Tuesday, October 1, 2013



To speak of Exposure, is to in all ways even, speak of the Truth actually. This in many a way, does not refer to knowing it, the Truth that is, but actually seeing it, and as with making out Reality, and actually seeing whats going on. In many a way too, this does refer to what some do call the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but it (the Truth that is). 

In many a way, most today are truly blinded in most ways even, and as with regards to seeing Reality and as it truly is [speak in all that is, of what is actually going on or happening, and in just about any place, time or moment too]. In many a way too, this blinding very much in many a way perhaps, has to do, and to most in many a way really, truly defining even, Exposure in itself, and as with speak even of moments of truth actually, and in most ways even, further speak even of total awareness in all, and as with regards to being truly open minded that is (and as with speak of accepting any Reality in all actually), and that in all ways even, moments of truth, have very much come to be defined today in all, and by the Female Persona [and as with this speaking even, and of not only what many a Woman out there readily believes in, but in all ways even, associating anything to do with Women in all, and such as the Female body or form even, and speak even of the Miss Bumbum competition too perhaps, as truly embodying, what a moment of truth in all, truly is like].

In many a way, to understand Exposure, is to speak in all ways even, and of one being exposed to a higher Reality in all [and as with this described from the perspective of something being marvelous, magnificent, majestic, grand, mind-blowing, stupefying, wondrous etc.], and on this happening, one viewing in all, anything that can be said to be of a lower Reality, and as it truly is [at the very least, this speaking of seeing what is actually happening or going on, and at any given moment, place or time that is]. In many a way too, speak of a higher Reality, referring to being exposed to something that totally Awes one, or even something that totally Revolts one [and as with some conditioned in believing in Sex as something that totally awes one even, and homosexuality on the otherhand, and amongst men only, as something that totally revolts one].

In all, something difficult to deal with, and as with attempting to define just what does constitute a higher Reality in all, and as with perhaps even mentioning, and as with speak of awareness too, that the Crystalline structure of a Snow Flake, does perhaps look much more magnificent, and than the three Pyramids at Gaza, or even perhaps, that Water, is not actually a fluid or a liquid either, but in all ways even, something unknown actually.

In finality, to speak of Exposure in all again, is to perhaps present to one, Bram Stoker's Dracula (the Vintage edition), as with it pertaining to Exposure in itself too, and as with speak even of redefining moments of truth, and for most out there too that is.

Exposure (Wondrous):
