Thursday, April 21, 2011

The West vs. Islam

The West vs. Islam.





The West versus Islam, is something, many, are rather aware about. What though, many do not, understand, about this (on-going) Debate, is that, its mainly misrepresented, as something having to do, with Western Materiality, Western Education, and finally too (mainly unseen though) Islamic Subjugation [meaning really, to the masses out there that, Islam, has traditionally been associated, with Brown skinned peoples, and White skinned/'Aryan' Persians/Iranians, are sad to suffer, from such subjugation (in all)]. What will be attempted below in this entry, is to show in many ways, that, the World of Islam, is fully truly, not understood by many out there very much, based manly on the belief that, the World of Islam (and even too, the Islamic World), are rather, very much too n all, recent occurrences, while the real truth is that, the Middle East, is home, to Ancient Civilization, in all its forms [even Greece, dd look, towards, the Middle East Region (for contacts), with Damascus (Syria), being today, one of the oldest Cities (in the World), still in existence]. 
The rise and success of Islam, has pretty much been difficult, for most (out there), to fathom. These mainly really, speaks of 'the West', who in many ways, are/were a group, in Western Europe attempting, World Domination really [in many ways too, the existence of 'the West', has been paralleled to that. of Islam, as both being claimed to be, conquering movements really, targeted, towards World Domination] [In many ways too, the lie being told here is this: while the roots of Islam, are many perhaps (in all), and do not all solely, arise with Prophet Muhammed (and neither too, was Muhammed, Islams greatest Teacher), 'the West' though, has attempted (and does still attempt), to present Islam, as a recent movement (Brown), targeted towards World Domination, and solely based on, the cult-like worship, of, Prophet Muhammed]. World Domination in many ways does refers really, to the restricted movement of Human Bodies, in just about, any form, way, or, manner even. This is believed (Domination really), to be a truth, in the World of Islam [and that in all really too, those in the West & Western Worlds, are truly, free, and happy spirits]. What has been mentioned, can be debated ad infinitum, but at its very center really, speaks of really too, what kind of, Human body movement, is allowed in a Society. 
One does find that, people on the Western Worlds, don't have Body movements for instance, similar, to those seen in, their movies (which attemptedly speak of, Western freedoms). To understand this better, is to know that about, 3 main kinds of Body movement, are really allowed in the Western World: Victorian, Nubian, and finally too, Niger [Victorian, refers to for example the way, a President in the Western World, might walk like; Nubian, refers to the way really, 'White men' in the Western World, are believed to walk (rather stiffly); Niger, refers really, to the way most people in the Western World, do walk like, as in many ways really, they are similar in this, to Africans really] [And a somewhat secret obsession too, with African Bodies, and even also too, African inspired Dance/Art forms]. All this, might sound rather impromptu (or simply, a mindless observation), but Body movement, is at the very heart, of our ability to, enjoy life [and the more its restricted (as often happens, in the Western World via Media & Feminists), the less happy we are, with our lives mainly really]. For those though living, in the World of Islam, Body movement is in all really, regulated, by the Mohammedan Sect [a Sect, that not only, teaches Autonomy, but also in many ways too, has members, who have the most developed Body movements seen, in Human populations just about anywhere] [Mohammedan Warriors, are more indomitable, that American Navy Seals, Japanese Samurai, or even Kali Escrima practitioners] [in many ways too, the Body swaggering often associated with, Western movies, are rather in all too really, Italian, and a part too also really, of Mohammedan Body movements (with these Body movements, while believed strictly Italian, do originate really, in the Middle East Region)] [In all really, walking like an Italian in the Western World, can lead to all forms of troubles/problems (really), and, no where else is Body movement least regulated, as is done in the World of Islam]. In many ways really too, what is termed Islamic Subjugation, does not exist really [unless in the form of Jihad], while Western Subjugation is, rather predatory in nature, and exists at just about, every moment/second of ones existence.
