Monday, April 4, 2011

Militancy (the Art of Mlitarization)

Militant Theory & Philosophy:

We live today, in a rather, Militant World. Terms, such as, 'the United States of America',' the UK', Deutschland, or even, Japan [and even Israel too], have come, to signify, Military Power, of one kind, or another. In fact, the very concept, of Prestige, has come today, to be acquainted with, such Military Might, as compared, to the past, when, it was mainly, associated with, the kind, of Materiality, one owned.

Militancy though, is highly associated, with what, they call 'Militant Formations'. And to understand this better, is to know, why, Militancy arises in all. In that, in its very self, its associated with, when things/problems, become, rather difficult (in nature), such that, they are often termed, Challenges, 'Adversity', or even, Obstacles. When a problem [one is dealing with], is termed as such, it is then (in all ways really), that, our Militant selfs, are awakened, to help, deal, with the problem.

One of the reasons, why, Militarization, is rather popular, today, is because, everything out there (done today), seems (more or less) rather, like a, big problem (of sorts). In that, in many ways, most people out there today, view, every kind of problem (out there), as a Challenge, Adversity, or even, Obstacle [such that, Ascetic Religious Thought, seems, rather impractical, even]. We live, in a rather, difficult 'World' [often deemed, a Planet], and one, of the main reasons, why, most out there, believe, that, life, simply, does not work, is because, every problem faced, is very much, a Challenge, Adversity, or Obstacle even.

What will be attempted right below, is to show, what, Militancy (in general), is all about; thats its not, about, violent acts (or Images even), but with actually, how, one very much, deals, with difficult problems [Challenge, Adversity, or Obstacle even]. In all really, as a direct formulation perhaps, when, one faces, a Challenge, one really wants, to Interpret it (things), such that, the Challenge, becomes, an Aggravation. When a problem, becomes, an Aggravation, dealing with it, becomes, rather, more direct (in nature) [Interpreting a Challenge though, in itself, can be, a challenge too (in all)]. When one faces, an Adversity, what one wants to do, is basically, Illustrate things, such that, the, Adversity, becomes, an Infringement (of sorts) [and once, an Infringement, it is then, easy to deal with, but, Illustrating (things), is not]. Finally, you have, the Obstacle, which is in general, dealt with, by, Translating things [an Obstacle in English, might seem, easily, resolvable in French], and on, Translating the problem (as such), it then, becomes in all, a, Transgression [which too, is, rather easy, to deal with].

The above in all, is, Militant Theory, in a nutshell (somewhat). Easily explained, but, not as easy, to apply in all.

In many ways too, Militancy, is strongly associated, with, Body Images. What this means really, is that, the way, a person, with, a European Body Image [the Spanish Matador, and not Iberian], deals, with a Challenge, is rather different, from, how, a person, with, a North American (Cowboy) Body Image, deals, with it [that in all, dealing, with Challenges, Adversity, or Obstacles even, is strongly, associated with, the Body Images, we possess, in that, these, Body Images, do strongly influence, what, we can do really, while dealing, with a Challenge (for example)] [In many ways, calling for Research, as to how, the Human Body, is, naturally intelligent, as with responding really, to Stimuli, Indicators, or even, Signals (of all forms)].

In all really too, developing, a Body of Knowledge (Military Philosophy perhaps), as to how, to deal, with 'Challenges' [i.e. a Body of Knowledge, based on, Interpretation, Translation, and Illustration of things] calls for, viewing, such problems, from the perspective, of, 'fairness & justice' [including, to oneself too], and in all too, taking into account, the intelligence, associated, with, ones Body Images [in all, a rather, Ethnic/Racial way, of developing, Knowledge].

Western Militant Formations:

Today though, most, do associate, Military Might really, with, the Western world (in all). In many ways too, the very way, that, most out there, 'perceive', white skinned people, is done really, through the lenses, of, Militant Formations [that in all, 'White Power', or even, 'White Supremacy', are all together, viewed really, from the lenses, of the underlying, perceived, Western (or even, White) Military Might].

