfactory that is]. This is not true, as before one in all again can talk Science & Technology, one in all ways even, has to talk Philosophy. What is Philosophy though? As mentioned in another post before perhaps, Philosophy in all ways even, speaks actually of Designing Life in itself. It speaks of what does constitute our Religious Beliefs, Popular Beliefs too, what we believe to constitute of Success or Achievement even, what we view as Pain or Suffering for instance, what we believe is Art, speak of Ritual too, what we define as being Satisfaction or Happiness even, and in many a way too, speak not only of Architecture actually, but also the Technology in all, to go with it all too. In all, most of the Third World, spends alot of time doing Research in Science & Technology, and don't truly know why. What this means is that most of the Third World, has no proper views or perspective even, and on Philosophy in itself, and how to live their lives satisfactorily (and as with this speaking even, of copying Western forms of living) and as a result, have no true idea and of why they are actually engaging in any form of Research that is [that Research in all again, is supposed to accompany life in one way or another actually].

In all again, this topic of Philosophy in our modern lives, is also intertwined, and with speak even, and of not White people in all, but White Women actually. That unknown to most too, the Knowledge Divide we do have in our lives, speaks of the so called First World in all, having texts to it, heavily based around Philosophy too [and as with they even very much European, Greek but especially Italian too], and in many a way even, speak of Philosophy in all, also does speak of emotional support systems too, and as with being driven in all, to succeed in anything one does, and without fearing failure that is. 

In many a way, this Knowledge Divide, speaks of an evil perpetrated in all, and by White Women too actually. That White Women, and as evil people, are obsessed with having others always admire them, or glorify them too, and at almost all moments that is. In many a way, and as with the false belief by many that are all Women are the same, and that White Women in all, are simply more prettier than the rest, speak of Brown Women and evil, speaks of them as hating anything perceived beautiful actually [and as with telling many an Indian man that, the Women in their lives, might very much hate them, and for dressing in traditional Indian Dress too that is]. With Black Women on the otherhand, issues in all again, and as pertaining to feelings of being inherently stupid [and not feelings of being inferior either].

To speak again of White Women and evil, is to in all ways even know that, White Women are actually good at one things: Deceiving others. Deception in all, does not speak of lying to others actually, but that in all ways even, it speaks of making others believe in Beliefs in all again, and that are not exactly true. This is whom White Women are, as unknown to most too, many White Women are actually employed in the Media/ 'News Media' business, and as with they even, serving as Editors in all [and unknown to most too, lots of movie auditions and casting, are actually under the control of White Women, and who do decide who plays what role in any Western movie in all, and in a stereotypical fashion too that is]. In all finally, White Women as deceptors, and as keeping many a person out there, enthralled with just whom White Women are sexually, and as with the belief even that having sex with a White Woman is heaven in itself [and as with this even, not necessarily a lie that is, and as with this referring even, to the proliferation of Media out there, and that does present White Women, as beings to be worshiped in all, and with many in the World truly believing that being in a relationship with a White Woman, is heaven in itself actually]. 

Finally in all again, minority representation in all, speaking of White Women in all again, viewing minorities in all, and as being Black skinned, or Brown skinned too, and with the further belief by White Women that, Black Men in all, are easier to fool or mislead, and as compared to Brown Men that is [and this why in all again, Black Men are more popular amongst White Women, and as compared to Brown Men that is].