Another general Belief, of the World of Islam, has to do, with the general false belief in, the lack of education, amongst, its Populaces (and not Populations too either) [Populations, are mainly seen, in the Western World, and is one of the more, primitive ways of, classifying Humans] [In many ways really too, referring to Masses not, too distinct from, each other]. There is a general erroneous belief that, the World of Islam (and the Islamic World too even), lack in all, any forms really, of Indigenous, Bodies of Knowledge really. This, is obviously not true, but can be made believable, by having others believe that, the general 'Middle Easterner' has, a violent temperament and even, while possessing other forms of Knowledge, is in general really, 'a Beast' (even hairy), that is rather Knowledgeable (in all) [all this, is not too different from, Western Ideas of Africans really, as music obsessed Savages, who are capable of understanding others/things (at probably even, a rather high level too)] [In all, the belief that, the 'Islamic lands' lack, Indigenous culture, is also associated with, a common belief too that, Islamic cultures are no different really, from those associated with thieves or crooks even too]. 
The Western World, has used this depiction of those, in 'the Islamic lands', to show in all really, that Islam too really, is a violent movement in all, due to the general way many, from the World of Islam, do present themselves [that unknown to many really, Persian/Farsi culture, has come to dominate, the way most in the World of Islam, view others] [that in many ways really, the Persian/Iranian, is by nature a, rather violent person in all (and this not having really, to do with, Body movement, but actually with, Presentation), and this in all really too, has been the rather weak spot, of Islam (accommodating, Persian/Farsi temperaments, into, Islams Religious Thought)]. The Western World, uses the following Bodies of Knowledge in its daily operations: Victorian, Japanese, American and Niger even. American, is mainly associated with, everyday lifestyles. Niger, with the actual solving really, of problems [the Western Education System is today, at the average level, rather African]. Japanese, is associated really, with Philosophic Thought, while Victorian (England and Kenya), are both associated with, the worlds of Rule and Business (in the Western worlds) [most though, living in the Western worlds, only have access, to these Bodies of Knowledge at, the rather basic level]. In the World of Islam, all knowledge at its heart is assumed/said, to be, Religious (in nature). What though, is falsely presumed is that, the Qu'ran is the most important, of this form of Knowledge. In reality though, Knowledge in Islam, actually stems from really, what they call, Islamic Mysticism [Knowledge pertaining, to just about, any form of Reality out there (including Science based too), and at its very core, all this tied in together, with a firm belief in Allah (as the originator, of almost, anything out there) (including technology even too)]. And while the Qu'ran is used, to enhance Religious Thought (in the World of Islam), other more ancient, Bodies of Knowledge [Greek, Egyptian, and Graeco-Italian], are used to enhance, Islamic Mysticism really, making Islamic Mysticism, the most advanced form of, Knowledge collection, out there [what this means is that, Islamic Mysticism, is capable of revealing, all possible forms of, Realities (out there)]. 
One does find too though, that the Western World, is divided by colour, with this colour division in all really, being highly based on, Psychological based Knowledge, that the different colours in all too, possess. Those who are White skinned possess, European/'Pompadour' Knowledge (and Psychological too), in the way, they deal with others, out there. Those who are Black skinned, tend to use, Nubian based Psychological Knowledge, in the forming really, of Psychological profiles, of themselves and others even too. Those who are Brown skinned, have traditionally been downtrodden, but in many ways though too, often use two forms, of Knowledge Bodies, in helping create psychological profiles, of all forms: Folklore (street smarts), and even too, Afrocentrism (which is only useful, if studied from, a psychological perspective). 'Pompadour' in many ways too, is, a rather Terroristic Body of Knowledge, with regards really, to how it attempts to deal with others. For those, in the 'Islamic lands', the use of Persian/Farsi, Bodies of Knowledge (to help create really, all forms of Psychological based Knowledge), has resulted in violently temperamental 'Middle Easterners' (or followers of Islam) [in general]. In many ways too, this is the main difference between, Sh'ia and Sunni Islam [that in all really, Sh'ia is influenced, by Persian/Farsi Psychological Knowledge, while Sunni is not really (or even at all)] [This Persian/Farsi Body of Knowledge, has been responsible too, for, the rather many divisions, seen, in the World of Islam mainly (but even too, within Sh'ia Islam itself)]. [One should attempt, to understand why, Psychological based Bodies of Knowledge, are of importance. That this in all really, has to do with, what they call a Feedback loop (that our bodies in general, operate, via, Feedback loops). The reason why Feedback loops, are of importance is because, they help one discern, 'figure out', or even recognize, the truth too (in all). Many out there (the Western World really), are raised up damaged (in that their bodies, don't operate really well, with regards to, Feedback loops), and are in general, unable to discern, 'figure out', or even recognize the truth (one way this is done, is with the attempt really, to publicly limit all, forms, of Stereotyping)] What is advised though is that, this Persian/Farsi Body of Knowledge, be discarded and replaced with, that, one could term 'Roman' [Roman Republic, Roman Empire (and not Civilization), and finally too even, Justinian Rome]. In many ways really too, 'the Middle East Peace Process' does have Persian/Farsi temperaments, at its very core really too. 

