Friday, April 8, 2011

The Incidental

This entry, speaks of many things really, which can be defined, by a few. It speaks of perhaps (in general really), what they call, general happiness [or the reason, why, you, are not happy, at, this very moment]. In many ways too, this has to do, with our, Material Existences [that they in all really, shape, certain, experiences, that we have in all, which in reality too, define, our general happiness].

To understand this fully, is to know of, three, primary experiences really, that, are actually strongly, associated, with our, Material Existences [and in all too, define, our, general happiness]: Conditions (special moments), Troubling Situations (impressions), and Problematic Circumstances (pains). That these three, experiences, do determine in all, our general happiness [why, you are not, happy, right now], and are also too, determined, strongly perhaps by, the Material Existences, that, you associate with [a Cowboy, is more likely, to, get punched than, an 'Iberian' perhaps (in all)].

In many ways too, the three experiences above pertain really, to, the Hallucinatory (as with staring, or, gaping even), and all forms, of, imaginary doubting, are based on, the three too really.

Most today out there, are, generally unhappy, with, their lives, due to the kind of, Materiality/Existences, they, surround themselves with [in that, this Materiality surprising enough (and unconsciously too), determines, an, important facet, of, our lives: 'runnings'] [What this means, is that, Materiality/Existences in all, can, determine, whom/what you run (into), on a daily basis] [All this too, based on, defining, (everyday) 'runnings', as with, the three experiences, mentioned above].

What will be written/spoken about below, is, the attempt really (to program perhaps even), the masses out there, as, with regards to, what Conditions (special moments), Troubling Situations (impressions), and, Problematic Circumstances (pains), that, they are supposed, to face really, as compared really to, living, around, a certain form, of, Materiality/Existences, and waiting in all for this, to happen [in many ways really, getting, into, the fast track of life/happiness, as with luck, opportunity, and, chance even, striking up, rather, easily] [Many today, tend to live, rather, Elizabethan (Elizabeth I) lives (miserable, if not, well understood), as alot, of, the Materiality/Existences (furniture) sold (out there), is actually, of, Elizabethan origins] [Elizabethan as with, Elizabethan England, and not 'British Raj'].

In many ways really, what, is written about below, is the attempt really, to show, the peoples, of the various, Regions, of the World that, the three experiences of [Conditions (special moments), Troubling Situations (impressions), and Problematic Circumstances (pains)], are experienced in different ways/manners, in, the different Regions [and in all, do not, happen, as they do mainly, in, a British Movie] [With most really, identifying, with, British Movies, as, general happiness in them, goes, with the kind of (materiality/existences), seen, in most, of the World (out there)].

In all really mainly, below, will be presented, various, Authors/Writers whose works, are associated with, writing about (in all), general happiness [as with, the three experiences (above)], and in all too, do help, in, conditioning (and the programming too) of one, with these, three experiences mainly (usually), at, the Weird level [an interesting phenomenon perhaps, that, experiencing the three experiences above at, the Weird level, opens up, one, to experiencing them at, the more, Positive Levels] (as with being mainly, thankful even perhaps). In many ways too, these Authors/Writers might seem, displaced, from their targets [as with many, being, falsely presumed, American], when in reality, they not, only speak, of general happiness, as associated manly with, Non-American materiality/existences, but that they in all too really, can help one, be, more creative, as with, imagining up new materiality/existences, associated, with, ones Region [of Existence] (and as pertaining too, to, general happiness really) [what has just been said here, is that, most, of these Authors/Writers, are/were not, American, and while writing in America, attempted, to create (in all), existences, seemingly American but, actually, truly associated, with the Material Existences, shown, below].

North America: Stephen King (Cowboy cultures)

South America: Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Iberian existences)

Brittannia: Philip Roth (Normandy existences)

France: Erskine Caldwell (Arabe existences)

Western Europe: Harold Robbins (Nordic-Bavarian existences)

Central Europe: Alexander Pushkin (Castilian existences)

Eastern Europe: J.D. Salinger (Austro-Hungarian existences)

Scandinavia: Louis L'Amour (Prussian existences)

Africa: Albert Camus (Western existences)

Afrique - Aldous Huxley (Victorian existences)

The Middle East: John Le Carre (French TriColour existences)

South East Asia: Salman Rushdie (British Raj existences)

East Asia: Haruki Murakami (Heian existences)


All the above, should very much, be seen too as, the basis perhaps, of what, they "do" call Self-Presentation [in general, how you want, others, to, see one]. In all really, one, will find, the above works, to, be associated with, all forms/kinds, of, 'runnings', that are based on Conditions (special moments), Troubling Situations (impressions), and, Problematic Circumstances (pains). In all really, if you find it difficult, to in all, create, a Public Image, not only can, these works help with that, but they too in all (one will find), mirror, the everyday runnings (they have), not only really at, a Weird level, but also too, on, an average level [in all really, these works will, make one, feel, generally happy about, themselves, and should be seen as, the starting point, to, engaging in what, has been written about, on, Americanista blog].

Americanistas Legion, as forming, a culture [and also, as, Identifiable beings], should in all, attempt to do this, from, the Aldous Huxley, and, John Le Carre (works) [as with the basing, of culture on this], and also too, use, Materiality, as seen, in Armana [Meatloafs 'I would do anything for you' video] [as this, Materiality, does somewhat, appear, to be, a mesh, of French Tricolour, and, Victorian existences]. Why this is proposed is because, Americanistas Legion, are a Priesthood really [as with, being (really), Ecumenical Figures], and in all really too, their Materiality, should, diverge (on average), from, the mainstream.


Finally, as a small note, it, should be said that, those, living in the Heart of Asia, would probably want to, mold, relations, with those in, Spain, in the same mold as those, between, South America & North America, or, Africa & South East Asia [or even, Europe & East Asia too even].