Friday, April 29, 2011

Ancient Roots (Notes & Errata)

This entry, is in many ways really, a continuation perhaps, of the previous 'Ancient Roots' entry. Alot, of what has been written about, in 'Americanista Blog', has mainly had to do with' the very idea, of Civilization itself (as pertaining really, to structural formations) [and in many ways too, what one could call (perhaps), Abstract Art].

This entry though, speaks on the otherhand of, what, they refer to as, Life itself [and culminating too, in what, they refer to as, the Spiritual Experience]. That in all really, most are mistaken about what life on Earth is, really all about [with many believing truly, that life is about simply, creating Civilization, and then simply, moving on]. This is not so as life, does have two components to it (basically) [Life and Civilization (with Life here, denoting, the Spiritual Experience)].

Most out there, know nothing much really, about Life [believing it to be perhaps, the struggle associated with really, creating Civilization]. However though, they do fail to grasp and realize that, we are truly here on Earth to experience, Life [and not really, build, Civilization (which simply supports Life)] [with Life of course described, just above previously as, culminating really in, the Spiritual Experience itself].

Even when most out there (though), do think of Life really too, they mainly envision it, in three major molds: Partying, Sex, and the making/spending of Money too (even). To them, that is Life and, in many ways too really, a rather Stone-Age way/manner of, thinking about Life [and the Spiritual Experience too] [as perhaps with Luck, and the making of Money too].

Our ability to experience Life though, is based in all on, our levels of Body Existences [that in all really, the physical parts perhaps of, our Bodies can, be delineated into, several levels of spiritual existence perhaps really]. It is these levels too, that tend to influence really our, ability, to experience life at, the Spiritual Realms.

These levels (3 known), can be said to be as follows:

1. Corporeal: the Muscle Tissues, the Heart, and Body Fats
2. Semi-Corporeal: the Spine, the Nervous Systems, and the Glands
3. Incorporeal: Neuromelanin/Melanin, the Solar Plexus, and the Lymphatic Systems

That in all really, when one speaks of Life (as pertaining to, the Spiritual Experience), one is really speaking of, accessing, these experiences through, the above three known levels, of Body Existences.

The first level: that of the Corporeal (that is), is pretty well known to most, with regards to Life [and the Spiritual Experience too]. The Heart here, speaks really of, what some call the 'Transcendental Heart' (as with the book, 'The Biology of Transcendence' by Joseph Chilton), and refers really too, to the opening of the Heart (and not to Wisdom really), but to the rather deep levels of, Care/Caring [and all too, as a Spiritual Experience really]. Body Fats here too, refers to, not the quantity of Body Fat content (in ones Body), but actually to, the Quality of it [as with in all really, defining the very heights of 'feeling' (i.e. feelings, the emotional, and the sensational too), that one is, capable of experiencing]. Muscle Tissues on the otherhand, is one of the most known of, the sources of the Life Experience [and refers really to, the world of, all forms of Tensions really].

The second level: that of the Semi-Corporeal is probably known too (to many), but is actually too, not as heavily experienced by most out there really. The Spine, refers really to, experiences, based on the heightening, of the 6 Senses known to man [such as those of touch, and even hearing too] [and a world too, rather unknown to most out there really (though falsely believed, rather well known too)]. Haitian Jerk Chicken is for example, one of the heights out there really, associated with the Taste buds [as mentioned again, a world unknown to most really, but highly defining too, what some would call (French Civilization)]. The Nervous Systems speaks really of, a world associated with, everyday perhaps High, Realization, Enlightenment, and even Transcendence too [as with the case of solving, String Theory perhaps really]. The Glands, as pertaining to experience really, are probably mostly associated with, the Tear Glands and even, Sex Glands too [as in all really, giving one experiences referred to as, the Orgasmic (as compared to the Spine, and the Orgasm)] [a Kiss, can take one to higher heights, of the Spiritual Experience, than the Sex act itself can (which is often pronounced really, by the adrenaline factor)].