There is what, some call, Whiteness (or even too, a 'White Identity'), that, most out there, know about, but actually, don't really fully, comprehend (in all) [that in all too, all, white skinned people (in the World), actually, do know, each other]. To understand this, even much better, is to not only, associate, white skinned people (with certain, Body Images) [as with, 'Mens Fitness' perhaps] [and well built, Calf muscles too], but to also know, that, there, does exist, what, some call, 'White Speech'. 'White Speech', is a manner, of talking, that originates from, Canada, and in all ways really, unites, all 'white skinned people' (as with speech really). What though, 'White Speech' embodies in all, is, a manner/way, of speaking really, that, is highly based on, a general culture, of Spying, Treachery, and even, 'violent' acts too (in all). A Speech, and general culture too, that as was said before, originates, in, violent (perhaps) Canadian, National Culture [as with, the hatred, of one province, against another].

What this general White culture, has resulted in all really, is a culture, of general, spying, that has given birth, to, a general Western/White 'Formation' [as with creating, 'Power Blocs'], that in all, tend to engage, in spying, on each other. Western Militant Power Blocs, from the 'East German Federation', to the KGB, to the CIA, or even, Spy Moles (of Cuban Fame perhaps), and even too, general Spies (as oftenly associated, with the Vatican), and in all too, the very formulation, of newer, Western Power Blocs (such as, the EU, NAFTA, UNASUR) [and even too really, Non-Western Power Blocs (such as, the AU), which are controlled, by, the Western World, in an attempt really, to take over, other Regions (in the World), based not, on, Military Might (as many presume often), but a military culture, of Spying & Treachery]. In many ways really, the above, forms, what today, is often called, 'Western Foreign Diplomacy'.

At the very heart, of these, Power Blocs (and general spying culture), are not, powerful Militaries (as many believe), but actually, highly developed, Spying Equipment [that seem out, of, a James Bond movie, or even, Star Trek itself too (even)] [In all, what is been said, is that, Western Military Might, lies, in its, Spying Equipment, and not, in its, Bombs, or even, its Tanks (too)]. In many ways too, the general culture, of Spying, has resulted, in a way of conduct (in life), that generally, makes, just about, every, moment of life, a Stage [that one, performs on] [In all, if when doing anything, one, feels like, they are on, a Stage, they should know, that, there does (exist), a general culture, of Spying, in the place, where they live] [This general culture, connected perhaps really too, to the Western World, via, Feminist networks (in all)].

Traditionally too, before, 'White Identity' & Whiteness (Speech) (in all), came to be, white skinned people, were either, French, German, 'Milwaukee-ian', or even, Iranian and Jordanian too.

Military Combat & Preparations:

Before one, can engage in, Military Combat (of any kind), one has in all, to have accumulated, 'a Body of Knowledge'. A Body of Knowledge, pertaining really to, the dealing with problems [deemed perhaps, 'Challenges' ( in all)] [and consisting of, how, to Interpret, Illustrate, or even, Translate things (in general)]. A Body of Knowledge as mentioned, that goes well along, with the Body Images (one possess) [as with, accomplishing too (in all), ones goals]. There does exist though, what, one would call, 'Western Brainwashing', which in all, consists, of making, Non-Westerners (in general), believe, not only, that, they possess, certain, Body Images (skinny perhaps), but in many ways too, makes others, tend, to Interpret, Illustrate, or Translate things [in a certain manner] [A minority in America, seen, running, while holding, a purse, is deemed almost immediately, a thief, while a white skinned person, doing the same, is perceived, to be, of interest only (a curiosity perhaps too)] [In all, a rather direct way, of, misinterpreting things, as, with, a 'White Voice/Speech', telling you, it is as so].

Having accumulated, such a Body of Knowledge, then in all, implementing (using it), has to be done, in, a rather, specific manner. In all too, this refers generally, to the making, of, what, they call, Plans.

Making Plans, should not be confused, with, Ascetic Religious Thoughts [which in all, comes, before, Plans making]. It also, should not be confused, with, Craft [as with the 'Umma, Craft and Secret Societies' entry], which in all, is actually, a form, of, Improvisation [when all, is deemed, gone wrong, or even, simply, unsolvable perhaps].

Plan Makings though, differ, and are in all too, associated, with the differing, Art Worlds (out there). Today though, what they call, the Timetable, has come, to highly, define, Plan making in that, just about, everything out there, follows, a Timetable [as with, having things in general, been, allocated, a Time slot (per week even), of, a kind]. A way of planning (doing things in general), that comes from, the 'Ancient Spain Art World' [and in many ways, make, life, rather unenthusiastic in all, as in many ways, Timetables, involve, one being, instructed (in all), in doing, just about, anything] [One in many ways, is told, what, to do (nearly, all the time)] [Perhaps, all just said, not to very well, appreciated, as in not, fully (somewhat) understanding, what, Freedom (or Liberty even), is, all about, with regards, to, doing (really), for oneself] [In all too, the Timetable, is most, highly developed, in America, where after, periods, of being, instructed (or forced even, to, follow orders), one is then, bequeathed, the, greatest, of Freedoms (as with in general, what to do while resting perhaps)] [In all too, what, the concept, of the Dream (Mohican), and, American Independence, is really, all about].

