Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Sanctuary

The idea, of a Sanctuary is, pretty well known, to those, who, engage in, todays Tourism Industry. In many ways, it speaks really of, a place, one, can escape too, as with regards mainly, to, safety issues perhaps really [that in many ways really, those, seeking Sanctuaries are, seeking to escape, all forms/kinds, of, Familial issues].

This entry, will in many ways speak of, what, they term, Personal safety, as with regards really to what, they call, Familial ('Family' based) violence [of all sorts]. In many ways too speaking off, what was covered in, the 'Search for Truth' entry [in all, mental prisons, created as a result, of, Popular Imagery] [As with the case, of South East Asians, and, Mowgli].

Personal based violence, and really of, the Familial kind [as with, regards to, people, one is generally, acquainted with], takes, form, in three main ways: Intimidations, Frights, and, Worries even [anxieties really]. These three, are the roots of all, Personal safety issues, which as just stated, are, associated too, with, the Familial [or those, one, considers Family, of one kind, or, another].

What Intimidations, Frights, and Worries/anxieties, eventually lead to, are what are termed, Deeds, Acts (of violence), and Feats too [all pertaining (too), to violence, of one form, or, another].

In todays world though, the above are often, associated with, crime, the police, and all forms, of, tribunals [Judiciary systems]. In places like America for instance (and its major cities), these forms of violence [Familial], are rather rampant [and the fewer people one knows, the better].

Historically though, this form of violence [Familial], often reached, Peak Heights [as with the case, of, the origins, of, the French Revolution], and is associated too, with, what they call, the Nation-State [that in all, the Nation-State, speaks of, all forms, of, laws/regulations that, regulate in all Family behaviour, and behaviour too, towards, other families]. The French Revolution, is born of Deeds, Acts, and Feats [violent], by one, 'Nation', towards another [as is the case perhaps, of, the Three Musketeers, and their feuding with, those attached, to, Cardinal Richelieu].

This form of violence in many ways truly, creates, the Nation-State [in Revolutionary France], which in time, becomes, a Feminist State [by French Civil War times]. In many ways too, what the Nation-State attempts to do (in all), is create/define, Borders (that should not be crossed), by, any one given, Nation/family. These Borders in all, are associated with, what they call, Preservation (as with of life), and todays World [as created by France really perhaps], is one, where the Country [as with the Maps even], is falsely, believed, to consist of, all forms, of, Knowledge based Structures when, in reality the Country, today, is falsely defined by, the Nation-State, and highly defined too, by, Borders (of all kinds) [before the Border, and Nation-State existed, you had the 'country' (as seen, in the, 'Totem Animals' entry)].

In an attempt too, to end Deeds, Acts, and Feats (of violence), by, one Nation/family to another, what they call, Landmarks (including too, Landmark laws), are, used, to 'commemorate' such past violence, as Deeds, Acts or Feats even that, should never, be, replicated again [Sept. 11 for instance, was, a Feat (and therefore too, Familial, in origins)].

In all really, it is to the Landmark [as probably best seen, in France], that we should too, turn to, to giving us, the inner strength we need, to deal with, all forms of, 'Family' based violence, as in all really, inspiring in us, feelings, of safety (similar in all), to a Sanctuary [in many ways really, the, Landmark, best takes the form of, an inspiring Monument, as with the case of, the (French) Pantheon].

Below though, will be presented (another way), of looking, at, the Nation-State (as based on really, 'Mind Frames') [as with, the 'Mind Frames' entry], by in all too, showing that, Nation-State based violence, often, erupts, in the form of, 'Areas of Confluence', 'Family Worlds', and 'Dimensions' too [with all forms, of, violence, emanating really from, poor reasoning, as with the above really]. To make this, even more clearer, is to show that, violence, as emanating from, the three above is, highly based on, what, was called 'Progressive Media' [that in all, Composite Images, Cultural Motifs, and Cultural Mosaics, do, define in all, all forms really, of, 'Family' based violence].

What though, most, don't know too is that, alot, of 'Family' based violence (today) [as with 'Mind Frames' really, and Progressive Media too], has its origins, in, America, and especially with, 'Celtica Americanista' based Media [that in many ways really, some, forms of 'Celtica Americanista' Media, is of, the Progressive Media kind, and, shows most out there (in all), how to, deal, with all forms, of, 'Family' based violence] [In all really, speaking of Movies, like, the Aviator, or even, "Goodfellas" too] [In many ways too, American Magazines emanating from, 'Celtica Americanista' Media, are highly too, of' the Progressive Media kind, and have come, to strongly influence, the World, with regards to, Mind Frames really (and how things, are done, in, general)] [Like the example, of feeling hungry, and, wanting to buy, a take-out/'take-away' meal].

What will be attempted below, is to redirect, people, away from, Reasoning (with regards to, the Nation-State), as seen in, Celtica Americanista Media, and back, to, its traditional molds [that in all really, with regards to, Family and Mind Frames (and the moderating, Progressive Media in all) people, have often, dealt, with Family problems, of, all kinds, in, a certain way];

North America: Celtica Americanista media

South America: Guyanese media

Europe: Italian media

Africa: Ghanaian media

South East Asia: Sri Lankan media

East Asia: North Korean media

The Middle East & Afrique: Omani media

Note: media here, also refers to, the general, speaking to others from, the above Regions, on, the above issues (really). In many ways too, what it is been said is that, all, South Americans, Europeans, or those, from, the Middle East & Afrique, are really mainly, Guyanese, Italian, and even, Omani, as with regards really, to dealing with, all forms, of, Family/'Nation-State' problems [as based too, on, 'Mind Frames'].