Monday, April 25, 2011

5 Keys to Greater Living

There are many perhaps, who simply have difficulty, keeping up Energy/Optimism levels (and not Enthusiasm really), at the right levels. A general feeling, that one wants to very much, get started on life, but there seems to be, something, blocking their very way, and they can't seem really too, to uncover it. In many ways too really, this speaks of having, high Energy levels on this day perhaps, and they declining to greater lows, on the very next. Why this happens, is a mystery to many, but it very much has to do, with the Re-Organizing of their, very lives really [and putting them perhaps, in a historical perspective].

How people have lived historically [as with keeping Energy levels high], has been more or less along, the following lines:

1. Background

Most out there today, live life very much, based on Ancestry. Living a life, based on Ancestry, is one mainly totally based really, around, the Home/House. This too, in many ways involves, not only furnishing the House (with all forms of Success symbols), but also in all too, generally developing, a culture based around the Home/House. Unknown though to most out there, living life centered around, the Home/House, is rather Stone-Age (in mentality), and since even earlier times, there had been a shift towards living around, ones Background [or Work life (that is)] [The whole culture too, seen just about, everywhere in the past, when a man/woman, or even, husband/wife, lived rather separately (in all), was based actually, on living according to, ones Background] [Japanese workers, who stay away late from home drinking, live according to Background (and the reason too, Japan, has stood firm, as with most of its population, living according to Background, and not Ancestry) (as with most of the World really)].

2. Communications

Many today, are simply generally unhappy, about life. This means really, they are simply generally unhappy, unjoyous, unfulfilled, and even unsatisfied, with life itself in all. Many simply, don't know why this is [why one moment, generally optimistic about life, and the next, generally pessimistic (even greatly)]. All this really, has to do mainly with, the manner/way people, communicate in Society today. In all really, there is a lack of a general Communications Mandate (as with way/manner really), that in many ways, makes many rather fearful/pessimistic, about, life in general [that in all really, communicating with most people out there today, lives one, with a bitter taste in, ones mouth] [In all really, despite the Communications protocol in place, many are simply received, negatively, when they seek to, communicate (in just about any way really)]. Examples really, of ways/manners of Communicating, include (commonly known): Self-Service, 24-hour outlets, Japanese Food Stalls (Quick Service), Referrals/Refunds, and even Complaint Filing [What is been said here though, is that, ways/manners of Communicating, are mostly (if not totally), inexistent really, in Society today] [And that this too, is the general main cause, of unhappiness, and even dissatisfaction too (and all in the forms too, of Pessimism really), in Society today] [ways/manners, of Communicating, should not be confused too, with forms of Communication].

3. Dressing & Clothing

Most out there today, are simply unaware of how, the Clothes they put on, actually, do affect them. That in all really, many do dress inappropriately, and this in all results in, lower Energy levels (and the associated Pessimism too). This too, does not only refer to the use, of Natural fibres versus Synthetic ones, but actually to what kind of, clothing perhaps, one does put on. Meaning in all, Clothes, Dress, Uniforms, Garments, Clothing, Attire, Costumes, or even Apparel too. In many ways really, one does find that, most out there tend to, dress up in Clothes, and Apparel today which, interestingly enough, does not only, lower ones Energy levels (when worn all through), but also give one (in many ways too), an Identity crisis of sorts [as with the feelings really, such 'clothes', do evoke in one]. In most ways really, it is best seen that most out there today, dress up in Garments, Clothing, and Uniforms too really (inorder to feel good, about themselves) [in most ways too, one should realize that, true work really, is only done in Uniforms (and not Clothes); if you are really, searching for good prospects (as with work and success), you should then know, that such prospects often, go along with, Uniforms (and not what, one would call, 'Work Clothes')].

4. Roots

This section really, speaks of getting, in touch with, ones Roots (history that is). By Roots really too, we are referring to, the place really, one has evolved in, during, the last many generations perhaps. Many today find themselves, 'truly' displaced in life (really) [meaning that, they feel like they, simply just don't truly, belong anywhere]. Part of this, has to do with, not knowing, ones true Roots [and in general, how one has lived life (as with happiness/optimism), in ones past lives (past generations/centuries that is)]. Getting in touch, with ones Roots, is not that different truly, from visiting ones hometown, ones home, and finally even, ones former bedroom, and somewhat reliving all the dreams/hopes held, about life in general really. Yet still, the most important reason for seeking out ones Roots, has to do too with, Speech Patterns [that in all really, most feel displaced from, just about anyplace really, due to lacking the proper, Speech Patterns to fit into, any one place] [Speech Patterns in many ways too, are the keys to finding Optimism/happiness, in ones life, as with the Area (and not locale or place) lived in] [In all really, do seek to return to ones Roots (as the source perhaps, of Optimism in all), or rediscover them really, and then seek out places/Areas, similar to them in all really].