The third level: that of the Incorporeal is the most unknown, of the three levels and talk of it, can be rather difficult (but not so really too). Neuromelanin/Melanin, speaks really of the ability, to access different Planes (and not Levels) of Existence [as with the case, of Holographic Universes, Hyperspaces, or even too, Parallel Universes even]. The Solar Plexus (in all really), refers to the reaching/attaining, of the very depths (really), of Love itself. The Lymphatic System (unknown to most but, highly associated with Bile and the Spleen too), speaks really of, the very depths of Humour itself [or the Humours perhaps really].

Different Civilizations have existed at, different levels of these Experiences (Body Levels) [and as with Life really, and the Spiritual Experience too]. Today though, we find ourselves mainly operating, at Corporeal level, and pertaining too really, only to Muscle Tissues [as most today really too, tend to live for Tensions, of all kinds (sexual even) (and the belief even too really, that sexual tensions are, much more better/gratifying than, the sex act itself is)]. In many ways really, a rather Stone-Age existence [and sometimes (alot) even too, without the Luck or Chance too] [the world too, of the Caring Heart, ceased to exist generations ago (really)].

The Egyptians for instance had Civilization, that existed really, at the Incorporeal Level of existence [adding too to the rather unavoidable belief, that most out there never did truly know, Egyptian Civilization (or even truly too, understand it, as with decisions perhaps taken by, the Pharaohs themselves)] [The Egyptians too, did do Humour, at an even deeper level than, the Greeks, who were more really, about, its Varieties]. The Greek Civilization too, has never truly been well understood, and operating mainly from, the Semi-Corporeal Level and in all really too, Greek Life was no different perhaps really, from an unbelievable movie [as with an Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie] [the Greeks, highly believed to be about Humour, were actually highly about, the Nervous Systems, and High Realization, Enlightenment and even, Transcendence too] [as with the case, of one Greek Warrior, fighting, a 100 men all alone] (and all this too really, highly defining Greek Drama and Mythology too in all). You then have too, European & Italian Civilization which, too operated at, the Semi-Corporeal Level really. With regards to European Civilization, it reaches its height with, French Civilization, which was highly based on, the Spine [and the heightening, of the 6 Senses really] [this today, is rather hard to fathom, but French Sexuality for instance was, highly defined by, Aromas/Perfumes, as compared to Eyeball (Muscle Tissue) tensions] [Another case in all would be, a French Woman speaking rather highly sensually (in all), and in all too, using a voice capable, of giving one an erection perhaps really]. While though, the Nervous Systems did highly define European/Italian political life, European & Italian Religion, was highly defined too, by the Glands [with Italian Civilization, highly based on the Glands, and the ability really, to see all forms of Apparitions, Visions, Sightings, and even too what, some call 'Chimera'] ['Chimera' really, refers to the merging of, High Imagination with Reality, and in many ways too, creating a new Reality even (as with the case of Synchronicity perhaps)] [add to this too, the general belief of Italians as being, the most humourous of Europeans (Tear Glands), or even too really, the best Lovers even (Sex Glands)]. You have too even, Indian Civilization which though, while mainly operating from the Corporeal Level, was known to have reached rather, great heights as with regards to, the Heart (and Caring issues) [and in many ways too really, the true driving force of Indian Civilization, which today though, has been wiped out in exchange for vulgarities (of all sorts)] [In all really though too, the Indians did know of, the other three Levels mentioned above (referring to all three as Soul, Maya, and God), but in all really, their Civilization only truly did exist at, the Soul/Corporeal level, and in many ways too they did fully master, the Soul (as with it having a basis on the Heart really)]. Finally too you have, the Roman Civilization which, too existed mainly on the Semi-Corporeal Level, and mainly concentrating on the Glands too [and as concerning mainly what, they call, Phenomena, such as the case of, the Tear Glands and, Stargate openings perhaps really] [Other such phenomena (at a premeditated level) would include perhaps, the 'Parting' of a Sea (and the Transmuting of the powers of the Sex Glands really)].