[Making Plans too, should not, be confused, with what, constitutes, a, Program, Formula, or even, Masterplan even, as all these, are, based on, Ascetic Religious Thought] [In many ways too, making Plans (of all kinds), as with, a Timetable even, is in all, guided, by, the Taste Sense, with the best, Timetable perhaps, deemed, that, coined perhaps, as being, 'Sweet' (in all)].

The Middle Eastern (Jewish) Art World: The Schedule

- the Schedule, actually, comes from, the 'Middle Eastern Art World', and most, might confuse the Schedule too, with the Timetable, but, they are actually, not, similar (in all). The Schedule really, has to do, with, Scheduling, as much work as possible, in a certain Time period, such that, everything is done with, and, completed too, within, a certain Time Frame. The very world perhaps, of Farming, in a certain time period, and resting afterwords too (in general). Schedules too, are rather prominent, in Quebec (CA) [and Japan too], and a world too perhaps, of probably, learning, Mathematics in its entirety, before, one begins, to learn, Physics (for example). In all really, a rather different way, of doing things, creating in all, rather, different ways of operating [as with Oil perhaps] (that can, hopefully, be foreseen), and was in most ways too, how, America (was run), before, the inventing, of the Timetable [ and in many ways too again, the History of Europe (as with, development/Religion), is falsely today, presented, from the perspective, of, the Schedule, and giving in all, a rather, false premise, of what, life, in Old Europe, was actually like] [In many ways too, a rather, erroneous version, of European History, as European History (as with Religion), has mainly been, about, Progress, and not, Development]

[in all really, an erroneous version of European History, as while pertaining in all, to Challenges, Adversity, and Obstacles faced, by Europeans, it claims really (as a version of History), that, these obstacles, were dealt with, by, the Schedule, and even too, via, Development (mainly) (as compared really, to, Progress)] [In most ways in all really, a more precise History (as with, the telling), of Quebec, and, early (NY) America (too)].

The Nubian Art World: The Agenda

- the Agenda, is not known to most, who do not, know, how Africans in general, tend to work. It is in all really, a way, of dealing, with, 'Challenges', which too are deemed, as being, problematic. The Agenda in many ways, is not, always, well, planned out, and in many ways too, sometimes, involves, secretive meetings, to, help deal, with, the problematic [rather than, the Challenge itself perhaps] [problematic here, involves, problems, such as, a person, refusing to, cooperate, or even, a Car, that, does not work, too well]. The Agenda in many ways too, is the world really, of, following Steps [until completion] [Steps too, rather, direct in nature, with the problematic, forming, a rather large, portion, of the Steps themselves] [The famous Steps too, associated, with, the Airline Industry for example].

The European Art World: The Itinerary

- the Itinerary, is rather, well known, to those who have, ever, ventured into, the Bar & Restaurant World (and European too). In many ways too, the Itinerary, is in many ways at heart, associated with, the very concept, of, what entails, Service. A way of doing things (perhaps hard to fathom), highly based on, engaging, in Service, of all kinds/forms [as in offering, to help in doing, one thing, in exchange, for, the other, doing, something for one]. A rather well planned out way (of doing things) [as with, economizing (and especially too, on fuel/Oil)], but in its negative, can be, rather, Machiavellian in all [helping another out for exchange, of something, and realizing, you just, destroyed a friend perhaps (in the process)]. In all really, one of the more, interesting, ways of planning things out, as the Itinerary, tends in general, to, be filled, with, excitement [as in approaching, a, 'bigwig' even (like Trump), and simply, handing out, ideas (in all) to them].

The Celtica Art World: The Roster

- the Roster, is one, of the more fun ways, of doing, things (and even learning too, in general). It is in many ways, associated too, with, the world, of Seminars [and Public Speeches too (even)]. A world really, that requires, that, those who engage in it (in general), are rather intelligent [as with picking up on things rather easily]. A world too, where one is introduced, to a subject/topic etc., and given, some guidelines (to follow), and one then, is supposed, to engage in, self-study, as with eventually, solving, any forms, of, problems. The Roster today, is rather strongly, associated, with the Entertainment world, and, Stars of all sorts, teaching one, their, 'tricks'. A rather interesting way, of doing things [as with a School Project perhaps too (even)], and somewhat too, associated, with, the Contracting Industry.

