Friday, April 1, 2011

Romanticized History (the Search for Identity)

America and the New World:

The clip above, in most ways truly, shows, how life, in America, is actually lived really; that in all, its an Identity based existence, and not, Personalities/Personas (based existence), as, the TV/Movies, often, tend to show [what is been said here, is that, Culture in America (as with, Personalities really), tends to be, of, the Popular (Culture) form]. When one speaks, of America (as the New World), one, is actually, referring (to it), as a place, distinct, from the rest, of, North America, and even too, having, a version of History, many often call, 'Romantic'. To know this fully, is to know, that, its only, in America (in North America really), where, life, is based primarily, on, the Identity [with the rest, of North America, heavily, being, Culture based]. It is this, basing, of life, on the Identity, that has, resulted, in a version, of, American History (Romantic), that most, associate, with, 'Red Indians', American Settlers, and finally too, the Quakers (and the Mayflower boarding). This version of History, is in many ways too, legitimate, American History, as it is, the History, of, American Identity formulation, in the very wilderness, that is perceived to be, Americas (Heartland). America is in all, a land really, that, has succeeded, in the formulation, of, many other Identities (outside, the Work Identity), that, many in America, base, their existences on [in other parts of the World, the Work Identity, is in many ways too, used even, as, a basis, of creating, Culture based Personas] [Examples of these other Identities, include, the traveling Fighter, the traveling Jazzman, the Henchman (at the heart, of, America's Security Industry), and even, the Ascetic (and American (Native) Religio-Spirituality)].

Many other places, have attempted (in this day and age), to create, Romanticized versions, of their Histories, that are in many ways, rather, false [often created too, to give, those, living, in thee places, Hope, when, all, is going wrong]. In South America for instance, one does find, a version, of History, associated, with 'Banditry' (and famed warriors even), that in many ways too, gives an account really, of, oppression, in South America [in all really, a version, of Hstory, realistic, but not, the truth, as with, the existence, of Civilization, in, South America] [a modern example, being (more or less), Che Guevara]. Europe too, has created, such, a Romanticized version, of its History, as with, basing its History, on the Female/Feminine worship, of all forms, of, Moon Goddesses (and even, Pagan Gods too), and surprisingly enough, from all this, arising, European History [with all, its Art, Culture, Architecture, Science, Technology, and even, Religion (and Gnostic Christian too)]. Of all the versions, of Romanticized History, this, is, the most, ridiculous (of them all). Africa too, has created, Romantic versions, of its History, based mainly on, famed Figures (including Queens and Kings), who come up, with, marvelous Scientific Discoveries (of all kinds) [not totally false, and more or less, a version, of African History, not, well known, but, not as huge (or large), as many might (actually), think it (to be)]. Asia interestingly enough, of all places, has a, Romanticized version, of its History, that is actually, its, true History. A History, of 'Gods'/Ancestors, capable of (for instance), levitating, but all this, Romanticized today [when it actually, did, happen]. The Middle East finally too, also too in all, has, a Romanticized version, of, its History, apparently all, been based on, love affairs, between, prominent Kings (and, seductive Female Figures), from which, all forms, of, Drama (as with, creating Civilization itself), emanates, from [and not, totally false (in itself), but not that, really true either].

Afrique as the Koranic lands:

Afrique, is a place, that shares lots, of similarities perhaps, to America, due really, to it too, being, a place, where, existence, is mainly based on, Identities [and many perhaps too (even), appropriated, from America]. A place too, believed, Westernized, African, or even, Indian (somewhat), but one finds, that, Identities/Cultures, associated with the above, tend, to be (actually), out of place (in all) [not only, with regards, to clothing for instance, but even, simple greetings, between, people]. It is a land as said before, of, Osiris, and any form, of, existence, must be based, on Osiris. It is here, that one sees, the importance, of, the Koran (as based on, the Qu'ran, which too, is a work, inspired, by, Osiris). In all, the Swahili Koran, is mandate really, for learning, to exist, in, Afrique [as with reading it, and, then, living by it] [Even the Victorians, were Osirisan, via, the Yogic (TM) practises, they, engaged in] [other European populations, were able, to fit in, based on, their being, Islamic/Islam, or even, (European) Osirisian]. In all though, Osiris in Afrique, is really, Koranic [and not, European, or even truly, Islamic/'Islam'].

