Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Portuguese, the Black Jacobins & the Kybalion

The Portuguese:

The History of the Portuguese, is one in all, rather, hard to account for (in most ways); this is all because, it was, Portugal (or the Portuguese really), that, gave birth, to, the notion, of the Nation, as, an International Entity.

The roots, of the Portuguese, lays, with, the Swahili Coast. At a time, when, the Swahili, are expanding, into Asia (via, Mercantilism, and the Orient even), a few of them, decide, to settle in, what is now, Portugal. It is here, as a Nation, that, their History, begins.

They (now the Portuguese), arrange themselves, similar, to, the Swahili (in many ways). They create, an existence, based on, manifesting power, as through sex, money and respect really, and based too, on, Materiality, Trade/Mercantilism, and, Business/Culture.

Their Materiality, differs from that, in the Swahili Coast of course, as it is, a mix, of, English, German, French, and Spanish materiality [and all, united together, by, Arthurian Designs] [the Bar seen above for instance, is, of Portuguese origins (as with Design), and, 'taken' to Hong Kong, by, the British, after their invasion, of, Portugal].

Portuguese Mercantilism, is very well known, and mirrors, that, of the Swahili [as with regards really, to it, being, 'Nations' based]. In many ways though, the Portuguese, do somewhat become, more, prosperous, than the Swahili (in all this), making them, the, most prosperous Nation, in the Whole World (per capita that is).

Portuguese Culture, is also too, an amalgamation, of, many different kinds, of Cultures [German, Spanish, French and English]. As with regards, to, Economy/Family, the Portuguese, are very much, Spanish; with regards, to Politics, they are very much, French, and the Social scene (as with Bars too even), is pretty much, English (in all). Religiously, they are German [heavily Theological, and, Christian Fanatical too (as with, the worship, of, Risorgi Con Cristo)].

Structurally too though, you have Portuguese Christianity [Theological], as defining, Religious life; you too have, 'Our Lady of Lourdes', who in many ways too, defines, Social life, in Portugal [as even with, Festivals, targeted, towards, 'Our Lady']. Politically, as uniting all Nations (Families) in Portugal, is a Monarch like structure, headed by, a Final Authority, in the mold/form, of, the Scottish Lugh (Sun King). Finally, Portuguese Family life, is heavily defined, by the same, kind, of Improv. Art (one sees, in, Zanzibar & Pemba), and it is this, Improv. Art, that makes, the, Portuguese, rather similar (in all), to, the Swahili [the Portuguee though, do, their Improv. Art, at, a Transcedence level (daily growth in all), as compared to, the Swahili, who, do it, at, an Artistic level] [Fado music, is in all really, rather similar, to, Swahili, Taarab music].

In all really, in totality though, what, defines, Portuguese everyday life [as with Drama even], is, their manifestation really, of, what some call, Urbanization [that in all, Portugal, was the first pretty much, Urbanized place (as with, its, modern definition), in the World] [The Portuguese, in many ways, allowed, outsiders (who were not Portuguese), to, settle in, Portugal (as with accordance to, Civility, Wealth, Education etc.)]. What made one, true Portuguese, was the fact, that, they were heavily, defined, by Osiris (as a black Knight) [as compared, to Osiris, in Europe/Afrique, who, is Green] [In many ways too, why, Portugal is in general, as with its Food, Materiality, and general culture, rather black/mahogany in themes].
[Portugal, once upon a time]

The Black Jacobins:

The History of Haiti, is one, often told, but, in many ways too, often, mistold. A History, believed to begin, with, Slavery [and not the Arawak Indians even]. A Country, in many ways, rather, important to North America, as Haiti, is very much, the home, of, Red Osiris [and the ability, to, attain Success, in, North America].

Haiti, is a place, whose History, is strongly tied, to Black Jacobin Thought. In all, why this is so, is because, Haiti (being rather Mountainous) [but Magical too even], is a land, rather, difficult, to survive/engage in. As a result, its a place, whose History (as with, the Arawak Indians even), has been, strongly shaped, by, issues, of Humanity, Human Rights, and Religiousity even (too) [each, perhaps, best defined too by, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Makaya the Congo, and Jean-Jacques Dessalines (respectively)].