The Arabe Art World: The Syllabus

- the Syllabus, is mostly known today by most, via, the Victorian and Elizabethan worlds [though well done really, in the Victorian]. The Syllabus in many ways [known as the Module, in, the Arabe Art World], gave rise, to, Private Schooling [and English/Victorian Boarding Schools too] [as compared to Elizabethan, Boarding Schools], and is actually, one, of the more fun ways, of, doing things. The Syllabus though, requires in all, rather, good 'Teachers' [and 'Students' too, willing, to learn (in all)]. In all really, it can only, truly be put (into place), if it involves, a fun Project [as the Modern world of Project Management, was born too with the Victorians]. In many ways really, it also, involves, not only, naturally intelligent 'Students' [as with Random Philosophic Thought], but also too, experts/consultants, who are willing, to come in, and offer, their help (even for free) [in all, building, a University like Community, involved, in (fun) problem solving] [in all, the Projects engaged in, must, be fun (and worthwhile even)].

The Egyptian Art World: 'the Order of Business'

- the Order of Business, is unknown to most, but, strongly associated, with, the Military Research World, and also too, the Computer Industry (in general). It is a way, of planning/doing things, that in many ways too, is a terror (to most), and why, the, Computer Industry (in the Western World), has, never truly, been, a success [as it in many ways, can, demolish, ones, self-pride]. 'the order of Business' in many ways too, is associated, with, what they call, a 'Job'. In all really, a 'Job', is similar in all really, to how, a modern Computer, works [as with, the CPU, ALU, and even, Memory systems]. In many ways too, what, they call, Pipelining. In all, this involves, dividing, a 'Job', into many Streams, and assigning each, to a person, deemed, (rather) Competent. A rather difficult way, of working/'plannings things out', as one, has to know, how' much time, they will use, to complete, their work (Stream assigned), find the best quality solution too, and in many ways too, apply, for Funding (as with regards even, to equipment/tools needed). As mentioned before, a way of working/'planning things out', only, for the Competent [as in all really too, with regards, to, combining (putting together), the different Streams, into, one final solution].

The Niger Art World: The Outline

- the Outline, is well known, with those, who have ever, taken, a Course [as compared to, a (Victorian) Class]. It is a way, of dealing, with problems in general (as with planning really), based on, finding, the optimal solution, to, a problem [divided into parts] [in all really, for each part, the best, optimal solution, is found, and implemented too (in all)]. A way of doing things, heavily based on, Design, and also too, heavily based on, what, they call, Study [as with seeking out, the optimal solution, based partially on, solving, (more or less) simple/moderate, problems, of the same kind]. As it is heavily, based on, Design, the end of it all, is, (rather) unpredictable really (as with working well), and also too, in general, a way, of doing things, that has come, to, popularize the belief that, Time, does not, exist, in Africa [due to the fact, that, implementable solutions, arise dependent heavily on, the trajectory, the problem solving takes (as with Design really)] [What this means too, is that, its hard, to truly accumulate, a Body Of Knowledge, with, the Outline, as each problem, is, often perceived, as being, Unique (to itself), and new in itself too, as with regards, to, problem solving].

The Greek & Italian Art Worlds: The Checklist

- the Checklist, is rather well known, in, the University Research world, especially with those, doing, a PhD really. Its a way, of working/'planning things out', that is, rather Individual (even highly) by nature. One is simply, assigned, a problem (with not too much, details of it even), and one, is simply then, expected, to solve it (all, by oneself). A way of working really, for the more, rather intelligent, as with, the total assessing of things [as with finding really, the best, possible solution in just about, all manners/ways] [Requires too, that one, be more or less, knowledgeable, with any new developments really, in ones field, of, expertise (or in general too, with regards, to, the problem faced)].

The Communal Art Worlds: The Backlog

- the Communal Art Worlds, really refers, to, those places, without properly defined, Art Worlds [and still, at the most really, rather, Communal (in all)]. The Backlog, is rather well known to most, as, it in all, heavily involves, all forms, of, preparations [from simple preparation, to rehearsals, to experimentation, to trial performances and practice sessions, and even finally, to tutoring]. A way of problem solving/'planning things out', heavily based on, Acting (out), as, the whole problem really, is solved, in more or less, an Act (of a kind) [In many ways really, can actually, rather work well, if one, is, rather well too, acquainted, with Acting, and the form of, modus operandi, actually associated too, with, parts of America (such as, New York) (and even too, many Administrative Units/Offices, out there)].

