Saturday, April 16, 2011

National Emblems

Current Events:

Current Events, are known to most out there, but not, rather well defined by them, either. They in most ways associate them really, with the News Media [or the News for that matter really]. In reality though, Current Evens, are a form of news, strongly associated with, the Shock factor [in the form, of awe, amazement, surprise, startle etc.].

Current Events, in many ways are often, referred to really, as what they call, National Drama [an existence, much better in most many ways really, than, the Gossip cultures, that do exist, just about, everywhere (out there), today]. Yet still, what is National Drama? It can be said perhaps, that, National Drama, consists primarily of, three main things [and all rolled into one perhaps]: Events (as defined primarily by events, scenes, scenarios, meetings, situations, occasions and the likes), Selfishness (as permeating, the Current Event itself), and finally, Personal Attachments (as defined highly, by matters of, Love, Relationships, Sex, and Money even). That in many ways is what, Current Events entail, and are played out really, in the form of, National Drama [which as mentioned, while based on the three descriptors above, is usually really, rather individual (in nature)] [As perhaps with, a person arrested for fraud, a spouse killed, or even, the filing of Bankruptcy (by a Company)].

National Drama though (as with Current Events), is strongly associated too, with what they call, 'belief systems' [as compared to 'Belief Systems']. 'belief systems', are not beliefs really actually, associated with, what does happen [as is the case with, 'Belief Systems'], but actually, associated really with, 'how things actually do happen' [and in many ways too, a rather real-time exponent (in all)]. Most people out there never, do think really, about, 'how things actually do happen' [and not even really, 'how things actually happen']. One will notice though, there is a rather, strong, brainwashing element (in Society today), with regards to, 'how things actually do happen' [that in all really, the Media (even in the form too, of, prominent Individuals), strongly defines for most 'how things actually do happen', in their actual lives, today] [in all really, one should realize that, there is a strong (even 'rather' perhaps), element, of humiliation, shame and, embarrassment, with regards to really 'how things actually do happen'] [In all too, Trauma (as compared to Shock really), and seen all over, the Media, with regards to 'how things actually do happen'] ['How things actually happen', differs from the latter oft repeated statement in that, for example, on going to a party, one can have, a retinue perhaps of, how things will actually, happen (for instance perhaps being, dinner, being served, at 9:00 p.m); This differs in totality though from 'how things actually do happen', as with the case of, how dinner will actually, be served (that the latter, is strongly brainwashing (today), as with actually how it does happen)].

All this differs though, from the very past [as with History itself and Judgement too even], that in all really, in the Past 'how things actually did happen', happened in all, in, a certain way/manner [if one was asked, to give a Speech for instance, they gave it, in a certain, set and recognizable, manner really] [if asked, to hand over a fork/knife perhaps, they did too, in a very set, and certain manner/way too (in all)]. Today though, as mentioned before (somewhat), being asked, to do any of this, has a humiliating/embarrassment/shaming factor, to it all [and can even, Traumatize one] ['Belief Systems' too (in all), should not be confused, with, Working Memory, wherein is stored really, various Beliefs, that are prone, to change, with time (as with due, to a lack of Tradition perhaps)].

Below, will be presented though, the very concept of 'National Emblems' ['Symbols' in all, that guide one, with regards to, the doing of things]. Emblems really, that all strongly identify with perhaps, as with helping, avoid, all forms of, Trauma [horrors, disasters, atrocities etc.], with regards really, to something gong wrong, with 'how things actually do happen' [a poor comment from someone, could for example, cause, a violent backlash]. Emblems too in all, that most really (perhaps), in the different Regions of the World, will strongly identify with (immediately too even perhaps really), as with giving them, the strength required really, with regards to, 'how they actually do things' [Emblems too, rather private in all, and should not really, be displayed publicly too, but really truly only perhaps, in private abodes (of all kinds/forms)].

North America: The Palaiologos

- Roman Emblem, and falsely associated too, with Roman (Empire) Dominance, but actually, a 'Symbol' really, speaking of vicissitude (in all).

South America: Egyptian Crook and Flail

- a 'Symbol' of Royalty (in Ancient Egypt) [Kush], and in all too a 'Symbol', that represented Dignity, in Egypt Kush.

Europe: The Cadeceus

- a Greek 'Symbol' and one too, in many ways really, speaking of Moderation [in everything one does really].

Africa: The Lion of Judah

- a Rastafarian 'Symbol', and assumed presumptuous by many, but is actually, a 'Symbol' referring to (in many ways really), to the way really, Rastafarians, actually do things (in all) [as with Temerity perhaps even]. A 'Symbol' too really, that has seen Rastafarianism, become globally popular really, as mainly due to, the rather civilized way Rastafarians (real), do actually behave (in all) [with Piety really, in a World perhaps, filled, with the Insane really].

South East Asia: The Endless Knot

- a Tibetan Buddhist Symbol, and in many ways too representing, how Tibetan Monks (in all), have traditionally, actually, done things really [as with movement, motion, and even, laughter too (in all) really].

East Asia: Maori Sun Eagle Emblem

- perhaps the most civilized of peoples, in East Asia, the Maori in most ways really, are much 'cooler' even, than North Americans, with regards to, 'how they actually do things' [a 'Symbol' too in all really, speaking of Braggadocio (and somewhat too also really, having them being similar somewhat even, to, the Italians in all probably)].

The Middle East: The Egyptian Sphinx

- the Egyptian Sphinx, was a National Emblem really, in Ancient Egypt (Kemet), and in many ways too, represented, the rather Highly Dignified manner, in which Egyptians (Kemet), actually, did behave like [and a way of behaviour too, associated with, many, a good motion picture (today)].

Afrique: Le Fleur de Lis

- a 'Symbol' falsely presumed/assumed Quebecois, but is actually, of French origins really [and rather unknown and unused too even], and in many ways too, a 'Symbol' really (in its trilateral form), to probably best represent, how things actually, should be done, in Afrique [it perhaps, being, the most disorganized/chaotic, and reckless too, of all places, in the whole wide World] [more people die for example, in car accidents in Afrique, than perhaps even, in the whole of China every year]. A 'Symbol' too, that in general makes Afrique, similar to France really, as Working Order in Afrique in all, best approximates, that in France really, with regards to, Civility [when it does actually happen].

Regional Contact:

When we speak, of Regional Contact, we are actually referring to, the very fact (perhaps) that, certain Events (Current) [and as with National Drama too even], are in all, somewhat, connected to each other [meaning that, a 'Current Event' happening, in a Region somewhere out there, often has some form of, repercussions, in another Region (out there)]. This kind of 'Butterfly Effect', is rather true, with regards to 'Current Events', and as mentioned just above really, it will be shown perhaps really, that, different Regions in the World, are actually connected as such;

North America & South East Asia

South America & Africa

Europe & East Asia

The Middle East & Afrique (and not Africa/Egypt)