Many though, have no true idea really, how to access Life (in itself) [as especially too, with regards to, the Spiritual Experience]. Doing this, is not that difficult and is actually based on, the manifesting of Social Order (as seen in the 'Human Being' entry much previously before) [as with the case really, of South America, and the Iberian Matador & Flamenco cultures]. It is here truly too that, Life (does begin) and, as especially pertaining to, the Spiritual Experience (in all). The Arthurian cultures/world, and as associated too with, the Knight, is best seen perhaps (as with regards to the Spiritual Experience), in the works of, Shakespeare [which unknown to most are, highly 'Spiritual Works', as with opening one (as a Knight), to all forms of Spiritual Experiences]. These cultures too (in all), have Guardians/Custodians as with, defining, the Spiritual Experiences in them. With the case of Newfoundland & Labrador cultures, the Conquistador, is most highly defined by the Navajo (peoples) [it is they, who are associated truly, with all forms of Spiritual Works associated with Newfoundland & Labrador cultures]. Amongst the Arthurians, it in most ways really are, the Scots and Scottish Celts [with the Legionnaire (as mentioned before) being, the highest level of, European Knighthood]. In the South East Asian world Nepalese cultures, as exemplified too by the spirituality of Kenpo Karate, has the Ninja really (most highly exemplified), by the Dravidian really [with Kenpo Karate too really, being one of the most advanced forms of Martial expression (as with Courage perhaps) (and superior really too even, to other forms of Karate), and perhaps even too, best seen (as with the 'Dravidian' perhaps really), in the 'Karate Kid 3' movie (where, the villain, Terry Silver, and looking rather Dravidian too in all, is a Kenpo expert really)] [The Escrima Silat Martial Art forms (as seen within the Malay cultures), are the safekeep (spiritually that is), of the Negrito/Filipino peoples (meaning really, as with the stories associated with them)].

In all too, it should be mentioned that, certain 'Peoples'/Civilizations, have lagged in this arena, of the Spiritual Experience. At the top really, are the Chinese whose Civilization, has mainly been Corporeal [and Body Fats based too only], and in many ways too really, making Chinese Peoples today, rather 'child-like' in nature really [lots of work really, has to be done on this]. Africa too, has lagged with regards to all this, with most of its experiences being, of Corporeal nature (and mainly with regards to, Muscle Tissues and Tensions really), and interestingly enough though, we all today do live in a, rather African world [as most Tensions experienced (out there) today, are of the African variety really]. Spiritual Experiences though, have most highly been defined (today) though, in the Islamic/Middle East world [whose Spiritual Experiences do reach, the Incorporeal level and in all too, are highly defined by Islamic Mysticism (a world at its core, not too different perhaps, from the Persian Achaemenid Civilization) (and in all too, giving Islamic Mysticism a kind of, Arabic feel to them) (as perhaps even, with the 'Prince of Persia' videogames)] [Dais'lam, will be based on, the rather unknown world perhaps, of, Christian Mysticism (as being distinct too, from Egyptian Mysticism), and a world really that speaks of, the Spiritual Experiences (Symbol/Sign based), of all forms/kinds of Religious/Spiritual Figures (including too, the Count or Chevalier even)] [The Guardians of this will be more or less, the Arabian (in the Secular form), as perhaps best espoused via, a Cult perhaps too, dedicated to Prophet Muhammed, whom unknown really too, was also very much a Religious Scholar ( and that in all really, Religious Scholarship is the study really too, of the experiences of Religious/Spiritual Figures) ( Prophet Muhammed, has never truly been recognized, as a Religious Scholar of other, 'Islamic' Figures really, and their thoughts even too)]. In many ways really though, Islamic Mysticism differs from Christian Mysticism, as Islamic Mysticism does heavily believe in Magic (as with Spiritual Experiences), while Christian Mysticism investigates into perhaps, experiences, such as the Stigmata [which are a part really, of, Byzantine Christianity, and not, Italian].