Militancy & Life's Philosophy:

Militancy, is often referred to, when one, speaks off, how in general, to 'advance', a, Civilization (of any sort). Most people, even with all, the, right/proper foundations (to a Civilization), advancing it really, can often, be rather more problematic, than most, tend to believe it to be. Below, will be presented, the very manner, that, most, Civilizations (major really), have, often chosen to advance really, as with, their ways (even).

The Egyptian Civilization: Structures & Existences

- the Egyptian Civilization, has never fully, been, understood well enough, by most out there [who believed it really, to have, developed perhaps, primarily, on, the rather, unique 'Gods', they worshiped] [Not too much, is known, of, the Egyptian 'Gods', unlike, the Greek 'Gods' for instance]. This is not really true though, but actually is. What defined Egypt though, was how really, they defined (in all), Structures [not as, problem solving units, but actually, units, highly defined, by, Law/Rules]. What this means is that, the Egyptians, created, all kinds, of Law/Rules (some even, seeming, nonsensical), but when well understood, created in all, rather, Magical Existences [as with what, the Law/Rules, truly implied, or what happened really, if, they were broken]. They were rather deep, in Law/Rules creation, even perhaps, creating, the kind of Law/Rules, one, finds in parts, of America [that in all perhaps, speak of, the forbidding for example, of drinking, coffee (perhaps too), on, a Friday (in a, certain city, somewhere, out there)]. It was from this, rather advanced Knowledge, of, all forms, of Law/Rules, that led, to the creation, of, Egyptian Magical practises, and also leading too, to the, very advanced, Existences [with Drama, not of, the High kind really, but, the Magical].

The Greek Civilization: Knowledge & Experiences

- the Greek Civilization, was one built, heavily, on Knowledge & Experiences [a manner, falsely believed too, to be, Egyptian (mythical) in all]. The very world/belief, in finding, a secret/mythical Book (perhaps), of a, certain kind, and totally, basing ones life, on it [as with, Experiences mainly] [In all, whether it be, famed Greek Oracles, like the Oracle of Delphi, or even, famed, Books, such as the Kybalion]. A way of building Civilization too, seen mainly today, in, the Middle East Region (as with, basing ones life totally, on, the Qu'ran for instance). In all really too, somewhat, mainly too, what, Greek Mythology was all about (as compared too, Greek Drama) [but perhaps in all really, the most famous, of these, Greek Works was, the Hermetica Corpus].

The Roman Civilization: Spirituality & Materialism

- the Roman Civilization, was one totally built on, Spirituality & Materialism [another way, falsely believed too, Egyptian, but actually, Arthurian really (in origins)] [The Caesar formation, of Caesar, and, a few compatriots (perhaps), known, is actually, of, Arthurian origins (as with, Arthur, Lancelot, and the 'Knights of the Round Table')] [the Arthurian Myths, are rather many perhaps, with the most famous, being, Excalibur, Camelot, and the German Merlin episodes] [There however, exists, another Arthurian Myth, falsely believed, Welsh in origin, and having to do, with, the History of (Roman Celt) Britain, Monmouth, the Mabinogi and Avalon too (even)] [This Myth, is associated with, the English/England Arthurian Myths (and the Knights of the Round Table too), as based really, on, a place, called, Glastonbury Abbey (or Avalon even too)]

[all this too, should not, be confused, with, the Arthurian Holy Grail series, which is all about, Decency (and, Arthurian Spirituality too)]

In all really, the Roman Civilization, advanced, based on, Spirituality (practises really), that imparted on them, certain, forms of Intelligence [as with, natural Intelligence really], that made them in all, able, to Interpret, Translate, or even Illustrate too, just about, all things (out there) [rather naturally]. In all too, a way of advancing, based, heavily too, on developing, all forms, of, Materialism.