There is a rather general false belief that, most Materiality in the World today, truly does originate in, the Western World [that other places really, only have their, own versions of Western Materiality]. This in many ways, has often been attemptedly used, to try and show, the superiority of, Western civilization. The History of Materiality [as with envisioning up real Objects, and not Style or Design either], is one, that puts Europe really, at its very center. Most today though, have no idea really, what kind of Materiality, the Greeks or Egyptians even, possessed. This History begins really with, the Byzantine World [and alot of Materiality seen today, has its origins, in the Byzantine World] [with this Materiality, eventually finding its way to the Americas for instance, via European Byzantium] [The Toilet Faucett for instance, did exist, in, Byzantine]. In all really, most Western Materiality, is not of Western/White origins, but actually of Byzantine/Islamic origins. How does one really though, envision up, Material Objects of any kind? Most have never truly thought of this, other than the popular belief in, the powers of the Imagination. In many ways really, this involves what some call, 'Screening'. All this not perhaps to straight forward to explain, but 'Screening' is very much strongly associated with, the concept of Surfaces [and attempting to Present something on them]. It is in Byzantine, where Paper as a Screening Surface, makes its rather heavy entry (into the World). In many ways really, those in Byzantine envisioned up, new Objects by presenting them on, a Paper Surface as neatly, as possible [and all this too, part, of Byzantine Media] [the keyword here too, is Neat]. Before all this though, envisioning new Objects was not, what, most out there imagined it to be [with Paper becoming, rather public with Byzantine]. 
In the Roman World for instance (Empire/Civilization), the use of Dreams was, heavily used with regards, to envisioning up new Objects (of all kinds) [one saw them (perfectly perhaps) within the Dream (one could say)] [giving rise too, to the World of, all forms of Technical Drawings, which is really a Roman Art form , to help envision up new Objects]. The Egyptians though, had 'Magic Balls' some, which were capable of, giving one intense visions, of different (physical) Realities [these 'Magic Balls', should best be seen perhaps, as Spheres really, made up of rather interesting, Surfaces, that made one hallucinate in all (similarly really, to a Mirage)]. In Greece, the practise of Alchemy (as based on Symbols/Jungian), was used to envision up all forms, of Materiality really, into existence. Teleportation Machines, were seen in Egypt; (Shoulder) Rocket Launchers, were seen in Greece. The Watch (and not Clock), is a Roman invention. On the other hand too, Yoyos, Clocks, Shorts, Marbles, Shoes, Kid (Wheeler) Scooters, and even too, Music Bands [are all of, Byzantine origins] [The Horse Carriage on the otherhand, is, European/Egyptian in origins] [In Europe the envisioning up, of new Objects was done, via, a form of Writings known as, 'Technical Writings']. All this in many ways too, has been the basis of Western/White Superiority really, in all its forms (the claim that really, most Materiality out there, is, of Western origins), and most out there, have to understand how, to originate/envision up new Objects, for their Civilizations [including even, the rather old Water Bowl, through which one saw, all forms/kinds of, sightings really].