5. Ancestral Lineages

When we speak of Ancestral Lineages really, we are really speaking of life, outside, ones Background. For many today though, Ancestry, tends to predominate, in ones life [as mentioned before, way above]. Ancestral Lineage though, can perhaps best be associated, with Recreation, and a way of life, that best goes together, with, a life based on, ones Background. Ancestral Lineages though, is much more than, Recreation though, and refers too also in all, to associating with others, along, the lines of a Race, Adventure, Trip, or Journey even [that in all, these do define, what, life is really all about, from the perspective of, Religion itself] [Ancestral Lineages, in many ways too, do determine our capacity, to enjoy life fully, as with in all really, helping in tracking it (as with planning for it really)] [Small incidents, on an adventure perhaps, can lead to changes in, ones Background for instance].


Many out there, don't really know though, how to actually, Plan out for life (itself). Planning for life, is rather difficult today, and many often know, that many of their plans, never truly do work out really [in all really, something always does pop up, to ruin everything (in most ways really)]. The main reason for this, has to do with, many living in Feminist/Communist-like Societies, which often masquerade, for just about any other, out there [as with really for instance, how Cities are run mainly today].

There are traditionally about, 5 ways most have often, planned out their lives. Two are rather historical, while the rest are more or less, with the times really.

1. Mythological: Rather commonly known, and involves really too, actually planning out, ones life from, beginning to end (as one truly too, does foresee it in all). Believed rather common today, but is actually not. Was though, common in the past, but not truly, as common as many too, do believe it to have been [although today too, it is often sold, as the main way really, to Success in all].

2. Mythic: The Mythic path, differs from the Mythological, and was also too rather common, in Europe pastly, and in all really, does involves, simply setting out on, adventure perhaps really, and on getting stuck too perhaps, seeking out solutions/answers, to problems faced. Seems chaotic, but not really, if one truly does realize, that in Europe this involved, becoming an Ideal, of sorts (as with the solution/answer sought) [an Ideal too, prepared for (in one way or another), via European cultures really (whether it be, Literature, Music, Philosophy, or even too, the rather formidable Art, of Fencing)] [A way too, that works rather well, in todays world (with the right, preparatory material)].

3. Historic: The Historic path works too, rather well today although, not too advisable for many really. It does involve in many ways really, being, a Researcher of sorts (of the Student mold perhaps really), and seeking out Success too, totally blinded, to what the future holds really [and in some cases too, the more, blinded one is really, the better]. On the path to success, all forms of failure/mistakes might be met/made, and the goal is to readjust oneself perhaps, by seeking out Sources too (perhaps), that don't really help in, solving ones mistakes/failures really, but actually help with dealing, with any bad experiences, experienced along the way (as with healing perhaps really too). Not the easiest way to live out things, as a poor joke or insult, can easily faze one in a world really, where one has no true idea, where they are headed too [Success seems obvious as with Research perhaps, but the road/path to it, might be filled with, all forms of treachery/scandal ( and unexplainable too)].

4. Historical: The Historical path in many ways really, seeks out to relive the past perhaps, by taking the dreams of past Figures really, and attempting to enact them in all too. This might involve perhaps, going into the Archives (of a Country too), and seeking out really, a 'Development Agenda' of sorts perhaps, and then seeking, to make it real really [and not to different too perhaps, from the Memoirs of Roman Senators of past, who left behind thoughts really, on how to further develop, a Society in all] [Many Countries out there, are filled with all forms of 'Development Projects', that have never seen the light, and thought up too, by the Indigenous peoples in them (and in many ways too, Projects often envisioned, as 'National' but, could work rather well really, on a local stage/level].

5. Mythical: The Mythical path, involves really too, taking the story of a past lived life, and attempting to relive it again, when, the conditions (and not, circumstances), are right [and in many ways too, doing this in, a totally new location really]. In all really, the real reason why, many attempt really, to travel to America (and live there), as it is believed (and is rather true too), that the path to Success in America, can very much be, like in a Movie [and in many ways too, in the same rather exact way/manner even]. Growth really, on the Maturity plane, and a path least sought out today, due to the false belief that, witnessing another go, through an experience perhaps, makes it rather boring (in all), and even rather easy, to deal with [not necessarily true, as watching a movie of someone fail an exam, and then make it, does not mean really, that failure is met, with great enthusiasm].

For many though, what makes planning for life rather difficult, is the general belief (and rather true today), that failure/mistakes, will be met, with some great calamity (of sorts). In many ways really, most fear failure/mistakes, due to the general fear of, becoming emotionally stunted [as with being, shamed or embarrassed really, on a national level] [In all really, as with Ridicule really]. One should realize, this does happen [that failing today, and it being noticed by a few, makes it in many ways, a National failure really] [The end result too, is being emotionally stunted, as with being stuck, on a shameful/embarrassing 'state' (ones whole life really)].

In the past really, failure/mistake, was never met with, emotional pain really, but rather with, the very ideas, of Profit & Loss [that every mistake/failure made, not only, did bring a loss with it perhaps, but in some ways too, opened up, one, to a profit unseen too] [One had to in all really, not take the mistake/failure, rather too seriously]. This way of life though, is not seen today, and one should realize, that in a World where, alot out there are, Obsessive-Compulsive (in one way or another) [as with being, obsessed, with others lives], failure, does result, in being Emotionally Stunted [and even too, being shamed/embarrassed really, on a National level even].

[In all really, many out there spend, too much time in gossip (Obsessive-Compulsive), rather than talking about, something, deemed Constructive really (the 'Topics & the Spoken Word' entry that is)].