The Islamic/Byzantine Civilization: Intelligence & Quality of Life

- the Islamic Civilization (as with 'advancing' really), is rather well known, to most (out there). It is a way of 'advancing', based on, the belief, in acquiring, Intelligences (of all forms), Succeeding in life even [as mainly having to do, with, the ability, to enjoy, Life, to its, outmost, fullest, potential]. A way of advancing Civilization, that has come in most ways really, to define, the Modern World really(in almost, all, its ways), but even to this day, best lived out, in parts, of, the Middle East/Islamic Worlds [the Middle East in all, does mix, the, Greek and Islamic ways, of 'advancing', as the Greek by all (really), is associated, with, works, that in all, make one, perfect (and also determine too in all, the Experiences, Individual, one, has)].

The Italian Civilization: Philosophy/Thought & Fellowship

- the Italian Civilization, and its manner of 'advancing', is more popularly known, through, European Civilization [as with, the Italian defining it (via, the Dutch)]. It in all, is totally based on, Love (as with interestingly enough, defining Philosophy/Thought), and in all too, a way of advancing, based on, the kinds, of relationships (Fellowships) that, one develops in life, and all bound together, by a Philosophy/Thought (based totally, on, Love). In Europe, all this, was rather, mythical in nature [as perhaps, best exemplified, by, the Musketeers (Fellowship)]. In Italy, it was rather, more decentralized in all, as with just about, anyone, creating a Philosophy of Life (based on Love), and attempting, to live it out, based on, developing relationships (Fellowships), of all kinds [meaning, just about, all forms, of, relationships, as with, friend, enemy, foe, lover, accomplice, buddy, stalker, conman, robber etc.]. In Europe though, this way of living, is heavily based on, what, they call, the Romances [as defining, the Knight, as mainly to do, with Love], and the deepest though, of these Romances, are the German kind, which attempt really, to explore in totality, the deepest depths (and ranges even), of, what does constitute, Love in itself [in all, the European way, of gaining Wisdom (in its entirety) (by truly, knowing, what, Love actually is)].

[the above song, shows in some ways, Knighthood (in German Europe), as defined by, Love, in a Society really, that favoured, Women (in totality really) (as with, even, the easy ability, to move up and down Society itself)] [Terence Trent D'Arby, falsely believed, an American Imitator, in many ways (in all), does embody, German Knighthood (as with Love & Neuschwanstein Castle), and his style, is totally, German too (as with the Romances), and a style too, stolen/co-opted, by, the likes, of Michael Jackson, and Prince even] [The Music really, of German Knighthood (as with Love), and even, Neuschwanstein Castle (as with Fellowship) (all this meaning too that the song, is actually, traditional German)] [The OJ Simpson Tragedy/Drama, was in many ways too, a German Romance, gone wrong] [OJ Simpson, is of, German origins, and not, American].

The Italian Civilization way, of advancing Civilization, is also too (in all), deemed, best, for Afrique, as it is, a Region, that has attempted in all (disastrously perhaps), to develop mainly, as based on, the Islamic Civilization (way of 'advancing'). The Italian Civilization way of 'advancing', is deemed best, but, from the perspective really, of, Community based Fellowship (and accompanying Philosophy/Thought too), as is often seen, in Video Games, such as, Warcraft [Warcraft, actually, has, its origins, in, Italian Media, and not, American].

World Civilization: Religion & Civilization

- when one speaks, of Civilization here (as having to do, with, World Civilization), one is actually speaking of, what, they call, Progress, Advancement and Development too. That in all really, all these three, have in the past, been guided, by, Religion [as with defining, what, actually is, Progress, Advancement, and Development (from an outwardly manner) (as perhaps too, with regards, to the structures, erected)]. In general, those using, the World Civilization method (of 'advancing') [and including America too], should by now, be mainly, practising, Individual Religion [and the development too, of rather, complex, forms of Communities] [Seen alot, in America, where one today, can, belong, to all different, forms really, of Community]. In all, this method, is heavily dependent, on, the rather highly developed, concept of Community, and a method too, deemed able, to work rather well (excellently in fact), in, India [the British, stole alot of Knowledge, from, India, which they used, to create, well, working/functioning, Communities (of all kinds), across, the Western World] [Individual Religion, in the Western World, is associated with, what they call, Secularism].

Militancy & Power:

When one speaks of Militancy and Power, one is actually, referring to, the showing (demonstration perhaps), of Power, as a form really, of, applying, Plans (of all kinds) [and in all too, as with dealing, with, Challenges, 'Adversity', and Obstacles even].

In many ways too, while Power today, is often, perceived, from a rather, Culture based perspective [as with, Control, Coercion, or Domination even], it actually is, totally mainly based on, Ideas, Points, and Pointers [as associated, with, the Great Mind (Cosmological), with an, example, being, Gaea].