In many ways, the above, has defined, Haitian History in totality, versus, the oft misrepresented version, in the belief that, Haitians (in general), lack, Knowledge Systems [and in all too, presumably making them, rather African] [Truth is too, those, who are, Red Osiris find themselves often, targeted, as with regards mainly, to, malicious lies].

Haiti in many ways too, is the Home, of what, one, could call, North American Cool [in all, the uniting of aesthetics, seriousness, presentation skills etc.]. This must be said, because, many associate, general, (North) American Cool (perhaps), with Images, of Youth, in Baseball Caps (turned backwards), 'baggy' clothing/pants and even, tight skinned T-Shirts [truth is, this is an Image of Cool, stolen, from, Portugal (as with its Urbanization), and, best suits, Portuguese 'Langy Body Images' (such as those, of, Cristiano Ronaldo)] [Haitian Cool, is defined perhaps, in many ways, by, the likes, of Luis Guzman] [Cool in all, refers to whom you are, when, all alone, or when, simply, unaware of your surroundings (and probably too, in pensive thought in all)] [In all too, heavily defining, the, rather important facet, of, Composure (and its basis, in, all forms, of, Intellectual thought)].

In all really, surviving, in Haiti, is possible, if Haitians (for instance) do recognize that, the 'worship', of, Red Osiris is tantamount in making, their Dreams, come true [this versus Christianity, and Foreign Aid too]. If they too recognize, that, they do possess, a Body of Knowledge, pertaining to governing themselves [Black Jacobin Thought] and the very 'worshiping' perhaps, of the Fathers of the Haitian Republic [i.e. Toussant, Dessalines, and, Macaya]. That in all too, Haitians, are rather, Deep Thinkers, as Haitian Cool (as with its Arts even), is heavily Intellectual, as with it, being, on par even (perhaps), with French Intellectualism [that in all, they are just, as, Intelligent, as the French]. And in all too, it can be said, that, while Red Osiris, is accountable for, creating Culture (in Haiti) [versus the popular belief that, Vodou religious practises, are, Haitian Culture], Haitians will find that, survival in Haiti, is, possible, if they do apply, the principles espoused, by one JoseMaria Escriva (of Opus Dei Fame) into, bringing change to Haiti. [That in all Haiti, is a place, that calls for, Change often (as with its, Economy even), and, this Change, can, be put, into, effect, by the teachings, of, JoseMaria Escriva, versus, the attempt in all, to, Americanize] [In many ways really, the world of Economies that, go with the flow, as with a changing world too] [the Teachings of JoseMaria Escriva, are in all, rather, enlightened, and should not, be confused, with, the 'evil deeds', associated with, Opus Dei (as, an organization)].

In all, that does summarize Haiti.

[play some Aerosmith (Red Osiris), as with Culture really, versus, Wyclef Jean (who is really Spanish Guitar)].

Espana [Kingdom Spain]:

Spain today, is, a rather averagely known Country (in all). Traditionally, this has not, been so really, as, it has mainly, functioned, as, a Kingdom.

What will be attempted here, is, to explain, life in Spain (Espana really), to, the satisfaction of, its peoples. That its a Land today (heavily Ethnically oriented), but, operating really, as a Country. Spain though, as mentioned before, is, a country, heavily, associated with Osiris (green). In all too, what this means, is that, its, best, to be, Osirisian (as with, the Irish perhaps), in, Spain.

In many ways though, Spain, has traditionally failed really, to be, a huge Success, with alot of its Success actually, being due, to connections, with, the outside World [as with Byzantine, and Aragon Spain] [Today's Spain, as a developed Country is, strongly linked, to Italy] [Portugal, on the otherhand, is, dominated by, the UK].

Spain, as mentioned in another entry, is, a land, whereby, one, is forced to become, acclimatized, accustomed and, acculturated to it [as it being really a huge, piece of land, with, many different kinds, of peoples in it]. As a result of this (the relative difficulty, of, living there), the people in it, don't, really have the time/effort, to, actually Develop (in most ways) [leaving all this, to, Italy].

In many ways though it is believed that, adopting Osirisian Identities, makes, Acclimatization, Acculturation, and, being Accustomed really, rather, easy (in all) [as with, 'Cyrano de Bergerac' perhaps] [Don Quixote in general though, speaks of, the difficulties really, of, living in Spain (as, with Acculturation really etc.)].

