Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ancient Roots (the Search for Tranquility)

Many out there, have probably heard of, the "Out of Africa" theory; the belief really, that all humans evolved out of, a common ancestor once seen, roaming the "wilds" of Afrique [to be exact (really)]. Many though, who have heard this theory (as explained really), are not too prone, to believe in it [as with the great Chance (really too), involved in it], and it in many ways too, discounts, Religio-Spiritual accounts too also, of the origins of Civilization (and Humanity too) [what is been said is that, different Religio-Spiritual accounts, of the origins of Civilization seen (all over the World), tend to agree (with each other), with the "Out of Africa" theory on the otherhand, totally discounting (each and every one of them)] [In all really, unlike with most theories, the "Out of Africa" theory, does not have any other theory (really), backing it up (even Genetic theories too, tend to support really, the Religio-Spiritual theories out there)].

This entry though, will attempt really, to state really too, that in all there does, exist, in each of the Regions of the World, a group of 'People', that in all really too, do represent, the Ancient (in all of us) [as with Region really (that is)]. A group of 'People', that we all actually do, represent (in one way or another), and should be seen really too, to be a Hybrid Strain (amongst us) [as in truly being, a 'Superior Race', at the very base human level] [Arguments really, of if Ethiopians for instance, do make, for the best distance runners].

What these 'People' actually, do represent, is a superiority associated really, with their being the most, adaptive, to the Regions (mentioned below). This means too, they are less prone to fall sick (than others), they can in all really too, live in any part, of the mentioned Regions, and in many ways too, do embody what, Survival in totality (is all about). Why these 'People' are important [other than Evolutionary Superiority (and not genetic really)], is that their cultures too really, have some customs perhaps, that should be adopted (by all), inorder really too, to feel as if, one, truly does belong, to a Region [as with Evolution really]. The most basic of these customs (are), Initiations, Rites, and Rites of Passage [in all really, what is been said is that, all forms of Initiations perhaps, from 'School Graduations', to Weddings, or even 'Office Promotions' too, should be based on, the cultures, of these 'Peoples'] [As with believing perhaps that, such 'Initiations' do in all, tie one, to their Regions/'Land' (inhabited)].

These groups should too also, be emulated with regards to, all issues pertaining to Age, Gender, and Race even [in all, Age groups in Society, should be based on, these 'People', Gender Equality issues too, should too also, be associated with these groups and finally, when we speak of Race, we are referring to markers really, such as Life Expectancy (and the general belief that, these groups, have the longest Life Expectancy, within their Regions)] [Race in all, should be considered legitimate, as with the creation of Castes perhaps (which refers really, to groups who are lagging, in the Evolution game in general) (and not with regards to Intelligence really, but to Health for instance)].

Finally even, these groups too, should be seen to be superior really, with regards to Physical Health (Aptitude skills), Mental Health (IQ based testing), and finally even too, Emotional Health (EQ based testing) [and in all too really, superior humans in general too (really)].

In all though, what does truly define, these groups (is the very fact that), their Skeletal Structures, are superior to those of others seen, in, the Regions mentioned [and in all too, other groups in the Region, have similar Skeletal/Facial structures (withstanding Negroid or Caucasoid features in all too)].

North America: The Navajo

- Italian-Americans, are actually the closest, to the Navajo (of all North Americans).

South America: Amazon Indians

- often considered, to be the most inferior (of all South Americans), the Amazon Indians, are actually, the most superior of humans [in South America] [with the Peruvians, being closest (to them)].

Europe: The Scots

- the Scots of Scotland, are truly the most, superior of humans, in Europe. They too in all, are the only group perhaps, to have survived truly, the sometimes harsh treatment (survival based), of slavery in North America [with other groups, to this day still, suffering, from all forms of, mental problems/issues]. Some European groups though, like the Hollanders for instance (who too are more, Greek than European), are more similar, to the Khoisan of Southern Africa [who are a group, related, to the Scots] [Having traveled though, to Africa, from the Scandinavian region] [The Khoisan then, were called, the Picts]. The Scots of Europe too, are the only people in Europe perhaps, truly capable of, matching/trekking across (Europe itself).

Africa: The Ethiopians

- falsely believed to belong, to the Middle East Region [due to popular beliefs, in Semitic Races] [when Semite really, refers to languages spoken (as with Ethiopian languages borrowing, vocabulary from the 'Middle East' languages)], Ethiopians though really, are truly African [as with Evolution, Survival and Adaptability] [this though, is not totally true of, the Somalis (some of whom really), are really from, the Middle East Region]

South East Asia: The Dravidians

- Sathya Sai Baba, is probably the most reknowed, of all the Dravidians (really). Interestingly enough too, the Persians/Iranians, who are believed 'Middle East', are actually the most, closest, to the Dravidians [with Iran really, being truly a part, of South East Asia and not (the Middle East Region really)].

East Asia: The Negritos

- the Negritos of East Asia, who today have been kept, in rather poor conditions have always truly, represented, the perfect human, in East Asian Societies [in an East Asia, where, debate on the perfect human, is, always somewhat (endless)]. The Chinese, have always been closest, to the Negritos [making many too see, the Chinese as being, authentic East Asians], and Negritos too also, were once seen too, in powerful positions (in) Chinese Civilization (and Society too even).

The Middle East: The Arabian

- the Arabian, often seen in the Warrior mode, is hereby seen really, in the Secular mode. The Picture above, has been chosen, as it in many ways (unknown to most), represents the average phenotype really, seen, in the Middle East Region [despite, what the Media might, have you believing in]. The Arabian, has always from the past too, represented superiority (as humans), in the Middle East Region, and in many ways too, this also extends into Italy (with real Italians meeting, the Arabian Ideal too) ['the David' by Caravaggio for instance meets, the Arabian Ideal, and not the European/Scots Ideal]. The Swahili too (really), also belong, to the Arabian group.

It should be noted though, that, various populations of the World, often believed to belong, to a certain Region really, actually really do not. The peoples of Spain for instance, are falsely believed, European populations when, in reality they, belong, to the Ethiopian group [the rather famous belief/adage that, 'Africa begins in the Pyrenees', should somewhat really, be taken rather seriously]. The peoples of Greenland/Iceland (the Kalaallit) [falsely believed similar (to the Inuit), are actually though, similar, to the Navajo], and should not only, be considered North Americans of sorts [but Greenland/Iceland too, should be seen as, North American territory really] [for those North Americans out there, seeking adventure and, having nothing much (to do really), visiting Reykjavik, should be considered a must]. Persia/Iran, should really now be seen as, part, of South East Asia and, while Italy and the Swahili Coast (truly belong in the Middle East), the Seychelles and the Island of Reunion are actually, rather European [with the Khoisan being known, to have lived, in the Seychelles before] [for those Europeans, truly seeking a 'tribal' home of sorts, it should be known that, Africa, is not it but, Reunion (is very much it though)] [Mauritius on the otherhand though, is very much Africa]. The Muslims populations [including the Yemeni], are actually of the Ethiopian group, while as mentioned before, some Somalis (such as K'naan), are of the Arabian group. Cuba and the Caribbean, belong to the Amazon Indian group, while the Islamic World (and not Byzantium), would best be advised, to congregate in Portugal (as 'no mans land') [as the Islamic World, heavily driven by, sexual based expression, can use Portugal, to create an Ideal Islamic 'human' (as with communities of different Islamic peoples, living there)] [this in many ways, has been the cause of, big divisions in, the Islamic World in the past] [in all really, sexual based tensions (associated too, with, success really)].