In todays World though, most Power 'showing', is often seen mainly, in the Workplace, the Internet, and even, Sexual/Dating sub-cultures [and in many ways too, in a, (Culture based) Supremacy mold too].

Militancy & Action:

When one goes out there, to do, just about, any, form of Action [as mainly, with regards to, Challenges, Adversity or even, Obstacle too (even)], one, has to, embody, a Militant Identity in just about, all forms really. Militant Identities, are all actually, based on, carrying out, Plans (totally too), primarily based on, what, they call, Design [in all really, what, tools or equipment one needs, and, just how, one, will apply (make real) a Plan (practically)].

Applying of Plans [as with Militancy even], is based too on how, we basically, deal, with problems [as seen, in, the 'Divine Comedy' entry]. In all really, problem solving, calls for one, to fashion, a, Militant Identity in dealing, with the problem faced [and not, Social Identities, as, many today, feeling unintelligent too, are prone to do] [In all, problem solving, as based on, being boastful, bashful, and bragging too (in all)].

Militant Identities in all too really, are heavily based on, our Higher Beings, and traditionally (in many ways), different, Higher Beings, have been associated, with, different Militant Identities. These Militant Identities too (as mentioned), are strongly associated too, with, the concept, of Design, as with how really, to actually, carry out, a, Plan. Below, will be given, examples, of such, Higher Being Militant Identities, and the Design Knowledge (often, in Oracle form), associated, with them.

Jinni: The Mujaheddin

The Mujaheddin, is a Militant Identity, associated, with Jinnis, and strongly too, associated, with the Jinni [as with, the Ascension of Christ] [and the Kingdom of Heaven (too)]. This Militant Identity too, is strongly too, associated, with, Prophet Muhammed, as with regards, to the Isra & Me'raj [both speaking of, the Mujaheddin really]. In many ways too, as with regards, to Design (application), the Mujaheddin, operates, very much similarly in all, to what, one, sees, in the original Ifa Corpus (with Philip Neimark) [and a work too, of Islamic origins, but having too, Greek inspirations] [The Yoruba Ifa Divination System, on the otherhand, can be seen, in the works, of, Yoruba, like, Popoola].

Light beings: The Mercenary

The Mercenary, is a Light being Militant Identity, and strongly associated too, with, the Light being [as mainly to do, with, the Nativity]. In many ways too, the Mercenary, is associated with, the Tarot Deck [a work, heavily European], and used really, with regards, to, a high Intuition (in all) [in all really, the Mercenary, is one, guided, by Intuition (as with regards to, when, to work), and on feeling as such, uses, the Tarot Deck, to plan out, things in general really (as with, Design really too)]. A work too, strongly (and famously even), associated, with Portuguese and Italian (too) Mercenaries; [the package above is the Tarot Deck, in, a Jungian format really].

Shapeshifts: The Guerrilla

Shapeshifts, are Higher Beings, who, are associated, with, the Guerrilla (as Militant Identity). An Identity too, associated with, the Transfiguration of Christ. In all ways really, the Shapeshift (as with Transfiguration too), is associated with, Candomble Oracles (such as the Sixteen Cowries Oracle with William Bascom) [in many ways too though, the above, book, by Robert Greene, is in many ways too, about, the Transfiguration of Christ, the Sixteen Cowries Oracle, all too really, as with regards, to, Design].

Picus: The Rebel

The Rebel, is a Picus (Daemon too) Militant Identity, that in most ways too, is, rather developed, in Western Africa [than in other parts, of, Africa]. A Militant Identity, highly strongly associated (in its most, formidable form), with, the Akan & Ashanti people, of Ghana (West Africa) [the Ashanti/Akan, have traditionally, differed, from, other Africans, in that, they, have always been, Picus, with other Africans, being, Daemon]. As with Design, the Rebel, is not only best associated, with, Akan Militancy, but also too, with the rather well known, West African Oracle, known as, the Obi Abata [an Oracle too, associated with, certain, magical practises (as with charms even), seen not only, in, West Africa, but in Jamaica too (and the Obeah man)]. In all, the Rebel, is totally based on, the 'Temptation of Christ', as with, basic intelligence really.