However though, Afrique too (as associated, with History), and Romanticized too [as the, only, real History of Afrique, is Romanticized], is strongly, associated, with the 'Africoid (Middle East) Moor' [and Brown too in all] [as with the case, of, Mohammed Al-Amoudi]. As mentioned before, Afriques History, has always been, Romanticized, with the most, Romantic, of these figures, having been, the, Ethiopian Antares [who is 'said', to have had, an, Ethiopian Mother, and, an Arab Father too] [The History, of the lower Middle East (Saudi, Omani, Emirati), is primarily on the otherhand, associated, with, brown skinned, fuzzy/straight haired, (Gargoyle) Moslems] [A place too, usefully called, Islamiya]. To understand this better, is to know, that Afrique, is a land, of (highly) Individual lifestyles [that in all really, one lives, a life, without, knowing, too many others really]. However, the bringing, of these people together (Culturally), has traditionally (as with, the Victorians too), been by, 'Africoid Moors' [including those, from, the Swahili lands, and, called too, Mwarabu], who in all, were, supposed, to instigate, all forms, of, Drama [even too, the so called, Mau Mau Revolution, began really, due, to fights, between, Browns and Whites (in Afrique), and, not, Blacks and Whites]. Today though, most believe, Afrique (as 'mandated' by Osiris), to be nothing more, than, a (sex-filled) party spot [for Whites and Blacks], and mindless violence too [as is, often seen, on, any night out, in, Nairobi (perhaps)]. In reality, Osiris, is a 'God', of High Drama, as is associated, with, a certain, rather, popular form, of Romanticized History (believed European too), and associated with, 'Moors' [a History, speaking of, Casanova like 'Moors', out on a rampage/adventure all over, Europe] [The most popular of these, is the, rather falsely popular, account (seen on the Net), of, the life, of, 'Le Chevalier de St. Georges'] [His life, never did unfold as such, but these mythic tales, arising, from, the Middle East, are actually, rather, Osiris (as with the Drama), and the kind, of tales/Drama (mythic), one, would associate with Afrique/Kenya]

Thats not, Europe really (as many believe it to have been), but actually, more or less, Afrique mainly [and its, 'Africoid Moor' populations] [The History of Europe (as mentioned before), is, more or less, heavily, Tension filled (Fairy Tale) (and not, Adventurous)].

Even Prophet Mohammed ('Africoid Moor'), began, his Odyssey (as with the creation, of Islam) [in, Ethiopia].

While many too, associate (somewhat), Kenya, as being most similar, to, America (of all, other Nations) [as with, average personalities really], the truth is, Americans (as with, average Identities), are actually, most, closest, to the Dutch/Hollanders [who live lifes, strongly too, based on, the Identity (and not, Culture, as with the rest, of Europe really)] [Justin Chambers (Flemish), is way more, American, than most, Canadians, Haitians, Jamaicans, or, Kenyans even (are)].

More of the 'Africoid Moor' (in Afrique):
(different version)

Osiris [as the Red Knight] (in America):
(and American Identity formulation too in all really)

*America, been heavily a land, based on, Identities, has also seen, the rise, of, a rather, hugely successful, Indie (Independent) Media Industry, that, many elsewhere, have, attempted, to replicate, but, failed miserably (in doing this). The success, of this, Industry (in America), has been due, to the fact, that, for one, living, in an Identity based land, one then also, has, to find, a way to make, others, know one (or identify one really) [as with, living perhaps] [as while one, can make out, Culture based Personas (all by themselves), via observation really, this is not true, of, Identity based Personas (whom one, cannot, really decipher (perhaps), as with, intention (or aim even)].*