Most people out there, have trouble, getting, through life [and mainly, everyday life really]. The monotony, of everyday living, gets to them, after, years, of living, and fears, of survival even (and suicide too), begin, to creep, into, their minds [Suicide, is something associated, with, Italian Christianity, and is true really (as with general Suicide), associated with, Jinni Higher Beings].
The problem though, lays really, with, how, most out there, choose, to, get through life. In all really, one finds that, two main ways, are chosen in all (really); the Mentality, and, 'State of Mind'. Two ways in general, that have made, Europe, and the UK/NY, rather, prominent, on the World scene (as with, general survival really).
When one speaks, of the Mentality, one is speaking really, of the attempt, to, maintain, an upbeat feeling/atmosphere, in, ones life, on a, daily basis [a rather, European way, of, living through every day life]. The 'State of Mind', calls in all, for one, to, live through each day, feeling, rather 'worryfree' in all.
The Mentality today (as in, remaining, totally, upbeat), calls for, one, to have, lots, of money, at their, disposal. The 'State of Mind', calls for one, to have, lots of influential friends (for support) [and, all forms too, of, advicing]. Most today though, have, none of this, but in all believe, they have to get, through life (everyday), based on, the Mentality, and, 'State of Mind'.
What is told here though, is that, this, does not, have, to be so [you do not, have, in general, to, get through life (as with, everyday), by basing it, on, Mentality, or, 'State of Mind' even] [Doing so, puts you, at, the mercy, of, the European, and the British (and in, America too)].
What will be proposed below is that, one, simply have, a 'phaseshift', and start in all believing that, its possible, to, get through life (everyday life too), via, the Mindset [or even, the, Mental State, or if, creative enough, the Mental Frame].
The Mindset though, is chosen here, due to its, rather, applicable nature, and in fact, the very way, life (in general), has, been lived, through, the Ages. Example Mindsets, will be, given below, for, those fed up, with, attempting to live "as white people do".
North America: Worship
- worship really, refers to, the, getting through everyday life, by, thinking really, of, a kind of, Heaven, at, the very end, of, the day (perhaps) [a good example, being perhaps, a great meal, some 'freedom', or even, simply, 'hanging out', with, someone they like] [living a life of worship, eventually, frees one, from, all forms of attachments, and with it, is born, Freedom/Success (in, its true spirit)].
South America: The Invocation
- this involves really, getting through, everyday life, by, invoking in all, the name, of, a Higher Entity, that, one, totally truly believes, will, save them, in one way, or, another [and doing this, until, you, believe this Entity, to be, ones, best friend] [the belief, in creating reality (as with, the mind), is, truly based on, this].
[All the above too, should, not be confused, with the, 'Sacrificial Life' entry, which, speaks of, one, attempting in all, to, purify themselves (as with, regards to, Sin)]
Europe: The Prayer
- this involves really, getting, through life, via, hard concentration, focus, or, alignment even, with everything, one, does, such that, they, totally live, in, the moment [and are always, invigorated, as such] [Success, always, seems, far away but, when living, in the moment, it can, very much be, around, the corner].
Africa: Supplication
- supplication speaks of really, committing, oneself, to think of others always, and, in all ways really, how, to improve, on, their lives (while making, ones life, better too) [in many ways too, the traditional, Yoruba way, of, living] [as with, the creation, of Yoruba civilization/empires too] [the easiest way, to become, happy, live, self-consciously, and make, friends/wealth, in, Africa]
South East Asia: (Holy) Communion
- this speaks of really, creating, of all forms, of, 'timetables' [as with what, one, wants to achieve/attain], and truly by force, seeking, to attempt, to, live them out [a way of life, that, can truly work, in, South East Asia] [Self-satisfaction, bred, that makes one, complacent, with, oneself, and attracts all the needed, attention, one, really might not, seek out].
East Asia: Recitation
- this speaks of really, improving, oneself, on a daily basis, in just, about, every way possible [from cleanliness, to manners, to wisdom, and even, physical looks] [the best in life, easily, comes this way, as with, attracting it really].
The Middle East & Afrique: the Virgil
- this involves, doing, anything, until, one drops (from, sheer perfection based, exhaustion), and then, having, somewhat long rests, in, between [one in many ways, is, supposed, to do this, until, they, in many ways, enter, a, Mental Reality sought out] [Success, is a Mental Reality, and not, a Physical Reality].