Psychai: Man-at-Arms

Feng Shui, falsely believed, to be an ancient Chinese practise, is actually, of Greek inspirations/origins, as via, the 'Heart of Asia' [Myanmar/Burma]. It is a 'Design', strongly correlated with, the Psychai Militant Identity (of the Man-at-arms) [and defining too, English Militancy (in all)]. A Militant Identity, that has strongly, come, to shape, the world (strongly), as with being, rather, well equipped, in, solving, ones problems [having the latest gadgetry, latest computer/software, and even, the latest publications too]. In many ways too, a Militant Identity, heavily based on, 'the Entering of Jerusalem' (as with, basic Intelligence really) [the English Knight, differing, from other, European Knights, as they are the kind, of Knight, who often are heavily armed, with all forms, of, weaponry (all too, in the style, of, James Bond really)].

Gods: Vigilante

The Vigilante, is a Militant Identity, strongly associated, with, God (Higher) Beings, as especially with regards, to, the 'Miracles of Christ'. A Militant Identity, popularly associated, with the movies (as with, Heroes, saving others, from, distress). In many ways too, as with regards, to Design, Gods, have traditionally, always, been associated, with, oracles, such as, the I-Ching (or what even, they call, Necromancy).

The Constellations: The Soldier of Fortune

The Soldier of Fortune, is a Militant Identity, associated, with those, from, the Constellations, and also too, very much, based on, 'the Last Sermon on the Mount'. A Military Identity, identifiable today, via, private armies (such as Blackwater), and as with Design really too, heavily based too on, what, they call, Numerology (a part, of, Egyptian Astrology). The Bible Code above (with Michael Drosnin), in many ways, represents, Numerology, at its height [as with regards to, finding, a said number based Code, in, the Bible]. In all really, the Soldier of Fortune, attempts, to lay down, a Law (perhaps), that will make, everything, perfect, by in all really, dealing, with all forms, of, problems, from the perspective, of, the Law [and capable too perhaps, of, making one, a rather, good, software programmer (in all)].

Gargoyles: The Insurgent

The Insurgent, is a Militant Identity, associated with, Gargoyle Higher Beings, and often too confused, for the Mujaheddin. The Insurgent though, as with basic Intelligence, is based on 'the Entombment', and often too, in the spirit, of, Carlos 'the Jackal'. An Insurgent really, is one, who carries out, operations, so rather secretively, that those, 'associated' with it, are caught, unawares (even totally), and after, the deed is done, the Insurgent, is known, to, totally disappear (as though, 'he', never did exist). As with regards, to Design too, the Insurgent, is associated with, what they cal,l Geomancy [with Islamic Geomancy, being, the most popular, but the source posted above, speaking on, Byzantine Geomancy instead]. In many ways too, the Insurgent, differs, from the Mujaheddin, as the Mujaheddin, is not, an, excellent plotter, but, actually, an excellent, Mindreader.

Esicrucian Man: The Belligerent (Resistance Fighter)

The Belligerent (Resistance Fighter), is often confused, for, the Rebel, and even, Guerrilla too. The Belligerent though, is one, who fights, mainly, by capturing, and defending [their stronghold] [In all, capture a position, turn it, into a Fort (of a kind), and then, proceed, with the next, foreseeable location] [In many ways too, the very way, WW2, was fought out]. The Belligerent too, is a Militant Identity, associated with, 'The Passion of Christ'. In all, the heavy attempt perhaps, to understand, the very nature, of, ones opponent. The Design, associated with this, is, the South East Asian, practise, of, Vastu Shastra [which has origins, with, Roman Civilization, in, South East Asia] [And in many ways too, a work, that, somewhat mirrors, Feng Shui].

Social Identity vs. Militant Identity:

We live in a World today, where Social Identity, has mainly, been, totally erased, and replaced in general, by Militant Identities (in more or less, a, Sociable manner). 'White Identity' for instance, as a Social Identity, attempts, to mirror, the Mujaheddin (as a Mindreader) [and often parlayed, in, a rather, playful form].

In all ways though, the future, does call for, more or less, Martial Social Identities [as seen in the, 'Umma' entry, and examples being, the Musketeer, Ninja, Martial being etc]. These Identities too, should not be, confused, with Militant Identities (really) [as Militant Identities, are often used, when, things, become difficult (as with a Challenge, or even too, simply making Plans)], but in reality too though, they are rather, similar in all, to, the Militant Identities [with the Ninja (Blue Ninja), and Shogun too for example, rather similar in all, to, the Vigilante] [The Mujaheddin too, can also be parlayed, as, a Musketeer, and even too, a Martial being, as with regards, to, Mindreading].