Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Heart of Asia

The Heart of Asia [Bangladesh, Laos, Burma, Vietnam and Cambodia], is a region, not, well too known (to most), but associated heavily, by many, with, Rainforests, Wars, and even Political Despots.

The Heart of Asia though, is in many too (unknown to most), a deep, Spiritual ground, in the Asian Heartland. It is from here too, that, 'the Buddha' [as Statue], arises, from amongst, many other Deities [whom in the Hinduism Religious Pantheon, are known as, the Devas]. Hinduism too in all (unknown to most again), actually, originated, in, the Heart of Asia.

How though, the Heart of Asia, came to become, a, deep Spiritual ground, actually, has to do, with Greek Civilization (in Asia) [Shekhar Kapur, or, Shammi Kapoor even]. It is via, Greek Civilization, that a monumental work (by the name, of the Kybalion), would come, to define, Spirituality, in the Heart of Asia.

The beliefs, associated, with the Kybalion (and seven of them primarily) [believed also too, to match, the, seven chakras (in all)], are all about, developing, what, some in Christian circles, actually, call 'Faith' [and not, as with, the Virtue]. Faith in all (as with the Kybalion), is all about, developing, Deep Trust (in oneself, and, the universe even), such that, it, very much forms, an, evolutionary path, by which, one, evolves truly, via, changing, their Matter (Human) [as through Belief/Faith], and one then, folds back, into, Heaven (eventually really) [and as associated, with God, the Lord, or the Almighty even (too)] [a concept falsely associated, with, evolving, into Higher Beings, as the trajectory, taken by, Higher Beings, is mainly unknown].

Hinduism (as rising in the Heart of Asia), is associated, with, living in a world, without, Faith, Hope, or, Charity even. A world really, where, one survives really, via, the development, of deep Trust [as often associated, with what, they call, Tenets], and this, basing of life, on, deep Trust, is accompanied too, by, the belief, in, a Saviour (the Devas), who can deliver, one, from, all forms, of turmoil [in all, you have to so deeply believe until, the Matter, that makes you up, is, actual Faith/Trust (in itself)] [In all really, each level, of, the Kybalion, is, associated, with a different, Deva].

In all really too, Hinduism (as with the Kybalion), is the home Religion, of, the Heart of Asia, as surviving there, is, highly based on it (actually) [it being, mainly, Rainforest, and an environment too, rather, difficult, to survive in, as, with, the general moods & atmospheres (in all)].

It is believed though, that, the concept, of the Saviour (and developing too, Deep Trust), is, rather needed, in, this World (today). In general, religious principles perhaps, that, help one (with time), in developing, the Trust, that, all they hope (or wish for), will come true [as with, keeping Enthusiasm (alive)] [This too, should not be seen, as, an easy way out, as developing, Trust (in general) it appears, is, a heavily, difficult thing (for most) (and, especially, many today too)].

What will be presented below, are, various, Hinduism Deities [termed the Devas], who in all, are, Saviours really; [to make this simpler is to say, that in Hinduism, Shiva, or Krishna, are, Saviours, and not, 'Gods' really]. Some of the Devas (in Hinduism), will be accorded, to the, different Regions, of the World, as with, helping, the people in these Regions, develop, deep Trust [in a World, where, Trust issues, are at the core, of, all forms, of, destruction/hate].

North America: 'the Buddha'

- for a North America, that has often, been interested, in Asian Spirituality.

South America: Garnesh

- and not, Ganesha.

Europe: Shiva

- and not, Siva.

Africa: Krishna

- and not, Lord Krishna (with Krishna, being, very much, like Jesus).

South East Asia: Rama

- and not, Ram, or, Lord Rama even.

East Asia: Lakshmi

The Middle East: Kama Deva

- Kama Deva, interestingly enough, is, the very inspiration, for, 'Amir Hamza', for Kama Deva, is actually, Amir Hamza, in, his rawest, form.