The problem though, lays really, with, how, most out there, choose, to, get through life. In all really, one finds that, two main ways, are chosen in all (really); the Mentality, and, 'State of Mind'. Two ways in general, that have made, Europe, and the UK/NY, rather, prominent, on the World scene (as with, general survival really).
When one speaks, of the Mentality, one is speaking really, of the attempt, to, maintain, an upbeat feeling/atmosphere, in, ones life, on a, daily basis [a rather, European way, of, living through every day life]. The 'State of Mind', calls in all, for one, to, live through each day, feeling, rather 'worryfree' in all.
The Mentality today (as in, remaining, totally, upbeat), calls for, one, to have, lots, of money, at their, disposal. The 'State of Mind', calls for one, to have, lots of influential friends (for support) [and, all forms too, of, advicing]. Most today though, have, none of this, but in all believe, they have to get, through life (everyday), based on, the Mentality, and, 'State of Mind'.
What is told here though, is that, this, does not, have, to be so [you do not, have, in general, to, get through life (as with, everyday), by basing it, on, Mentality, or, 'State of Mind' even] [Doing so, puts you, at, the mercy, of, the European, and the British (and in, America too)].
What will be proposed below is that, one, simply have, a 'phaseshift', and start in all believing that, its possible, to, get through life (everyday life too), via, the Mindset [or even, the, Mental State, or if, creative enough, the Mental Frame].
The Mindset though, is chosen here, due to its, rather, applicable nature, and in fact, the very way, life (in general), has, been lived, through, the Ages. Example Mindsets, will be, given below, for, those fed up, with, attempting to live "as white people do".
North America: Worship
- worship really, refers to, the, getting through everyday life, by, thinking really, of, a kind of, Heaven, at, the very end, of, the day (perhaps) [a good example, being perhaps, a great meal, some 'freedom', or even, simply, 'hanging out', with, someone they like] [living a life of worship, eventually, frees one, from, all forms of attachments, and with it, is born, Freedom/Success (in, its true spirit)].
South America: The Invocation
- this involves really, getting through, everyday life, by, invoking in all, the name, of, a Higher Entity, that, one, totally truly believes, will, save them, in one way, or, another [and doing this, until, you, believe this Entity, to be, ones, best friend] [the belief, in creating reality (as with, the mind), is, truly based on, this].
[All the above too, should, not be confused, with the, 'Sacrificial Life' entry, which, speaks of, one, attempting in all, to, purify themselves (as with, regards to, Sin)]
Europe: The Prayer
- this involves really, getting, through life, via, hard concentration, focus, or, alignment even, with everything, one, does, such that, they, totally live, in, the moment [and are always, invigorated, as such] [Success, always, seems, far away but, when living, in the moment, it can, very much be, around, the corner].
Africa: Supplication
- supplication speaks of really, committing, oneself, to think of others always, and, in all ways really, how, to improve, on, their lives (while making, ones life, better too) [in many ways too, the traditional, Yoruba way, of, living] [as with, the creation, of Yoruba civilization/empires too] [the easiest way, to become, happy, live, self-consciously, and make, friends/wealth, in, Africa]
South East Asia: (Holy) Communion
- this speaks of really, creating, of all forms, of, 'timetables' [as with what, one, wants to achieve/attain], and truly by force, seeking, to attempt, to, live them out [a way of life, that, can truly work, in, South East Asia] [Self-satisfaction, bred, that makes one, complacent, with, oneself, and attracts all the needed, attention, one, really might not, seek out].
East Asia: Recitation
- this speaks of really, improving, oneself, on a daily basis, in just, about, every way possible [from cleanliness, to manners, to wisdom, and even, physical looks] [the best in life, easily, comes this way, as with, attracting it really].
The Middle East & Afrique: the Virgil
- this involves, doing, anything, until, one drops (from, sheer perfection based, exhaustion), and then, having, somewhat long rests, in, between [one in many ways, is, supposed, to do this, until, they, in many ways, enter, a, Mental Reality sought out] [Success, is a Mental Reality, and not, a Physical Reality].