In all too, while becoming Osirisian, can help the peoples of Spain be one (as with identifying each other), it is believed too that, the multifacted Greek work (the Kybalion), can help the peoples (of Spain), in developing appropriate, Cultures/Existences [as with it helping, one, learn how to, acclimatize, become accustomed, and, acculturated, to Spain in general].

In many ways too, it is deemed that, Niger Architecture (and not Art), is best suited, for Spain [as a place with, everchanging, cultures] [Niger Architecture, is somewhat similar, to, Andalusian Islamic Spain] [Barcelona is actually mainly Iberian].

With regards to, Art, the Communal Art World has, always served Spain best, and it is in many ways seen, in a high form, with, Flamenco culture, and, Cordoba Spain [the Culinary Arts perhaps, as with Home Cooking for instance, gone international].

The concept of the Kingdom (as compared to Administrative Country), still, much better suits Spain/Espana, as with powerful successful Families really, helping those (communities/peoples) not, doing so well survive [Spain, as an Administrative Country attempts really, to simply, educate, with not too much, to, show for it really].
(Spain, and not, Italia)

[Fashion TV, Food TV, Sports TV, Music TV!, Business TV, Documentaries, and the 'Showcase' presentation format (TV perhaps really), as, helping promote, the Spanish Communal Art World] [Business TV - Calligraphy/Writings] ('Showcase' Writings = Collections)

Self-Presentation & Drama:

How one presents themselves is highly associated too, with, Osiris [that in all really, Osiris, calls for one, to present themselves, in, a rather, creative manner].

There are three main ways that, many, high profile people, attempt in all, to, publicly, present themselves:
  1. Accessible
  2. Reachable
  3. Available
With regards, to the Accessible, we are talking really of, the attempt to, get through, to, someone [as with the example of, someone, surrounded by, Bodyguards]. With regards, to the Reachable we are talking, of, someone, who is mainly only seen really. With regards to the Available, we are talking off someone, who, can be contacted but, is simply mainly/always, unavailable. That in many ways really, is how, high-profile people tend to, present themselves (in all), and in many ways too, how, those acquainted with, Osiris, tend in general to, present themselves [and leading to, certain forms, of, Drama arising].

Red Osiris, is associated with, 'Reachable' issues; Green Osiris, with, the Accessible, and, Black Osiris with 'Available' issues.


Below will be in an attempt in all, to reform, old Portugal. This reformation, is seen too, as, being based, in, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) [and defining Portugal here, as being the Portuguese].

In many ways really, it is foreseeable that, basing Portuguese Society, on 'power' manifestations, is the best, way, to do all this. In many ways too, this, does involve, simply, raising Portuguese Society, to, that seen, in, the Swahili World [before, its, decay].

With regards to 'Philosophies of Life', adopting, Victorian Psychology, is, the best way, to go [as with, its Maxims really]. With regards to, Martial beings, becoming Business Analysts & Marketers, will, simply work rather well. With regards to, becoming, Seductive Figures, Italian Seduction, as seen in, the 'Art of Seduction', is truly, the way to go [all this of course, representing power manifest as, respect, money and sex (respectively)].

The new to all this, lies, in basing Portuguese life, on, the Country and not, the Nation [in many ways too, life, in the UAE, is, best lived, in, the Country]. With regards to, Religion, becoming Mohammedan (in a popular form perhaps), is actually, the best way to go, about it [and with the Al-Hadith, as, inspirational works]. With regards to the Social, the concept of Lugh (Sun King), is pretty much, applicable here, in the form really seen, in France [with, Louis XIV]. With regards to Politics, creating Networks of all kinds, is the obvious solution really [and Web Services Networks too perhaps]. With regards, to the Economic/Family, engaging in, Improv. Art, is still seen, best, but with the main Art being, Stick Fight [and, Stick Dance for the Women] [After all, the Portuguese have, historically always been, Mercenaries (at heart)]. This Improv. Art too, is probably in all too best, presented/demonstrated/practised from, the perspective of, the Portfolio.

In many ways too the Portuguese, can continue, being connected to, the Swahili, via Networks created and, to Europe, via, the Social [France & its Social History that is].

Portuguese Women not willing, to become, Martial beings can, choose instead to, engage in, Urbanization by, helping, manage the UAE's rather, famed Public/Private Property [and in general too, helping create, cultural existences].